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'.> ., . - . , -.' _,: ;; ~ 0'. :' _'.. .~ '.", .;", I, ", "" "WI'llfRSS,.~, ~n4 and, otfiol'a} ~"l .''',.ro. 'QCUD11;j--ot, st.L~~l~.ri~,stah .otP10rl"~. _' " ':,', ' .' , .... ' . i :~:,4aY ',o~ 'AP~~~.,' A.~, 192~.h', ' ,,'. " ,T , 'II \ , , ,j" ,\ : \ 't . '. . ." .' ,.' " '..llh If. Babb',. ':,' ..,. . ... ...' lIotaJ'y~u'bl,1o ,State.ot 1flor148 at 'Lars" , . ~~ . J4'.,C.~IDII1e"10n8XJ?1~'8 l(8y9., 19~e. '., ...,' " .' 0 ~.J'. ~, . . ,,",'~... . . .. ,td.4: 'thle,')l1e2f?thc1a.' cit'ApI'11.' 'A.D~i926,. '.\ ..21' P.lf~". " ."'~ :'. ~., ',":' ..,' .',,' ..., ',\'.' , ,'... '. '. (~.. " P"C..Bl.dJ'.d, 'C1erll:_ 'C'li-o,un ,co~t.'.,-,'." " ~, ' . , , '.l,.,1~~~~,{/<7pnd~'Yfft"<t>>;-c"'-;, '-, ' , ; .'... '''; . ..'. . . :. ... ..... ..'....'. .. .:..;........~ ..'.. *- .. . .'......~: 4t-' ....... .. e. ':' ~,.. -.0,. !t.e,.... . _ ~\.~~_.. .._ _.e.:_... ....:.... .....-..... .:. ,.,'. .:....~. e.' !I.P.'Seal. , I. . . ~~._'~c~:- ~e~~d' " ~. i . , ,DA~UllL MAY ,A'1'fORN,BY Ill. P4Cf~. .. ',~O'~" .. . 'I ',. - ': ' W.lRlUNTY, .DUD.' . , . im'is 'IW1>IBf~, Kaa. $gfs 18th ,4aY OiAprl1~.~.1.9'~6, li.~..n ,C~rlotte '~cSa Jh~'d.., ('8011'- .~ :~,t~.e~ ~O~~IA4. ,C~ ,1>8'~~.;') j~ine4.,bf~~i- l1uBban4.: '3ohD "..~n'1~,,~t. the Count'J,Qt '~1i., ~~oh, . ", . " . . " . " <. . ,-- .' -' "" ." "'" "," ",-.,' '. '..Stat, ot71.orida; ;)(81'7 ,Cath~r1n. n.~Wf,' (80Iiu,U.~..kn01r.n~8 .x.t...~o.),' jotne4by, h~r'hu8ban4O: " .' ".' , " '. ' '. '.' . . ,". ,'. , ,t'jl . ,.;, . ,', < 'X.rUn L~th.rno., .ot th.Count, ,ot Un1on,'State ot llorthcaroU~J'B~a)(81 W111hart, 30.11i~4 ~. .: "~,".': _'. '. ~--~~ ~ . . .", ' > i . _ _' ':" ,._' "" ". ".:~' ,", _'., '. ," ':, 1.. , .', : ~ .' : -'.',' ., ,'by'her hU8bana,J... ,:rranltl1n ,1J1'8hart.otth'C012llty Qt.Bui1oolllb.. S~at. otBorth C8r,oUna;- '," _.,",.:, ~. . -,' '~'.' ",r~ ,- < _, ~ ", ,,:," . _~' ,':- ,_,.-- .~, ~ .' . ",_ . c, ",' " . C~rl~e')(., 'BUn. _.ria KaUe C. 'Burn8, "hl,a .wit.; otthe COUllt,:ot Robe.on.St.t. ,ift.:qr'th Cato- ., .-" ,.' ":." '. ' .' . " .',? , .,' " '. ,-- , ," .... ',' '.".. . L' . '. ! .' . 111la: B~. L~ B~.; ana w'1,:t.~ ~i.aJan. BlJI'n..,;~r-fb.' .COUllt7 otN,olle80D, s,t.t.",ot.}lOr1;h . - ,:.-, _:_~....__._~__:"',~'.:r.Q,Ui1$t ios.ph.L~,,-__K.8i':,t" .nA~,_ '~1e ROr. Ka,,:hl.,.1~'~ ~ot_,-,..tl1' -Count1:0f Newb.rr,.- siate-,.'..,:. , : . . "', ' " : ',"' '. ~ '..' - .. ~, " .. . ~ ,. _ ." _ ," '. .: .. _ ,"",' ... " '." _ _;, r . " ~ ! ,ot Sout-h. Carolina;, Daniel' ~y.~.dCorrh,.D~.a1r11er Jlli7. his, .1f..ot,t~e Couiltyo-fKa41sOJ1.St.te' ! . .' -, . .' .'~. . , . " , :. .' ' .' . ." '., ,. .' ',~ ' > - , -," ", ot Georsla: ana Charl.'. 'e~l.1' lla1;' (80metim.. known 88 Charlie Jt61. 'Wuurrh'4, otihe COUJ1t, . '. .' '.' ". , " ", ' , '. ,"'f ., <.':. ' ..". ... '. ,'.' , .' . .' . ot~~.~'D.orth~ Stat~lit ;Xon~8," :bl Daniel Ilq, ithe1r.t!-Oni.y~n't.ot<~p.rt,1.,~ ot. the, tint 'p~" ,~a, inth~i17G~ B~a~,. and 3.1. B:nne~,' p.rth~ ~tth+.oo;"a p.~~." : . . .' .' , , WI5SS'9!H. tUtth. ~1'd par,Ue. ~t: the 'tir.t P&1'1;,'tor, ~41~ ooxuilder.'Uon o.t the".U11 , .ot 'hn DOll~rj.na 'oth.r 'Valuabl. ooneUeraUons" to 1;l1em 1n _:n4 p.iel, the r.oe~pt .het.ot'. -, ",- . .. '," . . ',. .' (,.' , . --, 1i hereb,.oiDowleOSe4 hne 8rant.~ ~..1n... so14 anO '...n.terr.'. and by th...' Jr....n'. do.: , ".' ,.," ;J '... . ,.". " grant, 'i~~ln, i.ll,' an.a transfer, untoth,sa'14 parth.. otl theee,oondp.rt an4 their h.ire . ri.,:', ,.,.. -- .', " '" , . ana ..a)f!;'~;"lor~~~.'~,'~.l, t~t 'oert.a111 'paro'1.~~an4 1,1ng 81'14 ~'1':l$, .,.~, the Oounty ot St.' . " Luoh an. Stat. ot '1'01'14&,. mor., p..t1oularly/auorlbe4 a.. tollo..: . I ~ . :'. " ;' . I . 't ' . " . I, . :t " , , \ . J , !, '.' .-: . .', . i . 1 I i .' , , AN!BOri G. ,IVAII is,: .~, .1. ~. . ..- , f, ..-it . . I. LO'lS n1_teen (19), ~a ~-t1 (20) ot Bl~ok' "L" ot,'" an4 Ka7'8. ' - , ' , ~ ,,,',, , ' - - ' - - . - '__ _, __ . " , _" _" ' , - ,I __, ___ .,.. AU1 1;10111;0 the, Cltio?~"ort--Plero.,-no:r1d.~------'-', " " f I ',1 . ; ., .I,' I . I _ , r !oolfIJD with all the t.nMenie, h.redU..e~~. and .pp.'.ano..... .1 t."~'~7 'prh~1e8e, rish' ,\"",\ '" " ,. ~ . t '.