HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA 1-24-181`91/4MI-DADE DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC BOARD AND CODE ADNIINISTRATION DIVISION NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) Lawson Industries, Inc. 8501 NW 90 Street Medley, FL 33166 This NOA is being issued under the applicable rul documentation submitted has been reviewed and s be used in Miami Dade County and other areas wl This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration d (In Miamni-Dade County) and/ or the AI-IJ (in an product or material tested for quality assurance p manner, the mnanu.facturer will incur the expense suspend the use of such product or material w acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade C; meet the requirements of the applicable building c This product is approved as described herein, at including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. - DESCRIPTION: Clipped Extruded AIu.minum APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. LA, through 10 of 10, dated 04/27/10 and last revised Thomas J. Sotos, P.E., bearing the Miami -Da( Acceptance number and expiration date by the Mi MIS Q1J E 7hry ACT R STING: L urge a*ud Sw. Limitations: 1. See Non -reinforced mullion tributary width (W width (W) VS span and type in sheet 5. See mu 2. See clip anchors type selection in sheet 10 and 3. Lower design pressure of the mullion and/or g1 reviewed by .A)=IJ. LAI3ELI NG: Each unit shall bear a permanent following statement: "Miami -Dade Cotumty Prodw RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered change in the applicable building code negatively TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after 1 materials, use, and/ or manufacture of the product for sales, advertising or any other purposes shal section of this NOA shall be cause for termination ADVERTISE The NOA number precei expiration date may be displayed in advertising done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA sha shall be available for inspection at the job site at This NOA revises NOA No.17-0222.13 and col approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by I %Lk%k0a MIA.IyII-DARE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION (RE11) 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 Nvww.miamidade.aov/econovu and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The epted by Miami -Dade County RER -Product Control Section to e allowed by the Authority having Jurisdiction (AHJ). stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section other than. Miami -Dade County) reserve the right to have this poses: If this product or material fails to. perform in the accepted such testing and. the AHT may iminedi.ately revoke, modify, or in their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this ity Product Control Section that this product or material fails to has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, Mullion w/ and w.10 Steel Reinforcement — L.M.I. ML-1001 Rev D, titled "Aluminum Tube Mullions" sheets i i NOV 21, 2017, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by County Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice of mi-Dade County Product Control Section. Missile I;;Ip et Resis tal.t VS span and type in sheet 3. See reinforced mullion tributary ion types and properties in sheets 2 &: 4. istallation in sheets 6 thru 9. ping product may control for the entire assembly and to be abet with the nmanufacturer's name or logo, city, state, series, and It Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. fler a renewal application has been filed and there has been no mffecting the performance of this product. be expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, I automatically terminate this NOA.. Failure to comply with any and removal of NOA. :d by time words Miami -Dade County, Florida, anal followed by the terature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and e request of the Building Official, ists of this page I and evidence pages E-1, E-2 and E-3, as well as I. Chanda, P.E. NOA No. 17-1212.24 Expiration Date: May 30, 2018 Approval Date: February 01, 2018 Page 1 Lawson Industries, Inc. 1. Evidence submitted in previous files. A. DRAWINGS I. Manufacturer's die drawings and. (Submitted under NOA's No. 02-050.1.05 & 95- 121Z09) 2. Drawing No..LAW-.ML-1001, tined "Aluminum Tube Mullions", sheets 1 through 1.0 of 10, dated 04/27/10, with revision C dated 02/16/17, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P.E. B. TESTS 1. Tensile Test report on 0.10'' thicl Engineering & Testing, Inc., Tes ASTM E8, signed and sealed by (Submitted tinder NOA No. 024 2. 'lest report on: 1.) Un.lfo a SiatiC along with marked -up drawings with C4 x 4.5 steel channel reinfi Test Report No. HETI-02-1714, P.E.(S`ubnd ted tinder NOA No. 3. Test reports on: 1) Large Missile 2) Cyclic tiVinc along with marked --up drawings ; with C4 x 4.5 steel charuiel reinfi Test Report No. HETI-02471.6 P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 4. Test reports on: 1) Large Missile 2) Cyclic Wind I along with marked -up drawings prepared by Hurricane Enghieeri HETI 02-1718, dated 8/27/02, s: (Submmitted under NOA No. 024 5. Test report on: 1) Uniform Static along with marked -up drawings prepared by Hurricane Engineeri EIETI-02-1717, dated 08/27/02, n wall aluminum tube mullion, prepared by Hurricane Report No. Y3ETI-02-T071, dated 09/16/02, tested per afael E. Droz-Seda, P.E. I501.05) Air Pressure Test, L oading per FBC, T AS 202-94 aid installation diagram of 120" span aluminum tube mullions ircement, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., dated 08/27/02, signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Seda, 2-050.1.05) mpact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94, Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 �nd installation diagram of 120" span aluminum tube mullion )rcement, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., dated 8/27/02, signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Seda, 02-0501.05) Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94. 'ressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 and installation diagram of an aluminum sliding glass door, ag & Testing, Inc., Test Report No. fined and sealed by Rafael E. Droz Seda, P.E. 501.05) Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 and installation diagram of an aluminum sliding glass door, ig & 'Testing; hie., Test Report No. ,fined and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Seda, P.E. (Submitted tinder NOA No. 02-1501.05) 6. Test report on: 1) Uniform. Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 alolag vvith marked -up dra%`r'angs and 1P.atal1at10T1 di.agratax Of ^uXi, aill nilIlUTil silClliig glu"is door, prepared by Fenestration* Testing Laboratory, Inc:, Test Report No. FTL-1376, dated. 01/31/96, signed and sealed by Gilbert Diamond, P.E. (Submitted under NOA Alo. 95-1212 09) 7. Test report on: 1) Uniform Statiq Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of two aluminum horizontal sliding windows mulled at top with a 901" span mullion and a 45" high fixed window on top, prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No. F'P.L-1383, dated 02/13/96, signed and sealed by Gilbert Diamond, P.E.(S'ubmitted under NOA No. 95-1212) t Ish q I. Chanda, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.17-1212.24 Expiration Date: Wlay ^ 201.8 Approval Date: February 01, 2018 E-1 Lawson Industries, Inc. C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis, complying with FBC-2010, prepared by manufacturer, dated 05/17/10 afd updated on 01/25/12, prepared, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P.:E.(Submitted under.NOA No.12-0127.07) D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Ri E. MATERIAL CERTMCATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance, c 17, 2017, issued, signed and Seale 2. Statement letter -of no financial in Sotos, P.E.(Subinitted under NO., 3. Laboratory compliance letter for 171.7, HETI-02-1718, dated 8/ Hurricane Enghieering & Testing, (Submitted under IYOA No. 02-0: 4. Laboratory compliance letter for dated 02/13/96, both issued by : Gilbert Diamond, P.E.(Submitted 5. .Letter from manufacturer request test, dated 04/07/17, signed by Ne G. OTHERS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 14-01 Extruded Aluminum Tube lvlulli 11/06/14 and expiring on 05/30/1' 2. One year approval, subjected to si 2. A. New Evidence submitted. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. LAW -MI L-1001 I 10, dated 04/27/10 and last revi; sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P.E. Note: This revision consist of ec B. Test 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None and Economic Resources (RER). with the FBC 5111 Edition (2014), dated February L by Thomas J. Sotos, P.E. Brest, dated 05/20/12, issued, signed and sealed by Thomas J. . Nv.12--0127.07) Fest Reports No. HETI-02-1714, HETI-02-1716, HETI-02- 7/02 and HETI-024071, dated 09/16/02, all issued by Inc., signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Seda, P.E. 01.05) 'est Reports No. FTL-1376, dated 01/31/96, and. FT1-1383, Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., signed and sealed by rindei, NOfI. No. 02-0501.05) .ng a 1-year extension to allow time to perform verification son Erazo. 8.08, issued to Lawson Industries, Inc. for their Clipped t w/ and w/o Steel Reinforcement — L.M.I.", approved on verification test. D. titled "Aluminum. Tube Mullions" sheets 1 through 10 of on NOV 21, 2017, prepared by manufacturer, Signed and changes of FBC 17 W11 Edition) code compliance. 71 hhaq I. Chanda, P.P. Product Control Examiner NOA No.17-1212.24 Expiration Bate: May 30, 2018 Aianruval Date: February 0l, 2018 E-2 Lawson Industries, Inc. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami Dade Department of E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance to 11/17/17, prepared by the manufac 2. Letter from manufacturer requesth.. test, dated 04/07/17, signed by Nel 17-0222.13) and Economic Resources (RER). BC 2017 (6111 Edition) and "No financial interest" dated rer, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P.E. a 1-year extension to allow time to perform verification n Erazo, Senior Design Engineer (Submitted under fileff G. OTHER 1. This NOA. conditionally revises # 7-0222.13, expiring 05/330/18, subjected to successful verification test. Ishfiq 1. Chanda, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 17-.1212.24 Expiration Date: May 30, 2018 Approval Date: February 01, 2018 E-3 ANCHOR/CLIP GLAZING PRODUCT ANCHOR/CLIP -HORIZONTAL MULLION 3 VERTICAL VERTICAL MULLION MULLION GLAZING - GLAZING 'LAZING c PRODUCT PRODUCT I I PRODUCT, L-4k11I ! �(-ANCI-:OR/CLIP .- --- , W1 �r -`- __-W�._......--IT•-4YJ___ ,�-MULUUAI SPAN _-,•„� z GLAZING III GLAZING PRODUCT PRODUCT I GLAZING R PRODUCT r tI _.. II I, � G AZING PRODUCT .. .. ANCHOR/CLIPPRO Ij 1, (-I IOR�ZCNTAL cl.uc GLAZING GLAZING ` PFODUCT PRODUCT oz 3 VERTICALN MULLIONAtiCHOR/CLIP Jl wt f' W2 j MULLION SPAN wT + w2 WIDTH (w) = wi a- w2_ ' 2 Z 1_YFTICA!_ MULL!UN_./1fiRANGcM"iNTS THESE MULhIONS ARC, RATED FOR LARGL MISSILE IMPACT y ANb CAN EF. USEU Villlt ALL. LAWSON'S VIAND -DAD- x COUNTY APPROVEI: IMPACT AND NUN --IMPACT PRODUCTS. IIZONTAL MULLION m c - ACC GULAR A�IJ,Jt IIJUM 7URE MI; I.LI0N5 - y 1 USING MULLION PROPERTIES QN)Y ^� y lAU� V GENERAL NOTES: y 5 T n 1, THIS PRODUCT HAS SEEN RESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH THE m a M < ? REGuIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE (2014-51h Edition & 2017-611, LL yIry Edlfan) INCLUDING HIGH VdOOTY HIM CANE 20NE (HVHZ). o Sy 7. ALL GLAZING PRODUCTS USEU W;TH THESE MULUGHS MUST MF.Er 'DIE Z 2 O w APPUCAULE FLOPoOA Bt GO. CODE P,EOU:F)ACNT; L.:..G LOAD, WATER m Y A J p IN-r-LTRAPON, rORCED ENTA+ RESISIANCE. SAFECUAROS LIc. II }, M.ULOONS ARE APPROI[D FOR IMPACT AND NON-IMIACT APIUCAILONS, ZN I •L I INCLUDING' VANOOWS, DOORS OR COVOINATIONS MAY BE MULLED. Z j < 3w S. LOADS 1 BUCKS BY OTHERS, RIE. MUST ME ANCIIOfiL11 PROPERLY TO iRANSFF.R v p LDAUS 10 TIfE SiRUCilIftE. E O S. AHL•NOITB o BASE BE AS USIFD, SPACED AS SHOWN DR SERIES. ANOCCO. U! w EMBEDLTENT TO BASE LIATERW. SWLLI BE BEYO.W WALL DRESSING ON STU.^.CO. 6. ANCHORING OR LOI CONDITIONS NOT SHOWN IN THESE DETAILS I I A E NOT PART Of THIS APPROVA_. I` I 7 A LOAD DURAIIUN NCRIASE IN N I 011.-E STRESS IS DSEO IN DE56.N Or WOOD ANCNONS ONLY. (` R �! I l COME INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED lU ASTMRM E METAL SCREWS THAT CONE 1NT0 CURIAL.-1 x11/1 OTHER CISSIMiLAR MS1EdAL5 SlLttt MEET' J i THE RECUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA ULDa. r:00F. - SLCIION 2003.13.4. I. 'IOR MUP.UONS WITHOUT REINFORCEMENT REFER TO SIIEET J 2 OF !0 FOR DETAILS AND NOTES. REFER 10 SHEEI .S OF 10 FOR MAX. MULL DESIGN PRESSURE CHARTS F ... FOR 1,8P LIONS WTI; STEEL RESJFORCEMEHIREFER TO SHEET a OF 10 FOR DETAILS AND NOTES, dl ky O YEe� • REFER TO SHEET 9 OF 10 FOR MAX. NULL DESIGN PRESSURE CHARTS S. FUR CLIP TYFES AND ANCIIOR CONDITIONS REFER TO SHEETS ¢' 'n 3I 6, 7, B. & 9 OF' 10 FOR OETA!LS ANO NO'rS. F N REFER TO SHEET 10 OF 10 FOR MAX. ANCHOR UESiGN PRESSURE CHARTS 1 vpl 5 sEFj Il FI+ ]: PROTtTIcU A i Ln J CA asYwt1 2.1Z. }' AaT•I�vNo lT { i2.24 ,,.t5;!iS: �..a.ty. Ig� ti0'°. •tom',-,' � � , 156 IW. 1..D9. F•1D00 1 ?N.24.V119C1_CUP 406]-i6 NOTCH N. / •L• Onovn: i Ix MuuoN Olio NOTCH onnONAL LNOICN OPTIONAL -1I•-,129 MN. zaoD L ANGLE qLP —R-0DD I 60BJ-Te 4 a3 ... I U62� L900 C62 L— 1 17 23 ISW x cOJ 1.0 I I132 I I a6DO �I .mz�- 2 x 4 ❑TTdd I I I ( ziDDz STO. x4eE ..00W FRAME _ MUI.LIO 360- I II -.1. ✓�_...__I;� �._.. ly� ..__.;.- I��1 L.... �'_._._'_._ ..- --.... � r IDz--1' Laao�l � .m,.• !-- I-laro-J� F�A6D •4 LI.IRR-.. f•-I.aG2-.: .1300- ' 2% 6 1 1%< 1% 3 I J 1% 2 j •52 -xMUIL.ON II f,USTOM MUL�LO.N .GSJ,$_TQjJ�LLI�IQY CUSTOM Myl L(1j�1 r.I`QVj5-sU6M -M18 INN 60UJ-E6 0 I, I Sx075 ilx10m: z: 0,950 Ixx: 0.370 irk2.00iSa 1.30.667 ini Sx0.633 in! S: 0.370 ink (FIANCE TAnuF) (Fy F hM + :FIN:..^.E FPI-J :FT: TRAVE) IV. VIMI .125- ALL TYPICAL rt, .nztnR PRDnucr .f2a rILCO-•( ' r----CDDD---� ' I I � anlIa 'il I 61 x ¢s F Da6D L L MULLIONS INI<vC I R A I% 3 C-Q.!YT.� t STU, IUA- MULLI-0 STO. luff Mi11110N 1:Y.P14AL_. IN 1, EFOR ,IS p % � I 2 X 4 6063-T6 6063-Te HORIZONTAL OR VERTIC/11, _ _ -- - + Ixx: 2.010 in Ixx: 0.950 io STD_TU(1,E MIT. QY $lU TUUE MULLIQLQ Sxx: 1.035 •rn! Sxx: 0.633 SEE N;NDO'N OR DOOR A PR- 'OR TAS1ENrR5 SIZES AND SPACM 8063-I6 ao"-TS ) Ixx: 8.280 `. Ixx: 2.980 in: Sxx: 2.760 ins; 1.490 In! I a� O 3t n mi Ij zDDD ) 3 y 2 4 4° 6� _ - { Qz�z � '3 56 I .OTO�-V�-1.1� I-7-062 1 X 2 G115TOM MUL ION $ W 6063-T6 Ixz: 0.330 in: z E, •„ n Sxx: 0.330 :3 C DCT Rb'S LBF.ir wrlRa lv+Dl loa Nnrla a lea@uH IWPArttS��',Ul{r O F'cn ! I@L�C� %' m 5 ), � 5 rD- ; JE9 F11 !I' �U I x2Ylm'� d ST.D,JUAE MDILLION d k 606J-T6 i m Ixx: 0.330 : a I++ - 5xx.: 0.330 IRS .. `�I ..°I fl �I � o CLIP LENGTH R€GTAS�u:,93_AL!1�nIN M Tuo[ MULLIONS +!Luc): ^RCPf�• E u Y MULL .L, trl •IRIS- �SJnI.; us C—S MO GRA?I5 As FOUMS. TIIF.SC uULL10u5 ARE RATCD FOR LARGE MISSILE IMPACT I 1 % 2 1.688E AND CAN BE USED WITH AIL LAWSON'S MIAMI-DADS A l X 3 2.689E .S ISN I OCTEIN� DESGN lCA`f REODRED FOR AlR11CJENt p^ENWO. COUNTY APPROVED IMPACT AND NON -IMPACT PRODUCTS. S).T.P 2 VSE AVP UO DUS P9UDU.1S MEEIVC NICri LOAD ..] _% 4 3.68A' a[DOIREUMT4. 1�' 2 x 4 3.688E .s.TPP_..3 PPPRnLIECTWN TO I.II;LLIu`N AS Psi PRODUCT NOTES 2 x 6 _5.688' S?S;P A SPEC:FT M.U.09roA SPACING. I. REMR TO THE GENERAL NOTES ON SHEET D�x10 0--- ON SN(E J OF 1D %!.ECT W:M011 SIZE 1 DF 10 FOR BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE. ^ I. ALL CUPS AND ANGLES ARE TO FIT PP a piM DESOn wtwD uWC I— DEspal LOAD Sri—. SNUG INTO TILDE MULLIONS. Dv srn nRove. 2. MULLIONS MAY BE ORIENTED VERTICALLY OR 2. WHERE ANGLES ARE NOT ry SNUG usrcc ArxT,on TTP[S m+ SHCET D TIm3 4 nNO nnCHIIR wuRrs I HORIZONTALLY. AN TUNE MULLIONS. SE'e OPTIONAL $L 'I"f orc sno7 n, se•[cT Analae rva vnrn DEswn xnnnG 3. REFe:R TO SHEET 1 OF IU 1'OEt rvPICAL MULLION apCyOR ,OETp4 AT SHEET 9 OF 10. )� urME TnA l IF, DiSUT IOADS spec nrom S:EP I •ecx. I ARRANCCMCNTS OR STACK CUNFIGURA.TID>IS. , 38& 318" W.610" 1•, I.*w 30.4 1 00.3 1 901 150.0 33.3 62.0 00.1 150.0 3D.0 57.8 03.2 150.0 NOPJ 'cuzR+c WWON JZ O PRwOPjcy � � OUDNO Ia JC+ PROOVOf I O oojc OUBNO PFOOJM PROWCt W7 .....�{.._. 1V2_....� ..._. .... �v�� AlI111 I(IN VAN I 74 14" W. W F MULUONS RATEQ IN THESE CIIARfS MAY BE ORIENTED VER11CALLY OR HORIZONTALLY (INTERPOLATION BETWEEN WIDDIS ALLOWED) WIDTH W l4I_ liwz 120" aaa� aae� aas� aaa� a� saw aaa■� aaa� aaa® aaa® aaa� aaa� aaa� ;­o .156 ..T 151 1-f r7r7l Zoo o 4coo F � loo, 2 Y. 4 �lrwll % 11 z C) I x 3 ?m J116 _m� J L _t CUFl __T I x 4 jfg_ I to I x 3 X 4 1 x 3 MiQu-MUL AD-illall—munli-ON ra N . 6C.3--.6 6083-T6 Ell X: 4, 1­ 4.*/09 in: Im 2 ,.B in: 2.1 S! 0. 1­ 21.2419 8 i,�. 2- Sxx: 2J55 ink S­ 1.445 i� S­ 1.44 ;�i Svx:.7 <1H I (FUN,- I (FLANGE FRAME) I ((lm FRAME) ..... ........ ..... ... ..... 6TAN M.O-Q TV3UL�R SNAvES L - .125' ft 6003 7yP! M _=1 IG( Imo Ff NwRlIckhmilp It NOTCH s 6053-TS OPHONN. LIOR17 1. RlIfAl AND __DR� YF — ! - — 6b= - SEEN).. OR _MOR ­­n FOR 2 X 6 FASTENERS SIZES AND s..HC o 5m Tv.ff 1— 9.648 J_ CLIP LENGTH s,­ s— 3.825 o L --TANQ Ct, % w QM t�&LL 6VULL "V PROPERTIES I y U5F. C�RTS AND GRANS AS FfALO,,S, I x 2 1.688- STEP I VEEl-E OESGN W� r=FQED MR pm,.O�R OFf NO THESE MULLIONS ARE RATED FOR LARGE MISSILE IMPACT 2.698, . i AND CANV'SE ISFO WITH AU. tAWSONI,S MIAIVII-DADE 51k:R-2 ­-j ­ouv� -�HC wic COUNTY APPROVED IMPACT AND NOK-WPACT PRODUCTS. 3.6BR* To aELI, Z ;"B"`TSO" -1 usE c—an 3,68B, 10 11 ON n PER PWMGT 5.688' Vkc,N w­Nuu SIM 10"ER 1-0 THE GENERAL. NOTES ON SHEET OF 10 FOR BUILDING CODE COM P uANC, pe I. ALL CLIPS AND ANGLES ARE 1: -T N-STE' PE 2. MULLIONS MAY BE ORaLNIED VERUCALLY OR r E 0 ONTALLY. W� ;L NO 'IT ANGLE CLIPIEIRE AN E 11 Uvw AHCHal -EEJ I -RI 9 D AH —rus Il Riz N63— INTO TUBE MULLIONS. SEE OPr-ONAL N IcEr D. SEIECLr [M. 0, — =N REFER TO SHEET OR o7 ic FOR IYPICAL MULLION ANCHOR DrTAII. O�,�! AT SHEET 9_Or !0._Jlj DESI ED STEP I AONF. ARRANOEMEN'.S 0 SLACK CONF,Gt)RATIONS. 38- 318" 74-114" 120" 48 50518" 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 48 84" 48.21 104.6 160,0 150.0 ( 48 132" 27.0 43.8 112.5 64 150.0 1150.0 150.0 150.0 64 42.8 93,0 150.0 150.0 64 -_ 2A.0 38.9 100.0 80 150.0 150.0 1¢Q_0 i50.0 � 60 38 51 83.7 135.9 150.0 � 6C 21.6 35.0 90.0 66 1477 150.0 150.0 150.0 66 35.0 76.1 123.6 150.0 I 66 - 19.6 31.8 81.0 72 135.3 150.0 150.0 150.0 72 32.1 1 69,7 113,3 150.0 72 18.0 29.2 75 0 70 124,9 150.0 15D.0 150.0 78 20.61 64.4 104.6 150.0 78 10,8 26.9 69.2 i8 15040 160,0 160,0 150.0 18 86.01 150.0 150.0 160A 18 26.6 65A 89.9 160.0 24 i50,0 150.0 150.0 160.0 24 64.51 140.1 150.0 150.0 24 . 19.1 41.5 67.5 150.0 30 160.0 150.0 160.0 160.0 30 51.8I 112.1 150.0 150.0 3D 15.3 33.2 64,0 136.6 38 150.0 150,0 150.0 160.D 36 43.0 93.4 150. 160.0 38 - 27.7 45.0 115.5 42 150.0 15000 15000 150.0 42 36.9V43ATO.0 .1 160..0 42 23.7 38.5 99.0 48 5T" 150.0 150.0 48 98" 32.31.8 150.0 48 144" 20.8 33.7 86.6 64 137,0 150.0 64 28.7i.2 160.0 54 18.5 30.0 77.0 60 123.3 150.0 0 =15D.0150.0 6` 25.81-1 150.0 60' 1606 27.0 69.3 86 112.1 150.0 0 66 23,5 160.0 66 16.1 24.5 63.0 72 102.8 150.0 21.6 19 i60,D I 72 2"1.5 5/.0 04.8 150.0 7B - 19.0 160.0 T l 1. R as a 63" OZ PRD:UCEC PRWUR 5 VI FPROOUR P.466UCf 4 Wl 1Y7 �- GL'LLICNL .SPAY 108" o-�ItnN 1Y_i(;AL MU{.{,I()y_A}tRAjjCF.MENTS 3: -� ,LAMES TO BF �NSfR{iFO PISIOE RE=CIYi �IINt S�Pi MULLIONS RATED IN THESE CHARTS MAY DE ORIENTED t3' VERTICALLY OR HORIZONTALLY. (INTERPOIAtION I3ETWFF.N WIDTHS ALLOWED) -� WIDTH (W) W1 1r W2 2 150" H AIWODCtq�� yam"' �"��eiMHSt 4ads pro I g•,y1, ME S/W IAP— S/W TAPCDN6 MIN. EDGE GIST. _— MIN, t-1/T bw. NDOD nM —Noa I_I/2- Mlv. IwoD PENEfRAnON- 2-3/10" CONCRETE OR EDGE'_pIS' T MRcJP (I oN rncv xwq 1 PEN ANDIE 4° IiOL BLOCK S/"' — o's a/tfi' Tn .A.S •LM/ `1 41NEMBED INTO ,USJNT ,ENsm -0 Mir T O �0.CN •.�j PEN AV� � b II II l;l — =ro t ..N L 2 M7 INT.6L2ZI6 IX Hamv--------MM a ip i i \ I i WUW I NZI_____________.2mKOW BI4BY I-} 2x2x Va^ I 1;U}WM iflDtC FUME .. ANCHORS TYPE 'P' (INTC) AI_NCKI � ) I-I/2' wN. ,noD PEM'IWA;IDN-.•.. n P.L-:!a'' (INTO rgNr.R i F "-" 4 ANCHORS THRU 1X BUCK `a/ L CLIPS AND ANGLES TO FlT SNUG INTO CONCRETE OR BLOCK e c rAP TUBE MAY 13E N E CID L 1'xM1' & 2-x4" MULL � 1 • 1 APMNS MAY BE HEX OR %IAT HEAD. 11 MIN. EDGE DIST.F' i i 1 2-3/I6' CONCRETF. OR (n I I I I I �" TIOILOW 91,0 iC 5 ta' TMC015 ��I J' h � J ' 1 2 D• l i i I J/.' MIN. EM@[D W O MMO•vX -J wM MOEOSIN D L✓ ] X 2 I/P' 2 PDt CUP (1 ON FAG4 mlaL) 1 PER NiCIL WOW INCK ul u AWY ARCLE I^'•___ `. ALL CUPS AND ANGLES TO FIT SNUG I :'�I I •• I ' • ^ G� , .4i0LwTE INTO TUBE MU_UONS. ANOIpq Lo='`Wx TAPCONS MAY 6E HEX OR PW IICAD. L -7�� � -",-' •° . I ANCHORS TYPE 'A' 2 ANCHORS INTO WOOD I ' xi! i Iji iil `i ii 6 1 • 2 X 7. x t/a' t ,/16" iMCO:l6 _ ,/t 6' TAI'CO.v6 N I ___ I NTNW DUCIt '} IX .WAi:Xt CLN LI ALW MOLE e 1 1/4- MIN. I-I/2' b'N. 1mDD PLNLTMNON• \ I I I I i F. GE DIST. . •iJ• Nv 2 ON EICH WP+G -t/2 NL4 ROOD PLNEIRANOV I1 I ) I I 2 PCIi ANGLE - vxl l i i{ F�� ,-���• —' _,.)a._ X-C' ;I'l .,L.i lYftC (INTO G_JIL_rl1OrllC1K_, �i `ii4gTT I _. �fI I �T� �`1 ANCI-TOFt> TYPE 'F' (INTO CONCR[(E� -- - - - - - �...'� •' - _,.1, 2 ANCHORS THRU 1X BUCK I meL%"• _ T ^{III ` - INTO C04CRLTE OR BLOC 1K. • 11 I I I II _I � p 2 X 2 X 1 8" ---__--_ I 1 ROA7ING CL'P // II AL. I.vGLC I ; PRODIICf ACKA�+p CS �I 1 � R000 BtkK i ii A ul i i Ged ep Ct�Me'Iithlk FMrib NGa E,R'nU'Mfah I r AncHORs TYPE 'a' yL; arr:At[, 4 ANCHORS INTO Vlp00 Am:voa LD.^ATRI.v 1 0 3/Is' TAJ+CONS ---1 J/i' MIN. EMGEO MO -t ONM MIN. EDGE. GIST. z PER CUP (I ON EACH MG) D MIN. EDGE GIST. 2-J i6�-GDNGR OR /Is•uvcors 2-S/ 60PIfiRF:E OR °INTO !KNRV 5/Is'rArCOHS 1 J/4• MIN. EMBED INTO WGONOY jj�� IJ/1' 4:N. EMD:D INTO MASONM- I..J/<• MIN. EMBED INTO MMONRY 4 HOLLOW BLvyK 4 I e I PER .4 E 4" liOLLCVV Bi.DCK 4 PER CUP (2 ON EACH W!NOI 2 PER MICLE •I � I I �\`. 'MIN. � i .. C,ni 7�111.11 (-u tONUEJEOR L_110E w DLDCKCONCREIC OREf LI 3 Il_Jif ---------i cEML�Ir a_aX n z x z x l/e• -, I' cLMLIn ewa n !I ' I ;. ,I II U I I II ALUM AMGLE ' ROARhG CLIP N �ROA'INO CLLP I U U Z /Is MIN. MIN. - ANCHpRS_IYPE 'C' (IN IO BLOCK AVCH�RS TYf F„_ I)'_ INTO B� OCK hI __.. ult c P.NCHC,RS TYP.E,...l INTO-SME$E ANCHORS. TYPE. 'T LINTO CONCRETE) a 2 ANCHORS INTO CONCRETE OR CEMENT BLOCK 4 ANCHORS INTO CONCRETE. OR CEMENT BLOCK � k 1".4• R 2'x4" MULL 1r c A4ERNAYE MUIOR LOCATION CT nM } IAV_L �j Il I II T,iL0A040 0.P' - _JVIA, T-Lm 1-J/4' N. EMB'.O .TO MAwN, 2 PER CUP ON GCII -G) Co GEM S/Is• TAPCUI _. 1-J/r MIN. INTO M. lo) II 11 < PER A GLG I 1 PER CUPP (2 () CN EACH oYPNC) M1 ri ' II I{ I I I i i ALL. CLIPS AND ANGLES TO FlT SNUG J{-(1.,,,_ INTO TUBE MLE E"H$, —.� -C-;-, ,•'`T- --. TAPCONS MAY BE Nix UR FLAP TIEADJ. 7Z CLIPS OR ANGLES CONNECE'D DIRECTLY TO VASONR TO BE PROTECTED WITH ALKAI.1- RISISTANT COATINGS, SUCH AS BITUMINOUS PAINT D WATER-WHITE METHACRYUtiE IACOUER. 6' iNCaMS I-]/i' Ni0 M.0NM - 1 PER OLE' =011cFRRy1u,D i�PXR7th the Eimr�1L Ane9rAaerH l7I�ver 212. zIF N..]pBaNxa Dnrr y Ec B zMo Mau -L 0 IN. O it/I6" ..__... 9/16' 'APCONB 1-3/4" MN. EMBED N+0 lth50.Y'AY 4 PER CUP (2 ON FN WiNC) CLIP LENGTH 61ULL _ .. "L• c X 4 3.688• B X 61 5.688' NV1 `1-3/ iA.. E 1-3/+' NIA. EMBED ." WSOxRY 4 PEA CUP ($ ON EACH 'NNG) 1 3/4• IAIN. 7 NCFIORS._TYF"„.,a" (INTO BLACK, ANCHORS TYPE 'H' (IN'10 CONCRETE) curs OR A i1CNORS INTO CONCRETE Au BLOCK WI"Ti ALKAL 2"X6" MULL SHOWN WATER-WTiITE M!N. EOGE LIST. /IS- CONCRETE OR ' HOLIOW BLO K 3-3/4" MIN. I iMPre CLIP LENGTH MULL 2 X A 3_688' 2. X.F.I_ 5.688_..-.. 9/w TAPCOxs - n M3/4" N. EMREO IN10 'm9ONw PER OUP (2 Ux EACH MNG) o - 3 3 � y zao clZ I p� - a z MULL ,S/16" TATCONU -. I-3/4" MIY. Mm !N0 Z I .—N, 4 PN CUT (?ON muPQ Z ¢ p S " WIN.1 M6 MULL Hqq - I N �Is1v� l L.• ALL CLIPS AN4 ANGLES 10 fiSWUGA1_CH�5_„JYPE__',(" INTn _B10CK INTO n7RF UI,LIII ANCHORS__7Y _H ,_(�(Jj;Q CONCRETE; wao0 TAPCONEi MAYl8E IiIN OR fIAT HEAD. 4 ANCHORS TI'M !X eUCK ------ -"'—"'-^ !Ni0 CONCRETE OR BLOCK fECTED DI45CTI.v TO WASONRT TO BE PROTECTED i YXF• MULL SHOWN 'T COATINGS, (SUCH AS BITUMINOUS PAINT OR i •:. h70NlrClA6UFSM�g .'SEC)`'''• vm I"S NOdMS HIED V A"MNp ci— a II, MAN. kiilik 0151. 5/IG• T 0PC CONCRETE OR 1-3/1- MN. EMBED IWO MA5B.— 3-3/4" h 1O11O11 BLOCK + TOTAL (2 ON EA01 KNG)- MIN. I 2 -7/16-1 1 T MIN. 2.. o. 2.6 NrY— 2 �i'-------�'-----'i L i i..� - n:uM2Nx�ci[I. 1 CLIPS OR ANGLES CONN0 F.C1.DIRECTLY TO MASONRY TO BE PROTECTED WITH ALKALI -RESISTANT COATINGS, SUCH AS BITUMINOUS PAINT OR YIATER-Y/HRE METHALTINALL LACQUER. MIN. EDGE DIST. 7-1/16" CONCRETE OR LOCATION OF SCREWS CONNECTING ANGLES TO TUBES WHERE ANGLES ARE NOT FET SNUG INTO TUTiE OPTIONAL ANCHOR DETAIL ANCNORS INTO CONCRETE OR CEMENT FLOCK B I.6BB' 3 2.688' 3 688' 3.6BB� 6 5 6680' AND ANGLES ARE TO FIT TUBE MULL'ONS. NGLES ARE N0T fIi SNUG IULUONS, SEE OPTIONAL WI. AT SHEET 9 OF 10. f 11 SA. 2/ O-NNOL FLUE MULUUN 112 F.ITJ 5 E_-- I 1/8" 1111CR ALUM C—CL I Ln+cm To AT SM.0 ' ,-ID MIALION FLOE WLUOR NMEB — BE —.4D I AS 111 TO ALLOW ILIAtWN 1 �UTAIt JO T�n-IER ASSCNtlIv ]IC M SUS 2 IN CLN % ACCFS9 IIOV. / 1-1/2' O.C. NINE `N5 6LREN CAV BE hSTALLEU H E,4. i 112 FlI S IS DRECM. qp /1 z >EO cJP O.C. ux i II J , 1/a' ;/B" (FOR 2BY MUSE) YRURUEfE % FCR ITB• NDCI AJ 02Cty�R ALUM ANCLF. �QO8Qa0J CUI 10 FT 521L". 0410E "ME ANCHORS TYPE 'I' METH TO METAL CONVECTION USE CHARTS FOR ANCHOR TYPE Y TO VERIFY CAPACITY OF CONNECTION ALL CLIPS AND ANGLES 10 FIT SNUG INTO TUBE MUL:"INS. TAPCONS MAY BE HEX OR FLAT HEAD.j 3 Q _ �—f-r =___,� !a8$S�Y SCm o:mm�SIe11C�bi&EE��m m�EESSSffiI§Ym ��tO Se Sc ••p•,�N�?E 0 3 � ,� I � r I� 9=9e88 V�:iTOrSPANFF UlL10M1 C H z - �EmSo RTCAL MULUCI s?aN • � ? U 4>1 G nr y Z 0 7 S m m O c IO 0 o z rn a� T LCl N?? OQ j O m O H 31,2 s ;jmn c—r.ac 'S��ffiS8F ma �x Yv iSBE v, nCc'zo � na0 0 v m O 0 <0m n �2l :A UI �zm 23 n, - R,:., G Comyian o. camycrn $1 VA GffiE43ma �'gg 88}3 mm smma�a �smriei avSom a�mINva23 sa5c� 2Si�SmE�IIB EH;e i S8''s�x �YAffiZSN����>vBEv3E8V2ag LA F117S O N -S-, ST MEDLEY. FLORIDA33166 x Y� v -rsti Fz-fg?--1'FF_ PH No. (305) figs-as60 MANUFACTURER OF QUALITY ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND GLASS DOORS ALUNUNUM TUBE MULLIONS CLIP/ANCHORS DESIGN PRESSURE CHARTS AND CENER.L". NOTES g.. iwm... u..,wR ;ate ue,r� LAW-NL-lU01 nii° T- 10Of DEPARTMENT OI' REC-U!,A'I'ORY AND ECONOMY BOARD AND COM ADMINISTRATION DIVISION NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA Lawson Industries, Inc. 8501 NW 90" Street Medley, FL 33166 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicab. materials. The documentation submitted has bi Product Control Section to be used in Miami -I Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration Section (In Miami Dade County) and/ or the Al to have this product or material tested for quality in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will in( revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such produc to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by h or material fails to meet the requirements of the al This product is approved as described herein, and including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. I)IESCRIPT om Series " 4200/ 6200 Flange-Fj APPROVAL DOC IMENT: Drawing No. L9 Frame Impact Fixed Window", sheets 01 throul prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed bi Product Control Section Revision stamp with th Miami -Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Sm, Limitations: 1. See Design Pressure (DP) VS Window sizes 2. See glass types in sheet 3. The monolithic .li _require tempered glass, if used at 30 ft above 3. When an approved impact resistant mullion entire assembly. LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent 1 and following statement: "Miami= -Dade County PI RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered aft change in the applicable building code negatively TE.RMEi TATION of this NOA. will occur after t] the materials, use, and/ or manufacture of the prod product, for sales, advertising or any other purpos wi any section ox"this NOA shall be cause for tee ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number pieced by the expiration date may be displayed in adverti shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall and shall be available for inspection at the job site This NOA revises NOA No.1.7-0531.05 and con: as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by is! IgM�DADE I'17 �\`eo MIANFI--DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION RESOURCES (PER) 11805 SW 26 Street; Room 208 T (786) 315--2590 F (786) 315 2599 wvvw.miamidade.gov/ecqnom y rules said regulations governing the use of construction I reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER (e County and other areas where allowed by the Authority ate stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control (in areas other than Nliami Dade County) reserve the right ;surance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform r the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right arni-Dade County Product Control Section that this product 4icable building code. as been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, Aluminum Fixed Window - L.M.I. 00-6100-1201 Rev C, titled "Series--4200-6200 Flange- . 05 of 05, dated 02/2.1/12 last revised on NOV 21, 2017, Thomas J. Sotos, P. E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Notice of Acceptance number and Expiration date by the Missile Impact Resistant d glass types in sheet 4. in insulated laminated glass is oriented at exterior side and e grade, ttaclaed to combine window units, lower DP will apply to el with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state, series, iuct Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. a renewal .application has been filed and there has been no �ecting the performance of this product. expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in .t or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply ination and removal of NOA. by the wards Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed ig literature. if any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it provided. to the user by the manurfacturer or its distributors the request of the Building Official. :s of this page 1 and evidence.pages E-1, E 2, E-3 and E-4, .1. Chan.tla, P. !N . NOA No. 17 1212.13 Expiration Date: August 22, 2022 Approval Date: February &1, 2018 Page 1 Lawson Industries, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCE PTA 1. Evidence submitted in Previous files A. DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer's die drawings an (Submitted under NOA NU..1. 2. Drawing No. L4200-6200-12 Window", sheets 01 through C prepared by manufacturer, sign B. TESTS 1. Test reports on: 1) .Large l 2) Cyclic sections. 0307 06) 1, titled "Series-4200-6200 Flange Frame Impact Fixed. of 05, dated 02/21/12 with revision '93" dated 05/12/17, l and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P. E. Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked —up drawings) and installation diagram of an arch— and a rectangular fin — frame fixed window, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Reports No.'s HETI-42-4010 and HETI41 3363, both dated 03/05/12, signed and sealed by Rafael Droz--Sella, P. E. (Submitted tinder NOA No. 12 I0307.06) 2. Test reports on: 1) Large Missile impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203--94 along with marked —up drawings and installation diagram of a rectangular—, a circular arch — and an elliptical arch fin—frae fixed window, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Reports No.'s HETI-09 261.4, dated 09/04/09, H-ETI-09 2612, dated 09/02/09, HFTI-09 2586, dated 07/10/09, HETI-092584, dated 07/10/09, HETI-09- 2582, dated 07/10/09, RETI -69 2580 and dated 07i10/09, all signed and sealed by Candido F: FCnt, P. E. (Submitted under NOA No. 12-0307. 06) 3. Test reports on: 1) Uniform St a �c Air. Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 along with marked up drawingsjand installation diagram of a rectangular fin — frame fixed window, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Reports No.'s HETI-09-2613; dated 09/04/09, HETI-09--2611, dated -09/04/09, HETI-09 2585, dated 07/10/09RETI-09 2581, dated. 07/10/09 and H;ETI-09-2.579, dated 07/10/09, all signed and sealed by Candido F. Font, P. E. (Submitted tinderN-0.4 No..12-0307.06) 4 Test reports on: 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 along with marked —up drawings and installation diagram of a rectangular fur--- franie fixed window, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Reports No.'s. HETI--03-1778, dated 01/30,03, ]FETI--03 1779, dated 01/30/03 and HEFI- 03-1776, dated 01!3U/03, all signed and sealed by Rafael Droz=Seda, P. E. (Sribindtted under NOA No. 43-0327.11) Isicaq I. Chanda, P. E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.17-1212.13 Expiration Date: August 22, 2022 Approval Date:. February 01, 2018 Lawson Industries, Inc. B. TESTS (co.NnNuED) 5. Test reports on: 1) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 2), Cyclic Win. Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up drawing and installation diagram of a rectangular-, a circular arch - and an elliptical arch fm fr e Fixed window, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Reports No.ls HETI-03-1777, dated 01/30/03, HETI-03--1774A and dated 01/30103, BETI-03-177 B, dated 01/30/03, all signed and sealed. by Rafael Droz- Seda, P. E.. (Submitted 'under 1YQ.A No. 03 032711) 6. Test reports on: 1) Air Infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 3) Water R.esis ance Test, per FBC., TAS 202-94 along with marked -up drawing and installation diagram of a circular arch fun -frame fixed window, prepared by Hurricane, Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Reports No.'s HET1- 02-1215, dated 04/08/02 .and fiET141-1193, dated 04/08102, both signed and sealed by Hector Medina, P. E. fSubmittedtinder NOANo. 02�070L01) 7. Test reports on: 1) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up drawing and installation diagram of a'rectangular-, a circular arch - and an elliptical arch fin—frae fixed window,, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Reports No.'s HETI-02-11.58, dated 04/08/02, HETI-01--1103, dated 02/12/02 and H ETI-01-1098, dated 02/11/02, all signed and sealed by Hector Medina, P. E. (Submitted under NOANo. 02 ,0701.01) C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor ve_r ficatior_ calculation manufacturer, dated 03/01/12, s (Subm-itted under NCJA No.12- 2. Glazing complies with ASTM D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade, Department of and structural analysis, complying with F.BC, prepared by fed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P. E. 1307.06) P,1300-04/ 0i and Economic Resources (RER). Ishaq I. Chanda, P. E Product Coaatral Examiner NOA No. 17-1212.13 Expi•a'auon Date: August22,2022 Approval Bate: February 01, 2018 E-2 Lawson Industries E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS ! 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 16-1.117.01 issued to Kuraray America., Inc. for their "Trosifol® Tilltraclear, Clear, and Color PV-B Interlayers" dated 01/19/17, expiring on 07/08/19. 2. Notice of Acceptance No. 14-0, 16.11 issued to Kuraray America., Inc. for their "SentryGlas4 (Clear and White) Interlayer" dated 06125115, expiring on 07/04/18. 3. Notice of Acceptance No. 14-01423.15 issued to Eastman Chemical Company (MA) for their "Saflex CP - Saflex and Saflex HP Composite Glass Interlayers with PET Core" dated 06/19/14, expiring on 12/111/18. . F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformanc manufacturer, dated 05/23/17, b 2. Statement letter of no financh and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, (Submitted under NOA No.12 3. Laboratory compliance letter HETI49-2612, dated 09/02/0 0 , /10/09, I TI-09-25882, dat 2613, dated 09/04/09, HETI 07/10/09, HETI- 09--2581, dat( by Hurricane Engineering & Te (Submitted under NOA No. 12 4. Laboratory compliance letter I:IETIi 11.3363, dated 03/05/1 01/30/03, BETI-03-1776, dat 1774A, dated 01/30/03 and I to and complying with FBC 5tb Edition (2014), issued by ggned and sealed by 'Thomas. J, Sotos, P. P. interest, issued by manufacturer, dated 03/02/12, signed '. E. 0307.06) ar Test Reports No.'s JHETI49--2614, dated 09/04/09, ,1IET'I-09 2586, dated 07/10/09, BMT149-2584, dated d 07,110109, PIETI-09 2JU0, dated 07/10/09, HE T I-O-9- 09 2611, dated 09/04/09, HETI-09 2535, dated. 107/10/09 and RETI-09 2579, dated 07/10/09, all issued ting, Inc., signed and sealed by Candido F. Font, P. E. 030706) or Test Reports No.'s HETI-12-4010 dated 03/05/12, lH:k;T1--03-1778, dated 01/30/03, HE'I'I-03-1.779, dated d 01/30/03, HETI-03-1777, dated 01/30/03, BETI- 03- ETI-�03--1774B, .dated 01/30/03, all issued by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., signed and. sealed by Rafael Droz-Sella, P. E. (Submitted unc:er NOA's No.'s 12-0307.06) G. OTHERS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 1 "4200/ 6200 Flange -Frame" 1 expiring on 08/22/17. 2. New Evidence submitted. A. DRAWINGS , issued to Lawson Industries, Inc. for their Series Faxed Window - I-M.L ", approved on 12/11/14 and 1. Drawing No. L4200-6200-120]. Rev C, titled "Series-4200-6200FIange-Frame Impact Fixed Window", sheets 01 through 05 of 05, dated 02/21/12 last revised on NOV 21, 2017, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Thainas J. Sotos, P. E, prepared by manufacturer,signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P. E. Note: This revision consist of editorial el anges of F;3C 17 (6a' Edition) code compliance. St y\ ishaq 1. Chanda, P. E. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 17-1212.13 Expiration Date: August 22, 2022 Approval Date: February 01, 2015 E-3 Lawson Industries. Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: B. Test 1. None. C.. CALCULATIONS 1. None D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami Dade Department of Regul tory and Economic Resources (RER). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance to FBC 2017 (6tb Edition) and "No financial interest" dated 11/17/17, prepared by the manufacturer, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P.E. 2. Statement letter dated 01 /22/ 18 of the editorial drawing changes issued by Lawson Inc, signed by Nelson. Erazo, Senior design engineer. G. OTHER 1. This NOA revises # 17-0531.0.5, expiring 08/22/22. Ishacl 1. Chanda, P. E. ;Product Control E". wlner NOA No. 171212.13 4--� Expiration Date: August 22, 2022 Approval Date: February 01, 2018 E-4 OR . IES-4200 / 6200 FIXED IMPACT WINDOW - FLANGE FRAME c6 IZ IyIAXIMUM GLASS DESIGN W11N, "" D7H D.L. OPG. E.fmx Typ. pwallcru"" T....Ak4with YP Ty D -7— 4 EXT INT. FA SE ClILDHI& !Y± EILEVAfION HUNTINS APPLIED V/ TESTED UNIT V/ 11LICONE AND ME GLASS AREA TESTED APPLIES TO AVAILABLE AS OPTIONAL TYPES: E, F. J. K AND L. -SEE LOAD CAPACITY TABLES ON SHEET 4 OR SIZE LIMITATIONS OF EACH GLASS TYPE. SHUTTER Genera]Notes: Ij Tim WINDOW SYSTEM IS DESIGNED AND TESTED TO COMPLY THE R QUIREMBuTs OF WITHEdItImE THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE (2014-6th Edition & 2017-6th ) INCLUDING HIGH VELOCITY HURRICAIM ZONIF (WHZ) AND ASM 1800-09. THIS PRODUCT IS IMPACT RESISTANT. (SHUTTERS NOT REQUIRED) WOOD BUCKS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND ANCHORED 80 THAT THE BUILDING RESISTS THE SUPERIMPOSED LOADS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF F.B.C. & TO BE REVIEWED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL. 3.) ANCHORS MOWN ABOVE ARE AS PER TEW UNITS. ANCHORS ON ALL WINDOW SIZES ARE NOT TO ]EXCEED THESE MAXIMUM SPACINGS ON CENTER (O.C.) 4.) ANCHOR CONDITIONS NOT DESCRIBED IN TIMM DRAWING'S An TO BE ENGINEERED ON A SITE SPECIFIC BASIS. UNDER SEPARATE APPROVAL AND TO BE REVIEWED BY ULLBINO FIFICIAL. USE 5.) WINDOWS ARE QUALIFIED FOR WITH SINGLE GLA23 LAMINATED GLASS TYPES. :D FOR USE iffm DOUBLE GLAZE LAMINATED INSULATED GLASS TYPES TABULATED 3 'IN. (SEE MEET #3 FOR GLASS TYPES AND SHEET #4 FOR MAY DESIGN PRESS DOES), cl 31� z a DO tol APPROVED WINDOW ENV T-10 aJJU-= ARCH. PICTURE MN0 VINOOV =114 HALF -ROUND tWAI ft�APO L HEYAWN TYPICA� MEVATIM ViNTn.VHEIGn RECTAINtR I ULA= F1 SOIIARr PICTURE MDOW ELIMIATIO wra. Net K. vm— m. 0 INATIM A ju t! t; Jw;- = LED WINDOWS"INSTALLED ABOVE '3- WE WITH GLASS TYPES "B, C. R G �LIN E HlMjAGTHE I.G.EYTEW RIr LITE .RALL BE TEMPEU MISSILE TO COMPLY WITH THE SHMI T RESISTANCE REQUIREMENTS (IFEIC-Chapter 24 Section 2411.3.3.7). 0 gj WIN MCA' EVAD LMQ EIT-BROM-ELWATION S�AMN FOR OPTIONAL FRAME INSTALLATION DETAILS SEE SHEETS 2 & 6. a) FOLT. & W. FALSE COLONIAL MUNTINS ARE OPTIONAL & AND ARE APPLIED W1 SILICONE 0.) Tom was IN covirkar wra CONCRETE MUST BE. PRESSURE Tmav) AND ANCHORED (BY OTHERS), PRIOR TO WINDOW INSTALLATION. (SEE SHEET #2 FOR. DETAIL & NOTES) 10.) APPROVAL APPLIES TO SINGLE UNITS OR SIDE BY SIDE IW=D UNITS. 11.) MULLING FRIED WINDOWS WITH OTHER TYPES OF MME-DADS COUNTY APPROVED PRODUCTS USING A NTRAM-DARE COUNTY APPROVED MULLION IN B7 ERN ARE ACCEPTABLE BUT THE I, NIN LOWER DESIGN PRESSURE FROM TEE WINDOWS OR MULLION APPROVAL WILL APPLY YO THE ENTIRE MULLED SYSTEM. 12.) SEE SHEET # 5 FOR MULLION/lIETAL ATPACHUM ]DETAILS & OPTIONS. . ....... . VHDGV K L Mr. vtxuDv KIw ALLOWABLE LOADS FOR ALTERNATE SHAPES AS SHOW. CAN BE VERIFIED BY INSCRIBING PICTURE MDOW SHAPE WITHIN SQUARE OR RECTANGLE, AS , SHOW N DOTED UNES AND OBTAINING ALLIWAS LOADS mom THOSE .ice PRWOSQ PERNEEN, FASTENERS ME AS DESCRIBED HEREIN FOR SIZE AND SPACING. nennON Tmr_%L —ancm TuuPncAL. I IN4 IRS. W/ l V4'— KIN. EHBEDNENT [KID WMIL (SEE ELEVATION AT SKEET FOR MAX FASTENER SPACINC ALL WOOD BUCKS IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE4(SEE 0SRI V/ 1 V4• MOT BY LAWSON INT TO BE PRESSURE TREATED I.MBEDMENT INTO VDBD. I TO BE REVIEWED BY BLOG. OFFICIAL CTYP.)ELEVAIRN AT SKEET Bl (SEE GENERAL NOTES AT SHEET BU AX FASTENER SPACMDINTERIOR -MINL -'-------.— E%r. GRADE 7 � _- CAULK RmRi F�wV�E�gg 'tE m fLM ...'"v.,.^" EXTERIOR it't ..�•P y' LYt. GRADE �L1Y610i - . uuxuc Imr Dr Tn WN AA-M- KEY o"HERS CI 1AL� <TYP� EKT. GRADE CAULK •--\ WINDOW INSTALLATION NOTES: L THE WINDOW FRAME FLANGE TO BE RACK -BEDDED W/ AN EXT, GRADE CAULK THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE PERIMETER OF FLANGE BY WINDOW INSTALLER (TYP.) L. THE EXPOSED EXT. PERIMETER OF THE WIN➢OV FRAME TO BE CAULKED AND SEALED W/ AN APPROVED EXTERIOR GRADE CAULK BY OTHERS (TYP.) 3. WOOD BUCK SPECIFIC GRAVITY - 0,55 MIN. 4, CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGHT - 29B1 MIN. A WHEN THE GAP BEIWBEN THE 9,,=0W FRAME AND THE BUCK OR 1(MNRY IS LESS THAN I/➢•, '.DUNS ARE NOT REQUIRED. ANCHORS NOTE:. ANCHORS TD BE 014 SMS OR WD. SCREWS INTO WOOD, OR 1/4' ITW BUILDEX TAPCONS — APPROVED CONC. FASTENERS INTO CONCRETE 42KSI MIN.), WITH A MINIMUM OF 1 1/4' PENETRATION INTO V00➢ OR CONC. AT 12' O.C. MAX. ■ TAPCOM YIELD STRENGTH, FY=100Ks1 ULTIMATE STRENGTH- Fv=125K=1 GLASS C x DD Ea. GRACE EXTERIOR U1R% E%fERIOR GRA' OERIMETCR CAi —VINDP/ rRN1E WIDTH 1/4' 1/4' TAPCON W/ 1 1/4' IMG WADS MIR EMBEDMENT INTO CONC. I AT SHEET m (SEE ELEVATION AT SHEET Dl RER SPACIND FOR MAX. FASTENER SPACING) Q Z� EXTERIOR C PT. WOOD BBCI(S ' o o z ee •1/�• TAPCBN W/ I I/9• `IM CNBED%uRl MTO coic A" SEE ELEVATDN AT SKIT RI f o •� Y y �6]' FORMAX FASTENER SPpC[ND I:� z GEwsEN 1 I/➢' EDGE DISTANCE y O o "q(R, C 6 RT WOOD BUCK NOT BY LAWSON ]ND. W I MUST SUSTAIN IMPOSED LOADS 0 EMBEDMENT d� L r_ g L L SILICDNE ADHESIVE S R BEDDING COMPOUND �- INTERIOR S d d J k B —SHIM -A TYP ID LAMINATED O.ASSpRoDUCEREVWj& a TyPI) IM+d14 U1D MteM1� ® J 11 AN. CW .. I7 E%ICRIDR GRADE ER Fs- PERIMEI_ CAULKING �\ ��•` BY ♦N.,. , .. y y 1 1/4• }ION d" vd .' � � a EMBEDMENT; +. •A.. .4 •� .'9A, C 6� LAldINATED INSULATED GLASS COMPOSITION TYPE H 1TKIA DESCRIPTION MAIL 1 1/0' AM GLASS _ 4- 2 0099• SAREX PVD by, Easthan CNW-al Cw 3 VO' ANNEALED CLASS 4 l/a' 3NISWATIL AIR SrAC[ 3 W VD• ANNEALED OR TEMPERED GLASS LAMINATED INSULATED GLASS COMPOSITION TYPE C mml DEUClomom DETAIL, 1 VD• ANNEALED GLASS E 0090- SAFLOI PVB by, Eactaan CAenkal Co, Q LI•II 3 1/6' ANNEALED GLASS Aim 4 1/4' INSULATED AIR SPACE3 h0 3/16' ANISALED OR TEMPERED GLASS LAMINATED INSULATED GLASS COMPOSITION TYPE F ITMI OBSCDTP114Y DETAII, —(� ,I/,•La I I I1W NEAT-STREMa11TEMED GLASS •L 0,090' TROSIFOL PVD by, K-r y anenc4, Ina 3 4 1/B' HEAT-STRENGHTENED GLASS T/V M uLhTEB ATR SPACE S W 1/0' ANNEALED OR TCWERED GLASS 1 LAMINATED INSULATED GLASS COMPOSITION TYPE G ITOL DHSCIOPEION • VD, NEAT-STRENGHTENED GLASS Irt8• :'--_--= LL y,•� ,a ' USV TROSTOL PVB by, Kuroray Anerica, VD' HEAT-STRENGHTENED GLASS 4 V4' DNSILATED AIR SPACE 3 GG 3/16' ANNEALED OR TIMPEREO GLASS LAMINATED INSULATED GLASS COMPOSITION TYPE L fl'JDI DIL'T10N DETAIL _ 1 3/I6• F1EAT-STAQiOlfENED (LASS E 0.090. 7ROSIFOL PVD by, K,mamy Merica, Ina o J/�• I 3 3/16' HEAT-STR£NG NNED CLASS- 4 VV INSULATED AIR SPACE 3 3/16' TEMPERED GLASS plo s I-) SEE SIMET 4 POR DESIGN WADS WAD CAPACITY TABLES. ilt7 WINDOWS VAM GLASS TYPES -BC. F, OR G- RNSTATLED Ann 30 MT• IN THE MM. THE I.G. EXTERIOR ISTS SMALL HE TELVERED TO COMPLY WITH THE SHALL MISSILE IMPACT RESISTANCE BSQUIREIMTS IFBC-2014, Section 241l.3.3.7). GLOSS DESCRIPTION I I I M DETAII. GLASS DESCRIPTION GLASS GLASS DETAIL, ITE11 G1A9S ➢ESCRIPIION I Ao I 3/16' KEAT-STRENOHTENED GLASS D 490' SAFLEX PVB by, EUStnan ChaNaal C. -DTTTAIL. - ate• HEAT-0RENG NEIED �CiASS 7 16 LAMINATED GLASS COMPOSITION - ME N HIM OLASS DESCBIP17ON nBTAd 1 3/16' HNNEALED GLASS K/ 0.090' SAFLEX PVO by, Eu,itnon Chonkal Cw -- =12 3 3/16' ANNEALED GLASS RUBS DESCRIPTION I 3/L6' ANNEALED GLASS D.WD' TROSIFOL PVB by, tA,rora VIV ANNEALED GLASS 10 LAMINATED GLASS CO CLAss DSBcAIP " I/16' NEAT-STRENGHTEREDIGLASS L090' SENTRYGLASS by, KaI_y /16• HEAT-STRENGHTENE➢I CLASS I0' LAMINATED GLASS C01 CLASS DESCRIPTION '✓16' HEAT-STRENGHTENEO GLASS IS90' TRUSTFUL PVB by, Kurara SILICONE SCHNEE-MOREHEAD SM $731 y DOW CDR 8" K TREMCO SPECTRUM 1 p h LAMINATED G p W MONOLITHIC x 4 c L`GSZING STOP v 0 CIRCULAR WOWS. m�3z LAMINATED 3 1A11111 4 j MONOLITHIC---- - rMONOLDHIC — -V GLAZING DEPTH GLAZING DEPTH aa of 1 LAMINATED MONOUIHIC 'SILICONE OPTIONS', LEi _-----_ = DIN CORNING E99 Q SCHNEE-HOREHEA05731 TRENCO SPECTRUM 2 ` l a6W'—I 1 GLAZING DEPTH 111 LAMINATED /MONOF.ITHi . ..Ass TYPICAL GLAZING DETAII, i � gS 'SILICONE UPTIONS', DiaNDUCTi1VIAg �'F ------ - DOV CORNING 899 lLIRaTA,arebyw[W Nw Nw4TA q 'nV U ----_-_ SCHNEE-MOREHEAD 5733 TREMCO SPECTRUM 2 - '—' f'l9V"�'ro�i�'''I''•�` : .� UMINATW WAN4TE0� C ,.. l• iNr IN! ILATED INSULATED I. asap'-N- r, •. EL42M TPTK GLAZING DEPTH LOINAT)n/MSI .AT .D GLASS TYPICAL GLAZING DETAII. ti �1 33' 48' 67 7T 74" r� 26' AR' 74' 74.114' Notes 1.3 SEE MEET 3 FOR OLAMO TYPES, DETAIL9 & SILICONE OPTIONS 2.) RMDOWS @ITN OLASS TYPES "B, C, F, OR G" INSTALLED ABOVE SO FT. IN THE HVN2, THE I.G. EXTERIOR LT7E SHALL BE TEMPERED TO COMPLY WITH THE SHALL MISME IMPACT RESISTANCE REQUIREMENTS (NBC-2014, S-Uon 2411.3.3.7). MlGDOt: f RS:TSSeD L °?aWc thenM4 A sP��trNn�il.r�,,;_7Z >:�ro.mk��� DMarI Cow�91 5 tEtJ ! DWaISIONS GH eE OR1DlT'J' I OR HOMZONIH1Y AS SHOM! ASO.E 0I C, I , r BILL OF MATERIALS ITEM PART / . QVANTIT'Y I DESCRIPTLON LIATERTAL I REMARK$ 1 L-4201 2 FRAME HEAD/SILL/JAMB 6063-TG - 2. L-7708 4 GLAZING BEAD (5/16" GLASS) 6063-TS - 3 L-7708 4 GLAZING BEAD (3/8• & 13/32" GLASS) 6063-T6 - 4 L-7708 TRIMMED 4 GLAZING BEAD (7/16" CLASS) - 6063-TS 5 L-7711 4 GLAZING BEAD (5/16" CLAW- INSULATED) 6063-Tfi - 6 L-6211 4 GLAZING BEAD (7/16" GLASS - INSULATED) 6063-TB - 7 08 X 3/4" 2/ CORNER ASSEMBLY SCREWS - P.H. PHILLIPS 8 L-4204 AS REDD, GLAZING BENT AT CIRCULAR WOWS. 6063-TS - B VWS-OOa AS REDD. GLAZING CASKET SOFT PVC - 10 AS REOD. GLAZING SILICONE 11 PL 75.6020 AS REDD. GLAZING SETTING BLOCK SOFT PVC 1/8• X-11/8" X 2" 12 812-2511-357 AS REDD. -"TmSeal" Dum Seal Swiggle Sparer 1/4" BLACK 1/4' AIR SPACE WINDOW FRAM,LYATRIL�JQN DETAIT4 .7BL 17r� Z613 1R81-•I 06E 7yp BI +{ .110 391 450 —� f,,- .7]3 M- ..608 , � tm9'^ FRAME HEAD/SILL/JAMB •L GLAZING STOP (5/16• CLASS) sin ONO ash � �—L BSO ANO .250 P72 TTTPO. C50 - 7VF`• 773 V.- 773 i.- 3 GLAZING STOP GLAZING STOP (7/16" GLASS) (3/8" & 13/32• GLASS) .310 D50 ASO J�S O30 •5p� asD a TTp. es. sw 5 INSULATED GLAZING STOP W/ 5/16• LAMINATED CLASS 6 INSULATED GLAZING STOP W/ 7/16- LAMINATED GLASS DSO fYP. baB 8 A66 m]6• nurAcrtc r Kwr"r A np Dom. GLAZING STOP 'CIRCULAR W" WL11ON TIPS,, SANG i01N�. ..W. PRE33URE LwlunoNS. ALUHIVUN MILLION - (ALUM. 0.070" MW, y ft) NOTE: THE LOWER PRESSURES OF THE MNDOW OR WILL SHALL GOVERN INTERIOR EXTERIOR I"Put qde"' _. rTMA1E JAMB rRA4[ NFan f1[I Klm w lt-1�a.mr g d" t_"�L R¢GT. OR SOUNE —as OR LII mLL,Ap xmoovs OR IFIT CORNERS ® o f RAMS RADIUS JOINT FRAME END CORNFR t�eataE_sQtsN�t(_a�_au�ar _u�:r, �.�s SEALANT FRAME CORNERS. OR JOINTS SEALED WDH A COLORED SEALANT ANG PERIMETER OF GLAZING BEAD WffH CLEAR SILICONE iR0A0C[RBV/YFD �aT.,i+ �mn uxF•m.la AaaluAAec No r7.-((,'�-IZ-A3 �rl! 'ilati P,6ircrGr�w ' % 3/4• S.D.S T IEAO, PHILLIPS. �¢SjCN PAESSU� IIWTQtONS. 12• DC. NAX INTERIOR NOTE: THE LOWFA PIESNRES OF l/9' NAIL THE WINOUV OP WLL 6HALL GOVERN SHIN �1 1 12 S.O.S. % 1 1/4' L. .A7 18' D.C. HA%, NOTE: 1. ALL SIEEL . COHTIAT WRN AWN- TO BE PINTO OR ILAED- _ ... . - ... ..'------ ....�.... _ 2. NEIAL SIRUCI m: - - -- - STEEL : Fy LI 36 KSI L6N _ (SIEEI 18 CA. NM. TNIGf - OA,87 (S 8) PLUNOIUM : 8063-TS W.N. GLUM. 0.078- MIN, THCK) DW FRANE PEI6uETER ]nxoow FRwE SEVArrt EXTERIOR C' 1 ECATL METAL 3TRUC1-_ATTACHMENT DETAIL :1E1111 �.ryFa �'�i 1� xl J t ,��qq 1�� G �'Fs . �k,}r� 1 r��5 , S' �,t r r• _ 9 _ � ��y �` � I� RY a ,1� lT y1 /q� p�p,�r1�{�,! ii �6 [ �Oe Cou ILV'�u- 1:4!n h9sA+1•. M:111�.YF.�Adsvld �5v BCIS Home I Login i User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge i Stats & Facts Publications I FBC Staff BCIS Site Map i Links Search i Product Approval D Fj USER: Public User duct Aoorovai Menu > Product or Aonlication Search > EP lic tia on List > Application Detail ux i r 4 qr hia r i; FL # FL7561-R4 Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Elite Aluminum Corporation Address/Phone/Email 4650 Lyons Technology Parkway Coconut Creek, FL 33073 (954) 949-3200 dk@dokimengineering.net Authorized Signature Do Kim dk@dokimengfneering.net Technical Representative Bruce Peacock Address/Phone/Email 4650 Lyons Technology Parkway Coconut Creek, FL 33073 (954) 949-3200 bpeacock@elitealuminum.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Products Introduced as a Result of New Technology Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer E i Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Do Kim, P.E. the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-49497 Quality Assurance Entity QAI Laboratories Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/30/2022 Validated By James L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK Engineering 1 Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence I FL7561 R4 COI Cert o • Indepe dencp.p f Referenced Standard and Year (of Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code 1709.2 Product Approval Method Method 2 Option B Date Submitted 08/15/2017 Date Validated 08/16/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 08/20/2017 Date Approved 10/10/2017 Summary of Products FL # Model, Numberl or Name Description 7561.1 Aluminum/Alums um Composite 3"/4"/6"x0.024"x11b EPS Composite Panel, Panels 3"/4"/6"x0.032x11b EPS Composite Panel, 3"/4"/6"x0.024"x2lb EPS Composite Panel, 3"/4"/6"x0.030"x2ib EPS Composite Panel, Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL7561 R4 II 2017 FBC-Elite Aluminum Corp -Install Instruct.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Verified By: Do Kim, P.E. PE 49497 Design Pressure: +80/-80 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: In HVHZ, not to be used in structures considered Evaluation Reports living areas per FBC Section 161.6 unless impact protection Is FL7561 R4 AE FL 7561 Evaluation Report-2017 FBC.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes provided. See installation drawing for nominal allowable design pressures and spans. 6acic Next Contact Us :: The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. cod Phone:850-4874824 :: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. Ifyou do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275 (1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensee's licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication Ith the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide email the Department with an address w ich can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product Approval Accepts: Credit Card Safe BCIS Homo I Log In 1 Uscr RegIsiration i Hot Topics �I rich � QOUSER: Product Approval ,�`�'� Public User yFc «•a Product Approval Menu > Product or Application Search > FL # Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method SCANNED BY St Lucie Count/ �r FO=' ° i` Submit Surcharge 1 Stats & Facts ; Publications I FBC Staff 1, BCIS Site Map ; Unlcs i Search Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code > Application Detail FL12225-R4 Revision 2017 Approved 1=7 Elite Aluminum Corporation 4650 Lyons Technology Parkway Coconut Creek, FL 33073 (954) 949-3200 dk@dokimengineering.net Do Kim dk@dokimengineering.net Bruce Peacock 4650 Lyons Technology Parkway Coconut Creek, FL 33073 (954) 949-3200 bpeacock@elitealuminum.com I Components Introduced as a Result of New Technology luation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed ida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Kim Laboratories lames L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK Engineering iq Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received I )=l12225 R4 COI Elite Cert of IndeA.ndf Standard TAS 201 TAS 202 TAS 203 �I I I Year 1994 1994 1994 t •:IW t ( y tt I j a�� •1.• V Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 08/16/2017 Date Validated 08/16/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 08/20/2017 Date Approved 10/10/2017 Summary of Products I FL # Model, Number or*me Description 12225.1 3" (min.) 0.032"x211 Aluminum Aluminum skin, EPS Core, composite panel system Composite Panel Limits of Use Installation instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes I FL12225 R4 II FL12225-R4 2017 FBC- HVHZ Elite Panel Spans Install Dwa.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes I Verified By: Do Kim,P.E. 49497 Design Pressure: +43/-70 'Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: Nominal allowable pressure listed. Wall panels shall be max. 48" wide with "H" mullion between wall panels. Evaluation Reports EL12225 R4 AE FL12225 -114 2017 FBC-Eval Report Elite HVHZ.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes i 12225.2 3" (min.) x0.032"x2# 11 luminum Elite 1 hour fire rated panel Composite Panel Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL12225 R4 II F1-12225-R4 2017 FBC- HVHZ Elite Panel Spans Install DwQ pdf Impact Resistant: Yes Verified By: Do Kim, P.E. P.E. 49497 Design Pressure: +43/-70 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: Nominal allowable pressure listed. Wall panels shall Evaluation Reports be max. 48" wide with "H" mullion between pan, . I-L12225 R4 AE FL12225 -R4 2017 FBC-Eval Report Elite HVHZ.odf l Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 12225.3 3" (min.) x0.032"x2# Aluminum Aluminum skin, EPS Core, composite panel system Composite Panel Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes F 5 R4 II FL12225-R4 201�BC- HVHZ Elite Panel Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Spans Install Dwa.DdF Verified By: Do Kim PE PE 49497 Design Pressure: +43/-70 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: Nominal allowable pressure listed. Panels shall be max. 48" width tested. Multiple roof panels may be interlocked. I Evaluation Reports 171.12225 R4 AE FL12225 -R4 2017 FBC-Eval Report Elite HVHZ.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes back Next Corfract us n The State of Florida Is an AA/ff-0 employer. gZ Phone: 850-4874824 :: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your a -mall address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. 'Pursuant to Section 455.275 (1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click }pre . Pr (duct Approval Accepts: M W W reCF�aci} Il , Z11 ELITE ALUMINUM CORPORATION 4650 Lyons Techaolosy Mmy Co-L Creek FL 33073 1-954-949-3100 3'(MI4) x 003E x 2.0-LB EPS PANEL (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) 2.000 MAX. ULTIMATE DESIGN MAY ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) PRESSURE' (PSF) L/80 V120 ' P.,i=.t3 PSF COFBESPaei Pp=•111 PST; PN.-10 PSF (MVtESPo VS p�.e•IM.1 P5F 3.180 ELITE 1 HOUR FIRE RATED PANEL .090 B .032' ALUMINUM FACING 1/2' GYPSUM C 1°TONGUE GROOVE GYPPUM COREBOARD 112. GYPSUM 1'-21bs. EXPANDED POLYSTERENE .032' ALUMINUM FACING 3- ELITE H-MULL B ISOMETRIC BEAD STRUCTURAL ADHESIVE CAULKING coo c( IHsy rRnTEP 3 U f i %"0x114' OR a14x2'LAG 0000 00000 L z SCREWS 2' FROM PANELS ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c a ENDS & 6. O.C. PER PANEL CONCRETE OR Z12! HLOCKi Y,'x2Y4' ELCO CRETE-FLE% BOT OH ACINGS SS4 OR EQUAL 2' FROM j[gIFRI nCKTN. r.Osc SECTION PANELS ENDS & 6' O.C. PER PANEL �BEAD STRUCTURAL 3' CM.) x0.032'x2.Ok EPS A➢HESIVE CAULKIN(MIN.)(ELITE ALUMINUM PANEL) EPS CORE 2.0 LE BASE CHANNEL 2.000 3.163 055 'N'MULUON 34'0x534' SCREW @ 12' O.C. OR 1:'0x7' SCREW @ 8' O.C. (BOTH V/ lh'0x0.031' PLATE WASHER & 0.079' NEOPRENE GASKET (TYP.) <4)-C14x3/4' SMS SCREWS (TYP. EACH SI➢D GENERAL NOTES 1. Composite panels shall be constructed using type 3105-FI154 or 3003-I1154 aluminum facings. 2 PCF ASTNI C-578 Dyplast Products LLC brand EPS adhere to aluminum lacings with Ashland Chemical 2D20D ISO grip. Fabrication to be by Elite. pmlel products only in accordance with approved fabrication methods. 2. Elite roorpancls maintain a UL 1715 (im) class -B' (ext) rating and arc NER-501 approved. 3. Elite I hour fire rated panel exceeds the structural and impact capocity of thesmndard 31 0.032"x I -lb EPS panel. Double I hour panel to achieve 2 hour fire rating wall. 4. This specification has been designed and shall be lubricated in accordance with the requirements of the Florida Building Code Ent EJition (FBC), composite panels comph• with Chapter 7 Section 720. Chapter 8 Section 803. Class A interior Imish. and Chapter 26 Section 2603. All local building code amendments shall be adhered to as required. 5. The designer shall determine by accepted engineering practice the allowable loads for site specific load conditions (including toad combinations) using the data from the allowable loads 12bles and spans in this approval. 6. Deflection limits and allowable spans have been listed to meet FBC including the )FVTI7. 7. Testing has been conducted in accordance to TAS 201-94, TAS 202-94 (including water), TAS 203-94. and ASTM L'72. S. RePerenLe test report number 97-044 front Construction Testing Corporation, 13973 N.W. 19" Av'enuc. Miami. FL 33054. 9. In the HVHZ; all fasteners to be austenitic stainless steel or cooled or plated carbon steel with a Rockwell hardness less than C35 in the load beadlig portion of the shank. Screws shall be zinc coated per ASTNI A123, A641. or B633 or nickel/chromium, plated per ASTNI D456, Type SC per Aluminum Design Manual -Part 1. 10. Panels with fan beams shall he considered equivalent to similar panels without fan beams. Design professionals may include the strength orthe fan beam to exceed shown figures as part of site-specitc engineering. 11. Products meet the FBC deflection limits including the HNUIZ. (LSO forspans g 12'4" in IlVFIZ and I1120 in non-HVHZ per Chapter 16 Table 1604.3. 12. In HVHZ regions, the L180.deflection limit is for use in Group R3 occupancies with roofprojection not exceeding 12 feet and where the structures are not to be considered living areas per FIIC Section 1616.3.1=7. 13. Roorpnnels may be interlocked to unlimited width within the limitations ofthe site -specific engineering. Walls panels shall be maximum 48- wide with "H" mullion between wall panels. 14. Wall androof panels may be teed in situ -specific, engineered sunroom systems utilizing glazed openings as alloyed by the engineer of record. Engineer ofrecord may spceifi' equivalent alternate connection details. 13. Concretesubstmte shall be 3350 PSI minimum. Concrete block shall be 2070 PSI minimum. '%Vood shall have specific gravity (G) ofO.36 minimum. GUTTER OR DRIP CAP (INCIDENTAL) u �'0 THRUBOLTS CSIX REQ Ill 2 DETAIL 1]/0f013F BASE CHANNEL_/ ROOF PANEL EACH 48' WIDE OR (6063 T-6 ALLOY: MAX IN FRONT & 2EX ANEL WITH a SI➢ES VASE CHANNELMAX AT SI➢ES) C6005 T-6 ALLOY)(9' CLEAR SPAN SITE SPECIFIC 3' (MIR) 0.032'x2.0tt EPS ENGINEER OF RECORD TO PROVIDE k (ELITE ALUMINUM PANEL/ FOR ROOF CDNNECTION &SUPPORTING STRUCTURE ➢ETAILS. BEAD STRUCTURAL DETAIL 2-\ADHESIVE CAULKING (4)-t114x3/4' SMS SCREWSBASE CHPNNEL TYP. EACH SIDE) (6063 T-6 ALLOY) w'ORD_SSITIM6TEI (2)-%'10x16' OR R34x2' LAG SCREWS ON EACH SIDE CF 'H' MULLION EPS PANEL/ SPAN DETAIL rDN RETE OR CONE BUICK <2)-Y4'x2y' ELCO CRETE-FLEX SS4 OR EQUAL EN EACH SIDE: OF 'H' MULLION DO KIM & ASSOCIATES, LLC CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS PO Box 10039 Temps FL 338M Tel: (813)857-9955 I4m17 IAPPROVALR PROW Cr %-O.Sx- SCREW a le OL C M ER 6'0x7' S(REW @ B• SCREWS <1-)alcx33/4C'n 36'..S34' C@ la' [ tO2_ x V/ ]Y'7090A'PLATE VAsMERS ell Y'mx7' SCREW a @• MC (BT6lg03EE ONORENE 7(wn1 GASKET CA • 1R6a Sim WASHER N4PREN GAET :T1Py COMPOSITE E AND. ROOF .I !O.L O ,y U 5 0 0-o-o-u u u v u E m v S BASE CHANNEL Q J C CD O (TYP.IEACH 4SM ! I ; LLI m U WALL PANEL I A I WALL PmEL WALL PANEL W/ 'M- MULLION J I , I DETAIL 1 I 'H' MaLIQN WALL PANEL 1 ELEVATION _ WOOD SUBSTRATE, C2)-%"0xI}' OR N14x2- LAG SCREWS ON EACH SOLE OF 'H' MULLION CONCRETE OR CONC BLOCK: (2)-Y,'x21s' ELCO CRETE-FLEX SS4 OR EQUAL ON EACH SIDE OF 'H' MULLION SCREWS O CO-11t,12/4• SMS SCREWS (TYP. EACH SIDD 'w MULLION Taw Thhhe, G ndalb mein BASE LTTY410. e„„,be 2017A8. PLAN VIEW. A -A" W > Z O Q Z d tL cl) F- U OZ❑ 0 CL O a tIw � � 0 UHF O ...1 LL ¢ O EL of W O W Drawing No.-o9Qzz;-R4 SHEET 1 OF t