HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0123 , " '. I,' ,:', :.,..;~" i ,I'. ,,::, ;, ';,: ,', .,;:~; · ": ,;' /~" '.. ': ,~', ,:.:" ~';'-'-J ~~'~.",!: .~,~~~..;,<:#~~:~~~" :'~~,:,:.".~.i;.:i.;7:~'i:: ."~:::~\'~~"';1.";'~7; ;;;i~:~t.;+",,;J . :tOl;lOW~.l-eatr1ot1ori., ,'OOh~I'!On'a ~l1l1l~taV:on.81".' '. ,,' \' ,,\ ,I.. 1:\:''< ':,: ; : i':. :',It,';i., 1l1~;UallY, a~;~,ed tht~thEi~e"pro~:eJ;l,t.' a~8 ni~e sUbJi~t,t'O. t~,10~tO.1rlg~~~~S8" OO~dl...,'i, , ,~ \;. '-,'" - , . .r.: :-,"."'\" '_'\"~'_.,.__\' ,,' _ _ ./..... I. ..\....,_.,,_,.\~_". "_"_ .,'.".': ~:"': \, r ,tIons,' restrIotIons' ab\l1ml tat1ona, and wh1\1h' are, intended to be,andsba1l .be Moepted.s ooy,~ ',\ , <! " '," ''- \,!. , . .'. ",' - '.1.\.'." ,- - ',' ",1 , \ ~ 1'. ~\. \: t . ,.' -' II ..' \ I ': - :' .:" .' 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" " - - \ ."... , , . . - . , ~ P,aD7.11;e,sUooe88.or8Qras81gue..'..., ". .. .L. :' .~~. )~,' ~ ~.' .-:. :. _. .. : ~~'. '.' ~c, _.' .,..' "-. . ..' .', _ ,--- " .. . '_ .":. ',' .,'. ,'. '.," _.. .'" -. ',~ ..-'. .... "~,3. ':~~r$~ldenO' 'O~.bU1~14i~, ''1nOlUdlrlg PQi"ohe~ or 'prO Je~t"~.ri8 ot~ :l!:1nd, 8~dl be ere~t!e4, at Ii less.,.,~18t.ilnoe. ~han30 teell,'tfOll1th8 tro'nt l1,...of ,th~ 'aDOY8~ _de80~lbed property" ol'.at 'Ii "~~8"~. . : . "D .-';. ;;, ,'_ '...., ....,.'~;.,...' . .,; .' _,'-' '. ~'" .,'. "', ' :- . ". " '. ~'<_" d1stanoe<.t~ throe,. (3) ~ ,tee:~ :~.m the ~~ sHle-Hne .9f" &a.14' proper~.Y' ,~r 'at, 'a 18'8,8 d1.8~anc5e4 ~ th~' " ~.', . ,:-, - . . ' ..' . . ..~ . ". " '.. ." . t1 v~ .(5e) feet :trOJll,t~ 'I:ear: l1ne ofsa1d prop,erti. 'step8 tQ PQ~rohu ma7 extend. oY8~the. bUl1dlnc .: ~ . '. ...". ." . " '. .' . ." ~. . . --;":.- ~ ,~ " . i ,~, .,'1 's . _'. ,\..t , . ,'~':'1 r . ' ~~, I, ,.e' j .,". 11ne,o -. ".,' .. . ,-' : ~ . '.' , . , ", f.. ~ -,' ~ "~,.. 1I0bUlld1ngexo$}St'4s: p'ro.ld~dln the tOllo"lrtglls't' aho.1~ 'Oharaoter of, ~Ud,1D8' and'IllUl-, '..:'j ',' -. ~: -. . . . . . : '. ~.' ' . ~., . ~ " , "'.' . "... . '. ,"_ 0, .... .(.. 11;1ijU11.008t shall De oonetruote'a 'on,.8n7 -lot: de8or1be,d, 1.a 8a1el,118t,. to:"'*it:, '(. . . . . -" ~ " ..' .' .... . " ' . . , .. '. . . , -:::." 0"t';" . (Otaoriptlon.~are aooo~1ng'tQ Plat8-of Royal 'Park'SubttY1alon8~reoorded '1~,the ottioe'of the ~ , ", ~., ':\" :......" >','~' ' ~~ ,".; :',~,', ,.', . " " .'. '~ ~,Clerkof. theCll'ou1tCo1,l~t 'of st.,Wo1e ~CO\U1ty~ ~.Florlda. ),..- io,'" .' j<l.ot8,}to '6',ln~i~alv~;~ ;Ot:'BIO~lri"i;i .s~ngle're.lden~e, .',0000;' o.~:d~pie'xtl~{ of .d~U~le hOUIe:'. ,- .~,OOO;orepartui,ent8~'f~2~~. .', "', '. .~ '.', ~'.. ,. - - .' .;' .:'.. -~._.', . .:', ". ,- ,," ....' ",' . .... .~ ~.q ,. ,LOta, ., ,to 14 '1no~u8he. ~t :a~o~k .i~ 'sint~~ ~81Aenoe' on17'4,600. ' . ,.... '. o' '_-1. .:~. .' ~,.". ;,::__.,,~. ~,' :_" '. ":., '-. '. . ..'., ..', ..' .'. '. .... . ,- . __. . _. '.'.'." . .... "',: ,. :. _~~.S.l. t,CJ,~ 1n,~ua~Te, ,~oo.~t8. 14 .~t~, 24.,..:~n.~1~r':~v.e,.ot~,lOOk t.~ s1ngle,~1'6;S~dinQd. OPtr.f4',500~ " ~ .Lot '1, and Lots 13 tf;~" 1~ol~81ve ,ot\BloOk ,3, SI~ler"ldenoe" ~4,DOO; ,~r. c1uplex,~fla~..or, ~ ' .'.' double houI.eia ,OOO;'or apartments, $12..00Q. - . .} '. . .' .' ~tll!',~ to :l~.' ~nUu8.1 ve, {ot.a~0()~'4~'S~D81e re8idenoe ~~roo; ':or '4upie~ flat, or 4Qub;le ho~s,e'..8,Oo'~i or..apartm8nt~;'~12.~QOO., . ~ " .' . ,t9t.~ .7: 8~ ~. o1':iiiOO1l;~r' ~ht~le reddenoe:on1Y ~ j5<><;h. ' -' . . ' , ,,. , < l> " " ~ " ' . 'Lota~lO, ~l hod 12, ~t.Blo~k 5i ,Slndle-~e8idenoe .3,500-:.0~,duple~tlat.o~'d01,lble bOllse ~ . ~ .' .. '. ..~. .-'8,000; or ~ apartllle:Qta .12,;000. ?, .. . ...; .:All- J..ots in .Traot,'A, Single rU1.de~qe '~n;lY .6,OOO~ .5,000 . ,$0,000. ~ '.: ~" ' ~~ .. . ~ , AJ.llot~ 1nB. ~OOk.11, }~,ng1e.,' .rU'1d9n'oe ~ onb:~ 'hI Lots' 1nD1ook ;16~ S,.1.D81e, reaidenoe 6n11 - . -. ;," .' LOta,~3 to ~1 lnel\1.she" of' .oloot: 16, 31,1181" re8~..noe, oniy~6 .000,. Lota~ 28t~"32' 1~o,lUs1ve:of :Biook ~6:S1h61.e residen.~e' ~o",OOO; or d1,lplex tla~, ordo\1~ie house flO.OOQ; or apart'ments ~r, hote~ ~~,OO~. Lot.. 1 to' ,19, Ino~u~ ,01'~100k?7, s1D8i~~ea.1.denOe l'O,O.o~t ,~r dU:pie~'flat 'SOOO; OJ.' dOUb-., le hou.. ~lO, 000; or apartment's .10 ~OOO. ~;.. l.Oh 1 and' 3 ot Blook Ib, ';1ngie res1deno, ,0 ,000 ~': ~r' .duple. 'tlat .a. ,000;. or double pou.. , I !"! , .1, ~ -I} " ',j .. '" . \ ., , .10,000; or allartm~nts' or but.l' jl~ ,000.... .' . j', ~ ~ '! ; - < ; (- . . . /} . ~ .111 lotr-111'~raot ~onnnc on a018TPaIm~B01,llevard~-~rl~le residenoe, '6'I,OOQjQrdUp~ex flat ~ .'" I I . ' I '.8,000.. all.' d9\1.01e hou.... ,10.,';000; or' apartments ot hotel $1.0,600.' -i' ./ ''''. ...... J: I ; Ily