HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0183 rji~i_::~'~:"~'~, ..'.,~,'.':..~I~-' ,< ~ ,r ;- - l.' .' - -~ J.~": '. '1. _ I I' ,. ,,', , , .- . , 'j ; .' . . 11 ., '_ l I .'. ,I r . I. I, ~, .' ,~ ' . I' ~ I' I .. . 1. . I . I I ~ . _ .. "r ~_l~: .2 . ~;l L-~ ~'".~c.~ '~~~"'~~~~-':"'.'11! . ". ~~ ~ ,'~~' ~l4~~___ F~~.7~~.,..~-c=,;""'~~~~~~~~~~:~......~~;:~a.~or.::r;d.~~:.:J~.q;.-h~~~~~~'Io"87 ~ .;:fII~~:h:",.;' ,,...~...~~..~~.b.:~~~~~~.p,r-~~~'-"~l~;~~f"~~-""-'~-<I" , " ", \ ' ,~i .. 0,. I .-: .... . ':. , . l . . .. ,- '.. . \. " '. I. . . '.. ':.': ,', ,,'" " ,,' ',. 'W~fY".DEED I.',','~, ~ :,1 I' ':: ", "E~~.'~MB:AD:~luA:UE~.SMEil'" ""I' . TO'" ,~ '...'>"...; .t.,~~DE~.S..TA~R. ~:.'I,l. ".. ,- .\ . . '\ \ . 1 . , \ -- , . I ~1afOW ALl. 'whI.Bt THES~ PiU:SUTS' <\., " ,'" " <;r '!" L'" ,'i1Hl.S'lifD~~~\' ~~~~S'i4\~:d~' O~ .1~~~,~,IA~,~<~~~. b). ~~ :R~ S~,~ '(.~~ 1118 on r1ght>f' ,,' \ ":,.and IO.R,~E"O. ~AD. (h1sWl!e>,ot O~e,!6~a~,. Cuy~ogilOo\uit7, Vhl~'i p,art'1.e8. ~tthe.F1tst,':p~rt~ 'f-' " '... ..... - -' _ _' _ \ . . _ ' ',', "" .\ _' ,', _ -, ~ \ ',', ' . . ~' 'I.' \ 'l.. ,.~ .- .: ., _ ,'. ..' .\ . . ,!. ~ .1 \ ,to .ALE~DERS. .T,\yOOa o~, ~leV~~.',CUj,ahoga~.oo~t;y, Ohio,Par.t;yot t,lie .s~~On4 p..r~."," . '. i ,,' "I'.' . ',",''''' '.' . .!1'! !.!~'~ ~.1 If. " , . \' '. ',' : ',,1', ~. " . , '\" . ."' , ~.;' \. ,: - " '. ," '. ' .. '.' ..'" . '1' . .' ,', '., 'that,the sald PI(l,l'U,~B':O~ \the'~rst .farttt~f IitJ\d In "QO~sl~e~':lon o~tlie' ,s~ ~t' Ten~., .",' ! " DOllar~. (tl.~.OO> lawtuJ,'mO~e7 ot'the''.iJn1tet\.~tate8 ot !merida, and,'othe;'~alU,bl'8'pOn,~16e'r:atl:Onp " to', th~m',lrihimd pa1dby .the Qaid Pai"t;y 'ott'he'SeoondPart ,at" ~~,'betoreth~"eiu;e,al,l~ ~4d~':' 'f ....' " .,' . . '.' ::,:' -"~" ':"".' . .~, ,.'. \\, ..' ,. ,.;~,. :.' ';, '. . . t' . , l1very:'ot the~e 'p-resen1is,'.:th~" ro'oe1pt whereot 18 hereby ,aolrnowledged~ haa grani;ei1. bargaln,ed,' .1' . .., , . ,. . ' ," ' , ~~1~'>~1~El8e4: r, ,~onv~,~~ '~,d contl~ed',. ~ b7. the.ee pres~n,:.~' ,dO~~ 'g~n1i" bar~a~~" ~,(t,~ll', re~~a~r', .';. " : oonva;y and 'oontlrm., unto 8a1~ party'ot the Sel30ttd Part, ~8 heir. &.no, aseigp8-"all,t~e 'l~d'ln'l,r: .' "_ ;' .'. . , .1...-..,.. , . '. _ .- ,'. ~, ~t~., L~oi.e'Co~t71" n~rla~'" cie~o~'b~d"'as:'t~il~S,:- ,:,- ..' ' , '" ' ',~u" ~ .1.'. .: , . " ".Bei~5Ubl~tlf~::' ~-0~'.S~b'~hlS10D.lf~.:2. ;a8:the:'aia~;ls 'de..1anated on'-". ,;:1 ~ '. '... .".. \~~;pi~~' ot 'iand8"'~tt~~,East<'11eJr'co.pan':~' tfie4\~,~ :th'. ott1~e 'o~ th~,"~ '~,.:' ..... ;,-.~ ",..', ,," \ .:~- ~ . ".,., .,.,...... .," .' " .. "',.', .-: . . .'. .',-. p ':'.' ~ ' r Olerk ot,the. C1roult Rourt; ~t:~t ..Luo1e.'O'C!\U1t7,',PIQr1da', .~d reoor4ed . , . '. , .: ~ '.'. t' : ' '. ,: (.>. '. .' . . . ~. . ._".'.' . ... ',In Pl~t .doOk'4-,: .t>8&e--:; , ; ", ; , , . '.1'- 1 . . .'- " ,':-~-'I,,; #'..._,...._,,'~., ~ ,'.> \- >_.,0 '.',-: '" ~"-', '.'_';.' ','~, ~ ..'i-:'" ~Exoept, how~ner.. the righ;t.. Qt w81'"otOr;pu,bl1~ro~.,dra1n8&e oanals, .' .,. "... -,' -' . :.: ,I ',~,: ' .~: I .. ;". ' . .~.:.-'I '., J. II. -.",-,!..,,~~,>~.~-....~.:-;\;-.~. .......--..-.-,,-"-' "'J . , I' ',': , \ . , ; , . j' , , ~ - ". . >: , j. --. . , . ' . . '''''., " " . " <J'. , . .' ~ :~, 'r~. ~VE"~DTO HoLIl:tba .s8.me~ toge:ther-w1th.' th,e' he~d1 t.aentfJ ~d ~ppu:rteriari.oes ,) ..'. , " . '- . ", ':.'. ,'.' '. ' .." " '.' . ". ' . '. .....; - ,\, the~untQ belotlgfng,', ~to tli& "8&14 ,Partt oftheSeoond ~':';"t f .~ .'his ~11"8at1d ,a'Eu~1~8.~,"n.. ; , ' ')) " '.' ~ . ".... " . . . ,',' '. ,... riE SI1!PJE"..' tof'~~el";'~ubJeot,ho~ever~ ~~tbe~8tri,ot10~ ,'~ r1g1\.ts'~reserVati'orui", 'l,lnilt~tlone, ,1 '. '- - ' . .' ,'. .'. . "J' ;.. , ~.' , , '-', - ". - ,., ,- '-. ,.' ". ' i . agreements~~ov~l1arit8:' and ocind!t10'n's' herelnatte~ stlpulate'd.' , '.' . , " .~._ . . ? ..", i,,' t- . " ~eG~t?ei)n00I18:tl.}:"~t1~~ ott,he eX~~'1io~;:an~ ,de'l1ve,rl'.of th~18 d~e~, hereby oove~~~~" . and~ agree8w&.th and tor the' benetU. "-Ot. theqrantOi"B~' and all,--other o1iner.8o~Bublote in eaid, . . -. " -'. "" . " .','. '. " . :, :., - . " .. . "..' ".' , " . ~ . .., "'. . S\ibdlv1Qion .2, to h~1d 'sai,d~fiUl,r"estate .he~efn'de~or1bed' upo~'~l\e. t~11OW1ng tlt~: .' . . . '.' "'..<." " '. ... , . '. ' '....,. . . -. ','. '" " '.1.,': "Said .~al estate sball be~us~~"e:kolUehelj t~~',p~l.,ate " . 'd' .'.'~' .'. ...' ,'.' , 'd.efUng house ll\u'Po.eu,and no hous.,~ha.ll be'ere,~t~~~<plaoe4 , ,', " ..t." ". . the. : "" . '. , ' . ,: or 8~tfered 'tb rema1ij,upon said 'pre.het- "/lJ'Qatof oonatruoUoD . ,.J' ; , '.. ' " ,': . ....: _ _ , . . ,". ,~ ,~" t", " " . . " '. . .' ...' '. '. . '. , " :'ot~"hl~~ 8ha,~~~ b~ lea8 -t)ian- '1'''n~1~t1Y.,',~re<l--Dol1Ue-4~~'!~-}~ . unlesa the-,~~~Oh1teottlralpla,ns: forea.1d dwelllng,Sha;Ll' han, .Q:en , t,' , _ , .' , '- . . " , . '. _ .:', ,." ",',' ',', .... ',' appl'~ve4.'bi: the.:East'lleWCompari;y,' n~r nearer than 6,6 teet to the , ". .. oenter:U'ne 'ot' aiQr" publio h1gqwaY,1~', or e.:;':Joining, sa1dS\.\bdlv1810n '.. . ;. . ' ' .' , , ... ..,. .. .,' ".' . , .',.' " li~. 2, n,()~ neared thanten),( 10) teet to the side 1,.1ne ot ani adJ01nln~, -- . sublot; prOVided, h~wner,the.t theto"golng~ulld1ng-~1,ne: rest.r1o~10ne . shallnota'pply to porches, .verandas. porteso'ooh'ere~' :or other ,.sm1d11ar , . ,,-"'. . ~ -' -.',' .:' \ . . " .' '," , pro.Jeot10Tt8 ot :SUohbul1~1ng~.lAnd'~ 1t'8.Jl1' ~welJ.lrig bO';"so pl8.nned~d , . '. '., ,,' , . " ~', ..' , ple.O~d'upon ~e,~d'prem18ee th~t the/rear,ldtohenor senl_oe. portlon of "'S 'J. ," '.' the, 8am~ shall be on the s1de, oi-eni' toward any VubI1o'hlghway,the entranoe to ~oh por:tlon ot aa1dd,welling shall be so 8.l'rang'edas to be 1noonsp'louous" . , (I, , ' "" ,. .' '... 1 and d,lt9h"oe, 8S sli01O'l' on. 'the "pia tot 'sald" iaDd$; 1lnd'e~6ep't'. ~l-801'~ght.s .'.. " ' ' ... . , , .,...,' " " . ' .. ',cit~t to.r:"el~otr1~O'l1gQi tt,~leBrliph an~: -te'lepllQIu) :pol.eU~e8, .1r~ter Duutia,,',_', , }. ~ ~ , . .. . ~... . ~ ~ ~ - -~ -. .-';. . "and',o~~r. pUb+lo a~r.v1C~, f...aOl~it1es lnt:,~paiJ., @d; ~,nder"'t~e-?h.l~h~ upon: ....1 whloh 8aidsublo~.ab\1t8. . 1 ~. "j . l I I.' ;. .. .i,' , \ ; ., ~. a.. . '1) {. trom said b1gbway. , " 'i I f, . ./--- /2. INo ppt10n Of the wlth1,n '~f38orib.d' pl'om18U'ne,arerto any publ1~ , ' : ,I" . I ,," '., ' " . '. I ",I , . h1ghwaythan the build1pg 11ne,_ hereinbetore fixed ,s~~l,b'e used ,tOP.~ '.' . -- ' .' . , },\\ . ' othe~thell tb&.\of a la"n. lothing her.)in oontained, howefft, ..hall I ,. , . (