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" ~'~.. ~'~.. ' ',' ,1' Lo'ts 13 'tb 23. inoluslY&'..~ot~..BloOk 5, S1ngle, r~'l,d~n~e :$2.500;,'01', duple~. tlat 'or 'do~bl;e hOU.88 , " r .' ,. .. .' ; .' , . . ...' '. '.- -'.' ':; ~ '~.'"":'.f ';16,000;. or'''a~artments.<,.,8.qOO.. ' . '.'.. ' ~ . ',,, "," " ,. ,1' ~ ,'. ~. ~' ... ' , . ~ ~ .' ." ' , ',' l 1 Lots:}' ~,t, 0'6, '1n~,i,US:1V,e .',!-~' ',Lo~82' 'e.n~, 26. 'o,t 'Bl.ool:, fi~. SI,ngle !"e's1denoeo:i1ly, ~, ;~, O. . 'j . . '-j, '41:1 to:~~'~il'..JJ~~Olc.~;j, .S1~.1e ;1"eili~..ello'~~ .~,,~O;-'or:duPlex ~la!i'~r.d~~~.le ,~o~ee_ ~~ao~;;t,~~p, J ';~"JD~ilte.~.060,..~ . . , ',.r-" ," ", '!~ "Lots'). tol~ 1n:oi'Usive'.':0t..Bl,OO'k'.10.'~ "I~le ~,eB14e~!,-Q~ ~ni.Y 16 .~50,9; :~_,_, J ;Lc>til18 to. aa i;'1~\1~1~~. 01: ~io Okl~ ~ "1",,1~ ...1 d. ri.. ' o;'i7.~. 600, .. .. .\1 'All Lote:ln ~Bl()~ok~l~ ~~ntleJ,"o~~~erioeon17.2.00{)., '.'~ :>,~. " " '. 01 /"VJ. ~ , ,'~.~ ~~ All tOt,s:'t~ BiooJ[ 12,. '!Ilngle"re,81d~n:\.OEt"Oll,~Y f&,OQO'. ' ~. '0 ~~ f ,Ail,I.ot:~,.l~Bl~O~ ,13",>:1ngi"'~~~'1denoe .(),nl;' j7~~OO;P.OV1d'ed, a180.. that ~ts'2i ',3 and~ .~may ~~' "'be:used roX"~a~8w1l1101ng pool.' " . ~, ' , .~, ,'- " ",'1 < . .' ~ Dwe:Ulng' h()uee8~, f'lat~. ~d ap~~~meJJ.t hO~&e~ ~hall, be 'lUted forres~dent1al'pu~~~s,e8' 0~i1~1 t. 'I 'I" :1 t \ I ,.' \' '\ ') .. I ~\ " '.... Po '" ':1': .' . ' .' .>.' ~.' .. -.. ' '; ~. "- '.i ) .,,' ' -;.. .' 'JI" ~ ~"" ( '.' .' t: ,: ~ . '::',- , ' ~ ::- _J. ~, .' .. "',-\ No more th8il one .pr! Tf,ltegar,fg:e'. f'o}." ~8e,6f' ()oou~arits s'h!i11.~ be ereCJ~,~d:'on' any 'one: lot. ': , . "'_ _' .: ''> . . f,.,. ,_' ~, " , ..,. . ' . '_ ; , " . ._': , ~ ..' :..: ftHot~J,purp()see'" e8a11, '1nO'ludegl.ft'. shops.,' drUg at~~e,~ .b~rber:.and .beauty".shopa, ,and.ani': , , ,bus1'~~uiff ,1<~1dental,to well equ1pped. hotele.' , . . . . ~ ~ .1. . ..'. " . , . '( 6.: Theexttr1.or :OOD8t1"\iot1onot ali)ulld1~8 , i " ..r .tY In '~a~dRoya;l.l'ar~, "ha.llbeor$toi1e.J.brl0k'~, . I ,1'. i i ::II~t;h,oo~ or'()ono~et~ b~t not: or o~n~e.te"l?~oO~~.~UJile8~ e~~h, 8urtaOed,;,r1tp ,~t~~O?~'~d', atl<bu'll~ ,( 'd1ngs shall be 'o-t Span1eh, 1!oor1a~,OItal1an;.F19r1dian,or'81mllar t,pes'ot ar:ohlteoture. ' ! ' . , ' ~ ' ~ , ..' ~ , I ' ~ ,'~ ,~ ~ ,,' ',' :' ',' ,.. ,~ ., t ~,~~ Fenoee 'Inr~ont or t)l81?\l.Ud~ng 11iiee eha'llb~' Qrnamenta'l' and'n9t~,-exoeed, .th1rtY"ln~~ea' 11'1;" 1 : lie~1g!1~;. .fen~the 1~~8.~, or' ~~Ok ,ort~~,k1;J.dl~ ,l1~'. o~ ~ ~li '16t8 t, 8~all: be, ornam~ntal aM not' ~ I '":, ,~ore: t~ t1n,to@t hIgh.' ' It.'' ~ ' '~, .,' ,," '" ., ..... Al~o~io.. oi ~ ....!t.r....~,to, lbth..e 'r..tr1..t10'0~1~ 1',trQ.~ otth. ';'lld1.g me.., 1 . here1nbef'ore s.t ,tonk 8haUbe ~ us.eel only, f'o;r ornamental purposes.' / ~~ , \' . .. ~', ~ ~' ~.' ' .' .' ..'~ ~ ~ ,~~ i.~ ... ., ,~ I, 7 .~o 'signs or :bJll~oards of';a.lJ1.:~.kind ~r oharaoter s~ll be ~exh~b(1 tad.' d1splayed" oonstruoted '" ;'or l!l&~nta1ned ot'~ald 'eubdi.v1ll10nivi1tho\it, the written 'ooQ,8entof"8~1d HOY~lk'aric Company, its auo~ oeSeor8.?r'aSS1~s. . I,~' , -, , ., . J ' , i 8. Eaoh lot of' the above de,8orl bed prem1ses $ha+.l at ~ the optlo~ of' sddaoyal ,Elark Compa~be ,i' '.. _ ",',' - . ,. ._ .f I -.1' >'" . ,.', ,8ubJeot to, .fI'oliemoJit byisa1d Comllany :f'or -an' aiao~nt 'notto exoeed ;'-lQ;~O per'y'ea~' -to~ .the period, ;'. _' _' -;' -, ' I _ .'-, " , .- 'I " . . .' ..... - , .,' _ ,.- ," . .' c' '., ,. ,', . ~ , _ j beg1nnl~ a.t the. dateor,~~,thi8'deed alid' end1ng 'Janu.ary i, 1930" p~able In'semi-annual Inetaii.. ,- . ~ ',- .. . ~ . . . -' .'" '. ," '. ... . . . , , . I'. l . . '. "lI\entB~ 'Of' $5.00 eaoh on"Apr111and UotoDer 1 of ea.oh yeur af'ter d.,ate ~t ~th1s! deed, w,hlohlmon'~' ~f', ~ " ~.' ~. 'I ~ , '. '8h'a.ll,' be 'ule'd .to~ the.mahlt,enanot' and u)tkeep ot:'uldlubd.h'h1on, 8U,oh'~s the olearl~ of'loh ~ ,., .. .. ,. '---'" r , I "