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'. . . fort~1taUPq1len_8~i4~ bi. hlm oIi"t~18 ,~ont,l'~o~~.tUil1.~Oh ,.~~nts' s~aJ.l'b:e;'retll-1n~d..brt~ . ':'."l \ \ -" . ..". . ,~,. . . ; . - ' '. - . - .,'.'. . . .' .~ ". . o' .~ld~1.. ~t, tlie: n ~~t. part i.n, tull, sa~8t:aot.1o'na~ ;U~~1da~1,~~,4't' al~'~~~S b.~ hl,m .lnistalll~4 .\.' ~,~~ld' P~t7, .~t, ilie 'ti1"~tp~r1. ",8ha):i',have .,the'rlght,'to,'r~-eJit,r ~d' 't'ak8"~os,ses~'10n',Qt"1;he' '.' , "..t. '~~~1se8 ,:~ore8a~d ,wi th~u~ be1n8 Ua b~e', ~c), ~ '~ot~o~ ;'the~~t01," .,:' :;:",~' ,:,,~.,',' ,.,..~ '.' " ':, '~.,L .' ..IT~$, 'KmtALL~'AG~D~b7,.B.n4 h~t.e'e~,:the,~a~1;'l~'s. h~~et~; t~tt~e..ti~~ 'o(p~~l~"sb~l~/' ;::f i,'~~. aile'~Sen~11l1 p~t,ot.t~~,~,'oontrao,~,-'~. tb~tal~"o~!eJlaii. an4" ~~re8~~.;~era~Il.' oonialned' :',,1.' "'=:~~o::::1;:1:::,1>~.Obli~t.1TUP~ti ,tho,. ~.l:il :.~~.Outo";"cIm~~(.tiato:~, ;"'4, ..e1~.. ~i" ,tb~ ' ..,,1 . .... , . . " · " 'I ,,'!B:wITlIEss.YiHEREor, The,partfes'to tbeae presents hayehereunto .et~:tl:ie1r ,ha~d8and",~ea18 . l' ~. . ~.. . . . '. ' '..- ....' '.. "... '" .:.~.. . . ,... t , th~C\ayaJid1e ar .first above.r1tte~~." '. '.~ . <\ . I ," . . .' :....' ~ " . : . 'Signe;r.-Sealel1. ~d J)ei,-,ve,re~ilnir~8enoe, 'ot:. , W..k"~' S~WELL. .;..'. ~".... ~.~ . i( SEAL) " .1,' ':' " . Gi-. F,' HYLTON. J · · · · .'. · . .'. (SE.tr.L) --,.,.. 'I\'~ .-"., .18.m18.8. Rook, , : MaS. LOUISE IDn.TOJ...,...(SEAL)r--: .. . .8e8.818I1.. (lardner' . . ., '. "4l' ! ' '.,.' , .' j , ." ..., ~"" ;', ' ',' .', ", . .' , i RECEIvED ,ON W'lTHIB CON:'R1~CT ,THEFOLLOWING'SuKs:,. . '. " ,," " ',. 'Dflt'e .;nterest,:" 'Pi~1noj.pa].',.. ,Rem~~8" ."1'.'. .1~26 '" $ 'Ch'; , . < . $ ~'" .Ch. . , , ~ .' :9 . ~ -i". I, . . ~ .,. . ll""~' " 1;,: il ." ~ ': liar. 'z', X~ ,..,',. 500.00 'Wote,liD.1L'JBR .Paid. ~,' . ;, -d7' . ',-.. ,- . ' 3' STATE, .OF ,~RII).AiST .WCIECOUNTY~". . , ,... . . ., I , On this day -personally ,appear~ betore .me', en otfioer' aut,rn.,lzed to take",aokno"ledgments 'ot. ~ .. -".,' - .'. . . . .:.' ~ - . ;' . -' -,', -. . ,": - . . .' ~. ~de~d~, eto. t. W., A.~. s,~~e~l~~,..~I1k~l~O~ to :m~ 'W~ll,iaio,wtl~' and,~'~n ~'~br'-:~e ,P,e:r811tl~' whO'., " ~ ueoutedthe w1thlnagreement "aDdao~~leClged: thlilttM1'''8,xeou.ted' the, 'sa,lDfi.to1:"~l1Ejpurp08e.8.. ,~.: .. "..~~<;v'" . .', '..- , ~"'.'. _'. ~ .... ..'-" -_ ',,' ," " therein expressed. . And the~ald '.U>u,1se ~ltCtnt, ..ita ~t :tl(i~l'8a14.._G. ~k}fyl~.on: u~o~ ~ eX(t.~,lnlrt1o . ' _. '. . , .. , ,- .' . '.' ' . ',. ~ - -.. . ~:t. . .. '. . .' ~ln~t10,nt!iken b7~e ~eparp.te".andiap'art'trom~her8a1d:hu8~e;nd'~ ,aOkno1Jledged ,that ~~ .ex8ou~ed . " _' '.' ,'''.'' ,.," - . . ,"'. . ' . -. .',. . .-'~'" - " ~ if..,., .' '.' , ":' ~". '. ,,-' : . ,'_ ,"' ,";' .' ~-the-,~a-1d-agl'8elB'en~.tree1FfU1d-:"'~~tU:H7" and',w! tho~t"ant:conetraln~..:c'ob~PUlsloD~'-:apPtehen81on .;' , <! ,."'''''~,_, .... ',' "'- ,~'. ~. . ....'~o' . ,'..,..' '_.~ ,,-,.-, -::'10.,'.' ...: :..",(~ ',jQ,' '" .f . or fe.r otor tromher saldhu8baD4., '. A . . " . . - I' :th1e9 day of I4ar. 1925. . "" ' , ; 1 ..'0 :1..B. I{O~: A', 'NotariFUbll o~ ,', , .', r Bota17 Publia o-rthe sta te'~ot .Fl'orlda,; . , at ~ar6e.',lI1'.". ~1981C?D expl1'.ee i;~t~'. I'~ ~i-d d8.J O't.'.Aprll at 3~6 P~.)(.. 1926. ,; '0' ,-,,:~t , ' . " p. C.~14r.cI (Cl~rk.~ .Clfo~lHourO" .t , ',,' At} .' , 17~A,.,-nu~,J /~< n.C. J , . ". ~" " . ... .'. f " ' ", . '$ , . , ,,~.' . i . _ . -. _ . _ . _ . ..;. . _ . _ . _ . _ .~ _ . _ . _ . _ . -. _ . -. _ . .: .' l... _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . ~ . _ ~ -~. _ . _ . _ . _ ; .. . ... . .J '. ~ ' ,/ I, I 1 < 1 t . 1 ~j 'H ./ '"~ . ~ '- .' .' , ~" ~,'.',.f.I',',': ';.--. 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