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' -. ~ . .- . # , Al;lportions ~t lots"'reterred. to in thct8orestriot1ons lYlng,.t~ tront'of' thbbu~lding.' line, ae ,hereinbetore set,torti. shall be~ u.~ only tor ~ ornaJllent~l; ~\1~O~e8; . ;, ~ Il" ( '*.': 'i I , . ' '. .. 71i ,Bo signs o~ ~lllboard~ ot a~ kiJl4 oroharao,tel" 8hah be .eXh~.b'1t'd,: dhpla;yed', oon8~ruoted , or mainta1neel 'Ov;.~ld, IlUW~ Y18~OD wHhou t, t~ .1'1tt~~ OOn8~n1i 'ot sald ROla~ l-ar)c Company., ita I' ,,'1 ,...... ~ . ~ ~. ~ '.~ ~ ~ ~ ' i ',1 " .. '"; # . f __'_ I- .~ : I' '. ..~. I sUooeS8Qr8 oraseigns. ' I . . ". .() ..., . I .. '8: :B:aoh lot ot the ~bove duorl'be4..1prem18U' shall at tho optlonofu,1d floyal _rlt ,Compa~ be ' '" f...". ,t:.4 I. ....,'.., ',f r __ '$ '+; '/ ~__' ,~. I L. . " ' ..u.bJeo~ to aeeu8..nt b,y' .alel COJ!lpaQT tor &n:f' &IIount' not to :exoeed $10.00 per year, tOJ: tho' period j f. I '. 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