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COUBR 0' SCO!:!.; .t ",' (. ': . . . ~ , , .;. "", , .. " , .' I immirt ,cil:Run.thilt on thl'B ~lpjr.o~all:t ;app..re'4"b,etore .', '~'dottlo~r4ul~.ut~or'l.~4', .'.to adJDln18ter. oatu' u,4"tatt'60mo1flecl$menh, . Cha,rl.. ~Q.~. '( 8iJi81.) \om. w.ll'kAon 'ancl '-.' '. . ..... _ ~. '. :: ? ' _ '. "_. . " ~:': :. , ....11_. .~. ,., . .."",' -.. '_ 'f:'> . .... '. ". <, '.' , m01m; to Dl..tO ,b,.tb. l.n4h~4ua~ cl.eorlbe4in,-aJicl' ~ho'~'o\lhd' t~.,tore8o,in8~~4j. :andh. ' ,. -" - '.. .-.. aOkn,Owl~dst4'betor. me t.J:1a' he.xeollt84th" .~. ,tre.l:r aJi4~olunt.r1l1'an~l'tor. the- p~oBe,8 1" . ; l ~ . .j " 'i 1, :'} , ~n ex:,r...". . . '~. ,'.. '. " .," , '. . '-.,. .- , WITlfBSS ~. ~ncl.n4ot~.1C)1.1....a1' a:t DaYtUpor,t,: ,couiltt btsoot.'t,' ,liliel Stilt. ot ~. ..,.. . ," .' .' . .- . ~ ,. '. .' . '\ .. ..,',. ' ~ . '. ") . , 'I th1e,.,uh 4"7 of April,' 'A.D. 1926. ' . '.. . WII~ O.W1eok, " . . . " Jot.r7 Publlo.:l~ancl tor. Sqot~'Oountl," low.. ,'. .. i '1f1 ,Co.lanon. .xpire. .r~7 4th., 19~'~.,' .~. . ". ..;.'.;'t ..: 1~wa, '-, J.P. 8eal';' :". ' ., ~. :, ;. ..' -....... .' ..'. '-."-, . .. .' ',' -', " . .' ',f.,' . 'lle4,aml :t;'001.'4e4.,'h1.:'*h.~.23r.;'~'4a7~-0't'-AP1".:.Ut"A.D:.'--1926-.:--.t ,..2Z,A-.l!i""r _;u~.,.::--.,,: '/ . " ~, '. . J ./ . . i .' , ..' ~ cLC't. \Ct. Seal., , , ',~ .. ]- 'P.C. JIl~r.jt' Olerk~"lr~U1'7f~":' '.>~,~",'. :, By \ )~L/;~~;;;l_~' ('/tz, /~f:,:,~;;-,{-(;tz,{{-.~, ,D~~ . .,'/ r (1/, . . ': ~ Ii t .~t ;10 ;J' ;, . :J ? l' .:"I.., :', :~.. .~, .. . j . .. · · · .". ., · ..<<.. · .",;.'. · "... · · · " "... · · · "., ",.. '. .,..' " · .'.' .. · .. · :. ,., , . . -. . . ',I . . . . . .. '. . . . . ;. . . .. . . . . . .. '. ,.' ... ~ ...... .. -. .' '..~ ,., .... . . I. ,j c.; E.' CARPW, ET AI;. I." No ..:.!.ro. ;. /.' ,ImS. ,c. B.XlfIGHf/ " W.l.'UUBTYDUD. . ',.f ., r {I' 'f {~ .f!., , - - ". f '. - ". ,., . I . - . _ . . . .. . , THIS D_~E,-),taclt thl., 23, dal ot JUl7 A.]).'1923,D'rWBII: C.B. Cahow, .n4 Lillian, S. Caho. an4 A.B. CJ11tohlt:r and In. 'Ci'itohlt,., ot the COUIlt:rOf 'St'. Luoi.,andSt.t,. ~tn~ru., p~r'U:..' ',( .., - . " '. I. '_"-",'.' ':., , __-----;------'--:~_.____~._ ot,the,t1r,t part, and Jlr..-C.B'-,Knight ~t tht'CO\mt7 Of!8'~ Lu~h an4 stat.' of ,n9ri4a,p.r~7 r J ., I ", '. -, I . _' , ./ ",ot tha ..00.. ~~', .'\ ,,' '. l.. -.:/ , ., '" . , WIftISSlfH" that th....i4 parU.. of-the .tir.', part, tor an4 ~noOn.14ft'.Uon o~ the II1UI '.r' i .'. . . '." . ' _ ' . . i. ;.' _._' " {, i' t . I. ; _ ~'. , ot '.n:pouar. an4 ot~.r' oon.14.8tt1on.t~ :th_ 1Jlhanp pall, the reoeipt whertot 1. har'~7 .' : it ,.". , " '/. ',. " ,.' . "'" ao~e48e4, ha"t81'anh4. bers.inea, ,8014 .ncl tran.terrlta,ancl! b:r tht.. pre..nte do gr.Il' , ". 1- -' -.._ . _ . - I '..:' "f .- ._'. .[. . barpln. ..11, .na tru.tU'~to U....u ])&...107 of''h. ..noise" , , , ~orn.. .~i. 'ut ~tl'k1n -p.,ro'l ot 1.q,' 17108 ~. be1JiS 1. ',"" ,Coun~i}t _~,': !:~1lO.1e .~..: '~-te,' J ._ ,~- -,," -~_. '.: J .';_ -_'~. ~ , . -..:.1 t . _ '_. j i-t . i. ,: ;, I 1/ "j'" - . ;' t~- I . ~ . . ". '"