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Hill 8D4'.JoJ:Ul' LeR.07 Hu~oh1&9n' to m..~~li '-lm~~ z.~sp'eOt1~el~. ~"::r~8U~n~ I, , an4 J!I.onta.r7;ot .'t1'ol'in~o...I,IlPr.o~.m.n~ .Oorp'orat1,oniri(1knQ1Di. to me'tob. the' per.~. , . _, . . _ _ . _ _' ., . '~".. .. _ . _ o. ..... .' \. _ .~. _'. _;_ . . ',_ '.. ." . ~ '. . _ ~ho txeoute4.~he 1iUh1n.a$r'eem.nt. '~n4 ao);ilowl..4g.~'th'atth'7 .x..u~e~ the '.... 'es'theoft1o!trl .' " - ~ . . ~. ., ' ' '". ... . -., .' -. '. '.:.' '. \. .-',.., , '-.. . ~l ' . . ,~t'a14'O'Orpor~tlon.n4a..it8' .O~:81i4:4ee'" tor the.' pupos",1I 'th'.reln 'exPr'8".~. .' f fl' '; , ., . . . '.. ,'. .' , . ;to ;:,.AI'l'JIE,SS' IIlfhai:14' an4 -e..l':th1e 1=6t1), 481 otJanua1"J'1925~, ~' './' . ," 1 . ~" , ' ...1 '_--':'---'..11.11-1.:1(. . Babb.. -;",..:: ..,-' ,'. . . i- ~., . 1l0tar7Publ1o,State of .101'14. a~,targe.. ~:~~~.=u~~~.t H:k~-8eai;- ___, Mr' COIIJD1ee1:OJ1explr.. )(a1 9, 1928. r1 .' . , . . " '~" , ' , , , "," -. ~ . '."'/ ,. ',' ',' .' , ~'. '. i. l'ILBD AHD:~,~Ql'4ta th18 'h~i23rd4q otApr~l', A.i>.~926,at12.~2P.)l. .. - ":. -. . ~ ''-;$, .I. ,~tl." ot. Se.~. " '\./ , . l_', ~ ' . I >~'--'_/ (... : ." . .....:... ... .... 'j,.J..... .......... .'_.. ....... ._. ._........ .1.._-. - ~,,"- .... .'/it. ..I.It.. ."~:.." .,....4 '..., "',',' ,'..' ........ -/'.' r ".";_~1'",../. It . .' J~D. Thur-ston,;; ,W.B.~~.ton. " . , ,'Hieel), , '(Seal) ~ ,l '~'.". , !" ~ ". ~. , , ii, - ~.' 'Q.C,. Oo.~ . I. ~ ~ ~ ,. '1. . . '. .. :.. ~' "...',. .... _,_t.._..... " . , ! ,', ~ . e'l ~. I .';j. ..-. "" .' { '_ I .. 'f' / ,. . { '.. "- { , -i · 1-,