HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0187 1'76', ~, '...1' . 1 " ',': t" . . . r'o "..........._._ -c----...::___~~~~~.__.,~ .. " r" _ '.1 . '. z .'.,"--~---r--' . . ~ ' . ...........~._----~~ =--~------- --, " "' .- ';-o"';":--:--~----. "i' I, ,- , , ., I">T _"0,0,,',,, .-.....-. '--'~'.,~.....---~ --=-c-;"-- --~ .~'t. .'. .._..,j~ ~: .' .... J'.'. :if._ . :,;~.",~ .', : _~,:~.,L~:....:... ;~;-~~_...:.;:...,....";;:.:";" :i~~-k".... ,';,';, :::::-......;.....;_C:,;..;~:"__; -~,:.,;4~ -. ~~.~~~~ ~~ r . ',-- I '~. . ". '" I ~'. t:' " ,:- '. . '.. "1 1 All Lots 1n- 'Bl00k';'~', :Sl,ng~e rd-,1d.noe '2.~OQl 'or du'plex rla~ 61' doubl~ h'o~se $0.000; or apar'tm h..,. .' I ' -1-. ,',; ,: '" " J .'.'.t... I . ' . " ~ ' ,I' . I, I., . 'I' 'i. "8,000"'1'., ."','," "', ,.\ " ,,', '" . "" 't" .:, I '< !Lots ,1 to ,17< lpolu~'iTe. o,r.B10Oll!)O), S1~~lere$1deno. on~i ',6.00Q.~" " \ i ' \ I. I. r' , . \1 \.-. '.' t . ~: \, ',iLot.s., ~~ .t,or~~~:~?~~.~~e.' o~~l~o~ ,10 ',' lH~gle,J'e8tc1~n~~:on,~y.' t,a,oo~., -'., ,,<,' . ; ",I :. ", ! '; '-.. ,All Loh 1n lllook 11,' S1D81e .~~slden'oe '.only "2,~OO. .'.. _ ,.' , ,. ' ;, ,~', ,I" I 'Ail LOts 1!f')Jl()Ok12, ~'1llg1e x,sld~~o~ 'OnlY,,3,060.' \ I . I "::~u::"t:::l::l:~ S::~:' "oi~.~o,~n~ ,7,500. P,"O.td~d;. ~ i.o, ' t~t:t~ " 3, _4 ma:rt, \: . . . ; , .. \'- \ . .'. ~. - \ -...... .' 1 . >>tt:e'll1ng h~uBe~.. tla,t~ ai1d aparlment ~o~us,shaH,: be us~cictor.reB1dent1al Pu.rpR;'~.' O~lY.;j, . . '.'. .' . - .. .. .' , '. . - . .' .' _'4 .., . . ! . Bo. Gort: than. one -pr1 vai~ g8.rag4t ':to.r use 'ot, oOoUpant~ 'Shlll.l b~' ere,ohd' on any.one ),ot.::- I . :, '. So tat' p\irp~e~. ".h.d ~ lnoi~d Ogttt o~~;, di'U/l' ~,t... . ~iU-b.i ""4~0~u ~p . ohope,":'d , ..,,;. j,' ';' " .'~' ~. . . .".. ., -',., . :.' . \ ,'. .. \~. - . '.'. - : . . . 1.., '-,'.': .' . . ,': bti.s1nes8.1n'o1den~al to .eliequ1Pl)~rd iot.u~ , f ' . ~ ,. '. :. " . , . .,~ '.,. " ., , " ',' .' " .'. . , '," ." . ..." j. .'" ~ i. ;,';6,.>'fhe exter10r oon'8truo~!~n.: qt ~~, bu.llci,f~8 1:nSa1d'.R9~a.l P:ark '8lia;lJ 'be ot,8t~nei' b,rlok.'c; ~. I I . 'a'\U~~o.o~'oo~o".~t""\ ot.cori~..b. bi60ko. "";;;.. o;"t.'aU~t~ '. ,"".. ,,'.' , ! ,~ " . "b.U~lC1'1rigB Sha~~,"'e,o'r '$patii'sh,,:' y~irlit,:.';,"Ital1~,'.F~O~l,~,1ain. o~a1~~t~9~: ot a.rOh1t,~o~re'~"",:,1 , ,'. .,...., ':, ',:~'~. Feno88 1n tront,'of ,the'buil41n8 iibe~,sh~ll be ,o~ament.U, am. not e~eci th1:~linoh:Ej8 s1 " ' :" .' ,', .' '. ". -. '. " , " . . ....', . .'; , . ",' ',' ~"I'" ' : " , hel~h,t.;'~n9".'.,'~','i~:.,th~ r~i!' 'or'~Mk~1'~,the'bu1;i.<ll~' iineoiilii~ts,. 'sh~i~~. orna,menta1- .,and J' . " . , ,.': 'n<>t':lDOJ;'ethan' fhe:,'t~et. h'1'6li~, ,.. ' ." ..,'" . . t . , . . '. ','':,'.. , . ,', '.' " '. .' " " ' " , . ,,: .' .., " ~."', . "" ..'., l' I'. " A.llport1ops 'ot",l~t9 retel'red. to ~.nt~eslrrelitrlo~1o'n8 'l1'lng ],n . fron.~ ot'tl)e: )ju11cl,1ng).1~e, L ~, " ad he-:relnD~to're' set ':f'or:-r~h~ibe,u8e<!-.,:0~ fOr(1rnament~ P~08.8i:'.:.': ; ," "'.';. r:' . . . --. ~-------=--~~ . .. ., _. .. '. l. 'I. : 1fci~-~1'gns :'or bu'il:j'oards ot &Il'Y kinct, ,or Qhl1raoter ,;shallbe exh1bi't-ed~. dJ~pl~ye.d", 'oci~truQ.tel1' . . .... . "'\ -'.' . : . ..".. .~ . '. '. . ., - ,'" '.. . ," .' .''0.: ' "-. . '. . ~ ..', , or mat~'l!in.d, ',ori utd .~bi1i~!.ion -Hhout tbo. ~r1H~n, oem.ont 'o,f., .0:1d. R07al Park cO"P8D7;"~t.oj JUoo8ssor80r'ass1gn8~ . - ',.,' - ., ',., ,t> " . .",..,.. , " " . ',' " . .. " . of . 8. Eaohlot of the~bo,ye, de.sorlbed. premie68 .ehalla~, the opt,1,opof;'saldROyal,parkcompaDJr,l ; . .'..' -......" .. ,.... . 'b~~b.eot, to: aBse8sDlI~ntbY8a1dCo!DPa.ni; tor'~ :8JIIQuntnot...,~ e:xo.eQ.~ '$10~60 per.'yeartor the ." r. per10d . beg1.~ln.g,at. t}1~da~e 'ot . 'tbt.B 4~ed.'~~~.eF'1D8'J~.nua~y.l.:: 19~ .'~:~Y~ble~e~~-~~al~;' ht. 1n,stallmentso.t1$f{.OO eaoh on It.pr11 ';1. and'Ooto})~r .1 .o:teuoh 'ye.p.r 4tt~r d~te'ot;~ thl~ '.d'e~,. 'whio~' '. ... . . ". '." : ': . . -. - . .. , ~' . ':. ." ... ... :.', a: -; . . ,:5 . _',. " ,. ; _ ~ . ,moneys, sMll ,be \1S~~ tor the .uia1n~enano~ and, ,upkeep of. said.' subd~ vision, . such a~.- the olear1~6 ;;," . ", ". . ~ . i of lots" oa~ ?r, trees'; s~bberylUlli Tlnes~~e reoD . (when ne~l~ot,d). sa' tar. as th~ arOount ',' i 0"; ..' : .,' '. '. .' , ,.... - ~.~;_' . . .'_.... . , _, ., ',(: ',. oOll,e.oted, \'1111 perm~ t t. .&IId. Wh~Oh~h~ .a&,1d .verdee < ,r~e~, ~o.'Pa.y'~lorie ot: .~~,. O~~B,1deratJonB or::.,;" ,... theQe .pres-.nts; tbe, l~-.n ot B~ohaase8s~ents.to be 'pl8.oed.':'8J:l,doolleoted 1n th,e' SaDi~ manner as 'f. " J'~. " I , , ,-.' ~- ~ '1 '<0 . . ,': provided 'to.r ~~8ns r~~,labor,.an.dmat~r1alS\1llder .iM'~aYf.s or th~,Stat~:ot~orlc1~'. . ; " '_9~G,ar~es 'Sh~l,l'be' ereQted' auQB.~qu.entto ~r s1multaneol1~~.~1th t~e' oon~tx;uo.tion ott,he' '" dwelling, ~le8s ~ermlss1Q~ to:.dootherw1B;~ 'fe.f1:rittobta1ned 1.nwr1t~~g 'fro~'.S~~1,d R?1al Park CO,mpany. Garr.:ge,s. shall be' oons truoted of the same ma ter1al and of the s~o,arch1 tecit~ral de.s,tgn , , . , ,,' .' , . - ~ , " ,.,., " .~,,', -' ,'. ,,' , ,- ~ . . as' the.dW:e;Ll1ngs and 'sl?-&ll' Iiotin:a.ny event.,beu8ed,tor~esld'ent1",,1 purposes '8xoept.:tor, the lro"lng ot . servants . '-1..: '\.-..... _ i .,,' , J , . 10.' ':80 8p1r1t~O'uB'1l~u:or shall be solder ke.pt tor sale u.pon sald premise,8~'. ; i ! i I , I; l .... " '_"". 'f 11. Bothing In.tnelierutrloUonsshall' beoontX'Ued 80 ~8tO'Pl'f,lventtheoO'Iil\'~:ruot1on or' i ~ .' ~ . - " " ~ - .' -. . -, . '-'.:. " - . ~ . sohools 8Jld' ohurohes Ol', so as .to prevent ~ p),ys10h.n .or ,dentht 'trOmpra0t101ngh~s 'pro~eS810r \ in 8nlresldenoe, build1D8, Bup)eot-'. how~ver, to all otherrestriotions. hONin oonta1ned preta1~i:1g . I I r ... <~ ~_ c :; __,~ .' . I , i: . -' '/ t<> residenoe -buildings. 1- I' I , 12. I, The ~~A R_o..Yfi.1Par.!c...: ,CoD:lpany,. 1tB..8\.lo.c.aaS0r4_0-r_ 8ss1gn&-,---'-8hallhaY8- the r1gh,t,' atter-':"'~----'-'--~...~-.H "~7~ , , I .') " '. 1-, ,/. : ' January 1st. 1933; to release any ot the. aboile 'or'~oregol r.g I'est1;'1otl?ns, oon.dl~ions o.r l1m~ ta"110n~ ., .',...,.. . , ~ b~ sealed lnstrumont.e-duly exeouted,' in a90ordan~e With, the laW8 ot the S1iate of b'lorlda tor the; oonve;yanoe ot real estate'. ' /. . ',I j 13,..,,'1heprl Tllege &lid ~al'ieinent 1~ he~by toreY.;r r88~rved to , . . I' " . c~eesors! and u-:-1gns.!to ereot' and malnta1npol,8S,f wilres an4 . .~.., ',,, " .' .',... . , '--.'---:--+- eleotrlo .l1ght, po.or, tele8rap., telophone apdQther publio ut1tllte8. and to 00' t I ,., ; /, I ,.said Royal fark Com PfPly,' - I .' , ." qtheX:S1l1t~"k equ~'pment tor 'f 1t~ f ~. --,' - I. ---"---.',--..---. . --...........' , I