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" '.-.', l~~ ',,'; ore ,and ~8"lg~8~~ 8~'bJ.O~t9,tha,,,'i1'p~~at~,~nst Ptot'~8101'1'- e.n4eond1.t1onl- relp8~U\'f~17 .pioh a"\ ' ,., '~., ,- . ,~'-- .. .' ' , '. .,' ',i. '. "\~'.., '. ,',: '. a. _". ---,-,' '_ .",-,_. men\1one4 and oonta1ned in the.8aid 'opts,on t,o,' purQhas8.' , . .' "l~. '. .",; , . : ' , , , '. 0 ",':' ~. '. " ~ : , ", " , '. ,,' " , , I .' '. "~ III 'II~$S WHlREOF \he satd:,Wlli1811' Henq,'B)"1'ngton has-he'r,eWlto 8et'llis h&nd,,&nd 8ea1.'81'1d . ",,;~', ,- , ".. ':, ~.:' ,.' :. ~":'- '.--', --:~'., ~,.\~ ': ':,' ". :; '.' ~ '.' ',.,~ :,thi' suet!. A. O~k .',ComJl8l11" has oaused.' '\l1e8lt, pl'884Uib .~O' be exe~u1ied .~,. lte,hUIA.lit and i Q_ " ,', ~ .,', '- '- ' ':.. . " .' ~, ,~". . ".\ ~" :, ~.. ," ';, ~ 0: (, ' : oorporate'- seal' to b, h."~o a"ttl:xed the' d87 aDl ')"ear tU8~" &.bon wrn',.n.' '. " "',.',., "',." ; "'. '~HgMc\:; 8e~led ~d','~el1..red ' ", : '. " '\' ,', "1~1~;"'I{~D1'7 B71ng1;on~.. ...,~ ~... ~.'.. (S.aU .:' , . : . .\~, , :'1n presenoe ot UI:: " ,". ~' . '. ,,',;' '. ., " '" .. '_, ._ '" ",_ ,', ":- fe, . ',)" " ".'A.. OURQ(,OOlIiUY " , ' . " ~e81e.T: ~o~..~,. :\,' '..., ~..~ ,Y" . " ~ Jtt~'ho.. ; A:. Clark. ,:, ~, ' ~ , ~~ Vho1an'SeIter., ' ,~ " _.. ~res"deD'... ' ,"~ . ',' ,,:~,' "I'" .. . . \,' >, '4,' ' . -,i: J:',. ... \. ~ ,< , , ,'. . ~, ~ .-.. _ . ~4' , ' STA.TE :01': nORI1>A ',: r ~. , . '. '.. ' " , .. . . ,.,~': ,'.~_ ,-:0. .. ./..0 ~',:~ ".. .' :-.~. -t., " , C~Ull'ft .OrpA.Ul.~AO~:' J~" '.' , ,'~\. ~~~,~ ," .: ", . . .,' ~~.' I HlRE,.BYC~'llrt. .'lb&t ,onth18dal' ~t()i'e me' ptr8onaily, &,p.a:red, taWAK ~y BYINQ'1'Olf; :.tQ :' ".'," ";" ,.,'.. "'~'~"-:'~" L,' . '..,',~ ',:, ',', ',', ..:.., . ,'~"~' '. ~ ' .'.., _ lie kDoWll to be lhe person .~e"5'r1ti.d -In and _ho.' ~$ouhc1 '1;lMt tOI"Bol~ ,a'h1Bnmen' ~t, opt1,~n'to,": . ," ,':. " '. . '.. ' ',' :', ~ , . .,.",..' , ~'.., .- .~'. ' " ~ ',~~. ~ "Jl.."" '.:~" pUroha8e.:~1\d h~"'a0la10_1~d~ed.:the.' ex~.ouuon,,<t~ere~~',~obehi8..;tree ~o,t, and 48ed.t()r \he p~~~ee. . , therelnment10n,\\. , , , ~ ~ '. ~ '. ~ ," ~ ' ~.~, ~" , ,,' ~ . ", ,':. . ~.' .,., . ~ '-:, .~,~" " , , , .: ABDI tl'UR'1'HER OER~IFY,,: th~1;, 0J11;h18 1"7' ~~o:re ~r80na~ly appeared. '1'; .6:.. Clarke ,'..t-re- :. . .-'" ", .". :- ~. ".,; .', .," '."" ....,... '-p' '_..._ ,r ~',_. .,': 81dent' 'ot~.A.;C~ COMPAu)"', ~a' oOrP~rat10i1 '~c1er',the . laws ~t.,t\"'state '.ot'-o:'Xo;it,' tadl.:~', . ,":; ~. ~" "~'.~:,.:.....' ~ H .. .<~~' ",' c..... ~~ ' . ,..~,' . i~ , ~',' . ~.. ~", "" ',', , ' 1. ',' ~~bwnto, be.' t~ per80n ,d"eors.~ed, 1i1~(who exe,Qutec1 the, to~eg~1~ a8dg~eJltot optfon to 'l>U~- . '~.'" '" '" :. or -' - ..' '. -."'. _ . " .. i ",' " .' :. . .: '.:; . _ " "-'D>. '.'.' ., 'oiu~,ee,'an9-'li8"aob~wled"ged,the 'ex"0ut10~ thl"ot' to 'beh18 ,tl'.e~ aotand'd,ee'd as suob, ~ttloer.' ,:,..,'~ . ~,: 4tOl' the U'8e8' and 'p~rp'08ee t~re1n 'aie~ti0i184'.:~ that. ~at'tl'~~d't~~~to,:th."o~tl.oiai '~.al ot ~,' , ~' - . . ."., ' , ' ' , ' ' . ,', . ,~" ~ ... " . " ~ ~ '. ,','. ' "sald .oorpQra1E"1ott. ari1th...~a14 ~nat~ent.:1.s ~tl1" aot 8.J14 ~ 48;e4. ot 8a14: oor1>o1"at1on~, ~ . . . ~~" ' :0 ~. ,"' .', '.' "', . - . . I , ; , . _ .,!'-o. -,' e'" , . . . . , ','. " " . ' _ltneea mi 8'1.gz1a,tureand : ottlo~al'8"ealat' Weet: Palm Heao~,' t~ 'th:e 'count)" ot, .i'alm~eaob.. st.a.te . . -' - " . .' "-.' - .". , . '~ ' " _..' . . .ot.'~l' l~a'.. th ""1.8t 4_7 .ot.-..Apr1.1.... .leD., 1926'. ." ..' _. ','. :, " "... ',.lj:. '-'Q -.; -",' ~,.: t' SealJ., J~' ' " ~, . " . WesleyHousa'r, ,'. Jotar)"rubl1o,;.~tateot, Flor:1da. ~ , ' ~ oomm1sa10n ex:plre~': Jan... 2411,~7. ~ ... -, ,-.: 'I'l : ~! < ~ J ....~. i .~. '~.. ~, I . : ~. ~ . ' .j.. ':'. ed < th!'s the2ard da)"' otAP~ll',A.D.'1925'~ at i ~41"':':"~ )f~ ~ . . , .' "- ,- '., -' ' -" " -, . " - . . , ", ~ ' ,] ~ 0. :.~.~ ~~ .." ""~ ~~, 'i:...\e~' ':P. 0... JUdred ~ . .' ." 1 ~\ , ..Cler!C. C11'ou1 t )~OUl't. ' ~ ~ ~~, "~', ~~\~ ~~, .~ . ~Y.~d Z/ Ap~ D'.~~.' : ~~.'r-' ~ :','d: . -o-o..'o':~~O'- ~#iljll#####I#il#" ~~';'6-0-'~-0~ ' . /"., ' <i"' , '. . ~ ~. , ,.-, ;-- . .. 'iT'., , .' !~~!,I ! j!,!.1i !~ < . " , . .Flor1da,.l'lantat1one CQtDP~Il1, . ~o, ~;':, ' '.::T.. .A..'O.lU'k COllll>a~.v. . ~ " ,'.' ,', .' , . ", t""'" 0 " . ' -. . '~RftUUT_ ~ad'eth8 let d~y.'ot ':P~.u.,'l925,' bitween F1OaiDA~-IJJlilo.TIOlt~ COMPm~ a~'oor'pora- -; : "-------- ,. , '~,,_ .' ". ,_ ", I '," ,.-, '.,-.C, ' . 't,1on organ1z,ed.,~der ~ tl:1. law~~,tthe S'tate,9t F10I1-da.-. he~~inatt.~' oalled the~'Vendor" ,: part)" -ot . , the t1rst part" and T,~.CLI.RK c6~Al1Y. .. New Yoi:'lf CO~Iiorat1.ori, 'hereinatter oaUefi the "PURCH.A.- - . " -. ' . '. - ".,. <8 :' , ," i '. 'J 'j , : -'\ J' '. SU" ,partt .ot the"..oond par~: ~ '\ " I, \ ~ WlWU:ASttli Ven40r has he,ret,otore g11'en ~D 0~t10n ,to W.H.'BY_lngton ,tor the purohaae of the .',T:p~p~~ti:h~'~~'1~~tt'~~' ;ci~'~~'~lb'~d"~~' ~pon'~'tiUt:"t~im. 'here inatte r ',set 'to~t~,'an4;h. !>urol.tl' '~e~ - '/ ' '. f . ~ , . ':"~:pre"'litl to th. veZ?-dol' th~t ,1 t, has.uoqe,d.d to' the i"1ght. ot I&ld B,y1r.gtonlO 1n ~d 'to~ aaid' '11 I~, :j , i ~ , i' option: ~~ '. I' 'J '., '/ #" ~ '~ .; . , I I , '".,. I I.. . ~ .' ,. -/ , r- lfO.;~ THEREFORE', the, parties hereto agree in m@1'ler to,110_11l$: . I _ ' The add VeD4~r, In-.~~~l~~~aUon, o~ the 8U& of 'bo ~~r~d "~J:igh~1...t,he 'l~oUIan4 on, , , (1285,1a6) _to be tulll~.1d,~~~ere1nattler, ,llIInt1onec1 her6lw , , , , ',' ~~,; . . I. ,