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'7 ,. , ~.o.~nYe~oe: ot' real 'eatate. .~. .~ , ' ~ ",'1 l~.' \ ~he pr1Y~l'Wkt 1LXld' ea8eme~t,'1I he~byto're~~r ~e8e"ed t'osa14j{'oial }>ark COIlPaD1'. ft. ~. ~ ~ ~~'.. . '.' .... ~ ',' " '~",' ,'" '~ ,~,~" ' ~.. , fiooe..ora' and a~slgn8.~ to ereo t 'and ix!alntdn poie8,wires ,aDd. other' 8u~hble' . equ1pment, tor 9 .: -;'. '-'::""." 4 ,.'.' ..'".. .",_' ...... ":."__.:' .~,-. .',": ~'.l_' .' "," .,' ..' .' '. -. ~ :e'leotr1.0 light, ,ower~ t.l.graph..'\el.phone,anci'otbe~1lU,bll~ut1l1Ue8, and .to "O()n8truota.nd, .. . ." .' . . . . :.; . . : '. . ...... ,'" " . . . . . '.' . ,,' . ~ . _ _ . ._' II '; . _' . . ". ~', - - -' .. ". . " . . , . , . " ,",' . > ,'. .," - .' - '", ,'. ma:tntaln,eeWe1'8','".ate~ _lns.' andgas;malJi,'on. In and 11Il4er tiut,r,ar th,e tee.t. azi4: the ,thre"~,. . . ~,' .". . ". - ,..' ";' . '. .'." '-'. - -(j.,' .' . : .' '. ~. "~ ; . - - > ,te~t~n, eaoh .'1~'~~f ~~OhlO~',h.~reb~opn"7.e~. "8:nd~ ~~~,:~'Oh "Pui-~?Se.8, ':&S ,~eni..a:8, ~O'l'ep~.1,r,:"" ~,~ 'remo,v8orre;place '8&14 'p'oles',w1re8, .equlpment .8'..~8 anll ma1ns :,' 8ald,"itolal .t'ark .Comllanr, ~1 ts'. ::' .-, . .""'~ ' .... j :-", .:" .' '.-'~ ,......;.~. " .,,'~:"'". :'.. .~. .", ".-. ..... .... '",: -.. ~ .,- . .", ;' SUOOO8GP.re.; and ,~a8S~gn~ i, .hall.'~ve. the 'r.1;gh,t.i;/t :'ngre~8,egre~8:andr~gr~S8 a8 ~ mill" .be.neoe~S9'ary. ',: .~:. ..... ," or, oonvenj,.e!1~ fO,r ~l,~. ot. eald PU.~p'08'e~8'., ~ ~ , ~ " '~,' ~, , ' , ,'~ , ,. . .~"~ '" ~ ',~. ' 14. ' NO, S~l"IUlture. ..xoept li~enoe: ot, ~l1e lcl~ ;herei,f~et~re .,de8~r1b:,d ,mal, .yeJot' be ,ere.cted '-o.pon4' " aD,y, part 'o~ tho8t.rlP8~t l~ci ln t~e8e ~~.,ml:ee.~()-~er:.~lob :an.i~B'lD8nt "t.~'r'pu~1o'~t,1l1tY'llUr-' ~ 'c', ~'r . - "1 , ".' . .~ .1. , ",'~~{ ,do.} -1 ,I ~~', I ,I. . I-I I !,": '. , '. ~ '1.': '!I . ~ " ~ i ; ~ ,.;. II . "J I ".': t I . j ",j '. 1 . .~.. .. : . - ~ ~, ~ '1'1 , ' l , , . .. . { ~ i . ~.... 'l>0~e8 has. be.~ re's.rY~d. '.. ..". " . ,',~., ~ . . . ~ ' :--, : -.' "'-.- .... . " "'. -' ....: ..~ '. . .. . -. . '- ~. "..... " ~, ". ,~~. 'On-al1d. atte~ '''anuary~ l,1940,',all'qt t~e tore8.o1ug"'oqndHl0,llSj restrlot~on8' an~ llm.ltat1-' on8~ J1UJ1lb~j;;ed t~omOn' '( 1) . 't~ ~~e'1;8' '( {2J ':lne~u81""t~hali' 'beoome ~ reie(l~e~ .'lt~o~~ ,an)' 8,~t1on on ; "." ..'- ,: '., . .., .-' '" _ . . .~. .:.:....). ~'," ..... -.~ ..;: ..... .:" ".' ." "'. .;"" ,.,' . c, .... .' '_~ .' '_'.' . th.p~ ot:8Q~d RO'1a~'.}>arltC~lDpa.ni',ltlt 8110,o~8~Or,8;Q~, a8S1gn~. .... .~ " ,,Uld ~h~ ~l{id party, Qt.t~~.,t1tJJt:p.x-t, ~ot~ Qonna~;t 'w!i;~ ~~... ~~d 'p.rty' of the .eo'ond 'p,ar.~', . ;" ~ - ..- ~.- " '.. ~ :. "th~t ft itawtUlli :~"hed'-ot' t!1e .ald prem1aee, t~tt~y,a~~; iree,'t:aillli~ml)r,ai10e.8 ,.' (e.x~ .i.'~'" oel?t1n&" all~~tax.. and allln8talllll~nt8 Qt a8SeS8m~nt8tor 1It\Ull~1pal'lmprovem'.n1;s beooaill)8due~azid.' .' ~,'" p'aia~ie after th~date~ of.tbis deed], an<t ~hat 1th~8"good 'right andJA.wtl.1\:' IlU~h~ritl"tod'8e~l': :', ~ . . . ~ . .. _ . ~'. ,., : _ . .' .' ~, . .~. .10- j;~he,8ame; arid(the8a1~ P~l'ty; ,o.! tl1~t~r8~tpart.dou 'he;ret)l t;illl.arr~tthe t,ltle, t08ald f~' ~,~ ~ " ;&n~ "111dete~d tni's~ ,~a:lria~ ~t~e'lawtul 01a~m8'ot"ai.i pe;rSO:~8 whom8oev.~r:~':~. ~, ;~--,;' ,,"~~. " ,~' . - . . - " ~; ~ ' ~. ~ Iff WlTNESS '.YlHiR:;OF, , the 8ald p'artyot the t'irst part' ,hali~ ~ oau,sed ~h8se ~ ll,;resents t~ be a~gn'd'. 1ts na~ by lots .t'r~S~d.nt!~i-'b8 :~r~ora:e seal' to be at:r~XEld"litte~,ted oy it's seoiJ~tary," / the d~ and-:year ~bove wrltte · " ~V9--~.,' '~~ /(Corporate seali '':'-' ~' , I :ROYALF~RK C01a>JJlY~ : "",ttest: F. L. Mltm::llngs., . ' , V ~ S~oretart. ~ I Sealed and de 11 ver'ed 1n ~ur 'presenoe: ' " 'l'$l.OO :'st8mplt-'oaho~ned J . " . ,. . r- ~. .., " I By W,aldo .E~ .~e~ton', ~r"ld~nt. /~ , , , ,Raohel! ,sr.oo~,~8~mht ',I '.lAAa.1~f:JlIt. ~ ,~ (/VI, 7J1_ T~-H.r~4 ,- I'~ I ' . "'.' i .\ (, or ,~ , -~ fj < I 4,- ...'- .- '-r , , .., ~ ., ,-. 1-----:---': 'r[- " ~ . t t ,~. ~. ' . ," ~, , ,I '. ')