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"p1&.ntatlona'Comp&nY., ':,F.lorlda'Corporauon: ':ot,~th.' one ii~rt, .and' !.i.CURD COl!PANY~ a oo'rpo;a:' , ' ;,:' , ....c....... .~.'I>.,': ,'.Il "',' <~ _- ".' . '~'. " '. '. .. ~ .:_'. ..' ...." _.' .. _;: .lonor6anl.~'d, un~er.thel.w"'ot 1;h~~state .ot'Bew" Y:orlt~ '-ot the _o'the~r 'part,'the 88:1~ '.101'141a .. .;, '. ',0.,.. _'-~ '. . .~;. " . . ; .' . . .' . . ".... '. '. ~. .,' .., .l'lantai10~8 Qoiup~~' 'tor ,he' '(Jo~lderat10~ 1n 8a~4 'o,ontl'aot' mentl~ne<<\.,!Uid upon' the ,..terms ~re~ '. " . . .. .'. .' . \ . ,_ .' .... . '. '.: ,...' , '. ',' . ". . _' ".fI." ~ . r. . " lnltt,~t8d.Qo~~~ant~~,'and agreed .1i~ ,8e~1: ~9'belJa1!l,.~,. .'A,c;ar~e C~p~. al),'o~.l'"t~ ',F~O~~d~ ,lap~,~, J~';8outh.~t th~ F:s.~emei.,.Drain88e. D~8t.i'10t aggregating Approx~m..tel7 thlrt7",:,81xthO~~QJ:lde1ght~: :" " ~"",. ,,' ,', ,'~' ,~~ '. . '" ' . ~ '. " " ~\ " 'h~~,dtWe~t1-'nl~~~:one_ha'~t.,' ~$~,~"29.t.a'ore~, more,;~ruOula"r'iYIt'ee~rlb~d '~B t.ollows: . _ . " _ , . '.' ".' .' . '. . ~ '. 'c.-. . . 4: .~..,;.' '. . . '.' .' , . ." ~. Seot1~n8 2."','6,;.e',12"1.,, le{,24,~6, 28,Z2; Z'. and' 36,ot 'J:Ow08h1p 33 Soutli"R8D6~ : . "',.",' . ,"', . ..... ',--:'.. .. .'~.'. '. ':::.' . ,:- '~'.. -. .~ ..' .' -~\ .'..". '.3~:~8t; Seotlon'e5t,6,,'r. 8. :1.'1~'18~ 1~,20~29~,30, a'l,ani1~2- otToWn.hl'1>3~Sou,th'.:R~e,:, :..... ,..... ..' ..~,' --<~." ;-.' . ""~...;.' ,." , '.' <'-~. .',.,,; . . . " . '-. ~-lo ~:. .:.: ..,' ... ." --,--:.. - :. ..", 3'1.Eaet; 'Seot,ton,l and,::a~lexOepj; sEi- ot-Seot1on 12 ot''l9,WJ18hly.34'South,' "R8n6e,3'6 East; ,~'" '-..., \'. ......"... ' . ~. ..:." _,' :~ " . ," .., '. . . - 0 " '_ ,"..~. .: ,S.OUons,l.2~a;~.~, 7, 9,~lOt :J,.i,,:'12,~:13, ,i,., 15.,S&i- ,ot,sEf ,an4'Swr ot,1iSf'ot 17.,(4()'Ja.oi"88.> ~. " .; . . ': ' ,_'_ ','0 . ",_,':" '.. ; -, .-' " . ~'. . '_ .' _ . .-': ',,, ,. . _ ' ,. ~', . ,', '. '. _;:' __ ~, . _. _ '....' , ~ 19.; ~ 2). ,allot SeQt 10n 22 exoep t St-. ot-; m. 23. '24, ,26 'an4,' 36~-ot' TOw.n'8h1p ,1. South. Range- 36~, " .; ~- "~ .' '. ~ '~",::,.~~'~, ,,: ',. ~',' ..' "'~':"~: ' ~ , '" ,." ':. '. .:""..,,';' , , '.' '')? ,'., '18;8,';~: ~'~,O~1~~.~:',:~,," .~~ :9. ~ l~ t ,ltJ', '.l.~> }o. : ,21. 8n4;t.. r.TO~~~~~ 34 ~.o~t~., ~RaDse' 3'l.'~8t,.. :;' ~, -'A8-"llll;Do.re,tul17~appear b7'8aid ,oon-t.rao1r---here.to-a"ttao andlnad1ra-pa~t-heNotFfU1'd'-:-~ .~,---' -:' '. ' " ':~ -. . ~ .., ,'~ ':.' . '~. " . , " . , " '.' ,.., .- :., ~REAS ,"~thipai"~ o~ the ~~r8t ~part~el"e1q haa I.6re~c1. to afi~18~, set. o~el", ani1tran8ter at} . . .It. . ".' ~ . . t .;... --------:---" .~ undivtiled one;:'h.aft intere8t o~ Us 'r.16h~, <tl,tle' and.lnterest undn~ the sa.ld,oontraot,tothe '. .-..' . .. . '-,.-' . 0: . ~ " ., , ,. d . _, ..' " " . ' . ~o, "pat" ot ,the~ 8eOOlldpfU"~ bere$;n~ ~ho8g're.esto a8~e, th~.p~~nt8~,'and tultill all.oond1Uon8 ",,'. , : '~d ~'t1.pu).atl~~~S '~Il,lia1,~~:o~t~~ot ~l"eo.l,'te~' _~ert&1nl~'-t'o-an':"~IldFj-iie~:~o~e-~81t lnterest, thel'el~:'!-~~::':~~: .., fr . " - .,.. < -- "" - .... ': - . '-. _ . " , . ' '. '. : _ , . ...., . ~. :. ' ....' ." " '. - NOW, 'rHEREFORE,~<r,HIS' IBDElf'rURE'W,ITHES~ETH. That~he pai'tyot the tir8t..part, for and 11) ',. ' ,,:,i .~ . - "". ' ., " . = -, , ..... . ... ' "'. '. '. ~ ~ - .~.'. . ~ , .' ,'., - ,. :~. oonS,ld~r~":n' ot 't1\e 8U1D, of ~en DO-llar!!: ',04' oth~r ~ai\lab1e O~~~ld,e:rat1on .~o' ft in hand pal~' b~.. . ,: . th~, p~~~~'_ ot, ~~e 'seoond 'part, ~eo81pt ,ot: Whio~ l8, hfftb( ~~kn~Wle~g~d',. doe.8. h~t~:tlyaSS1gD, ~ei ~ ..,', ,''';'Qve~~d :.,t,raIi8tertinto,t~~.:!~,~_~ ~.rty ~e,~eo?n~ ,par~,; h18helr~. e.x~ou.tors,. :admln1atratol"tJ . . '~, " , ,', ,c' ,. " " .;~. ,~ , '.. ' ~" ~ , , ~;' 'an4'as816Da t(an'nicUv1de~~ one':haltint'erest oZthe ~ntate, rtght,~ 1;1 tle j'Olaim ~aJid ~ lnhrest:~o ~ . ,;\~e'aaltf'~~ti o'tthe~ti.'~\' ~.,pa;t$~ anq.' 'to,,~~~, aB;1c1: '88'r.e~'m8nt,' ~4~~;di~'r11'1s t ~ ~~ 19 ~5, , aD4 .\he ..' ,),~. ' ~ ~ ~ \'. .z;' .-~ P""'"~ ,.,.. ~ ~ : .' ~. ~ '-~ of,. - . I ~7,8: .. " ,~ :, .a)4 rea,l'esta~t~erei.n, 4ell'orlbed." " , ........ _ _.... . 0,_ .' .." .' ". " . "~'. . . .- _ ' '. '. ., ...., _'. . I 0 c:o - . ,,:,,>"T~II.A.~'~JJfDTO'.}(Of'D 't~e .~a1d,p.rem18~~ u.nt~t~' S~1~'P8.1',ty ot the ~~~oond' p~t.. hie ,helrs" . ,1_ .' _', "',. ': .' ~' .-. ~ . . . ~_ ."_' .: . ~ . " " _ _ I ,~: _ ~ ',xeo~tor8, ~m1nl!3t1'4tors 8Jid aU1gnEly- 8ubJeo;t '100', the 8tl.1>~laUon8 ;prov181ci.nsand oa,nd1 tfOns ~. '''r.:8P.e~~1Y8i.;1fhl~h'ar~~ht10~~'e.n~ 'oontal~e.d ~n' i~~.' 8ald ~re~~Dt.. , ~ ',::', '~,' . . . . . ., ... ~ ~ . . . . ... . . . . . . '.' . . . . . . . . . . . . L... . . .'. . f 0 . . . . ~ ... ; . . . . . 0.' . . - ~ '.' . . ~ ,; . . . . ~. . . . ,~ . . . '. - ~. . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . '...' ~ 0 . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . 0 _ . . . . . . 0 . 0 .' 0 . . ....,. . . . . 4' , ~ 'II'~l'1'B~SSWHERE()F~he said, T.,,:~Clax':!C-r-l.#ofupany has ',ollused theee pre'senh to beex.outed bl ......,.... ... .. , . I" ., . , . ( 1t;tpr...id.nt a.n41t1 ,Corporah.eal,fut~t'oattaohed-and-~be-.~id i'Ul1am Henri Bylngtonhas I,.' I( . . J' . . . 8,oa1 the4~.Y aD4 7ear' tir,lt abov:e wrl t ten. .. " . -JUg~Od, W81lel " I . ., I, I :'r,.,.s..: .'clarke Comp,an.v" 'Bs Thoa .A. Clark' .' ,'..,' ,) 'P-rl?81denii. ~ Wlll1:l:lIIl Henri By1116ton ... '.,.~. 'Seal) o In, our p:re.;enQ.8:' , .. ~,- . ., . ~ . oj .... 1, . '... . lfylan ., it. " f~ 8 er. .' . , ' '~ I . , , ' ,