HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0083 ,';~ '_.., ~_'I ..' -;-~'~-~~---:;:'-. -_...:~-.>. _I ~~. ~ ";..~--W-:-~~~.-.~"'-'-" '-~"~""1."::'--'~~--~-"'~;-.:--"""~. / .' 't.'.--,~..-o-~r"., :';7' 2' ,",~", ~; ..- "." 'I,'" ~'" ,', " ..,', j, ..', "", I' ':;'-~'" ''OJ ~,' , ""'.=- I ~', '~~,--.'r"",:,' ,~ ~I1I " ~ '.' '~ ~I~_" 'f I',~ ,+t,' "" .",...." ~!,,::..~;~ ..___.", -.-:.,~ . l ';-';--1;- 'I' .' V~l' ...t..., ~ .".! ~ ..~.\- J,' ..'.........-.- ..._ " .~_:.:~.: .~:":~~.L~~:~~ ::~~:~~~;.~'.:: ::;~:~.~':~~~,:~~; L~~~2.~'; L~b,,~ .' :. \c';. , ,. , .~~' " '.', , \ 1 I " . , ' p , '.h . , , " " ~ . I ~., . . , .. ,...;.".... t~ r '.. '11 -. ~ \.. '- - I. ., . '. . i.. 11 i. ,-" ..' i . ,', ~.,.- t.-.~ ..., ,1. I 1:",a~~'4e,lb;Y" p~r~o~,~ ,ad~e:r'~o.,~aS:A'oo.~~tUOIUI":.r8tri~t10n~'::~~__,l~~~a~1~~S,- ae'ont ~t'.,~h~, " _ ". .:. eXpresB'o'ondlt1~ns o~' ,t)l~jf\, P~Se.nt8" llut O'~ly tOl',~he l"I~ioo. ~R~ J,nu8~'~'.,~9a6., ,,<':.."" ~ ,~ ',I . \. ' .. ..' . l". .' I { . ' ~.. ~, .. ". ..' J.', ' '. ,;',1___ I".l~ha.t nQ)Ulld~1ng\ 8hali,be, e~eot~~ on I t~~:8,a1d~~and '~oe.~~ ~!~ Pr11~t.'d~tl~lng~U,l"P~!.e.J ',., ." :'J' ': ixoeptus{fal ~ neOU8&17'OU t-})ulldlngBan~. ~hatthe:8dd J1~m1ng l10use e,xOluBhe o'tthe\G~t";' .'.. / , . budciing8.' 'S~11'U:~8~'\~it ius 't~~.aoOO:O~\,L~~~]~QU~~~ ~~\'09lio~b~1)a'r8).: l1rhl~ll;~~~~";haiJ.' , >t' ,:'; \ ... ,'. . . . . \ . . \ ~. -' , \ '~ . , .. 'no\': 1nqi.ude' aroM. teo~ral exp,nSeB or' tees. am Bb~llc.ilo" l'nolude 'aDt, other olass- o"l'''~lmp.rovementi,' .' " \." , .', ',~ ~ ' \ -',' " ' ',' , ' ,\,' :~, ',~' ,'. ~' " ... '~ , .,'~ ~ ...~. ~ . , , \ ',' \ ': ..' . ;c,' ;"", i- t' ';'ea"e' 'aridexoe,pt tbe' aQtwilDlllteria,l a~\d"Oo~8truetion 90st 'ot .the '8a1d dwel11ng' ~OU.8t~, ~ :"':'-, , , . \. ... ._.' ,....,'. .. . \~ \. ''I< :;.. .~. . ._' .' "., ':,' _:.:' . .', .'- , .~ \ .'. ',' ", i..... ,'.. ...,' ...._.r\_.-~~~. , " 2. . 'ha:t.Uo~ IIlpre tban "one'reBS:d$noe' ,. toge~he l"w1 ~h U8U~ and' ne~e s8al'y 'OU t. bU~,ld1ng~, . Bball, ; ',be<~\r~ot8d o~'ea~h' ot"~ld,lote~,:..' , .,' '<, ,'; \, \ .' '~' '\ '. ' . . ,. .'. ' , .\ '\ ,'ti.: ~ha~' n.o' ~l..*ti;1t~r,~mmoioal.use" .\bal~be ~mad.~" ot,t~e '~'reiu'ae8 "~~~~1."OOnYe7ed '{,&~~' Ib&l~~ , ' . ',' , ~ ,I"the 'sam. be'u'8ed,t~~~;y ,~'o.ommero"ai' Purpoae ;.:nor'shall the',8~e or':fU1i. ~8,r\t~e,~o'f-. 'or ,&11)'11;1\.-:.'.. ,', ,',...', ., ..... .' ' ":. .,', . '~., ~ ...,' ......, ',...\".:..' '~'. ','; -~. .,~ "..',' ,.. .... eneet ~ tl1ereln'beBOld, relea8:e~ ~r otherwise ~onYe.1'd' to ~~ person8 'other than the 'Gauoa.la,n ,,' _ :,', ~~, ,.~ ." ' "~', \ ~ :~,' ,., .'.;" "';' ~",:,,~..~ '~",', .',' , '.. ..~ ", ~,' '" .. ' .' ~". ':',', ~ " ~ ~'~.''' ~ , '~ra'oe;,. >>ro.14.d, ,that. no'thlll6here in QO,b\alned ahali'" ,prevent,' the t"pl~'a:nd :ma1~n~.1i11na 'uSual and ~,~~,~. " . . . . ..I_~,_'-------.-_..' . ~., ~ ._::.:_.... .1 ---=.,-:_~,:,-_~;."..... <. ".':'..' . . ". - , ,"".. ","". .... -. ',. "_"-'. -.. -.- _.-' -- .' ~ '_ ,'," __I; '-7-~'~~,.-:'~ .' '. ~ .ntHB~theiJ,~~";r\1iy..tor:r"a'8()~,able'.':t.iiy u"s'.. .';Th~'-p~ovi8.iQn ,'.l1elweve...;' .:eh&~'~ ' .':; ".F._",..' n .].- -. . ,... ." .""_: : . ... .'. ." .: ..'.. . :'.~ ...,. ,....~.. .....:' ._' .'.,._'. __",,: .~.~. .... '."'~; .. !,' ,:not oause torfeiture unless, th~:,ho,ld~r ,ot. the.. tee, 1~ s~~wnto >be ~~..1:&ult.", >, '. ' , . ';~~. ~', , '. ',1 ' ,~,",' ,,~~ ',~,' ,~. .' ~ " .,.". , " ", ';'~':,;, i, .'~ ',.. : ThatJio bulld1ngfdulllb'~ooh8tiu.oted or'ereote. at. a:'le88:d1e~~()e ',tliari't,.enty' teet ~ j , I.~r~.. 5;'.' ~'R~ 11~: r .~i~l't' ,or ~ lth.~ ~f~;"'" ,'",. . d :, .< '. . ..,.. :," I 6', . 'that: ',it sa1d' parf;y'or partieB 'ot the: ae'o'on4. 'part.. thelr heir8', representallhe8 or 'a$s1g~ " ~s '" or.~ .~01.~~l":oi the 'p~~~er~~ 'he~bY ~ o'o~~eled"');Y" dttue' ,6l a~~dic~llii, 'pro~~ecuil8~.' 8h9.l1,.,.~ ' .~ . .':: :..... '>," ....~.... .... -. ..... ':. ~>" - " - >, . " . :. ..' '":, .. ';',' '.>~' :--'-'- .'. '-'. .~filll to' ~omp~" .1\11.' W.ot'tbe,8.bo~~ alid "toJ,"e$o,lng're8.1;rl~UoJist :'o~nd1t1bns 'orlli:ihat1ons'''~t~~,'' . .' . .. .. , ~ ~. , . .. .. '. ~'. ... . -~. ~ " ,';' .' "F" , ,~ ~, -. ..' '- '" .' ' . ' . . ",- . .:.... - ~ . ' , '. . , ' . 1" ... .. ." ,_' ~t... ,in :a1"Xty, da18: after written no~loe ,by. mall -t~, th~ sil1d~rt;y'. o~ p8r~188 ofthe:S~OOI!d part...' theJ,r .. . . "". . . " . _.;; . ~. " ',. ~" ..". -J:~ _. '..' ... .'. _: .... . ," _ ." .' _ ", ~ .' .'. .' . . ._ , . '". :. :;" '. .... "Xbelr8. personal repr~88ntathe,B or,'&es1gna. or ~l,of, ~hem,. at'the ,last kn.own,acldre88"~.by the, '~;'- ,), , ..a1.l parU.. -oi;..; r~..... ,1art. .i~ b ~\\o~.. .0..,. .por~~na,1'r.p..,..~t~~ \1..., o.~ ...o1ll".: ~ or .Hh.~.: . .:'; . I ot,4tpem;, 'then t~e, ~ld 8\)ove' de:eor1~ed and oonveyed ~rope~_i shall IlDJlledi~~t17 revert '\6 ~be,. : ",.' ,'_ f' ,'U . " ,'"..:, ' . ',' ' . . .' I' f - , ',' , ~:-' ~..~~--"~--- I', '. ,:,88l~'~~~'~,l.8, ot.. t~e '~1;st',~r~. ,t~ 1.~~O(UUl~~~~~~,~~l"aB81g;~',~;,.,shaU". b~, enUt~e~;""!~,:.1;~~.~:1~t.7: ,'_.._ r~,17ente1!. uPQn sa1dpr~perty.l\hout Rot,loe ,~. andt~e, p08se88lonof 1;ht..s8,IIl8,wUb tull.~1 tle ~ 1n. I ".,: ' , .' ,: ~" ' . ",:'~ ,', '.' " ., .' ~~ .,~.' ' .'. , " . ~', ,~: ~ '~, ~ , '~~~, ;' ,tee. ii.lIIPie~'t9:gether'w1th' .li' 1D1pl'9v:eme'ntst thereon~~and no: wa1,er'oi ~i ot.thue oond1tions" l"",' .. "~:"'- .', ;,-".:- . :., ~..:'~'~ ',,~, :.~ - ",', ~ ': ",'~' ~, ~:~," ~,~ . .. t. ~ "irml.ta,Uons or reltr1,o1;ion8'.~xPre'8;ed or',1mplied,. or'ta-lluretor ~Yl'~tho~ time ~o'e.ntorOe I ".thi8~' 8~ai~~o~~~tuute'a'bat."\o' SUOhC~~tQr~emerit~tan_l"t1me. .' # .': ~ .~ ~ . ~ .' , ~- It .1e~rth~r, understoOd and, agrud tlia\, ,parth8ot' ~he~~ ilr8~ I ' " ..' ,prOYle1ons and' re8,tr101i1?ni,. '., .,'. >'" , ..., , ,"'..::. "'. ". . ..... . ." .. . -~.' '.. ..-'-, .~".... .'.... ~9.. _.~,~' '::. . '. ,"' .-' ~..~ '- .~. ,TOGE~lIE~, 1f1th all .the 't~e~nti.hered1t~e~ts. and, appurtenanoes., w1tb e,yer.LRt.hlle'Re..:..: "~ :..... :---'TT" '. ,'.. .. _,' '. . , ~. ..', - -'i', . ". ~ , , rlght j' t1 t;te'.' lnte~8t 'atld e81ia~e, dower ~ci' r1ght }If :dOVfe r, revel"aio.n. remalnderand ,easeliien~ ~ , ' , .' " ~ ~, ',' , ~ ,~ " I" ".' ,.'~ '. I" ~" ~~ .. ~~ : thereto be~oi3g1ngor. 1n.8n1W,l,Bct' appe.rt~lnln<<t ,.' , , ',' . ., , , TO: HAVE AND' TO BOLI)"'tbe same lntee 81mpl~'~foreve~; 'Am>"thes~ia~&',rth8'otthe t:frst ~ part'do oOl'enant w1ththe, sald pa:tl'es ot' the _8eoon~ part'tbatiOthey'are, lawtu:liy seiZed' '9t'tht '" '~ ...'~, '~-' ---,~~' ,'..., ~, . " r'______,_'-'.' , ","~,' _ ~ , ~--'-.-~-~-~~~. said premlses; thattbey' are'treQ: ot8111m~Qranoe.; B.Ild tllAt they' have good right and lEu,tul . ,:, '. ,'. -,":....., "t"" ~' l..' . .... -i ,':.'. '.# "'~ .. . _- - . '.~. ' _. ~ ' authorl'ty tOB~'ll. tb'e .'.;axid that,8ald parties ,ot tlu; t1r,8~ i>&r~t 40 he~b7rullY.8rrant the' t1 tIt ,to ~8111and~t.,ari4'w111 ~etend t'be ,~ame : ~al,n.'t 'the ~a~tul ~ olaims of .all por~o1l8 whom8on~io'. , ..' . . ".' -' I -., . . '. ,. ..: '...... .... ,. ~IiIII<r'ESS ~UOF. the 8~1d{ p.art'1'~8 ol~ the first p~t'llate here~lt,~iset thelr ..banda and ,8lale the d87 an4, :y~ar tlre! abo..., wi'1tteni' f:, ~ , "," /I , ,i 'Slpd, se~led and: ~lh~ed:,: ~~our~ pre8enoe: , I, " . . . , I . I; ~ J . I i' C. 'i., H1gl1n' ! C~a:~1f ~.Bra'.~.ll..!. .'.(SEAL) ,'" ' , (1.00' ot', ltamp', OanQe.l;',d) '. '\, !'.~.. KoJturlen. ~, ~ ,auay"BlU,sWlLL. .,... ..'. H.(SIAL)' t , ,. /-1 ". ! J~ S~AH' 0" ri.oiuDA,.i-) I ~ ',' ',"" '/"'" 'I' .' f, , j , I CQUJ'1'Y ors't .ui(h~ ) ~,,',' , ) j . '. I , . ~ . , . , " , I , , ,~:i " I: ,IWlQYCUf:IJPY, 'tha~ chi\h18 ttb. dq ;ot .iiaroh~ ~.D.~ 1926-, ~b"toJ;'e IDe. per!onailt ppeared I 1;'.'';:'Chari.".C: 'jSn.~'11..w.~b7 .ra..~tll.hl' wite. ~o .. po~ to be t.ht p..'8onB e.:~r e,1n' , par~ w111 Dot mak6,an;y . .. .,:wi thout. th~ator'ua1d . 6" .'~ -. ,;,' . " . :1,.... ~~_._~~ , .~ ~ . i, ;.. \ " . . ~ ". , '-., '... l I' ~ , ./.~I ~ I ,I ~~--~-------: -- , , . 1 ~ -"':.-tT~-~--'~-' ---=---~-- l~_, "