HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0168 .;: I . ~ .~.. ',-' :;", ,)" . Ii' " ' " ,;: " , I ,. . ,.; ',":':' 'f '. .', ".1,57' , ,,'I . ______,~' . i '., , ',' " , " ',"'_,,','.:. :," "'~"---''''':-''~-'' --.~~~~.." ',~' ';...',' \~l' .. ' f .. . K;'T"-~{:.~~F":;::~-.~,,~~~~;b~~~::'~'~-:':_"';;;<i~~~:;~;~,:;;~;~:,-,:,,~:,;~,:::;~.:';' , ~"::""~:';C~::~~7.~::~:;;:~;~;;' , , Lot lJumbere4 Sn.n ot 'Bloot',' Bu.mberd ~e. of. Port' Plero'. 'Beaoh " '.' ,. " .. , , . 'i. . ~.. . ~ ,,-I -', ,.~,' .' _ .' '. -.,j , . .... ~ I ". I. .. ..' '.. - , '. '. I .: 1 .. ,,' J SuU"l'alon', .. the .u', 18. .hJOwD.'"m'ar~.c1 ana, .4e81S~t.~ on a (pla":.' , , , "...,~ ~~I...t4-".ltb41.i.l0n 'r"~ora.~in',P'1a'~~6ok '.0. ho~.,at: Pase .i~'.:~i1,< ' , .' " " .' . ?" . .,' ,', " ,.'...... , , .. the 'offlo" " of th. Olerk,' 0'1 the ,'lroulit Court' ,1Ji ana for..lt ~ L.uole .'.. ." ", : ' , .. . I _ \ 1 \ . 1 . I, V \' ~:I' ,CoUnt1.,.~0i',l.cS&~, ...': '\' ; ::', ".., , ", . - - \. ..~~ -. t . ---o-------,-c- .~, ., ,-. 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' . 7 '. .. . .._. ." .. , . " . . . ".ur..',.a14,..o~,t to. b.,. .01;Ua;L17:.~~~,e.4 ~Il,th.~OJ;l..tnoUOll 'a,n,cl .r.~t1onOr.8u:ObbuilcUn8. . , . ..... '. . ,.' . ~.\. ", -.. '.~ .~-, ..... ". '. . .....,.~, '.~- .: and, not tor teee In, ~olin.ot1on' th.r'.Uh, or 1.n the OOn8tI'UOUOD' of'~1 out-1IUlldljlS' th.ft.... ' '.. '.,. " ." , ,'., .' , , ...,' " ,', ': - . '., ". ,', . '" . , ' ' .' ,," ": . . '2~' ~'one "one-fam'1l7 r..n.n'oe,.ana on.prl"at.garase:bu11d.1liS 'hfall,b~ '1"010'84 on' .. .. . J '. " '. . , .....' '.' " '. \. . ..'. '. ,.' .'s.:,....o",' , ..' .' ",' ,';: -~n. r.81d.~()'.: io,t. '...oth.lng . her'lii bO.i"81'.. .uall,pi'ohl,b1t'; ~b.' . Qoii'e'truouon: '01' '.r'O~l'o:it. of', . - '",. . ',". ... .' '.... :".' . ...... . t. ~': . . ," . ~. '., c .-, .'..... ,.:.,..:.". .' "".' 0:. '~'.,..",. . ..', ',':. ,.' . .' e"rvant'8 quarters in oonn.oUon 1rUh, the saras.' on 8a",.d' lot., " ", , . ....'. , ' , " ',1'" ..' '~.'.o ,h~~80~: t'~POl'uTbulldlnS':'~1l b,.teqt'.a upon, '8810 ,prop'.rty.it~ou~ th.oons.nt. '. ~'s' " .' .... '.. ., . -.:,'" ".,".: .,-'. -~' ':. " . -','. . - -=.' '.--'." ,'-'. .., ".-" ': (;.. '.'- '-. ~:t.~h..~~~Ol'her.ln.':':. ". ,.,".., .~::' ',. ,',.: ,'.' ',. ' ,.,',.. '.',:....0 hOllse, ,8t1'U~~..' ~1"'bulld1ns,to '~'ue'4 .. a,bueinesB' roo.. .tores, hOus'.,,'~~u-. ~aot~lns ~ ..if~bl18hhleD.t~-...()hln.,.'~opo.rto~.:ant,ot!t.r:bu..iJ}.81 'o~, ~'omm.i'o1;il-, PU1'p,08~,~~t~ : ' '..:~o.~i~r'.'.l~~iudlzis&partm~~t ho~~.~t.O~~l,ll. . Or4(hlb1...~~..~d.. hOUts. ~~t'l~. :8ariit.~1..' " , ..', ,.' ".' "," . .,'... " , . ..,.,. .~;. ,'.':' ..., , . ' ,'" ...~~ ,or, Q~1U',oh~... eha~l be ~Q,on,.truotea'..re~t.~ ' o~ -p18~~,a, 'op ey. o~. ~h. ,101;'. 81tUa~'1~ ~look. , g 'Thi'...(3) 8~".n (7r'E-1sht (8)'.me"en'(11)Twel";.C12') Tbli't'tn (13tr.catri"."(lU"'81Xte.n" . J '. ',':' ,..'..,' ',' ..'. : '.: ,', ,. .,...' ': , ' ' ". . " ' ~, .'.....- I'; . (16) .In.~.n .(19) h.nt., "hree (23) ~.n'T 'foUl" (~4) or ~ent~ f1:T.' (26); ~or. ~11 al11 . .... . '. . , . . . ,'. . , "0 . .~" . ,.' . . . .' .' ,.. . . . . . . ' . . '81;orag. hous.. JlIal1u:t.otur-lll~ta-bH8hm'Dt. ,: 001ilDl8rola1 saraSt. o~ lIl8oh1DI shop~.':be oon8truo,te4 ." " .....:' '. ' . ",:,,', '. ..'. :..,.' ", '. , ,"<" .' . .', '..... ".,,' " .,.',.' ,:" ; ,reot.c1;or pl.o'ocf~n. 'aJ17 'Of t~'),O,~1 e1tuat. .~"1~ BlO?k...~: RO" .~,ll,anY'bue1D'.S,~l'oo~er-. .. . .. , .: ,,,,' '. ',. .' _ r., . . ~.' :. . '_. ~ " olal.Dhl"pI'18. ~ah".rt .1noludlDS apartDl.Iit,h()UB", t.o-famJ1l o;r'double".n~iZl,nhl:10U8'.'- .. , '. ,'0 '.' , " ,', ':, , " , " " .' , . . ....' , . ',' . . : , ," ..' . hot.l., ,.an1tarlU118.-or l,ohUroh~.. ... op.rahd" or m8~lJ.taineat~"l'Io.Il;' nO,r '~hali '~8t'I',uotUf'" . :' ,~, ,... '..' ." . " '. .'. '.' " '. " " " ' ,,';, ..' ...., .:' ;, t...,.:-" ~~. ~.reo'~.', or oth.r pr=ods~,onDl8d",thereo.n' ,!or.th. oar.' ot. 'hore.." oo.',a.ttle';,; hogs of. ' ,', '-" ,.' , ,'. .. ". . " .... " .. . ' . ...' .'" .' ;' , pow tZ'J'=, nOI".shall .I1i,~0~8,...,oo.~.0.ttl., hog,. or. "~'~~ t,rl.b.kept, or ,r.1eedtli.~e~D.. '.. . .. " .6~ ,!I().h9u...., et~otur..' .,~r :bulld1~: tbb.~.4..~ a publi.orooli, ,.tor.~hw8~'; 'manu:t.ot.~~: .." " . . .' " lJ1"8t8b11e~eJ1t.m.a~h1ne 'ebop,publlo ~a2:'as.,'; ,publ~o.8a.: .et.tlon.,..orfor any 'other .oomm.r~1..1','":-' ' .' .'. '. ",.. . .,. , . .' . ..:->" " purp~e. wh.'....r.shallb. oonatruot.O,.eroohcl." or 'pl.ao.4,on'. 8J11' :J;ot efiuatea1n' aDl .blook :. ,. . '.' '." , ", " ..'. '.".> ,. ','... ..,'. , ,'. ',"" . . exo'P1olnS'BlOcke~. (ll'~(.) ~.,enh_ c.-l~~T1r.nt;l.o~e ('s;) ~C~l t,ro '(2&)' . .: ' , ,', .1, , . , :6. lfo:bU1141nS .hall' b. oonstruoh4 or.r.oted On alll of the. lotshei.by ,oonvey,'d. 'eo .tha' . : '" ';'. . . ..... '4 .~ ." .' , ", ,~ " . '. .', ", . , ..." '..,.,',.. .' '; the :tl"0~t8S' .01" allJ' ,part of .aid building shall ~. 01 0 ser' than t..nt1- fe"~ t'o the fron.tlln.'~ . , I " , . ,",' . . >' .' < ' I of ,th., lot or lote upon. .lWbioh. aa,1db1111d1ng usl1 l;le er.oha, or ol()aer .'than.fh. fe.tt-o: the ,.,. ~ . ... ; "_ - - .' .' _ '. - .; . -.. " ..' ...' .f.. -. . ~ . . "_ . ",.,---,----...-.Ilcle un~. of Gl10t..' ~,f, a~sarag. .1!t er.o~.a ~O~,8.U 10,1; .~~ mU8t,belo.~.t~ on ~'iie, r.ar.~f' the ~~t. ADa Dot lUethan, ~h',f..~ d1e~a~ttrom, the ~.ar."ri4 '.U'Unn . thereof. Th1e olau.. i ' ' - . . . - . '. I. _f. t.,. _ .. ':. '. )l- _ ' ehall IJ.qt. h()~.nr.prohibUth. er'OUon,Of',ar..U.no.o-r prhate S,a:ras.. upon one lot ,~4, , , . ' . . I " I. " · part of'aD~h,r or upop 10.0 O. more 10t.S pro,,1a.. .~la relld'Do. o~ salaSt'8hall not b., I ., .' ' '. ' . ' , . . .r,ol.a ololer. t~, f1".' ,1.'1; to ~~h'I"1d. 11n.Of.t.,ipropartY,'a. _,.hOI.. r ",' , - . ,'I.. T,h. r..i ..tate h'~1n oon".'1d II <shall ~ote a;:an1 u.. b. r.~~ub41'Yld1d. bujtt.h18 r.~ " !~ .trlotil~n' aha 11 Slot ~l'n'D1;th. '.srant'..,t~~1T' .~\out'ora.:".dm1n1e~rator.. ;.s'llrfpr.a~t;at~"~~ /., \ b.eire, .lloo....ora or '.~.1~~; ,:ttom;.()OIl".1~san1 ~rt , o~ tbe 'a1,41'~al 'i..tate! h~'.~~ 0 on~ l' . "".tto the ,om.r lor own.r.a~~01n1ns the 1"'11 '",tat. he~.~ OO~""'c1~' ," " ' ," S: ' Tbo .0Dm~o'D~. roo,t~lr\~ODO~~ .11111\,,~10"0 of \1110 trn.-t.....OD\ ~ll Dot be 00ll0\....04 ~o r '11.110 the .. ~t...! th,l,x.Outor', a~1~~at~~or., l'eal. r.pr.~eDtit1"ee. , ; '! ' '. 'I ',,, "",.""L.., ';;,"h ,;" J j i l- I. ':. (.}ll; ~ t. .1Wl' . . '!. ) \.'f" r_........'";. "-:Y - .', .: . I 'eo '.l' '.. ~ I . l. '1 , i, ,~ I. . ...', . 1: " j\ , ... " ~ '. \ " "'. I'" . I ':' ~.: J ,,"", ,,' l, ~'" , ; ~ . '~. " \': f " ,'. \ -\- ' \, --"-' , ' " " '.. .,'\ ' :\," -,,'. .~ ..' " ~ '. -':-,. ,.. ' ,I ' , \ 'I' ," , . , .,. .' r." ."J. 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