HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0137 , .., -. "f , ',I, .:. 'jr",~,-':':~',,\".","I l ~f~.~ .i~.-,'.._" .\. -t ~ ._ ,.'1;,20" l-.:, :.',' '.:' 4/ : "." . .I, :" ". I ; '\ ,,':'L<,j' ' I" '. '='-:'h'~'r','~~ ":"'1 :':'~' "1" ,"'~'C~~"<', ',<I ~T'I~;'I"~.~~J,;:~,~~'~~'C"':7'!I'I:";~':~"'!~ir,.. .,. ,:1, .-'1 ' '. ~ ~"", ~ .. , " . I ~ , t ' ' ~~:~:.~._t~::;:::~"~<I~;..:=<:;t;,~~.;~~~V"~'.;~~~:~,~e'~k"~~' ~ ., ~',~. _~:~~,.t:.:./~.J.~. ;e~'''''I:l~~'C,,;::;:::,,~~t:-~q'''t;~..,~:.~;~~.dl=->~;,~~. . C:/,' ~he'.:r~ot 'to 'Qe'th~.1:r: ~Ge e.O~'e.i1f1,a'e~d,~ ,8u~h.(),rt~~~r8,:f'0-.r thIS u~~s' aJ:la,'pu,~PO$:eir t~'e~1n :\ \ ,) " . ,,' r , . \ ..' , \ , ,,' '. '~I . ,'. "," ,~ " I .', , " , ~.' . ~ " ~ . ~ . ,. { .' ';, '," , ,) ','metl1;~on~d; iu~d\'tha~ t~ey af~~~4 t~"~tQ',1 the oft1,o1al, seal or .~~,4- ~~P,o~t1oJtJ an~, I~he 8U.d ' , \ ,;: . . ',.. . ',' I '. ,\ '. ',~ ,. . . , ' . I \ I If \1 ,', I .. :: lrur~,rum8~tds it\}e ao;t ~nd' dee'l\ p'f .said oorporat1dn." ',' \ I ' \ \ '" ;' ~ ~. '.!' '~I. ~'wiT.~ES~'~~1gn'~tur~(tind Jt~lo1~.8e"L~t,'lf't. ~ler,oe\1p th~,Obunty,~I{ s~. .Lu~1e; and, Stat'~ .': " ~t Fiori ~:' ~d' 'ie'~,r l~st Va'tore8a14.~ \ i.: '.' \' ,',\ \, \'~\. '. , ";' \ "\} " \ ': , ,'." ~"l" . \ ~\\.. '.' \ (I, ~' , . " " ~ \:, .\ ~~"" , ~ ~'\ ,\ " ." . Ai'q L. Tedder. ',. " ,\ , No,ta.rv'Publlor. 0.1" th,e ..St~t.e' ot ' , NotarlPU.blio', state,otFlor1cu" ,8 :-Flor.1da,at l.~ge. Myoomm1es1on \ 8:,t La.rge'~. ~ ,;:,. ':~ ~ " \ exP1.re8sept,ilb.~ 13..192~5.' " " .; ,'\ ~ . \' \ .,' . \' . . , I , '~'\ ,'';). i ,,~ , ! ' , CZ1 ~ " -, ' '\' :\ ,Ii,' ,.' . ( r4i '" ' . ; ~ ~ 'F,1~"4 .,~M :reqo~ec1 tb1w20\h 4&(, ot ,AP~;r a\. 3~29 P~)(. \1926.~. \ ".. i', ,:' '. ' ,\ ,. " ~: '.' "l'.d~4>*d (Ci,e., rk,'o~,~.,. C /:J,1r. CRl, '~,H""rtl:.' ,-\.' .,'" :~~.8~'" B,~-"m./A..J'~~~'fj~O~"" \ (,). : -,' ," . ~ ~. ' " " .,~' . . \;. . , ,_ _.,., I :'-~' ." .' .: '.~' , .'., " "__.,' . ...:. . .'.. '.' ..11I .'. ...... .. .' ..' . ** ..'.... .:.:. ,....... iir....-',.,* :... .:.' .. '.:. : ' ., ' :~..'.: ....-.. :.~... :.'''~'''~''...-'~''.''_.''''._;.'~'-'..-... .':.' _. ,.' "",e\ .\~"._.. ..,.,~~:,_. ~_ :_, '. ."'."~... .;:..~_.. .; ."_._ :._'.'. ~:~ .....~ ,.'I~.;"';, " \ ~ -' I . \'~ ~ ,. I . \\- ~ \ ,f ! i 'I '" ~' ~I , f \ ! .~ ',~ . \~ " ~ - ;.- 0 I i 1 ; l. .' ~l . . , '{ " ~'. ',]' . . , 'I' ~, i 1, ,I ~J .J. '. .{ :J " : 'AR'fIOIESQF A()REl!3IENT,",:~ .-. ." . 'TO .\ .;.,. ~...;. ~ .' . - . - , ~ ;...... . . . ~ . ~ " ,AlflfIE L. ,HOLLEY .', . -- ~ .~ . " .J ,~ . , . . ".,; . ..'.? . 8e.oond'part,~.rheir8.'e'XeOU:Or8, ad!D1n18trato~, or~:sslgna.1n tE)e 81mp~..olear ot al~ ~n->: O~b1'~oelJ\ whateve.r. b). a go:od an!i ~~rtl018ntdee'd, the iot., p~e<ie o~ lJ~oelo't, g'round, s1tuatet\..' ,. " in .the 'C~\i:ntYO~'st...Luti1~ ~'St~~e. of :Fl,or1da ,)q1Qwn ~~~ d~.~~,l~Ua.~8~:foli,q~W8. to-.it-: ,\'. -~ ~ "'. . '. ,'. .. " Lot.>'~o (2)' ~'f Blook, ':l'hfrt~en (13) .or Ho~1:el..an4 Morganf-I ,s~bd~vis10J1. '" . . ,-', ',o~ ~Dv~'~en~ ~t 'FO,u~ ot seoU:o~':6ne,. ~0~,sli1~ a~.'.~~th; ~ge_~~, ~aaV' :. .aooor41ng',to piat re~o9l'dedlnthe~ oftl'08 or,'the Clerk or C1rou1 t Court. ~ot , "" ..... '-:~,'~',J.., ..,;,"",' , ~ ~ l ,,;:'" ::.,j . ~ . . " .' :-, '.' :... " ,;5 ..... . -.:. .. , , ~ ',' ..st~'i.u.Q1e :Co~tl. Flor1~a.1,n:,P'ltlt Book.4i.pagEl 102.,' . ",' ,..,.;} ,'.'" .. , ,_ . :. ~ t _' :,' ,', , ," .' - . , " '''' " .' . _ " _ ' , '.. an4 t}ie said ;>a.rtl'O t'the~eoond partherebl .-!ovenanta ~d 'agreel"~tO' pay ,to tM 8:81,,," party ,ot" ' th~,'tJ~~ ..;'rt the'~~~ ~O~FOuR Tk~U3dIr, ($~OO'.()O)" D~11~r8..~ntliA ~nner .'~O.llow~ng 'l'~Vli:" .i' , . _.' ,. '," ,,~" . ..;.... : .IJ" ,:., _ ' '. " " ",,_ '_ .... . ~.,' . : .__ ,. ~ ,'HVNDRED' ($500~OOJ ~PQ~~qSup,<??the'81~1ng ,of ~ th1s ',oon'traot ; 'the bal~Oeatthe'rateofFIFTY ;,;'~'..:~ ...' :~F" (.oo.(j()Joo~~1JSp.r' mOliltl~~'\mt11'~a1nd~r.i& pa14. ,o.n .:r'be,to're.w1.~h{nwre~t:at tire r~te .~; ~: ~-:.::t ' ~'. '.. ." ._~. '., ", .'_ _~,.. .," ~ .0. .,..... ._'.,..' ..',~~'~___..'''' :!~~.J.;~f(< 0.. ot. o1ght ,~r.(l6ntum,p~~ a$i~. pa~bic, '~em1~annua1l7onthe whole. Ehuilremainrng ~r9Ul~ti:.~.e to ..'.. ' . 4.~.~.. ".' .~__ ,.,;. . _ . '. ' .' " ", ..,..., ," ' " UM ,unpaid; ~andt9 Jpay'w. 1 'taXell. .,aSB88l1nel1ts or imposH10na : the: t may'bJt "legal'ly levi~d o~,' __ . '. -. ..........:.. " .. ,..,... ..." " . . ' .:~ ' , ." 1mpQ8edu~n sl1d lend 'ltUbseqilAnJ,t,n- t.nAfA"'" H~?4~ ~~te,lt4tep."the~bulld1ng.e'UPo~:.8~1d',p;re:~Ba8~ " ? 1~B\U"ed :In 80me.c~mpn.ny sat1'sr.a,ot~~,to the.'llD.;tY,O~ t}1et1r8tP~t~ in a 'eUlll'not les,s than,~..~:: '. , . - ~ , . " -0;.. . . ' &' - _, .. . Do).lars ;dur1ng ,the tEtrtn otth11J agreEim~n't. And 1n oas~ "or t~~lu~ ot the sa1d partY,ot the , . , ... . '.: '. ',J' ..'". ," _ . " "', .. ~, .eoond;part to:ma.l\e" e1ther ortha' payments ~~ anl part thereot, o~rto per'form:'6.ttl ,or ~ the' . ", , I . . .. ", '.. ~. _.... ,- _ . , , , " ,'. . ~ ,," .,~. " , .. oOVen,~nt8 on her part ',herebl."~~e and ent~re~ lJ1~~, ,~h1fil" ~ontraot 8ha 11. at the Option', o!the ') ~ar,tyot t.be'flrst part, be ro:r'~e1ted'and te1"lll1n~ted,'and'the partl p'f ',th'e'seoond paJ't 8nail'~ . . '" - .' . . ~', ~ ~ ,:.- " -' ' , . - '; .. ,.to~t'e1t,allP~y-ments'm,~d~bl;he~-o~ this oontraot. ~,'.uoh pay~t~' Sh:e.ll-~ r~ta1ned by the. " said' part,V ot th~, first part in tull fJJt,t1sfaotlon"lind liqu1dation ot aU damages bl her.8u8- ! , : ,,: ! (.>. f ," h1ned, ntH\ 8a1d party or the tl:i'ait p&r\<.8hall havt tho r1eh[li to re-enter .~d take- pOB~es~10p' . -, . : . ' . ". / ";" I ' ~ . " . ,jl ot the pr~l..t.'flrotol8id .ahout being .liable' to anl'aotJo~ therefor. ~ ~. . " I ~, ( \ '; ot . ' ~;, 1'1' IS WTVJA.iLY.la.GREED. O,V and l:)etw~tnthe part-1e.horeto~ that"the time/payment shall be~ ~ , . .. "I ' , . '_,..&n ....n.t1al. gar('ot th'18 oontraot. and that all o~..~~nt8 and agreement8 he'r~1~ oon~a1ne4, " . f' .' .. I . ; t thall'extend to and'p'e Obl1ftato~\1'p'on ttUt,ho1r.. e\x~,~~r8, 811m1'nis~rato;"s arid.tfu1B!lS'!or :the . ..... . ", f ~', . .~ I .. j 'I ! , , 1", . '-----i. 1 ; , <<J , , , " t; (I" .~ ~ I, t.... , ,