HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0099 "".. ' I I . I . -~f- . -. , ", ., - .'." .....~ /8. '8' ,~ '.. ,- ,',' ~, · :~.,)~"t . "',... "", i, ,': \" . , ,I . . . ~' , ' " ~.~ '/'" ~'I I " ' , , . I.' ... ~ ~'~.. ~.. r. . . t ." .:' I" ~ , .':'.- ~~ \ 1~'~~'L,~--:~--._:, r",. .~..... .'.~' , ~', 1./(. -..' ~_~,' . .=-: ~-~-c ..:_'. '~).~-_ .~_ .,'. ,-j~~.\,:;::, ;;:. :~~ :<:'-~:,f7'~~:'i:';;2':~::d"~~':':;':~'~' ,",~ '.~~~, ;, ",i ~.~,~:~"~.;~.. "::':. ;ji~~~ ".t' ('.,', I~:. . " \',:~i::,~, ,..'i"."~ran...,, f"Ve.. I~ I">;';' ,Ii ',' .. r', I "'., ,,,'is , .:: ': RoyQl P~rkO.O,mpany. ':' \,To. " '\.&rth\\r,'r.ub.~~.\ ;"~ ',\:.\' i, .:','i..~~' ,..'t.,,,' ? . ~ '", "' . ! \ I'. . . . i.' " ',"" " . \ 1'";' __ ,'\. " ;~" .. _ . a _>:, \ _ ~.' .. . . '\ - .. ,,' \ ''rHIS :J;~DBlfTt1~":\Made thi~' i(>.th 4,~' ot aarohA.D. .lg26,~E'rWbli; ROY:ItL'P~CO~~,; ~:o.9'~O'; ,,<,." ;" ',,' '.~,' " ...... ,', ',:.,',...- .-..~,. 1" \.,......, ""''-!~-_' -- ~,,_.' 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'~.~ -'...' .'~ ,_ .~<:: r:lrtJt~part'~ tor,an.d 1n oon81deratlon Qt'the :8um of ien Dol'lar.' and oth.r';~a1uabl, o'on8~deratlon8'- 4~ .... " .:...... .'.~ .:. ,'..:' ~_: ~ . \ "\~.'-, '-,' ~ '_ '~'..\ . " ..," '. - .. .... '. .'. ........_.\._ ,." ~ . ....~ Dol\ar8j t~lt in,~and pa14, the ~e~e1pt wbereo~ 18 hereb)' ao~o.led8e~. has\6ran1ied,' ba~~a1ne4, ,{ " , _ _ .... . _ L. ".... . "~. ", ,_,'. . ..\ :! ..... \.. '._" _ _, ..' _,". .' '. ~ ':""~"'.., ~_"". _ '.' ~ ~.' ", ,801d;~'~ aU~D~d, remis'4~r.,i'a8~d, opnnledaDd'oO~lrme4.,'\8Jict,b7the~e i'1'~8.nhdoth':gran~~ bar~i . . .-,-----.... ..,~.._: .','.,~ '__' " ".'- - ~'."_',"',-': .~. "".__' , . .~ ""~'\,~ .'. ....-.:,. """:.". ;,~,.:. ,,:_.~~:f. , ,'8ab1,8.;tl',~al1.n,"'relll'1"; .'relea8e,~OOJ;l~e)'&nd' ~ontl~;,'u:nt~'t~ 8~14,p..r~~;. .Qt~he"8e'OQnd, part',' ,..., '~. ..helr8 ~ arid a8~~~n8'torev;~,: aii'~ha~'~rtain .'p~t~'ef:o.ti'~~:\111DB~h~~.be~ng'l~"~he'c9tib\~:\~~ . ~...' "..,.' "'. ',.-.-. ,.....-..,...-..-.:.', ......."..... .... ~.-,.,. .<. . 'St. tAloieand,s'tate .~t:1"lor1da,"mor9, par,tloU:ia.rly' de8or~be<<:'as t~l~O.w.:. ,':. '. ,~ , ~' ". 0;0 ," ". . ... .' .' .' . e .."...' ,'.. .' . ......:. ' 1'" '. .,," ,Lo't 3 ot.1Hook 4 o~ '~l.at"Bo. 3 ot,"Ro)'al park,' aooording to Pla~' reoordedon page ,88 ot ~. " ,~. . ,.~ '~.. ' ,~:.. " ' '-,' ',. ~ "i,~ ' '} , ,. ., ' ; ,... ~', . ~ ',' ~',' P,la~ Bo'ok.4, 1n the ottloeC!t th.e'cierk ot t11e'Cll"ou11J Oou.rt :ot ~5t. .luole, Ccn:mty ~ :Flor,lda. : , , , <r~at'rHZR .1 th, a.l~ ~he' t'ne~~nt8: ~e~edl t,.bent~; ,~d" ~1>p.l'~tei1~Oe8, wi th e~e1:7 ~rl ~llege ~ '" ,~.'.." {/' ."., ,~.' ,.,' :. ~ , i ~.~,: ~",..;'-/', ': .'. .,~' . ~~' ~' ,'. ~".~ rlgl}t, title', .1n~e~~$t.i.aild'e8ta't9, 'ry~Y~r8~On, r$~1~,~~d ea8eme~t,th'e1"Ot~beloDB1DB',or',in ~ ' " ~1ee' apperta!~ing:;. 'ro HAVE AHD~'r9~H9LD th~':.~e,l,n'~e'-'81mpl'e' to:w:e~e~;',8,ubJe~t,ho.ever, .~o~., ' . -l:>. '~.'~l.'" .'._. :'~'.. ,".\':. :-..... . '. . :\",_.", '.' ',.J' L ~,:'.' >. .: ..... .. . ~' the' folloWlng: re8trlot1one ~ oo~c\l1;.io~8and l1m1.t.t1oJ18-:" ~ . ~ \ ~,~ " a' " .,' " , ~," . .", ~ ~ ~ . , . '~lt',1smutu.all)'aareed' t.hatt~8e present8 '~e.te.iD,a4el!l\\bJeo~ .tothe'tolJ,owlng ..XP1"8S8 oonU- ~ "tlone'~' :te8,t~~U~~n~' ,an4'3:1mna.'Uo~~',;and .b10~'.Qr.'~~telldeci, 'to: 'be' e.n4~8h~11'b~'a~oePted ~~"o~'v;';' ': " '. . _) '.. " : _ '} .... ,,-. " _ .,.. .6,'.. '_ " . ~ _,' :,' '.' ~ ,"" _', .') .' ~' " ..' ,'. , . . .. ..' _ ",' '.' . ","~~te rIlID;llng W,1t~ 1i~~' ~d~: .~~ :~1'~h' 8~i. bi~~~d1~ .an~e.upoD'~~e he'1r~i'lt!gal' repre8,r),t8,~ . \, '" . tive~' and aSll1gne 'Or tM Ve~d~e..~ ~o:bl' hie aooep%anoe, o~. ~hh 1n8trum~tnt, agrees to"ab.1.de.1>>1 an!l., : " -.." , .' ~ J .:. ~'..~...c;:.'. ..,..... '.: '-:,. '. '",_ ..... .". ,,' .,.' _ ".' ~.rtOrDlJla.1d;~.t:rlo.t~olUl,' 11111 ~U,()Jl~'~d ~ond1 t1~n8. 8.~ :ol1e. 'ott:he expres;8 oon81d:rr.t1~n8' ot. .~then Pi-eee'n~~ i'\O~~t t~i' ~ , .. ",. . ~, , " .'. ' '. ,""., , .: .1. '.Ounl.a*t\ll ol"b'lmmoral ~... . 8hailbe Illade ~.ot. the preia1ee.8 he ".bi, a~reed' ,to."b..,oOnYe)"~,t;' " ... .~.. ,- '. " ' o.'.;r...".' Ii.. '7. _..~"~orihlLl1 the .e.;menor'an)' P&.t~_,~th,reot;,nor' ~;1nt~e'~.t therein bE!'80ld, lealed orotberw18e~~ " ~. ~ ~'~~Ye;ye4.'t{6':~~~~'r$~n' Q~er than ot "tbe, c~o'aalan~a~~.. nor ;8h~lt', 8at"dp~einl~.~, or ant part ~..-' ':' - ~-_.' '-...', .,:. - .." - ,,-.;,' " . .,'.' . '..:',."' - .~ ' ':'" '.." -".,,~. .,.'. '. ,_ .... }~'(' I .' . ~. 'thereo't,be 'oooup1edb)'lU1;ype~80n oth81.' th.aD ,ot th.CaU,oaBian raoe'.. provided 'that. nothing .~,' .."~ " .~. ,,~>.'....,i': ......-..e...-:. ',' " ~~>. ",;--" . .-....: ',"_ '. _" .. ",:.",~., ,: ,.' .._._.......;;,:...~, ~..:. _.' .'. ":.~".' '. here1n ~ oonta1ned 8h~ll,~~eve~t the~P1~a~d mal~ta!n11'1g otee17ve.nt8; on the. ~a1d. :propert1' to~ ..." . ..'... . - ':" .'. '.' . . rea80nableuee 'otthe o,ocupante. .' ~', ~ 2.'lfo ,Wilding :,~n~ii:b8. (),0~8~t~otE!d ,or.eri'oted 'on .au~ro~~rt;yunt'~~: att$~'1;~e plans '~. .' .~ t~the-same-:lJb~~Ve b:~~,n...p~rOY~d 111, JfrlUDB'b, ~ ~1d Royal Par); .. . '. ". . . ~ '\: ~ - -. - ----- -.-- --. ,-- - - - - .Coaip~, it.. ~oes80'r8 or aJl81gJ:1B. . " ~ '''~./!" ~>:"'0. :'_ _:: .' . :"'_" :" _': ..' 'j, -, /.... ':'.,' _:. ....~ _.... ' ' " ,. . .~ ' .3'''lf~:,~8~~~or: bui1.d1I\g, i~1.~~1ft'f~,I)1-~r~:' ,?r .proc~e~tion" ota~l~\Und ~ 8h~libe ereo- <, ted at '&'18SI' dlstanoethan'25 .te-et tromtho trQnt'l1.ne .Pt theabove'4e80r1bedproj)ert;y, or 4Lt' a ~., '- l. . . .'.. ~ . . .... '. '. .' . . _, ,_' . ". . '-. '1..'. ~1etario.t'han .tiu'8e:t~ )~e~~.tr~~,:.:the81de-line:' Ot"8~1d' p,roPe'rt1" .~ra:t .~ le_88 (u:.~anoeth~: tin (OJ c~e~t trom' the rel!r_]JIle,of~aldp't~ll.rt,.;.. Step.top11J;'oheslllf.f exhnd ~yer the ,building, , : , ;~. ,,,~ : 11~. '/.. :-- , , . , 4.'" ~ 1,0 bulldl~8'exoe.pta~ prOy~~,.d i~tl1e tollo'!,lng 118t show1ng ~harao.ter ot bull~1~g . :' Ud '1l1a(an1n 09,8\ _hall be oonatruoted on 1\D1'~ lot i1e,or~bed in '8l!-id: ilst~ to-1Jit:' (DesQflp~1on. ~ '. " ,.' I, "'" . _ . . . _.. .... . __. .'. ; "... ,'~ J.:';..' "'" _ '.' "~; are aooord1ng,to .Hahot Ro;yal' Patk.::iUbd1.Y1s1onereOord'd~n the ottioe ot t.lw Olerk~' ot ~... . -, .. _' _' f ' . ~ Clroult Court or S,t~41o'1. county, Flor1~a). / , 1.0 h 1 to ~ 1noluei ve, ot Blook . , -i "l1~".' f8.OQOr o,r apartments, i12,OOO. i / , .. I" __:..._J~ Lots 7 'toi4,~nchu8h'" ot'B~OOk 1;~1ngl$ rfie14eJlce on1)'. f4~600. / .- cLots 1 to 8. 1nOlu.l'",'and~ l.ote 14','tou 1rio.li18he',ot; ~;1.0ok 2, Sfngle residenoe ,0nt7,' I ~ '/ I, ,.:)1Q8le r~'~ 1denbet", 5~O; or tluplex tlat or 'doub.l.e ~ , /. " ,- J_ e' -.l" 'f , ~ r ";1' ;", ~ ':'9' . , .. ", ~ ,~. , \ .~ . ~ , . t . i. .. ~ . '. ~ . " 'of ~ " . . ", "", J'c . ~.:. c, .. ...."" . ,. ~,... ~,'> It..": J ' / .. ,~, J , " . ~., "-. .. ~ '.' . . , /, . ~ fJ