HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0141 j.,l....~3;':O".,;.., i;' '~" I , '...'. " -- .. "1 ."H'_',';',>'~ 't C,' , , . " '~v" ", 'c' '~':;'1""" "!,' ~;;I~~~",i.:'~I;~~~~' ...' ~-,------ , ,_ ___ , ~ ~ ~~~-~~Ib~~~,::i:;~:~~~':-~~~~~L~~~~,~~~~~'~",;,'~;;~'~h';7;~~ !~' 'VQltel1 S~ahll'"ot Amer10a I;') , \ ,. ' ,~ i ,', '1..1.." ~ ." '~"~,' '..'j..:,,! j':' I;D'l~t;10"ot' COlu, IIlb1'. "" ....31~~~: '\ , ,,' .... ":, \ 1\ I . ~ ,~" \', '" ',I",;. "I, \ ,: , ;- .. , j. . '_iT, ,4' -, - .. ~ . .' ~ '. ,. \. \ \ ~ 1\' ,," \' J _. ' J ;,' f i ~ , . <\.' "."I,~':") ..~,b,hal:~ )'~"~;Od,' ~'efO,','~': ~~,' :a., ,pott.~:o,~.,r",.',~, ~h,' ~,rl..dh , the :l,a,W,8.\.~~~, "t~~ U,n~te, d,,'~~~e8~ ~O;~,; ~ ,,\." :1' ' ~'.adjninltitG' oaths. Th.omas 'J.. O'B~l~n.~~'belng dull 8worn8q8tha~'h1. rel!lidenoe.,).8,~~",~rand' ','" \ \ i :' ". "..\ \ a..... " ~ .... '... ~,~...~. ,,' "'. ~," '\ . \ \. \ \ .;~. :.' .\._...., '~..;_~. ,~.' ~ ' , \ ~,RaJl>1~8 ~ ijlo~l.,lt'\ ~d, has;b,~e.a t'or titti yeata.,and u.~ward8 last ~~st; , .' ' ., ,-r' ~,' \',~ I . \ ' " , " ". ' ' \ . Tha~ ,dU.~1'~t~iX't;;yea1'B. 'and u.pwa~'d8', P;lo~to the de" th ~f: ~~bn'H-. P.....HusHa,rt. ot',t~. ,\,':~ .' \ 1 :. ~~e .' ~1t)"'~.d~ponent ;wa8~.hlB .e:tt~rlle;Yi ~ha~t' on~\~e death'ot ~ld'\~ha~ " :ab~t,'t11.:r;ear. ' . ' ,I " dnoo. )1~ Wi dn.~ 1/e.17 II. Bu.gll~,"". ..0 .~~~ ln~'~a4m 11li.'tr'\~1X .nd..t t10d "1~ ootl!!<", . .~~. ~. . ',; ,'I whtob~he was'd18oparged b7the'?rObQ,te '<1ourt ~of X.nt Co~ty, .'W:oh1g~..;' , , , ,", -I '. . - . . t., .... .'. " . ... . . . , . .... \. .... - . . .' , ,Tha.f:*penent aoto'd,lnher"behalf aOl attended to .the payme~tand setUemOntof:e,ll..blalma",. ~:" ..O-'r '. ," -i~- " . ..' ~"'.~'-.," . ,~_. . _..,_ ~-.. -~! ,.: \\..... -. '":-.' - '. ...._.;._..:...... and. .fndebhdn~8s )hi'l'b.wol'e :b~QUght'~oi-~a~ for. pe.Ymen\; ~l1dadJu8,tl!'8J,i't~; 'depon:e~t,:, ~eJ."11:7' b,~ 11';'-68:. '., ';' .: "~'.:' '; from such :know'ied,ge,tha't .there ,'are' no 6~t8tand1ng de~nd8 .or ci'~'bt's, of aw natu1"/~ ttbe'. ';~~ent~:" . ~~ ~ 'tl~~,~' :..,,-',.' ",. '. ~,' ,.' :. .': .'.,,'~ :', ' ;, "': . .", , :. "~.,,,, '.' ~ "., ". ", -' /. ", ,', .....:.' .... ", ',:. "'. ,. .. '. . .~ .', ", . ',- ',' ..~..' "',' ~ ,.'.... .... ," -.' ,,: , ';'. ".pepOnentfuther aa)"II'tbat, J~hnH. :p.. Hu.ghU'.t:an4'J. ~. ~.,~i1g~art:re,f~rre4 to lna~pat,n~ .':,~.'.-.~_ ,~,'_'~,'._.. .... " i",".',: .'>' _._'. "',;"'_ ,',' ~".. ._...-...~.'..~ ,':. .. ,~~, from t,heun~ ~e~'sta~~.of,~ d~a.,~a te~... Fe~ruar~ 28:,. '.~88,ti I and ~O.Orded 1~, D~ed DO~lt,",O~ PaBe" :64~.t'DreYa..rd 'Co~t)"; ti'lorlda; i;eo,ord8~OOnY')'~ng~t.he.rotlo.wl~ de"so~lbed,lan!1' In Wn8 10 wti8 ,then.'; " ~.. " ' . . . ,,' ..... "~". -. ""', ~~.~ ';.. ~,,' '.~,'~ ~ ~;~ ,. . ",~ '., ,.' , ,':, \~ ,'B~:vardcoiu11;t,~~01f~ st.".~oi.e Coun V,~, j~orl4;a. kri,o~ a~.the we8t.'.~.lf..Of ,the .~8out.heas,t :quart~r;. ,~ . . . ....- . ." '. '. . .' ,,' . '. ' '. "'- .' -'. .... ... "" . - ,"'-.- " , . of Seot1pn' 3, ofownsl'l~p 3?:'Sou_th',ra~e' a9 East,' We1"e 'one. and, ~he ,same person'; that th:e rea'l natl:lJt:' '. ., . ~ , . . .Ji. .. . '0_ . .. :. . 'f)f, tne J:,' H. p'~ Hughart. J:eferX'ed to. 1Dsa1tipa tent oonverlng,the s ~,d abOve-de.8~rl bed1and : was ' , .- ~ ".' . Johii H;~: Rugha~t.. .", .'" '. ,... , ' ". ," . D~ponent. f.u~the~'8aya, tl}~~, Mari:!(,.Hugh~t. W1dO,WOf'oI0~' H~,~.,"Hughal;~'"i8.now' .t;r,avel~ng ~',1n ,~~~pe"and.h~sbc.~n':tor mo~e~ t~~ \wo~)~ea~8,:lastjlall:t"~'~'\b.~ de;onent, ina~e"8 this ~ff1d,av1t" , .. well'bown . tOde>>o:i1ent~'.' . . - .". C . . .~' , , .~. onaooount"ot ,heX'absetioe 'and' beoause t~e faots. ~a~o~e itatei~ are eql1alg .... .. :':.! . ~,~,_...":~~'. - ~- . <0. ' -- .', . . .~H6kk 1 ~O'B~lEi' '..:" d~:., ;~~. . ... ~U~80r1.be~!,jma; awo~ to .before . , ,~' . ~ ~ :=. ?8th d~,)' ot i~'~o~; 1~~5. ' ~. .'. , r 'Bernard M. ~iu1du8lq ~ lIotar)' ~bl1o, J>.LC. , ~ , ~:. . "" - .. -. .;. . .,' . '. . - -, :~~~~'~'~~';''''9. ...., '.~ >J'1~0~ 1U'4. ,'. . >. .. 21.'d", n~. .;.pr11' ....~~..;~.. 192,6, , ," ~, P. ~O ~ ~ Eldred .(C~erk '0 f . C1 rOll 1 tcoili-t) ~ ~ .-' . ~ ...#' ":':B~'f2~~7}1t.~tjfl~-" 'D..~.: . '. " , . ..... . . ,~ . " "; ~ , , . ~ . .'.-.. . . .. .' 'it .'~ ".... '. . .' .. lIE. .,' .,':. . . . ',. * Ill" .... ... . ........" .. ~*. * '. .. ._ * · .... .'. -.. · . '. · · · '. ., ,. . .' ..' .0-. ~. '. '.' . . it ',.... . " ...... . '.~" _. '. ..... . . .~*~. '" . . .- . wJduWiT-Y- -,'-;DXED -,.: _.'~.'-- .p" .. t_' . ~ J; .J. pJJjj, l<ROEGEL .. Ii.. E. l<RGEQEL> . ~o.. .m, :-S",C>OPPI~.S ".JEI.I1!IEMJ.RICK CO.fIll" :ra,IS 1fil,.>uwiTY DeED' OlCOIWSYJJWE, Exeoutedth1s 26thda;y otFeb,"n, the yeer o1':our Lord~ ' '; .., ",. .' '. ',.- one tho~~~:n~ ,hUJ1~rO'cJ.'and. Twenti~f1ve, BY 'l.HDBETtr~H 'Paul ,Kl'oegel~d. tia S. Kroegel' (A~8 ,,~... ...., ~. _.. ,.". - :', - - .., - ._' ..' ..:', ..' I.. wife of, the firat. poo:t, P-:f.ld 'Iv~~sa C,~PP1~'s and. Jerinif}Larloe COPP1N'g ~h1B w1fe) of the.se'oonc1 .~ pa-rt . : . '-~" '->. ~ . I , WITlfESSF.TR, .That ,the said par~les of the ~1 tat part. 1"Qr and'i:r{'c6lns1deratldn ofth~ ~mot, - " "; '... ,.,. - " O~e ,and ;otl}~;VW11a~' ~on8:1del'f).t10nS,,~01i.a~, 'lawfu,l:mo~,~YOftheU~1ted St8. tea' ~f ~\lD~1'10~ " 'to,' them 1n 'hand pa1d, by, t~a' said part~~s of the ~eoo~d 'part ~ ~t o~ 'b~fore theen8~u ling and, de live # , , ,~ , , . ~ I . ~~. ',~ ' " ' . _' .... u '. u --- -'F. ~", , ,~ of theaepresents, the reoeipt whereof ie,hereby aoknowledged, br 1;hese 'p~8ents.does/glve" gra.nt, " . I , : ' , I '-",", -. 4. . ': bargain,lte11,i.l1en, ep,teoff, r8ll1ie, "I1tlea:se '. oonv8)' and oontirmuhto the sdd parties of 'th~, !>', ,."'. __ '.' ' _, __ .- .. t. seoond part, 'Wl~ t~eir. heit-s! thatce1[ta1n property 1~,ihe co~nTY OfrStO; Luo1e ,anq State ot' F1l0r1~,a de~~r,lbed: alii follow.: . - ',~ u' '<,'/ ' , ;' ; ',: J" Ii '.' I' .' If ',.'~ '~1JeglnnIng ;on the S. line of , ',' Eo. ~t;'i) I ~Thirtl-.f.De s. Tbln~e Borth : I ~~ I f. ~' Tp. ,(~l) ~~\~r~ , o~, w. ,idl!' 9f.l. : , I ~ Governme~~1 ~t 't-J ~o, Seo. ~8) 'J!:ight ~ '. - I ~ ,( 20~~ 'Two hundred and B1ne I fe~t '>:1 '> 't '1 ,~ 1- i; l , . .' '.1',..,.:. -- .: , " ~ i ,'. .- -j .- '," i : ~! ~., .,1 I . ~ ., ,.- '" " -i , ~ ! i . ; .." . ,. '1 ,'I I J ,~ J I I I I 'i I,