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Ch\U"oh ' ~ " \ '...~- ~ '!fotlU7 :.t'ubUo,"; '--:. .: ' . ,,0 " . Count". .,., ' : : ,.Jlt oOllllD1sp1:on Expi~es'~roh '1926~ :, . .,. . -, '." '. .. -. '. ._ ',to. . . ',' ," .- . , IlvinAt. Ch.uroh'.' , '" .' , ' ~ ", . fiot~ .L'li:bl1o ~ing, County' ' "1, King3,Count~'C~erk No.~i6 Reg1~ter N~.6~8~: I' .." 'Cer1;1~loaj;e .tUfJd- in Bew York Oount7. " '. New ,York CO.Cl~ricf~~ ~0'.'i~4.~eg1ster8.lio.6I:'9A; , , .. .' , ", c:~ ".~,'~, ~." :;'~ ~ '."":f' "':STA,TE.OFn.,yoIix"-:' )":", ,"", ", .", .,'\ , , ',' '~SS.", ' , l.\' · . :.~: I' ~ ' OQUn~y, or. .e_. J~rlC ) . '. ' , , ..,: '~ ,..'::, " , .'. ,i ~On the:firs~ day' (if Aprll,'"1925(;.be't6reJli~, E-J.v1n'1i. 'Cllurbll;' ,~, Notary .Public;'1n'iU1d"f~~'..th.~I' '::~':.:::.~:::t:';f::::.::'r:~:~::.:~~~.~:: ::;:.':::~:.~:-:~~'::tb:~::'::.::1::~Q:-;::~14' ii' ~l....t. t 1 bn. ~o~pa"; :bn~ '~1', t be ~0rt>~r...t10".4....ih~~' ~ .""d.hl vih .~;, "",to~ t~.. to~~o,ing .in.! t~ '. ....... rume~\.;' that he':know8 the 'eeal ot sald.,oorporatlo'n;',:that ,the'8eal,attl~e(l' t08uOh.'1~~'trument'w~s 1 . . ~ ~ ,.oorpor.;. ...~. ,~.;"'t ,1 ,~.. ,...df~.4 b~ ~rd.r o~ the B....,-<I. o~., Dl'~. to "'.'0 t . .~~~, OOrpb~~-< "'::1 ":t~on; and t~t.. he,s1'gxie4:h~~ ,n,me: t~el'e:tQ bY'Ukeorder., ., " '~. . 1'1 ...' ,.~, III JiTNESS ;'.WHEREOF: I ,~v.l:lereuntci S8~.~ liar1d e;nd ;:ottio1al '8e~1... ~ at:th~ a,O~~~8h~~t Uan~', :~ . " , l\O..t ,Oi\i,..' iI.. YOrk,.hi< f1re" ~.llO'ot ~p~1i~ 1926. . . "', :.. " , . . I, :'" . ~,',' .,..:ay1ri,R.,ChUXoh.:,~ ,..~ IJo~ary' j;'\1bl~O .', ~ . ~ i ".,j , '~~ ' ~ -cowitv'~" , t ft1 ". I, , ~ .~ Com1ll1seion,Exp1t'lIe 'Mar.ch 1926,! .' -' ~,~ ~~ . ". ',Elvin H'., Churoh. ' '" ~,f 'Nota~l')' ~.~ ubl1oKing~. (:oulity. .' , ~ ,.,~:' ~ l '. J,<:1ng8Cc;l~t1Cle1.'k lIo,~16 ;Reghter"s No~63e~. I 1 ',. CerUt1oa.h Filed in New:. YOl'kCoul'lt)'. , ~ ;;, STATE O'~IE' YORK, ' ~ ) .e~ )"Ol'k Co.Cl~rld,8 No:"?04Reg1ster8~'No.61.9.o... r <~ count~'~~~ew York;, ,') .5 'S : .' ~ . ~ ,'. '~O,ll~86~ Sede,li ~.'" . .'l "':' ;' '.' I.., JAllE~A. ,Do~e~~, ~1.e'r~ 'bi' th'e,.county' .ot 1I8+w :tork. ,(Uld' ~l~O ,c~er~', o~ .t~8 ~P"in& ~ourt '1~ "II, and tor aaid 'County,. , ',' ~.' ' ,',$"', . . ' :- , " , ' .", ~ ,'OO:HEREBYCERT1FY: That'R1dcourt:is,a Oourt of'R'eooro,' ha.V1ng'by:.le.w a s:al~h~~ 'E'lV1~~. ',1 , .,', , ~ ' ~. ~ . . . . . ~ ", ,,' ;' OhU,o.hwhose name ~ 18 SUb80~i bltd ,to, theanpex~d o&rt1f1o~te oio proof ot, 'aoknowle~8JI)ent ot the ' ! ' , . ~, , ,~, '.: ,'~, . ' . ',. . , ~. .' ~ , .. . ~ ' : ~" ' '~ ~ . ~ ~ ' .' J, annex~d instrument was at the time ot taking .theaame a NOTJtRY PUBL~C aoting in and fo.r aaid i ' ~o;;.. ti ~ . 4U,1; '. 00..,18 .1.~~i,"'4~..n, ~d ~ aa.Uf1o<i to' ~o, U . !'UOh;' tha ~ lulhu ~~1" 4 1n ',b. .'. , I' Clerk' 8 Off1oe ot, ~he ~Ou.nt1' ot ~ew. ,York a certified.', ~OP1 of his ,appo1~tment an.d qUlut1oat.~o~, 1 /> a~ ~~tar7'j;>u~1~o.tor'the,C0\U1tl'Of Kina' WUh'~i,.~togr~pb. :8igllatU:re~;'tnat'~,8 8uoh llota17..fubl1.0', 'II ~ he W~8 dU.ly au~h:or1zed b1 the laws ,of the ,state o~ few tork ,to pro,t'ltt DoteSj' ~take mid ~ert14 i I . " ./ . i ,depoa1t1ori8jto a4m1nhter oath. and 'affiraiaUOn8j' to take atf1davit', and OerU!l"the. aokilo1r~ I - - ' , $; . . -'. ". I - f'.. . . _' . -. I l lede;ment' and proof. of deodeand other written in~llrum.dts' tor lands, . tenemen.t, , and. neret1tamonts' t to- be ~ead' in evidenoe' or r;oo~ed 1n ~hl.' ';.tute;~~d'fu'rth~r.:that I alii .ell,.aoqua1~led .~1thtia~t the luiq4wrtt1l1B -or .u~hU~~a;;'~b'110and Y8r1if'~el'ie~e ~.~t 'h18 8i~na~~e to ~~Oh ~r~o,t o'r ,.. J aOlcnowltcigment 18, ,enuine. < I '. . .' I ; , r. ~ j . I. . , ,. ~ J' ~ . .J ! ~ ./ .y .W ...., " , " . ,. . -', . '. ~" , ,\ , "'tl~ . ,) . ,- , ~ ~'", ..' ~ < , . ,~' . :' " . .' -.. . . 'I",} .,..t .",',..'.~.r". , l~ ;~,lL - t(c. ~... ( ': .. ~;<"'. _I:;,:, ~i' . " j( . ~ '