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" \ , ,,! sa1a grarltee, an<\her ,h:,elrs'arid a.~a16ns"l~t~e c8~1mple.' I " :,,' ',\~ '1' ~.\ ':\~"i\, \, 1~~' t~~'S~'d ~f,8rit\0IX'" ;o~~ims.~ ~Ein~ oh1J \h'~lr~ll~ l~'gai~epre~erltaUve~ ~ ~Q~~'~ant wi till':>';:' . . \. ' ~. .,. .' , .," \ . . . ... ) , . \ ~ " i, , "_ ;' " \..' _ '. , . 1:;'d1d \ grantee ,lier he1t-s', 'legal,',representll thee aild astilgne:', Tha t~ald, grantor, is li1dete'aslbly ,"'.' " ".. '.;"'".' ~::,". ,,'- .,'" , ..._'" -', " .' "\," . .;' ~,_\.\.--:: ~':.' ,<,~ J -" .-.. \.', _ '~. '. ,.' 0' ~ 8,~~z~d o't; 8~id.. ,l!,\f!d in te~ 91~ple; :that 88,14 grantor, ~~ ,tup.' p'olrsr and";l11wfUl':rlgllt '~o C~l}vey ~ b \ , . " . . . 'O' . _ \ ,~ . \l .:- \, \ . '.. ,# . l,". I' \" ,';; . " ~. \ \ saicl lands in tee simple', 88 aforesaid; t,hat 1,t sqall ':be lawful for said 'grantee, her 1;1611's" ' ~ \ ",' ~~, ' ,\.' " ., ", ' "- ',iegal repr~se~ta 'lyes ':~d \ -as s !gnu '" at' aU' time s ql)eaoeablY and: qhi~).ly:to enter wport, ',h,old / 'oOOUP1. ':,".: . . 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":;' .~ , WlTNESS~the hand al1d' seal 9t :sa1d grantOr, the ~aY';ani! year' tirat '8.~ove,'w'i-i'tt.eJ1~ .~;~ ... '1':-' " '. . _ . ( . 'll' II...... ,1 . . " 'Slgn,'hSealodand Delfveredl~ .the ~rEJianoe ot: "., "." . ",', :., ~ : ", ",'. ' " '~', "~'r~,s~~.e.'~'~~~~~(S-g~) nLLU~ M. BABa :, '.., , ' v' ; "" .1 ~",' , " \ '\ ',J. I r , '. f'e ' ! . ~ L f , .' r ~' ! I' f, f i ~ ffl" v, ' r ~ >- '- \ ~ I, , . , -.;'.- ,~ , .KA:THRYK f. 'DALY. ",} " . (' l' .F. STATEOF'FLOR~DA , COUNTy, OfST'.lUCIE :...1. .0.... , . , ". . ," 'a. ,~~: " ~ ~ I,KEI~EBY':CERTIFY~~That,'on; th1'e ',' d~yvenona.~'ly appe~e.red botore ~~, an ~6itloer (l~iy fiutho'i-1zed to"admi~i8te?-". oaths' .and" t,ake aoknowled~Jits , .Altier1i 'SOh~l1a ,1~~e': rn~,; to~wel:l"k.n01'm&.Ild' , ~ . .. . " .. " . . ~. , '. lalown 1;,0 '~. to' ,be: t~ ,inl,1v1d~1 d~SOr1b_ed 1~ am ~o e~~~t~d ,t~e toregoing de~d, ~~' he.,', -'. ~ . ",.' ,_': . l,. ' , . " " , .. . ." .' ", __..". , " a.olcno,wledged..betoJ'e, IIl8 ~hat ~ ,eJr.e.cu,ted ,the ,s~e .t,reel~ and ~Qlu.Dta1'll1':lot,the :'pu:rptse$therein .xp~ssed.. ." . ,~ J. .' " , ~ 'AND i:FVRTHE~ ,CERTu~,..,That t~e said. ~ . ..lqlQWD.; to me to be, ~he w 1 fe. o! the,tJa'1d..... "Oi1~ a, . '~e~rate ~nd. p~1va,te ~;~~nQ\1l>ntaltenand~ade. 'b~' ~m '~~t6re ~e, :sep9.~t~ J'and'~ ap~rt :'trom ~ her' laid, husb&nd, d1d aoknowledge that .he made, harBelt a'party to sald deed tor the purpose ot c. ". ',"' ". ., .':.",.' .. . , , '" '. _', ",'" , ' . , ' ." ,_ . :,,' . '_ ,~r,enounolng. rellnq\iU}hi~ and.~ ooJivey~ng at:t herr1.ghtit1tLe'and in ter~s t,' whet,her of dowel ~ , ~ ~ - - .. . . '\ --'."' . ~ . : .' .' ' .. ':, ,,,,.' . hOllles~ead orQt 8e:p8.rate~ p1'()P~ rty, 8.~tutQry o'r equitable" ,in ~ertd to th~.' ,~~nds' d~()'ab~~:,therEl~n ~~d tha~~ .'aha exe~nited, th,e, 8a1d, deed:.tre,~~' a.ndl'ol~t,..rni (and:wHhou,t any OOllipulslon,,"oOr;i- '. ,str'$1rit, ap-preh~Il~1()n oi'tear.~f' ortrQ~,:her Bald ~eba~~'. . .' , ' ~ ~6*11 .dat ~.t I' sea~: a,tVer~, C~~J1t;v e( $t~LuO ie,~a:ft<1s~e'()~ '1~~aa,;.th1a:'.. _. '/, .t'. ". ". 1 * ~. . .. . .. .:.--,... .. ..'.. ... .. ~.. . .. .. ... ~.. ...... ... .............;~.'. ..~, . ., . . ~. . ~ ., .' .. . . .. . . .. . . . e.. ... . . ,_ . .. .. -. , i "- ~ . . ", .J:lELLIE )(. BABB'~ , " ,,' ~ Not.ary Pub~1~', ':>>tate ot. FlorJda at I4l.rge. ~lq oo~sslon'eXJltre,a~ 9..19?8_,',, '~~ ~ . ., " ~, I ' f "pr;~ ;t . I .:'~' dfj" ~ !~, ot :9 :00. A.M.. t 19 25~ .'; - :J .,' . .,p~ ~::d" iCIerj" of C1r";'1< Court) B;Y:~ /)/~rf .~J~. D'e. --' I < '. --_!, ~ ,'\ . ( ... .. . . , . . . "-> - . ~ " I ~ I' I , I " ; I, , I ': " "if I f ,/ f .., I u .; f - . , I ~ I " , / ,i I L If~ .,. . ' .. ',l " i ' ~1: "" , I I