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",.Oh.rle.' .eel'111a7'" .' . (Seal) :, ,,' .~' Danhl Jlai' " ,,' \ .." {Beel) .' . ,,~el~..ftorne, 'Ihtao,,_ .. - " '-'hQOX.R. 'Stupa :cieno'1~e4.. : (~-::'I -:'( ,\ .' II' "':1';' ,~ , . I I \ '\ . \ : l' . . " $isne4,~'.1.t~,c1 . 4811nr.. in 'he pre~.~o'otl-.. '... )' : j"' ...' , !. ,.1', 8h..n.' , '. ,# , " ,"~',: . , . "P.lh '~dtor.~ ,.. ~ ,} . ,4. - ~ -. " " -.' ',' Ga~ :. . " "., 'e' ~. /- , . . ..; ," , ,~ , ,- .", .'! . 'I" I' J , " ,'cotlln or ~l)t$<m' C'. '. , . .." 'I'HEmsarCBR2IlPY"'lRlf':on,tli1e 4.;V per.~n.l~, .ppearet~betor..ean'ott1o.r :4uiy 8ltthod.e4. · " ,:,,' . .,..... '. . " .....: : '... . . " : . ," "..,. . .' " . ,..,' , .to.,.claln18ter o.1ihe .n'4 takt 'OQowl~t8llen1ie',"JIU1el.I(';v."., '.t~rJl.;v1Jit.o' ',torOh~lQ'te' A.~a.;", ., ';"y~~,'D4JO~'" D.'1~: h~h1i.~a;~.,. a"lae"iJl~ Jj~....jJlor'llI'f.utj,or~o". hUh' .'. , ' , , ~. )(a;v .~8hart"an!!Jame8' 'rank~.1D. ,.1ebar~ her hWl~il4, O~lt.Ja;V,BUrn., an4 J;.tie~.~.~ ',' "....,....' --':.' .,'. .'. ". . '. . . ,: .' hi..l~"..', Bqen. L",B\trn.an4 Bl1s'.1a~.'BuI:Ji,~'~' W1f~., ,JOe~phLe. Ka~,:.Ii~"ann~. 'H~~"Jlaj,. J1~a': ,_' wit.,:Dan1el'Ka1a'!14' OO~~1'l)..41irilt1" Ka;y' hie .1t.... aDO Ohar~.~....l.;v Jrat.umurr,tea,. tc.......u'. ,~' '." .. .". ,. .,' ........' . ", '".,' .-'..,.. '.", ,'. ,.,.,:.,.. kilo1lJl' t.O.' b. .th.' p,aaOJ[l d..or~b..O 1ne4 ~ho exeou.h4 1ihe to,re8~1J18 8oll'Y8;vano. '~q Anthonjo ,_.' ,~'aIIli . . . . .' '.' . , ~'. -:', . .. ". . d. " '-. anO I.W. .Brunm ant, aOkl1owleas.d'betor... th.~'h. '.x'OUtt4~ the s...--fr..ly -&114 yol'Ullt'l'11y tor ," , '. " , " ., , " .,.".', .'.. - , ' . . . ' . . . the Jlui"po.u~'h.re,1D:~i"'liMl4. ' c" . , ' '. '. . . ". wi"BSS ~. han4 .~4 otfio1a)., i.al a' .Oari;'oxi~Mac1180D' O~1i:t; .at.~.ot O'0J'8i..1ihi8 181ih ',< .', Ii" ' -' . _ . r .' , ., 4a;vot. 11. .1.92.6." ' ' L:' _11.' ~l ,: I.' .'. ' ~6;. " V' ~,' " ~ >', , ~. ~' (') , . ~ ',.0,' a"~Ordd ti~1e .'h.~31'a Y '. ~"Y --', ':: :J. . ot. Ct. S .1.- ::i . .', 'Eo ~ ' . '.. . ..... .. . . . .". . . . .. ..~. . . . . .. . -. . ... :.. . ~.-. .'~ .:. ~ . . ... . (:..t ~ .... ..' _. :',. . . . . . ." . . . .'..' . . ... . .. " . . . .. .'. . . . . .. . '.' . ~ .' .. . '. . .. _ . , . ~,-...,.. ~'.'" ".' ,. :" __, '~';'-'Jii' ','!'. ,,'Gltnll, .c,'.. ',- ''''__''',___'''U' --''''- --,. " ',Jo~ar;v 1'1lb~iOKad~~9D Co,. G.. . . ' ~ ~ ......-. -".-.- --.... '..' ,.; '.. . , 4.y. of Apdi, ..i.'D. 1926, at 11.61:~'.I(. P~-O. Bldr.c1, 91erk qirouU' Court'. ;}.-~. " .~. .', !;v. '-. ,.., " . .., ". '"...., Ii' o , ' ,',' ,'", ',' '.'~, - ',,;dt;[la,J , .' 4 . _ , . :"" ... , D.O,. ~ '. ; -. . "0". " I'RABOIS S. SBl.VIR. .t al.. TO " I .1LL!8 w. DABL8D()1( AlI:O'WI"~' . I .~ ~ ,. , 1URlUliI'1'Y ' ~. /, I' !BI8 .ARR.1Jf'lY ~ 0' OO.TBY.1lf~, ~eou"a 'hit. 'our1ih daJ' ot.ipril, ,1n th'. '''1' ot 0lU', . . , . Lol'~ ,on. tho~..na n~ne hui14re4 an4 'fwlllti;V ti~e BY ,U>>"BBftUI',1r.no'iIJS. -Se.nr, .nes' Olellllll., S." , . . . .. . , ( " .:. Roo1i ot ,~.t1":81i 'par,','nt Bl11. '.~ >>-~.1ir__a.~. JobatUl ~.bJ,.tro. ' o~ ,the ..00114 PIlf1i~ . '. . j _~ - - I '. ' _' "'. / ., _; .X'lJIssa!l that 'h~ 118UpG"U" ot th. tiret' par1i,. tor ~6',ln, oOJl.~4er.t1on otthe 8'WIl .!t . , . I '. . ~t;'eD >>01181'8 aDel othtl' ..lll$bi. OOQlcler'~0I18~llar. .l.~ '.011'7 ot .~:.h'~U'4 st.t.., . /'", , '. .. ~ " ----~----. " .~..