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BCIS Home ; Log In ! Uscr Registration ! Hot F! rich agpo.ProductApproval USER:PublicUserpr r Product Approval Menu > Product or Arm ication Sc. FL # Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Certification Agency Validated By .40 QUAN ED PYBY [,ucie Coun ! Submit Surcharge 1 Stats & Facts ! Publications ; FBC Staff i BCIS Site Map Units i Search Application Llst > Application Detail Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By FL15429-R5 Revision 2017 Applied For Lawson Industries 8501 NW 90th Street Medley, FL 33166 (305) 696-8660 Ext 226 tom@lawsonwindows.com Thomas Sotos tom@lawsonwlndows.com Thomas ] Sotos Lawson Industries 8501 NW 90th Street Medley, FL 33166 (305) 696-8660 tom@lawson-industries.com Steven Bailey 8501 NW 90th St. Medley, FL 33166 (305) 696-8660 Ext 287 steven@lawsonwindows.com Windows Fixed Certification Mark or Listing Miami -Dade BCCO - CER Miami -Dade BCCO - VAL Standard TAS 201 TAS 202 TAS 203 Product Approval Method I Method 1 Option A RECEIVED JUL 05 2018 ST, Lucie County, Permitting Year 1994 1994 1994 Date Submitted Date Validated Products 03/08/2018 FL # I Model, Numbet or Name Description 15429.1 4000/6000 Non -Impact. Fixed 4000/6000 Non -Impact Fixed Window - Flange Frame & Fin Window ( Frame Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FLIS429 R5 C CAC 18-0430.pa pdfdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 05/08/2023 Design Pressure: +100/-100 Installation Instructions Other., Glass Iites wider than 36" shall have two setting FL15429 R5 II 18-0430.03.odf blocks per FBC 2411.3.3.1 requirements. Verified By: Thomas J. Sotos, P.E. 55225 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15429.2 4200/6200 Impact Fixed Window - Flange Frame 4200/6200 Impact Fixed Window - Flange Frame Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL15429 R5 C CAC 17-1212.13,pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: Yes 08/22/2022 Design Pressure: +78/-78 Installation Instructions Other: Glass Iites wider than 36" shall have two setting FL15429 R5 II 17-1212.13.Ddf blocks per FBC requirements. Verified By: Thomas J. Sotos, P.E. 55225 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15429.3 I Fin 4300/6300 n00/6300 Impact Ned Window - I4300/6300 Impact Fixed Window - Fin Frame Frame Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FLIS429 R5 C CAC 17-1212,12.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: Yes 07/19/2022 Design Pressure: +66/-66 Installation Instructions Other: FL15429 R5 II 17-1212.12.1?dF , Verified By: Miami -Dade BCCO - CER Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Contact Us :: 2601 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer. Coovdg Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by (1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees lice emails provided may be used for official communication with I please provide the Department with an email address which Badt NeM dr Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 107-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic iditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275 ad under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, n be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product Approval Accepts: L_-EM ,,,.;Credit Card Safe r A, DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND Et BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DI NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE Lawson Industries, Inc. 8501 NW 90`h Street Medley, FL 33166 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applic materials. The documentation submitted has Product Control Section to be used in Miami - Having Jurisdiction (AIIJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiratio Section (In Miami --Dade County) and/ or the to have this product or material tested for qualit in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will i revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such prod to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by or material fails to meet the requirements of the This product is approved as described herein, ar including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION: Series "4200/ 6200 Flange — APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. 1 Frame Impact Fined Window", sheets 01 thro prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed Product Control ,Section Revision stamp with Miami —Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Si RESOURCES (PER) NITAMI--DADS COUNTY, FLOMDA PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 T.(786) 315--2590 F (786) 315 2599 w►vw.m is m l d a d esov/economy rules and regulations governing the use of construction i reviewed and accepted by Miami —Dade County RER— le County and other areas where allowed by the Authority date stated below. The Miami —Dade County Product Control IJ (in areas other than Miami —Dade County) reserve the right assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform -ur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately ct or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right ✓Bali —Dade County Product Control Section that this product pplicable building code. has been designed to comply with -the Florida Building Code, Aluminum Fixed Window — L.M.L 00-6200-1201 Rev C, titled "Series-4200-6200 Flange-- 05 of 05, dated 02/21/12 last revised on NOV 21, 2017, Thomas J. Sotos, P. E., bearing the Miami Dade County Notice of Acceptance number and Expiration date by the A fissile Impact Resistant Limitations: I. See Design Pressure (DP) VS Window sizes and glass types in sheet 4. 2. See glass types in. sheet 3. The monolithic lit in insulated laminated glass is oriented at exterior side and require ternpe_red glass, if used at 30 ft above t� made, 3. When an approved impact resistant mullion attached to combine window units, lower DP will apply to entire assembly. LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state, series, and following statement: "Miami —Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise rioted herein. RENEWAL .of this NOA shall be considered after) a renewal .application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the lexpiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/ or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA -as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for terrnination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded t by the -expiration date may be displayed in advertising shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be and shall be available for inspection at the job site at t This NOA revises NOA No. 1.7-0531.05 and..consists as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by lsihnq � the words Nliami--Dade County, Florida, and followed literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it rov7ded to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors fie request of the Building Official. of this page 1 and evidence.pages E-1, E-2, E-3 and E-4, Chanda, P. E . NOA No. 17 1212.13 Expiration Date: August 22, 2022 Approval Date: February OA, 2018 Page 1 Lawson Industries, Inc. 1. Evidence submitted in previous A. DRAIVINGS 1. Manufacturer's die drawings nd sections. (Submitted under NOf! No. 2-0307 06) 2. Drawing No. L4200-6200- 201, titled "Series-4200-6200 Flange Frame Impact Fixed. Window", sheets 01 throughl05 of 05, dated 02/21/12 with revision "B" dated 05/12/17, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P. E. B. TESTS 1. Test reports on: 1) Large Mlle Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 2) Cvclir- Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of an arch- and a rectangular fin - frame fixed Mndow, prepared by Hurricane Engineering . & Testing, Inc., Test Reports No.'s HETI 12--4010 and TI-11 3363, both dated 03/05/12, signed and sealed by Rafael Droz-Seda, P. E. (Submitted under NOA No. 12-0307.06) 2. Test reports on: 1) Large Missi e Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201.-94 2) Cyclic Win Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up drawings and, installation diagram of a rectangular-, a circular arch - and an elliptical arch fin -frame fixed window, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Reports No.'Is FIETI49 2614, dated 09/04/09, HETI-09 2612, dated 09/02/09, HETI 09 2586, dated 07/10/09, HETI-09-2584, dated 07/10/09, HETI--09- 2582, dated 07/10/09, :rIETI80 and dated 07/10/09, all signed and sealed by Candido F. Font, P. E. (Submitted under NOA No. 12-0307.06) 3. Test reports an: 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 along with marked -up drawings �nd installation diagram of a rectangular fin - frame fixed window, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test -Reports No.'s RETI-09-2613, dated 09/04/09, HETI-09--2611, dated -09/04/09, HEETI-09 2585, dated 07/10/09, HE,TI-09 2581, dated 07/10/09 and HET149--2579, dated 07/10/09, all signed and sealed by Candido F. Font, P. E. (Submitted under-NO.A No.12-0307.06) 4. Test reports on: 1) Uniform Static' Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation_ diagram of a rectangular fin- frame - frame fixed window, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., � Test Reports No.'s HET.143-1778, dated 01/30/03, .HETI-03 1779, dated 01/30/03 and HETI43-1776, darted 011.30103, all signed and sealed by Rafael Droz=Seda., P. E. - (Subtrtitted rtnder NOA No. 03-0327.11) Ishaq 1. Chanda, P. E. Product Control Examiner -NOA No. 17-1212.13 Expiration Date: August 22, 2022 Approval Date- February 01, 2018 E=,1 �' Lawson Industries, Inc. B. TESTS (coNTwum) 5. Test reports on: 1) Large Mil 2) Cyclic W along with marked -up drawn and an elliptical arch fin4 Testing, Inc., Test Reports 7 dated 01130/03, RET143-1 rile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 n.d Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 ,gs and installation diagram of a rectangular-, a circular arch- une fixed window, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & o.'s IIETI-03-1777, dated 01/30/03, BETI-03--1774A and '74B, dated 01130/03, all signed and sealed by Rafael Droz- Seda, P. E. (Submitted under NOA No. J 6. Test reports on: 1) Air, Infiltr�t; 2) Uniform Sic 3) Water Resin along with marked -up drawin�, window, prepared by Hurricq 02-1215, dated 04/08/02 .and I Hector Medina, P. E. (Submitted tinder NOA No. 02i 7. Test reports on: 1) Large Missi 2) Cyclic Wins along with marked -up drawing, and an elliptical arch fin -fray Testing, Inc., Test Reports No. 02/12/02 and I ETI41-1098, E. (Submitted tinder NOA No. 02 C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations manufacturer, dated 03/01/12, si (Submitted under NOA No. -12- 2. Glazing complies with ASTM ] D. QUA.LITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department 9327.11) ,n Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 is Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 mce Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 and installation diagram of a .circular arch fin -frame fixed Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Reports No.'s 11ETI- ETI41-1193, dated 04/08/02, both signed and sealed by 9701.01) Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201 —94 Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 and installation diagram of a rectangular—, a circular arch — fixed window, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & HETI-02-1158, dated 04/08/02, HETI--01--1103, dated ated 02/11/02, all signed and sealed by Hector Medina, P. 701.01) structural analysis, complying with FBC, prepared by and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P. E. :06) 10-04/ 09 and Economic Resources (RER). lU l.1, 1. (-..t✓r.r,o,A— Ishaq I. Chanda, P. E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.17-1212..13 Expiration Date: Augnst=,.2022 Approval .Hate: February 01, 2018 E -'112 Lawson Industries, Inc. E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATILNi' 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 1 "Trosifol® Illtraclear, Ch 07/08/19. 2. Notice of Acceptance No. I "SentryClas® (Clear and 3. Notice of Acceptance No. 1 their "Saflex CP - Saflex a _dated 06/19/14, expiring on issued to Kuraray America., Inc. for their •, and Color PVB InterIayers" dated 01/19/17, expiring on 916.11 issued to Kuraray America., Inc. for their cite) Interlayer" dated 06/25/15, expiring on 07/04/18. 1423.15 issued to Eastman Chemical Company (MA.) for Saflex HP Composite Glass InterIayers with PET Core" f11118. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance to and complying with FBC 5tb Edition (2014), issued by manufacturer, dated 05/21/171 signed and sealed by Thomas J. Soto., P. F. 2. Statement letter of no financial interest, issued by manufacturer, dated 03/02/12, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, (,submitted under NOA Nd. 12- 3. Laboratory compliance letter I HETI-09 2612, dated 09/02/ i ! 07/10/09, HETI-09-2502, daft 261.3, dated 09/04/09, IiET - 07/10/09, BETI-09-2 1, dat by Hurricane Engineering & T� (Submitted under NOA No. 12 4. Laboratory compliance letter HETI 11.-3363, dated 03/05/1: 01/30/03, BETI43--1776, dat( 1774A, dated 01/30/03 and h Engineering & Testing, Inc., sig (Submitted under NOA's No.'s G. OTHERS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. "4200/ 6200 Flange -Frame" expiring on 09/22/17. 2. New Evidence submitted. P. E. 0307 06) :)r Test Reports No.'s HETI-09-2614, dated 09/04/09, HE11-09-2586, dated 07/10/09, HCT149 2584, dated d 07/10/09, IUTI-0;2580, dated 07/10/09, T I-v9- 09 2611, dated 09/04/09, HETI-09 2585, dated 107/10/09 and B ETlI-09 2579, dated 07/10/09, all issued Ling, Inc., signed and sealed by Candido F. Font,P. E. 0307.06) br Test Reports No.'s HE, TI-12-4010 dated 03/05/12, I&T1.4? 3-1.778, dated 01/30/03, RETI-03-1779, dated d 01/30/03, HETI-03-1777, dated 01/30/03, BET143- ETI-03-1774B, .dated 01/30/03, all issued by Hurricane ied and sealed by Rafael Droz-Seda, P. E. 12-0307 06) A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. L420:0-6200-1201. Rev Fixed Vrindo-w", sheets 01 through 05 prepared by manufacturer, signed and manufacturer,signed and sealed by Tl Note: This revision consist of editorial chi 8, issued to Lawson Industries, Inc. for their Series a Fixed Window - I..M.I.", approved on 12/11/14 and titled "Series-4200-5200 Flange -Frame. Impact 05, dated 02/21/12 last revised on NOV 21, 2017, tied by Thomas J. Sotos, P. E,.prepared by ias J. Sotos, P. E. es of FBC 17 (6th Edition) code compliance. ishaq 1. Chanda, P. E. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 17-1212.13 Expiration Date: August 22, 2022 Approval Date. February ti1, 26x80 E 4 3 Lawson Industries, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE:, EVIDENCE SUBMITTED B. Test 1. None. C.. CALCULATIONS 1. None D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami Dade Department of Regt � atory and Economic Resources (RER). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance to FBC 2017 (61h Edition) and "No financial interest" dated 11117/1.7, prepared by the manufac urer, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P.E. 2. Statement letter dated 01/22/18 of the editorial drawing changes issued by Lawson Inc, signed by Nelson Erazo, Senior design en,iueer. G. OTHER 1. This NOA revises # 17-0531.05, exTiri#g 08/22/22. I Ishacl I. Chanda, P. E. I )Product Control Examiner < l NOA No. 17-1212.13 J Expiration Date: August 22, 2022 Approval Date. February 01, 2018 E-4 SERIES-4200 Z 6900 FIXED IMPACT WINDOW — FLANGE FRAMI 74.000' WLN%� D.L. , UrFE3 A Tw- AT CORNAK AIVI's mommucruro" sae u 9 g 3i & I I APPROVED WINDOW ELEVATIONS (L-MIRM-n v.. F. yMy�-y Div„ ' EXt IMF. FALSE CELMAL TYP CAL 2 v)� Fo m� m1w ELLVAIIQ. K"I"S AM APPLIED W/ TESTED UNIT W/ IUCOW AND ME L AVAILABLE AS DPTICIIAL MAXIMUM GLASS AREA TESTED APPLIES TO % LM-Ki„AywTBTx mAmm Tm� nEvAnom GLASS TYPES: E, F. J, K AND L. - SEE WINDOWS A" L*ML 'UP DESIGN LOAD CAPACITY TABLES ON SHEET 4 WAIU-DADS CO R SIZE LIMITATIONS OF EACH CLASS TYPE. SHUTIT c 14 Notes: 710 WINDOW .11. IS DESIGM AND TESTED TO COMPLY 11. THE II8,,U1RzU1N1s OF THE FURIDA, BUILDING CODE (2014-5th Editi— & 2017-6th EdItin) INCLUDING W= EIMTI.H mm =m HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANN ZONE ("HZ) AND ASTR 1300-09, THIS PRODUCT 19 WACT RESISTANT. (SHUTTERS NOT REQUIRED) WOOD DUCKS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND ANCHORED 80 THAT THE BUILDING ML972 THE SUPERIMPOSED LOADS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF P.B.C. & TO BE REVIEWED BY BUILDING OFMIAlt v SH WN 0 ABOVE ARE AS PER TEST UNITS. ANCHORS ON ALL WINDOW SIZES ARE NOT TO EXCEED TIME MA)GUUM SPACINGS ON CENTER (O.C.) ANCHOR 4. R CONDITIONS NOT DESCRIBED IN THESE DRAWING'S ARE TO BE ENGINEERED ON A SITE SPECIFIC BASIS, UNDER SEPARATE APPROVAL AND TO BE REVIEWED BY LDING OFFICIAL. 6 WINDOWS ARE QUALIFIED FOR USE WITH SINGLE GLAZE LUJINATED GLASS TYPES. AND FVR OUSE WMI DOUBLE GLAZE, LAMINATED INSULATED GLASS TYPES TABULATED HEREIN., t: A All YN LU L. In H, (SEE SHEET 03 FOR GLASS TYPES AND SHEET #4 FOR = DESIGN PRESSURES), L= 6.)IBUI WINDOWS WITH GLASS TYPES 'El, c. Y, OR a' INSTALLED AD COMPLY WITH DVE Zf,]N THE Zjt?LE WS5112M .G. r-79MOR UTE SHALL BE TIEUPEREID TO THE IMP REQUIREIDINTS (FBC-Chapter 24 Se.U.. 2411.3.3.7). 0"AMON IEVA vmrx =NCE OPTIONAL FRAME INSTALLATION DLTAUS SEE SHEETS 2 & D. ROAR 01AREETI-RDIND I'LEVAPON I 8.) �Xr. & IRS'. FALSE COLONIAL MUN71NS ARE OPTIONAL A AND AM APPLIED W1 SHICONE 0 WOOD BUCKS IN "OMAM WM CONCRETE MUM BE. PRESSURE TREATED AM ANCHORED (BY OTHERS), PRIOR TO WINDOW INSTALLATION. (SEE SHEET #2 FOR.D DETAIL & NOTES) vm— MUM yWpRy HE ALLOWABLE LOADS FOR ALTERNATE SHAPES AS SH BY INSCRIBM 0"' CAN BE VEMFEC PICTURE WHCOW SHAPE WITHIN A SOUARE OR RECTANGLE. AS SHOW IN DOTTED LVIES AND OBTAINING tO-)) APPROVAL APPLIES TO SINGLE UIBTS OR SIDSBY SIDE NULLED UNITS. - A 11. MULLING FD(ED WINDOWS WITH OTHER TYPES OF W(AUI-DAD9 COUNTY APPROVED PRODUCTS USING A U=-DARE COUNTY APPROVED MULLION IN BETWEEN ARE ACCEPTABLE BUT THE LOWER DESIGN PRESSURE FROM THE WINDOWS OR UUILLRIN APPROVAL WILL APPLY YO THE tu ALLOyrABLE LOADS Fn SHAPM PROVIDED 04 '"o" FASTENERS ARE AS ETCH DESCRIBED HEREIN ENTIRE MUlJXD SYSTEM. 12.) SEE: SHEET 0 5 FOR MULLION/METAL ATTACHMENT DETAILS & OPTIONS. I'CiR WE M WACINQ u 614 ENS. V/ 11/4— MN EMBEDMENT INTO WOOD. (SEE ELEYATIDN AT SHEET FOR 14AX FASTENER SPACIHI ALL WOOD BUCKS IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE UATI BY LAVSDN WA) TO BE PRESSURE TREAT L TO BE REVIEVED BY BLOG. OTICIAL CTYPJ INTERIOR (SEE TdNER. AIDTES AT SHEET 46 - OI51 -�' DR. GRADE CAUWZ _ II I we rLAHDc lr ,��, G,.'a`,'•{.•",'�'-5;,� � EXTERIOR E[T. GIUDC AOvv TAE1.Kn4i ,mrer NO 1 A LTOiI>1!S C1 ldL� I*1 3YINDOW DWAUATION NOTES: L THE ViNDOW FRAHE FLANGE TO BE BACK -BEDDED W/ AN EXT. GRADE CAULK THRDIIGHOUT THE ENTIRE PERIMETER IF FLANGE BY WINDOW INSTALLER (TYPJ 2. THE EXPOSED EXT. PERIMETER OF THE WINDOW FRAME TO BE CAULKED AND SEALED V/ AN APPROVED EXTERIOR GRADE CAULK BY OTHERS (TYP) 3. WOOD BUCK VECEF10 GRAVITY - 0.55 MIN, 4. CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTT = 2KL1 HIM. ' WHEN TNS GAP BETWEEN THE WINDOW FRAME AND THE BUCK OR MASONRY IS LEM TBAN 1/8'. SHIMS ARE NOT REQUIRED. ANCHORS NORP,: ANC1mRS TO BE 014 SMS OR WD• SCRCVS INTO WOOD, OR 1/4' ITV BUILDEX TAPCONS — APPROVED CONC. FASTENERS INTO CONCRETE (2KSI MM, WITH A MINIMUM OF 1 1/4' PENETRATION INTO WOOD OR CONC. AT 12' M MAX. K TAPCON YIELD STRENGTH, Fy-IOOKsl ULTIMATE STRENGTH, ru-125Ks1 PWa vwoov rR4Nc wDTM 014 SJIS. V/ 1 114' 1/4' TAPCIW W/ 1 1/4' MM ENBEDMIT ORD MB MIN EMBEDMENT INTO CONE. (SEE ELEVATim AT swET 11 (SEE ELEVATION AT SHEET 8l FOR MAX. FASTENER SPACMG) FOR MAX. FASTENER SPACING) 1 1/B' ION. 0 4 ' e rji vY� ' D © r N � ,A O OnO. m o z i •1/4- TAPCD4 V/ I V4' MN. ENB{ONQIf QITO CpIG y •b (A ` SSEE ELEVATf➢M ATSNOET FORMAX. FASTENER SIT. A. ♦a U a., � zn P- ° e zo d !r4• N0N z ,. I 'MH m o. D ;:,! E➢Ti DISTANCE cI a S o c3 P.T LO SON IN0. BUCAIN I MU SUSOOD P D MUST SUSTAIN QIPOSED LOADS � ET'BF,OIffnN 4' d. S..[ ADHESIVE BEDDING E 'e COMPOUND EXTERIOR INTERIOR V MAX. SHIM LANDIATED GLASS! 8 jjj TYP S ® 10 NBAODUCSYL'Vlsdw �IeEvdfhlY P4s3J 11 Ne { a CAAULKINGLRU L} ak t�K "F�'`y'��,+n PFEBBE IIWTER (.n•v .. ,��S '.r4.., •:, e••.><. .`: d, • 1 14 NIf1 cN V -moo_" LAMINATED INSULATED GLASS C_ MPOS117ON TYPE B ITKM DESCRIPTION DETAIL 11/8' ANN GLASS 2 0.090- $AFLEX PVB by. Eaatnan CN4Wal Co 1/B' ANNEALCO GLASS_= 4 t/A' INSULATED AM LACE 5 (D 1/B' ANNEALED OR TEKPERED GLASS LAMINATED INSULATED GLASS COMPOSITION TYPE C 1799 DESCRIPTION DETAIL 1 118' ANNEALED GLASS ana•.__-- __ ' 2 OB90• SAFLEX PVB by. Eactwn CAcnkal Co. � 3 1/8' ANNEALED GLASS=- 4 1/4• INSULATED AIR SPACE - (U 3/16• ANNEALED OR TEMPCRCD GLASS LAMINATED INSULATED GLASS COMPOSITION TYPE F ITmA BSSCDIPTION DETAIL 1 1/0' HEAT-STREK ICIOED GLASS 2 D,090' TRDSIF0. PVB br Kuroray an4rlc0, Unc. (� 3 1/6• HEAT-STRENGNIENED GLASS - -` 4 t/P INSULATED ATR SPATE �T ---- S (U 1/B' ANNEALED DR TEMPERED GLASS 1 OR TEMPERED GLASS LAMINATED INSULATED GLASS COMPOSITION TYPE L TIEAI DIS41' OITfON OXTAIL 1 3/16' HEAT-STRENGHTEIED GLASS B 0.0901 TRDSIF0. PVD by Kuroroy A-rk., 1— an• .- - - 3 3/L6' KAT-STRENGiTEAED GLASS 4 1/4' INSULATED AIR SPACE 41 5 3/16' TEMPERED LASS Notes: L) SEE SHEET 4 FOR DZSION WADS LOAD CAPACITY TABLES. pQ RHIDORS WIN QASS 1Y735 'R, C, F. OR G- INSTALLED ABOVE 80 M IN THE RVIIS, THE I.G. EXTERIOR IM SHALL BE TEMPERED TO COMPLY WITH TBE SHAH. LDSSIL> IMPACT RESISTANCE REQUIREMENTS (PDC-2014. S.Cttoa 2411.3.8.7). DOW C13RNING 899 SCHNEE-NOREHEAD 5721 TREMCO SPECTRUM 2 INSULATED L.—J INSULATED " LAMINATED GLASS COMPOSITION - TYPE A SOCONE SC4NEE-MOREHEAD SM 5731 GIASS DG9CR"ON ' Ti --DETAN. lIC CORNING III 0 r ANNEALED GLASSI TREMO SPECTRUM p IO' TROSWIL PVB bYi Kuraray A-1ca, 11-1 ' m fO D r ANNEALED GLASSY I r •gyp tl LAM ATED G i SS COMPOSITION - TYPED v Nip HATED GLASS DescRllmMONOLDNICon I � I' NEAT-STRENGHTENED GLASS IIIITAIL m (.Y AZINO STOn •> 10' TR0.StFOL PVB bye KuI.OraY anerico, Inc. alD CIRCULAR WOWS. i • HEAT-STRENG17ENEP GLASS p. 13 32 LAMINATED GLASS COMPOSITION — TYPEW"117 ITEM LASS DESCRORION I 1 3/I6• HEAT-SIRENGNIEwA GLASSB A90' SAFLEX PVB by- E-a, CHaNcal Ca,3 VB' F-AT-mmitaNTOLID gLASS 7 16 LAMINATED CLASS COMPOSITION - TYPE H 17FJ1 GLASS DESCRIPTION I DETAIL 1 3/16' AN'EP1ED GLASS 2 SAFLE% PVD lep Earthen C.w d Co - --- 3 3/16' NOIEALED GLASS I 3/16- ANNEALED GLASS 3/16' ANNEALED GLASS 7 18 L LAMINATED GLASS COMPOSITION - TYPE K RSM I CIA99 DEXIOPTION I DETAIL 1 3/16• NEAT-STRENGHTENEO GLASS my 2 0D90' TRIISIFUL PVB by, Y.uraroyl Merin. I— In 7 3/16' HEAT-STRENGNTENED GLASS LAMINATED 3 lAIIINATED 4 j MONOl1fHIC L o.9up .~ aww �O GLAZING DEPTH GLAZING DEPTH Q� q0y O IADINATEO MONOUTHCI SILICONE OPTIONS', L(`i -- -- ION CGRNING 699 q SCHNCE-HCII-EAD 5731 TREMCO SPCCI.,. 2 0.60p GLAZING DEPTH AMINATEED/MONOLIT'HIC CLASS TYPICAL GLAZING DETAIII , SS - S 5 yS C 0 All PRO➢ICiBLY� ' V �� �4vM[+1AIAeBKBAIM RwA1LM V G Nei-t2IZ.I aftia4eepre iYI LA Wu'SCAAncA^ .. 26, fur 74' 741;4' 1.) SEE SHEET 3 FOR GIAZINO TYPES, DETAILS h SHICONE OPTIONS. IN A 2.) WINDOWS WITH MASS TYPES 'B, C, F. OR G' INSTA= ABOVE 90 FT, IN THE HYHZ, THE I.G. EXTERIOR LT2 MAIL IN BE TE4@ERED TO C030'LY WITH THE SUA].L HL44UB DTPACT RESISTANCE REVUil"RMIS (PBO-20L4, Section PA11.3.3.7). W MODW:r mviseD moon wk P, " L �,H.' �` J A 4waM1L,M��� )F.) M w. — L:PaIR ee!sswns a!I ee a9 VEAnQkLLY OR H(IPoZOMALLY AS 9Hmm AD06C I BILL OP MATERIALS ITEM PART f QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UATERIAL REMARKS 1 L-4201 2 FRAME HEAD/SILL/JAMB 6063-T6 - 7. L-7708 4 GLAZING BEAD (5/16" GLASS) 6063-TG - 3 L-7708 4 GLAZING BEAD (3/8" & 13/32° GLASS) 6063-T6 - 4 L-7708 TRIMMED 4 GLAZING BEAD (7/16" GLASS) 6063-T6 - 8 L-7711 4 GLAZING BEM (5/16" GLASS- INSULATED) 6063-TG - 6 L-6211 4 GLAZING BEAD (7/16" GLASS - INSULATED) 6063-T6 - 7 g8 X 3/4° 2/ CORNER ASSEMBLY SCREWS - P.H.. HILLIPS B L_4204 AS D. GLAZING BEM AT CIRCULAR WOWS. 6063-75 - 9 VWS-004 AS REDD. GLAZING GASKET SOFT PVC - 10 • AS REOD. GLAZING SILICONE ° - 11 PL 76.6020 AS REDD. GLAZNG SETTING,BLOCK SOFT PVC 1/8' JX 1/8" X 2" 12 812-2511-357 AS REDD. -"DuSeol' Duro S6GI Swiggle SPncer 1/4" BLACK 1/4" AIR SPACE WINDOW FRAME =l1,A5{ -9 DETAILS T— .791 2.6.3 1a81 D6z BI ]l0 e5DFa'u `1 391 aso —f tTP. .)73 •...608 r 1 FRAME HEAD/StLL//JAMB CLA 2 (5/181L GLLA 5) 3I0 F-n7( ,830 A.0 2� T.WD, TM. 773 .77] 3 GLAZING STOP 4GLAZING STOP (7/16° GLASS) 13/32' GLASS) 310 a6D ASO •1'S .oso ' .9y2 OSO .6¢2 L P DSO � TTP, 5 �� INSU ATFD GLAZINO STOP W/ 5/16" LAMINATED GLASS 6 aDo INSULATED GLAZING STOP W/ 7/16- LAMINATED GLASS A50..0A�� TYP.� ' II—eea 8 .6S7 1 OA10 M=YCP qrc GLAZING STOP (CIRCULAR WOW.) �lj w.m {�R 7 RUN. OR SOUARE MNODL9 O1 CORNEli9 1� ,O FRAME, RADIUS JOINT FRAME END CORNER FRAME CO$NER & J(y,N1'._)2E�'AII.,$ SEALANT R4 FMHEWERS, OR JOINTS SEALED WITH A COLORED SEALANT AND PERIMETER OF GLAZING BEM WITH CLEAR SILICONE iROAUCt'RtiVLSPD M�IwO �oiMtbe Fimld AxtOtAetm Ro 3 .BtptllN6u lb4_JhL�, tL�u'lc/Al.. SQ MULLIO.NPEPSAPFROYAS FOR P Cwde01 MULDON , SI72 ANO A. lff9CN PAL'4V.9E UMIIA0oNG. ALUMM" MULLMN (ALUM. 0.076- U., TINT) 12 % 3/.• S.RS. MOIL^ THE UNDER PRESSURES OF SLAT IEnO, A IT'S THE WWDON 0 MRL SNSLL G01E1 N AT J2• AC. NAk t--""""'111A•AA SEE MULLION fPl'J!OVALS iGP, MULLION TYPE, SItC ANU M J(. DESIGN PAESSURc L00TAl10NS. INTERIOR NOTE: THE LONER PRESSURES OF I/41 MAX. THE WWWW OR MULL SHALL GOVERN D4TERIOR I L 4 12 S.6S. K 1 1/4' L. .AT 12' AG MAX. } NOTE: 1. ALL STEEL IN CONTACT LOTH AWM. 10 BE PANTED OR PU701 Timmn, 2. IM& BB01C1URES: A) STEEL : FY - 36 KSI MIX (STEEL 18 GA M01. THCK - O.O.L7 _ �- _ B) ALUMINUM : BOW -TB WN (ALVY. 0.078• uiR TWCK) EXTERIOR xirJDOw ETUDE PENKLT. vnx0ow FPw¢ 1m SEALANT EXTERIOR E]. ETER GAULK METAL STRUCTURE ATTACHMENT DE'1'ATf.