HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0114 ! ~,';;;, ' , . ' ~, --... '~j' f ..,. ,I "'~..' ',~',',1 ~,""O 3\-< .. < _ 1 I ~ . ~ .',:, " . '. .; ;. I ~ - ~-O. . _ . ',w . .....' I I . . ~ j 1 , ~ :..... _ . . I .' ,,' ,'. !' ~ I . , ' ". !, ~.: _ .....(. _' ,.:'JJ".-#\fi' I. .~ 'f~'.;: ...\..,,", :"',... I ~'. , "t~ I ',.'" ..' ...., I I ':.':,'" I, ~~'F~~~~';'~:;~~'r,:,>;.:,;~~:/,'~;~~~~~~.i{.~~~~~~';'~i.~~;'.::;~f~;'hl1~~ ~~ I, . \ ,.!' i' p..~tO~~lllcl- ~eii.trlotl0n., l1~'Uatl()Jl' an~ oon4U~one ai' one 'of ~he fl~p~e88 oon.1de~.t1one \ o~, : ': ( \ . . . . .. . '., .. t.:. " ".; I, \" r I ~ t , '. ~hue. preliMs; \~'7"1 'l \ \" '11 ," I '.<,', ;.' '\..\, > :',',', " '~,,' . ,i ", . .. ~:. <. -', . :I~ I: _ \. ';, .\' :. 'q _ . ,I, . ~ - ~ 1'_ .....: - ~_ .' .': i I " , '. ~_ ~ _ \ . _\ \. .. .' l . ;- < ' _ _ \ ~ . t , ,'l~' 110 unlawtul' 0'11" ~aUnOl"~l \iv, .h~ lbem,8.de))t ~\le, ~l"e~11!18B h'l":eby;'~gr.ed to. be' c)on!e,ed, nor.:; I, '..., , ~ \ '. ' ,,~ I, . 0 ~, .\ \ ,~ " . ~ , . I. ..'....' "\ \', ,~ '8ha'U .~th8 ..~me,nol" 'anl' part. ~hel"e~t',\ noli' ~. 1nt.ns~ th'.ereln ~l!~ "801d, ~.a~ed"Ol": pth!rw1ee opp.;., " . \;V.~.d': ~\o 'mly,., pe~eo~',~the~th~n \ ~t. ~~,~ \ ~au~~.,lan ra'o~'.' p~r. 8,h~1, '~ald" pre.18e~\ , or~'ari,. pa'rt' th~r8't : \ . .' ,,' , . ; ~ . ~ ~', ~ ,',' . ., " \ . ' ,.' , ",." , . \ . ~ \ .. . ' , ! .\ o~,~!3-e:' OOl)llP~1I4"b", anI perf.~n o~her,than\'o't' .t,~.i ~cau~~8~an rap." P1"ov1de<l:t~t' nothing here1n, ;. \: '- .'- \~ ".." . \. .~. .,'-,"'. .,.' .....' . ".' ','\ " \; '".,,~ ~-" '.' . oonta1'ned . 8hall preVe~'t t~ 'keeping ,aM . ma1nta1tling 01' 8ervants . 'the u..14pr,opor~y, f.o~ '1'8a800-',. .. . -. t, ." . \. ~. .: :, ,;' . _.' , - '\ . .'{, .:\ ~ able: ~B.' of tJle 'oooupantli.1 ' I..., \" " ~ \ , ' '. .' , . ~, ,I~' \ ,\'.., " " , '. . ", ~. ':!iO bui.ld1n8 eh~l~Qe, OOn8t,ruotecl or ereQ.t'ed on 1i~1d PI"Qpe,rty untU"atter the 'plf,U18" \ ~pe- , . ~. - '. ' :.- ~. .' It. ' ._ . ." '. \ _.. _,; ..... . _. , ", _ . \ .' . \ . ~ .,... ..:, o~t10at10n",an( lOO.~t10J) o't't~. 8~~ ,~alr havebeen'app~~ov'ed: i~ wr1ting ,by ~a1~ ~on.l 'p,~lt, ," :" C~~~Dy','1t8 eu~o~aao~~,\~r.;~igiU~~" ,..'.." ''':'''',~ ".' ~ ,'; ... ,,', · ..a~' 'No r8111d..~~,oe 6r~bun,d1~g~ '1;D,~lud1rig P01;Ohe8"~'P~J~O~10n8 '~t. arq lti~, 8li~11be'~re~te.d at, . :' . '. . '. . .' . .;.."., ~ ..". t 1 .. '. .. . ,'" ~ :, ,a. le.Qs dilitanoe' than ~6 tee:t '~r'01Xl the: tront ,l1~& !>!'.'the '4lcr~'e 'crelorib.8d' ~ropir1l1, ()~',at: a. less, ' "~"di'etllli'oe than \1ir~e fa) t~et ,t~o~.tbe ~ld'~l~ne,o~, 8ud property, or at 'a"les'~ d1sta~oe:'than,' ,:' c.' . "..;p.'. .' ..~., ,~.~.. .'.' . ....,." . . _' ,.: ~- '.~ "'0 . ,', "': .~. "0 ,..;.'~. .... "1~~.' \6) ~ .teft :tr~m:"the,- r.ar:l1n~0~8a1d 'pro:per-tY~'"S:tepa ,~oporohe8' m~,~~t,e~d~, o!er.,the~undlng' l,ine'. :',' " '.' . ".: : ~~ " , , .. '. ,'.., .'.. ~ ~' , ',,:' . ,~ . .' .. . .10,009; ol'apartmenh or hotel tf+6,OOO..'.' ", " ,. " ' " ",'~' ~.; , ':~'. ~ , ' , . '. .,.', . " ',' . ',' , ' ~,' , ' , Lot8 ~~:J. 'to 19 ,~'1riOlusi. yo',' ot' Blook17,. ~ingl" r..idenoe, 10,000. o-,;dup1extlat' i8,000; or~ double;, ;'~ "" . _- . ,~---r:--"-~--'-~~::--~-~ ' . --'- ~-_.:~-- .- . -_._-_:-;,~-~-~--~. ..:.~~--:-.....-','- -~..,,---:---~-:-.....:.--,-:.-- ___;_.~..:"-~--=--=-:_--=-=--:-=~_'_~~-.:_.~~~~--:--:---,-:--i:"'_----,--_~_~:-,--_"':"':""~!Io--.:-.:...:~~~.~~:..-- 'hou.seiiO,ooo;:orapa.rta:ientS'flo,OOOi, , ~." " .,..~'" .' ,;.. ;. . . .' ~. . '. .. . -'. ". .' . ~~8;t' and ~.otJH~O~ ,18, 'S~nglere8:1de~oe9~':00;o;"o~ 'dli~lex '.f~at ~.,OOO:. or 4,OUb,:~ hou8e,10 ;000: or apartlll,entS or 'potel. '10,000. ' ~ " ~ ,c. ~ ", '.' ." ~. ",. ; '! '. ,I ~" ' ,~ . ~ All 10t8 'In. 'Tract 'D.tront1n~ onnoyal Falm Boulnard,O;i,-ngle residenoe ~5 ,oqo; or duplex 1"la1O' I ( . > . ~ I '.. . >'8,060; or double house 110,pOO; o~ apartm'nt8Q~hotel'16,OOO. Lots '{ to 19, tnclu91ve,'ot '.chOOk' ~9" Singlere8,1denot "0,000; or' duplex fla,t fa ,000; or double" ;(",,' ,t' . i . I ,,', :1 ' I hOuse' '10 ,000. or' apal'tm..te 416,000. ~~rOYlde4, that .1iot8 'land 2 ma, a180 be u8e~ 'tor hotel. ~ ~ "I ,.~. . , \i'~,J' . , ... ",'f . . ;\' .~ . '. ,. jo " '.,-;". ;~ ; I 1, , , , ~. ' . " .. . . ~ I, L I. i' j, , ! , '4 ~ _.-~ i~ ~ ' ; ,. r,~, t, '~. .- ~ - c y. f'.' i. I i ' I ! :. ~ :- ~ . " .,' ''::0. :.. ..- .. . 11 . . ~ ,"' ..' , ...-. .. . :4.. NQ bUn~~pg8 e:t~e,Pta(8'pr~v.i4,ed. in .t~e t~llO.,1,~ "'l~et ,~~ow1"<<. Oharaote,r .o,f ~ull~1ng,~and, ~:, ' mlri1laum': oo~t, 8h8.l.ib.",o~n8tNot'.il 'on a~19t deperi ~ed1ii"8~i~'li8t ~ .to'-~l t: ..' . .' .' ~.",:' ~_... -." .. , ..': ___~< - _ > _~',"', ." . " ,.:.:"_.;.,,i. '.' _" ~'_ _~"...__'.'. :, ," ~.."" .'..." _' . . >. U)ee0r1~t'iO~8 are. aoo().rdn~~ to ,.f~t8, or ~o,al ~~k, ~Ubd1Y18ion8 'reo~rded ,1tt,;tlieotfheot the."'.. : Cl..rk'otth.(HroU1~Cou)'t otst.,Llio'i8 'Co~ti.'tlor1da;',r' '... . .<," ~ .'.. ' . ,.. . '. ..... -' - . - .' .... .'... -. ,~ ' .. - . ; . . " . ; . ... '1.ot,.',l.1;O 6, 1~OlU81Ye. ~t'~iOOk 1, .~lpg1e :re'S14&il<;~ t4.60Q; 'or dup~ex;t18.t " , '. '. ' , ,- " ,0. ~. ' '"... . 48,OQ(); or _ap~iment. '1,2,000'0 ,'~ .'< . . io ."", " t". ." .' . ~ .. ',,", . . ", ..,.. ,,",::i) . '~'LO~. 7 to;!.4 '~n~lu81,...e'.' .ot.1iiC?O~l,-' ~l'l16l~. ,~~B1dence . onl, .,f4.600~ " ,.' -', , .. :LOta:1 ,to 8,1nQ'lu81~.', aD1 LotS, 14'~OU,,1h01U8~V', ot Dl~Ok~ 2.';;'1~i' "~8,1den()e':0~J' 14:..500. . . ..... '. -"-.. . ..... ", ." ',' "" : :....." '," ',,''''.' ".~ .-'", .,'. '.'~ ," .....-..,..~-.:.....' ..:," .' ~ '}.' Lot l',iLnd'Lots> la, tol '1 ~nolU:!1.!e J" ot:~lo~.k a,', oY1ngle<re.1de~oe,. t4,~50() ;or duple.' tlat',o~ .. . " -~.'".!. '.' ". : '..-' ".). . "', : ...:.;.".. -." ~ . '. _.'. . ." c.' . .'J!: . . '.1 dou.~le .hOU8~ :~8 ,000.f9tapartment.-' '12,000.- '~: ;. " ". ,. '. .... :.'. . ~ "_~ . " .- i'.... . ',3 .,1' LobS to,~ 12. '1nolu*1~e~: ot ~iook 4. ,~1D81~ Jte81~~noet4,f)OO; 01'+ 4111>\ex tl~,1i ordou1;ll~, hOU8e; . -'." . o~doub;Le, hQUa'. '-. "f' .. .~ 'P,OOoi':or, ap~tme,nh'.,i2:000.' ~; ,..' , ' - ....... . ~tb'7, Band.'9', ~t DlOOk".6.,':;Il,~~e"r~,81~en'ge onli,p.690.. ~ . J:" l'.... ,'. ,. ~, ", . LOh ,10, .n and1.2.',otBlook 5, S1ns;1.e rea1denoe'~;OOo~ rOr-'du.ple'f t.l8t, or'doul)le house '.8,000; ?:,' '. ,- ~ . '. "'. ". " .~', (1:,.~ . - ' . .' ' .', ". :'01' ~Jlartmerit~.12,909. .~ :>-',' ".". ..', t " .' Alll~tll:1il'.l.'r.a~tA'~,' Si~le ree~d~noeonll'p~OOO. ,'.;:." '., ~ ',: ': A1.110te In'Blook, 14i ..;Jingle ;reit1deiloeo'rii( *6,OQO~ . .' '----.. . ". . J.n'1Ats :in ~~~0.9'k:,16, . Sil'6;le ~e8ide,no~ '~nlY, ,~,~oo! " '._', ~1 '. '19't8 ~3' to' 611nol'l181ve,', ot .dlOOk,16, 51kl81e reSidenOltOnl{iQ',OOO~ ,. 'r:o~s ~8lo~2 ;nOlu~~....X ~of. ~l~O:k 16:,s~ngl. re81den~,i~,600;-, or,' dU'pleX:-crl~t olo'.oli).le~C>\18.e. . .".- , .., " : ,. '~. '.. " '.. ." ,/ 1- ' ~-~- " p~rPo8e8. f ~' " , :; f:. ., I -:. . JA)t l'and MOtS' 27 to 48~'1~Olue1v8,,'ot"B10~k21, ~ingle'"rel!lid.no. 1.6,oqO; ()rdupl.~t1at"'8.00(}. , .' , ;. I, Prov1ded, that ~t. l~ 47 &nd 48 mat aleo be "o~ dOUbl,. hou,;~ f10,~00~: or apa.rt~nt8' tl~,OOO. '_ "' , , _,' I .' .,~~~~!~,~.,~~";~:P\1rp?e~,e . 1;. I' ~ ! "