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" .: '.' aOUlTY Op~ lIBW yoRi:: ~....:..- - "',.-'- ., ...; -' ',' ,.. . .,.~ ~ 'I~ HBRBBT C~.TIPY, ~, on tb~. 14th, c1a:VOt' .lprll A~D.1925.'~efor~ ,"II.pr~on81l18ppeaJ'.4, ' . '. '.,' . .~. _ otf '. " ~ . , '" ,_' ;ft. ._ . . , ' . _.. " . . :il..,' " ". .',' ii . aer'rule Hal'rl. Har4er, to me, known ~obe one ot the per80~' ,de80r1be~ ,1p an4 who;e~"ouhcl the' _,' .' !; to':'~801J1S0~n~.;vuo.~ 'o~, C.'lI..BOb1na~n a~la'.....r;d17' aO~~~ecl8~at~., ~~;otitlo~thU.~fto" ~'i: '. ..~,!rtw.~aot anctc1.~4 t 'or-the ~-,-e_~~,.~4 ~_purp'O...',th~r~l~Il'~Uonec1; '~c1' ~hel.14Ge~tri~'~8n1. '. ,1 : ", . ' '.':" '. '>, - .. . '. . -.' < ,', Rar4.rth." wlt~ot t~e ea1:4 'Lewla ~.Har4.>I" on.7' a"j8~.pa:rate 8ncf'pz:1~at." .~.mlna1l10n, 'taken ana IQO. ') "', ~ ':.' .-'. . . '. - "'" ~ , . - " , ' . ". " : ',"'anI "betor.m., -.nc1.eparahllair4 apar" tromlier llla14 hU8'ban4~ alaaomowleue 'thaialwmac1e ~. "".... . ~'. . . " . ;"'. .,', . ... . . - '.';' . ..... . - ',.' . .... '., . . ~ . . .' 118r"lf a party, t~ 'the'~~~4 D..4 ot Oonv.7~Jiol tqr th'P~08.otr.n~un~1Jl~, ',r,~1~.D:qUlehln8~4 '. .iOOIl"f,,1rig' ~l h,r J'~ght,; J;lt1. mei lnter..';whether ot401f.u"or ot ..parateprop'ertJ'. .ta~.oi'7 ..j _' ,_ .:- ~ , ,,:_,; ,__n___., _" "_ _'._ .<_. . '..> _ , _ ," .. ~~_-,-_~_~___' . _~:. ',.. , ".;or.~u~hb18,1n ~~'to t~e~ 'lan~.' thtr.ln' 4e8~~b.4.an4 ~ha"lh. _execuha 'tbe :.a14c11,4 beel,. < ,'". . _ . '. - . j: j'. . - . "'. -', .. '. .' '- "., . ' -.', .' " . - .' ~, .' ~. . . .' -.', ~ . -. ," . . ana ,,01untaii.17.. 'anll,wtthout; a~ciQ!1dr.1J,1t" tear, , apprehC810!1' or- oO~1I1.10il ot OJ' from her' . _~ ~ ~ J i l .' 'I '.\ i: . l :.' ~ . ~ r :. . i : " .a14 husband.' ---- ').. . . 'r ~I~S8 my ~l~t~" ~4, otfio1al . ..al at ..w'York 1n of.... York the ..7, and. 7.arla.' afOI'8.a14. .. , .~ . 4 ~. r. .t'. ,,' n- ~ '" ~~ . i,' . . tJi. Oount7'ot :1.. york an,O 8te~' , . . . . . 'Of . ' ~ H ;1 g ~ tl \1 ff ~ I t I ~ :- . ~'I ' ~ ,", ~'.i" . ~ w. .' ~, '." t ."... ' ,-. Fi" .,B.P. S'a1~ .lu.Un' J,' Olar.. ~ S.al) , ' 10ta1'7 '~bl1o .117 COIIID1e.lon .xpIre. Karoh3p, ~926. j ".' ,ST.l'lJl O. ft,ORID.l COUlTY G'PALK BEACH. . I "( ~ I ~ CIa!,ln, tJ;aat on th.lI,11th'" ~t,Ap~l1 A~D. 1925, .befor. m. perlODa1:1.7 app.arecS I 'L~1r1.,. Han.r, to,lI'e w,l1 kI10~"and'knOWJl,to~e tob:?:h:tp..lon'- 4~~Or1b'clln ana whoexeo~te4,1 I .' . I I - ',,:: . - . . if I ~ -. ,. ' '-j _ ' . ~ : . ..', f ~. 'for.go1ns oon....,U1O. to 0.1. Robinlon, aJ;la "o~ wll4S.a ~h. ex,ouUoJ)' ther.ot to', b. hi. 'tr..' . .' 1 " . . '.\ ,.','.. " ..' I, __ ,.' '. 1, ' I _~', '., _ '. . , .{ L ,.. , I ~o~ an~ 4",4 tor,th":U"lan4,~~"1 the:r..In ,..nUo'De'. i" I . '. <I . ~- i.-, WIftBSS ~ 8lpaturJ and ottloial ...1 at W..t P~ "'ob, ~. t),1~ CoUn', ot 'palm Beaoh,.. . ~':-"'I"'" ,,' ....... I . : r . I . ~ . . r ':~-Oi;{~-f;;;...~._.~- ~~ _~_ ,..--_k1. , ,,--::_...:::~ .~~c::;,,-".;.:t;.. J . 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