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" '"..' ,. ./ '. . . < , -.. ~ . J77 .. '.1 I,' !J. .t.::- j p. I. /. ...... -,,' ---- -~ ". ~ "I " I;' . , ~;~;;;, ",,~;;;;~;;;,.,"<-, ~.7'::';;;-~,;;'-w"-;' .)"~"'7:~~'~~-;..,i ;;,t,.~~~: ~~c:.;~-:---;; ~,;-;:C;;;..-;=~"~;;.,.;~""~;'.;J; ;;7];' ;:;'-;:::C;;:; ",i,maintaln sewers, water ~ins am ~o.s' mains on;.in~, ~nd under the rear tive 'feet, ;and the "three .'.. ! ,. t' , . . I A ~. 1 '.. '. ~ ~. I , . ': . . ',' \ ' ".' '.' ,I' 'it'$et on eaoh Bide. or $aoh lot hdr~'by oonveyed, and ~or sU.o~ pur'll'osee', "a's 'well as .tc?' rep~r'J' ~..- . 'L mOTI ~r r:IPle.~.I' 8S1~\)O~~~'; wlr'es, equlpm,nt'i 8e~~" arid 'm~~na~ ;8&1d' ROla~ p~r~ ~I~panl" ,Us, >, ; \' " I .. -. ,.' '. ..t ..- .' .' .,; ....,. . .;,) . . I . ."... : t.. ~oe8Sot8, ,a.nd assigns, shall )1a'9:'$ thlf right o,tl~re.B;8gre8e an~regresB' a8mai..;be n~qeaaan- bl" ',::. :o.~~eni~~t',to.r :a~i' ot, 8~i~ \~UrPP8,es.: ':- ."". .' .~,~, ,~:~. ',',' ' , , '. '; . . -' , .' .-': "-'"., '.. .' . '. . - -... . , -' . .. . " .' .. ". . - - :.... '\:'.' ~ ~' .,: _.~ .' ." '.- -- . .. -- ,-',. .' - ...... - . . -.. , U~ 'Ko e,tr\i.o~reexo8p'ta' te~'oe,'ot.the kind :lieI=e:hitetore desoribed may,~ver'be4efeo:ted upQn ~ ~. 1-.. .,.":_ '-. "."\ ,'.. '\:: ~. ~." .' - .', "",~ ",,:( , .... ~ '. , ;':'aIq part of tl)e 8~tlp8 ot'land In th~8e p.r ellll88 s' bver 1!h1~h'an easelll8nt for :9ubl1o uUllt7' ,.,- \. \.. ," ",..._. . ""t.' , . . . >~ '. , . \ ~ t.: ..' '-pu.rp.08eshas been, r.ese'ned. ' '. :' . '.' " '.:1 i\.:' ,.,,~. .... .....:.....\. -,' \'\' ~. ,,- ,".. ",'~ . ., l~ .', ~n ~d, a.fter' January, ~f' '19'~, ail' ot, t,he foregoi~oond 1 t.l~'ns ,reatrio~l.o:nS and.~i1mltat"1011,8 ! \' . . ~.- . .' ~ . . . "," ,-.".'.' .. ,.:. " '.. .... ~ ,..' -' numbired from One (1) to T.welve (-12) .1nolUej,-.e. 'ehalibeoome releasodw1thout' anY aot'1on on-.the . "~ '. ......... :~. .:," . ..'; ,"~ ~ ',' _.;" .__....;. _..,." ~ '.. . ...... ,',.:.'. .......'. :" H '",-, .', :':. pa'rt bt,sa~d'R01~ Park Conwa~; .It..'.8U,Qo.e.ss-Ors ora8s1gn8~ ':~ ,', ..' ';.. ': . - ," .... - ,",'~' ,.". ..~ . .,'..~' . " '-.,~ ':'- " ~ '.', , " . ,'" ';', ':An~rthe .~8.1d"partl, 'of' thotirst ':part."d~th'o().Yenant .:"th ,*he 8a1dpar,t1'orcth~ ~e,oond'p~1; ,. 'j.,~h'~ tl ~ ;'18'la~lly.'8d~ed ?t ,~lie>~~ld'pr~,m~ee&;:'1;h~.t~~e1:.' ~re' ,free ~'~ll' inoum1;,~~e~', , .:> ,:' :',{-exo81>tllU1:,'all taxe~' and" ail'ln~tallrDen~8of'a'88e~8I11ebt-~"~~mWltOlpal'lmpro,VelJi~nt8'beo~ming d~e, . ",'., .', .', ",,' " ",. .". ~." ,,_:', ..,', , '. ,.,', ',' ,." ,',' ". .'.. ..'. L~ '~'_'.'" ,,'.",. ~dpayable,,:tter.hedat,e..or )h1IiJdeed.), 'and that' itha's 'good:r1ght and ,lawful autho.,~ty ..tc? . - .# '. .' '- ,'.. . .... ',', . 0'" . . .."..: . .'. ,.' " '. '.. . ". ," .. .' ,'. .... ". ..:' . . -.: . . . aell,the same,;"an~,the nld 'party '01', the'.tirst.part.doe'8,h8re~y.'fulll'.arrant. ~he ti.,tle'to,sald' ,',.' . . ~.04 . ". a" . 'a . _,' " .' '< ..' 4. _" , ,....... ~ '. .. . lend. 'and,~11,1"A'etend "the same ~a'lnst.the_~iawM" 'ola"ime ot.,_ illi persoIls' 1fhomeo-e,ver:,", '. .,1)' . ~ ..~ , . .',' ,:.. ~ ....; '", . ~""", '. l' --;~~ .',~ ,,' .."... "~" ". " :. -", . .... Itfwr't~SS . WHERE 0' tt~esald partl ~ot' , the: ;tlnt par~ has 9au.aed' these 'pres6n t.. to' be:' 81gnod' . . ~4 ' ~ ,. - . . ," . ", . .' .' . ~ . \.' ... . . . ': in 1'tsn&me ,b'.. Us Presldent,' riM its Clorporate se'al.:"o ,be ~tt1xed; .attested'. by' i~s Seoretary ~, . '. , It _., . , .' .' " 1 '1(' . ~ . , t . >, . .\. .' .' ., '-' ,,' , , - " . , ,. wrlt;hn. . .,~OYAL'PARKCoK.Pm t", . . , . - . \" t, .. ' .. - ~ " . ~ .' " .... Bi:e... wALV.O E.. S~!'rOK. . '.:. ....~:~ -...""\ ...~ . . ',:' ,.,' '.: ,~reiJ1dEJn+~, ".p "' .". ." '4'- " '. ." . " . 10- . ,1ri"ourp~e8~O~:.. . ~. .. . " t .1.,00 'I .R. S ta;iD; :0 aDo e llec1l', . , . ... ".. .,' ,; ." . !. ' ~ , . 1>. ." . " . , .. ~ . ,I HEREBY 'CER'UFY', tha~onth1s: ;,lst ci'ay..bt.J.tarohA. D~'1~26b~:t'ore me perscmaily appeared, ~ " . . , .._ 'c '.: . ,1 ," __ . , ' . . WaldoE. Sexton 'and' F'. L.,~ HeDlD1Dg8,'r~sR~,ot~vely . President aJl!l. Seore~ar't"-o.~ ROlal l'~kOompaD7 t " ~oOrpO:~t1~:~'uilde,r't~~;1~W8~'~ot'tbe" ~tat$'~f'~l~rl~a;', t:O'tn8 'known t.o be t'M.,~'e~,S~~8'.~~a:,~'ri~~;i in..:" ,'ai1dwhoe~eoutedth~ 'toregolll8 dee:d: and severally aoki1o'\91edged' theexeouttonthere01'. t'o be' ." . :): " '. " . .~ o. . . '. _' 1'";). '. ' '. .'" '.' '. .." ".,,' .; -. ".' . . . . ~ th~lr ~e~a~t 'anif)eed as ,su..ch ott'1Ce1'8, Jor ,the use~'andpurp08eQ ,.the.-Wn :inentio~ed; an'c1,~hat .~~ey " l' _ . '.. -.;. . . . ..' '. . . ".." .' ~ , . , . . "attiXed .tlie'retothe 'n~eand . Qtfloiai seal: ot, sald oorporatlo~,that' the exeout1on a.rid'deiiv&rY, , '. ...' . ". ~., ",,' '. " . ':.' . ...' 'I ::' ' . :_' .'. ,'. '.. " ~'fthfB.d.~ec1 walil ,au,~horl~ed by, ~he Boa~ of, Direotors of said. oorpo~t1on, and the ,said; de,edls . the .,.... aot 8.~deed,ot' add 'oorp(>ration.' ' " / ',' , '. . .." ' , t'lITNESS iD.i signature' aDd of~1.o1_al~ se~~ at Fo~t Pie1"oJt.. in .the Co~tY. or St'.lA1ol'8and state' . . \ ' . , ' r-. ot Florld lear, l,aat 'Elfor.es~l.d." " . i L, >f>- . ~. ~ .> Yarga.ret'E.' Rogers...~' ~ (soal) Bo tarJ Publ'1o, ~tateot.' Florlda. . ~', oOIDllli.8S1pn'exp~'r~. Sep,t. :L0.ti92~. . I . '. ~. ." $I L. . ' ! !.' ( . t.': . r'I'" [' ":,' L:-; ~. I .. ,. ..., . < \C1}. . ..~ 'C 23rd dal ot ~~l at 4:10 .P.Y.c"Ulb. ,_ ..~' . 't) Pi C. !;ld~~ (Clerk of Clrpult Court) 8, BrflJ~~/~~.i D'.O~. ." I" ,', ",~"'Ii:' i, " :1--- "1., ..,' ~~~_.._.._._.1.~ ,._, u .- - ..--...:... .~-.-."'.- ..- "-'. -.~ .-: -:._.~. -.~ '-"-,.- '._- ;~. .~ .'-. -._ - .,. e.-.- .-~- .--r .-.-- ....- .:-.-.-. ----''-'" .~~" " - .._ I " I . r r I .' . W1JlliAliTY DEED ' .... " Filed J"",-;'. '.-. '~al.' I ROYAL, PA.'U(' COMPANY TO . ,. --"",....~~....-." flUS Iim:~N~UR!:,Yadethls 31st day ot Ua.~oh, A.. 'D. 19~, 'be1;ween. ROYAL~J.nK COMPANY~ a r" " , .- .. I .' ,l . oorpor;atlton eX1st~ng under, the,'lawe bf,the ~~~, otFlo~~da, having ,H;~ ~nclpaiple.~e,o'r buf!1neesat Vero, st.. Luole. Coun~1', Flor~da ,pa-rt'y or ,thd."f'1r~t"'pa:rif'~'her61l'\a-tter termed'the VeDdpl', ~ ,Eva E. }.(a~ten8 of' the county' ot st~Ludle and State ~t Florida party br th;!seoond I . ~.., ,'~ ,L ....__--'--------. . r, ._ ., . . A E'lA E.'W..RTEUS ! . ~C--,~:=",,".~"'C'---~-:=~--~f------=--'--"~~ -.J .~. -"'"---.......... - ~- --- ./ , .-. ..~ ~-=-- --------.:---