HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS PLAN�yr.. Y 5 0 N N FILE copy FKOF05ED IMFROVEMENT5 FOB: 15T. LUCIE COUN INDEX OF DRAWINGS 1/0 Dwg. No Drawing Name ® A0.10 COVER SHEET / INDEX OF DRAWINGS ® AO.20 SPECIFICATIONS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS 1/0 Uwe. No Drawing Name ® D2.10 EX15TING PLAN & DEMO PLAN ® A1.10 CODE REVIEW ® A1,11 LIFE SAFETY PLAN ® A2.10 EXISTING / DEMO FLOOR PLAN ® A2.11 PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN ® A2.12 FOOD SERVICE PLAN 13 A2.13 WALL BACKING PLAN ® A2.14 FLOOR & WALL FIN15H PLANS 13 A2.40 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN ® A5.10 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS ® A5.20 INTERIOR DETAILS PECEMDER 14, 2015 PERMIT GIET DONADIO & Associates, Architects P.A. 609 17th Street Vero Beach, FL 32960 Te1.772.794.2929 Fax.772.562.8600 www.donadio-a rch.com License No. AA0002238 MEIN ENCINEEK KAMM CONSULTING, INC. 2050 57th Avenue Vero Beach, FL 52960 ph.: (772) 595-1744 Fax.: (772) 595-1745 FLOKIDA 6 A��1iD ST. LUCIE COUNT' FIRE DISTRICT REVIEWED OR COMPLIANCE SUBJECT TO FIELD IN SEE ATTACHED REV'IS ON REVIEWED By. EET ) DATE: ---------------- (u HFSE PLANS AND ALI. PROPOSED WORK ARC IWr 18(1 C(,PIECTIONS WIRCi) !rY FIELI)IW;;Wn{,CT(A$ THAT MAY AE Iti'li b4AI1Y IN (,X1UFR TO CW11PLY MTH"APP1,10 1.9 CODES. THIS STRUCTURE HAS BEEN DESIGNED AND REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE OF rBC 1606.1.4 FOR ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: INTERNAL WIND PRESSURE (inn WINDBORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION 9 RESISTAN ING ,�•�! (Int.) MEF DRAWINGS 1/0 Dwg. No Drawing Name ® M0.1 MECHANICAL NOTES ® MO.2 MECHANICAL 5PECIFICATION5 LJ M2.1 MECHANICAL PLAN 0 M6.1 MECHANICAL SCHEDULES ® EO.1 ELECTRICAL NOTES ® EO.2 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ® E2.1 LIGHTING PLAN ® E3.1 POWER PLAN ® E4.1 LOW VOLTAGE PLAN ® E5.1 R15EK DIAGRAM ® P0.1 PLUMBING NOTES ® P0.2 PLUMBING SPECIFICATIONS ® 122.1 SANITARY PLAN ® P3.1 DOMESTIC WATER PLAN ® P5.1 SANITARY 150METRIC ST, LUCIE COUNN P REVIEW l 7_,()/S; BLDG: DATE: !4 -/ti DATE. �] J_ DATE: MECH: DATE: fegf CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIMUiI' OF THE CONTRACTOR OF RECORD Project No.: 2015-63 Tropical Smoothie St. Lucie County, FI General Conditions Project: 1.CONTRACTOR a.The Contractor shall be lawfully licensed. The Contractor shall designate In writing a representative who shall have express authority to bind the Contractor with respect to all matters under this Contract. b.The Contractor shall perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. c. Execution of the Contract by the Contractor Is a representation that the Contractor has carefully examined the Contract Documents, has visited the site, become thoroughly familiar with the nature and location of the Work, the conditions of the site as they exist, and the character of the operations to be carried out under the Contract Documents, Including all existing site conditions, access to the site, physical characteristics of the site and surrounding areas, and all matters that affect the Work, or Its performance. Because of such examinations and Investigations, the Contractor further represents that he thoroughly understands the Contract Documents. The Contractor further represents that he will abide by all applicable codes, ordinances, laws, regulations, and rotes as they apply to the Work. Claims for additional time or additional compensation because of the Contractor's failure to familiarize himself with all local conditions and the Contract Documents will not be permitted. d.Because the Contract Documents are complementary, the Contractor shall, before starting each portion of the Work, carefully study and compare the various Contract Documents relative to that portion of the Work, as well as the Information furnished by the Owner, shall take field measurements of any existing conditions related to that portion of the Work, and shall observe any conditions at the site affecting it. These obligations are for the purpose of facilitating coordination and construction by the Contractor and are not for the purpose of discovering errors, omissions, or Inconsistencies in the Contract Documents; however, the Contractor shall promptly report to the Owner any errors, Inconsistencies or omissions discovered by or made known to the C ontractor as a re uest for Information. It is reco nized that the Contractors q 9 review is made in the Contractors capacity as a contractor and not as a licensed design professional, unless otherwise specifically provided in the Contract Documents. e. The accuracy of grades, elevations, dimensions, or locations of existing conditions is not guaranteed by the Architect or the Owner. The Contractor is responsible for verifying same. If the Contractor performs construction activitywhen the Contractor knows, or should know In exercise in reasonable diligence, that an activity involves an error, Inconsistency, or omission In the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall assume appropriate responsibility for such performance and shall bear an appropriate amount of the costs attributable for correction. f. The Contractor is not required to ascertain that the Contract Documents are in accordance with applicable Iowa, statutes, ordinances, codes, rules and regulations, or lawful orders of public authorities, but the Contractor shall promptly report to the Owner any nonconformity discovered by or made known to the Contractor. g.The Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work, using the Contractor's best skill and attention. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for, and have control over, construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for coordinating all portions of the Work under the Contract. h.The Contractor shall be responsible to the Owner for acts and omissions of the Contractors employees, Subcontractors and their agents and employees, and other persona or entities performing portions of the Work for, or on behalf of, the Contractor or any of its Subcontractors, and for any damages, losses, costs, and expenses resulting from such acts or omissions. 1. Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall provide and pay for labor, materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery, water, heat, utilities, transportation, and other facilities and services necessary for proper execution and completion of the Work, whether temporary or permanent and whether or not Incorporated or to be incorporated In the Work. j. Except In the case of minor changes In the Work. The Contractor may make substitutions only with the consent of the Owner, after evaluation and in accordance with a Change Order or Construction Change Directive. k. The Contractor shall enforce strict discipline and good order among the Contractor's employees and other persons carrying out the Work. The Contractor shall not permit employment of unfit persons or persons not properly skilled in tasks assigned to them. I. The Contractor warrants to the Owner that materials and equipment furnished under the Contract will be of good quality and new unless the Contract Documents require or permit otherwise. The Contractor further warrants that the Work will conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents and will be free from defects, except for those Inherent in the quality of the Work the Contract Documents require or permit. Work, materials, or equipment not conforming to these requirements will be considered defective. The Contractors warranty excludes remedy for damage or defect caused by abuse, alterations to the Work not executed by the Contractor, Improper or insufficient maintenance, Improper operation, or normal wear and tear and normal usage. If required by the Owner, the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials and equipment. The Contractor shall assign to the Owner all warranties and guarantees of manufacturers, Subcontractors, and others related to the Work. m. The Contractor shall pay sales, consumer, use and similar taxes for the Work provided by the Contractor that are legally enacted when bids are received or negotiations concluded, whether or not yet effective or merely scheduled to go into effect. The Contractor shall cooperate with the Owner to reduce state taxes on the Project. If requested by the Owner, the Contractor shall assist the Owner In the preparation of purchase orders, processing of Invoices and payments In order to direct purchase material to be furnished to the Contractor. All state tax savings shall be returned to the Owner. n.The Contractor shall secure and pay for the building permit as well as for other permits, fees, licenses, and Inspections by government agencies necessary for proper execution and completion of the Work that are customarily secured after execution of the Contract and legally required at the time bids are received or negotiations concluded. The Contractor shall secure and pay for the building, mechanical, electrical and plumbing permits, engineering, and Inspection charges required by any governmental authority or other person or entity having Jurisdiction over the work. Said permits shall Include, without limitation, both temporary and permanent permits, building permits, certificates of occupancy, curb -breaking permits, highway entrance permits, water permits and all similar permits and certificates. The Owner shall be responsible for all capacity charges and Impact fees o. The Contractor shall comply with and give notices required by applicable Iowa, statutes, ordinances, codes, rules and regulations, and lawful orders of public authorities applicable to performance of the Work. If the Contractor falls to give such notices, It shall be liable for and shall Indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and their respective employees, officers and agents, against any resulting fines, penalties, judgments or damages, imposed on or incurred by the parties indemnified hereunder. p.lf the Contractor performs Work knowing it to be contrary to applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, codes, rules and regulations, or lawful orders of public authorities, the Contractor shall assume appropriate responsibility for such Work and shall bear the costs, damages, losses, and expenses attributable to correction. q.The Contractor shall employ a competent superintendent and necessary assistants who shall be in attendance at the Project site during performance of the Work. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor, and communications given to the superintendent shall be as binding cs If given to the Contractor. 2. USE OF SITE The Contractor shall confine operations at the site to areas permitted by applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, codes, rules and regulations, and lawful orders of public authorities and the Contract Documents and shall not unreasonably encumber the site with materials or equipment. The Contractor acknowledges the ongoing operations of the Owner and agrees to coordinate the Work with the Owner and conduct the Work In a manner which minimizes or eliminates any adverse Impact on the Owner. 3. CUTTING AND PATCHING The Contractor shall be responsible for cutting, fitting or patching required to complete the Work or to make Its parts fit together properly. All areas requiring cutting, fitting and patching shall be restored to the condition existing prior to the cutting, fitting and patching, unless otherwise required by the Contract Documents. 4. CLEANING UP a. The Contractor shall keep the premises and surrounding area free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish caused by operations under the Contract. At completion of the Work, the Contractor shall remove waste materials, rubbish, the Contractor's tools, construction equipment, machinery and surplus materials from and about the Project. If the Contractor fails to clean up as provided in the Contract Documents, the Owner may do so and Owner shall be entitled to reimbursement from the Contractor. & INDEMNIFICATION To the fullest extent permitted by law the Contractor shall Indemnify and hold harmless the Owner, Owner's consultants, and agents and employees of any of them from and against claims, damages, losses and expenses, including but not limited to attorneys' fees, arising out of or resulting from performance of the Work, provided that such claim, damage, loss or expense is attributable to bodily Injury, sickness, disease or death, or to Injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Work itself), but only to the extent caused by the negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor, a Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable, regardless of whether or not such claim, damage, loss or expense is caused in part by a party Indemnified hereunder. &CONTRACTOR'S QUALIFICATIONS r is financial) solvent abie to a Its debts as the mature a. The Contracts y p y y and possessed of sufficient working capital to complete the Work and perform Its obligations under the Contract Documents in an efficient and capable manner. b.The Contractor con furnish the tools, materials, supplies, equipment and labor required to complete the Work and perform Its obligations under the Contract Documents and has sufficient experience and competence to do so. c. The Contractor Ia authorized to do business in the state where the Project is ER'S RIGHT TO PERFORM CONSTRUCTION AND TO AWARD SEPARATE CONTR a. Owner reserves the right to perform construction or operatlone ated to the Pr t with the Owner's own forces, and to award --pare ontracta In connection other portions of the Project or other co uction or operatlone on its under Conditions of the Contr dentical or substantially similar these Including those port related to Insurance and waiver of subrogation. //�y 0 0 hall rovide for coo ati otr� the activities of the corer a con b. The Owners p forces and of each separate con with the Work of the Contractor, who shall cooperate with them. ontrocto hall participate with other separate contractors an a Owner in review their construction schedules and performance re ements. c. The Contrac shall afford the Owner and separate con tor's reasonable opportu for Introduction and storage of their materials an qulpment and per once of their activities, and shall connect and coordinate ontractor's construction and operations with theirs as required by the Contract a. Changes in th'e Work may be accomplished after execution of the Contract, `- and without Invalidating the Contract, by Change Order, Construction Change Directive or order for a minor change In the Work. b.Chonges in the Work shall be performed under applicable provisions of the Contract Documents, and the Contractor shall proceed promptly, unless otherwise provided in the Change Order, Construction Change Directive or order for a minor change in the Work. 9.PROGRESS AND COMPLETION a.Tlme limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Contract. By executing the Agreement the Contractor confirms that the Contract Time Is a reasonable period for performing the Work. b.The Owner will schedule furniture and equipment deliveries based on the construction schedule. The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs to the Owner for storage, double handling, re -shipping, and extended general conditions costs of delayed fumlture and equipment Installations due to the Contractors not meeting schedule completion dates. 10. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION a.Substantial Completion Is the stage In the progress of the Work when all required occupancy permits have been Issued and the Work or designated portion thereof is sufficiently complete in accordance with the Contract Documents so that the Owner can occupy or utilize the Work for Its Intended use. b.When the Contractor considers that the Work, or a portion thereof which the Owner agrees to accept separately, is substantially complete, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Owner a comprehensive list of Items to be completed or corrected prior to final payment. Failure to Include an Item on such list does not alter the responsibility of the Contractor to complete all Work In accordance with the Contract Documents. c.Upon receipt of the Contractors list, the Owner will make an Inspection to determine whether the Work or designated portion thereof is substantially complete. If the inspection discloses any Item, whether or not included on the Contractor's list, which is not sufficiently complete in accordance with the Contract Documents so that the Owner can occupy or utilize the Work or designated portion thereof for Its Intended use, the Contractor shall, before Issuance of the Certificate of Substantial Completion, complete or correct such. d.Upon receipt of the Contractor's written notice that the Work is ready for final inspection and acceptance and upon receipt of a final Application for Payment, the Owner will promptly make such inspection and, when the Work is acceptable under the Contract Documents and the Contract fully performed, the Owner will promptly Issue a final payment. 11. PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY a.The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the performance of the Contract. b.Ths Contractor shall take reasonable precautions for safety of, and shall provide reasonable protection to prevent damage, Injury or loss to employees on the Work and other persons who may be affected thereby, the Work and materials and equipment to be Incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the site, under care, custody or control of the Contractor or the Contractors Subcontractors or Sub -subcontractors; and other property at the site or adjacent thereto, such as trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures and utilities not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of construction. 12. INSURANCE a.The Contractor shall purchase from and maintain In a company or companies lawfully authorized to do business In the appropriate jurisdiction such Insurance as will protect the Contractor and the Owner from claims set forth below which may arise out of or result from the Contractors operations and completed operations under the Contrac". and for which the Contractor may be legally liable, whether such operations be by the Contractor or by a Subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable: i. Claims under workers' compensation, disability benefit and other similar employee benefit acts that are applicable to the Work to be performed; ii. Claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of the Contractor's employees; IILClaims for damages Insured by usual personal injury liability coverage; Iv.Clalms for damages, other than to the Work itself, because of In Jury to or destruction of tangible property, b.The policies and the certificates required herein shall name the Owner as additional Insured and shall be subject to the approval of the Owner. The Contractor shall furnish the Owner copies of any endorsements that are subsequently Issued amending coverage or limits. c.The Owner shall be responsible for purchasing and maintaining the Owners usual liability Insurance. 13. CORRECTION OF WORK a.The Contractor shall promptly correct Work rejected by the Owner or falling to conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents, whether discovered before or after Substantial Completion and whether or not fabricated, installed or completed. Costs of correcting such rejected Work, the cost of uncovering and replacement, and compensation shall be at the Contractor's expense. IL within one year after the date of Substantial Completion of the Work or designated portion thereof or after the date for commencement of warranties, or by terms of an applicable special warranty required by the Contract Documents, any of the Work is found to be not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Contractor, at the Contractor's expense, shall correct It promptly after receipt of written notice from the Owner to do so unless the Owner has weviously given the Contractor a written acceptance of such condition. b.lf the Owner prefers to accept Work that is not In accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Owner may do so Instead of requiring Its removal and correction, in which case the Contract Sum will be reduced as appropriate and equitable. SECTION 03300 CAST -IN -PLACE -CONCRETE PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with governing codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers, which have been In satisfactory use in similar service for three years. Use experienced installers. Deliver, handle, and store materials in accordance with manufacturer's Instructions. B. Standards: 1. AG 301, Specifications for structural Concrete for Buildings. 2. ACI 318, Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, and CRSI Manual of Standard Practice. C. Mock -Ups: Provide mock-up as required to demonstrate quality of workmanship. D. Floor Flatness and Levelness Tolerances: 1. Subfloors under Materials Such as Concrete Toppings, Ceramic Tile, and Sand Bed Terrazzo: ACI 302AR and ASTM E 1155, floor flatness (Fo of 15, floor levelness (Fl) of 13. 2. Subfloors under Materials Such As Vinyl Tile, Epoxy Toppings, Paint, and Carpet: ACI 302.iR and ASTM E 1155, floor flatness (Ff) of 20, floor levelness (Fl) of 17. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Cast -in -Place Concrete: 1. Cast -In -Place Concrete Reinforcing and Accessories: a. Concrete Design Mixes: ASTM C 94. suitable for project requirements and site conditions, but with a minimum of 3000 PSI 28 day compressive strength b. Maximum slump shall be 5 in. c. Reinforcing Bare: ASTM A 767 d. Concrete Materials: ASTM C 150 T e I Portland cement• otable water. , YP P e. Concrete Admixtures: Containing leas than OA percent chloride Ions. f. Vapor Retarder: ASTM D 4397 polyethylene sheet, 6 mils. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Comply with ASTM C 94. Do not change mix design without approval. Calcium chloride admixtures are not permitted. B. Chamfer exposed edges/comers to provide straight Tins. C. Tolerance: Plus 1/8" in 10" for grade, alignment, and straightness. D. Expansion Joints: For exterior work locate 30' o.c. at approved locations. Provide smooth dowels across Joint which permit 1" horizontal movement and no vertical shear movement. E. Isolation Joints: Provide between slabs and vertical elements such as columns and structural walls. F. Control Joints: Provide sawn or tooled Joints or removable Insert strips; depth a ual to 1 4 slab thickness. acin as re ulred and a roved. q / SP 9 Q PP G. Wall Finishes: As -cast and patched for concealed work; rubbed smooth, filled and cement paste coated for exposed work. H. Slab Finishes: Obtain sample approval before beginning work. 1. Scratch: For surfaces to receive mortar setting beds or cementitious flooring materials. 2. Trowel: Hard, smooth, uniform surface for areas to receive resilient flooring, carpet, or other thin finish material. 3. Broom: After trowel finishing, roughen surface by fine brooming perpendicular to traffic direction for exposed exterior walks, steps and ramps. 4. Exposed Aggregate: Use chemical retarder or tamp aggregate Into wet concrete and expose by brushing with water. Use where Indicated.. 5. Hardener Finish: For exposed interior concrete floors. Fallow manufacturer's directions. I. Cure and protect work. Report defective work In writing. SECTION 04800 MASONRY ASSEMBLIES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Mock -Ups: Provide mock-up as required to demonstrate quality of workmanship. B. Comply with governing codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers, which have been In satisfactory use in similar service for three years. Use experienced Installers. Deliver, handle, and store materials In accordance with manufacturer's Instructions. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Concrete Masonry Units: 1. Application: Concrete masonry non -bearing partitions. 2. Concrete Masonry Units: ASTM C 90. 1500 I'm compressive strength: 3. Prefaced Concrete Block: ASTM C 90. 1500 fm compreealve strength: 4. Size: Face dimension of 7-5/8 Inches high by 15-5/8 Inches long by width required for application, 5. Concrete Facing Brick: ASTM C 1634. 6. Special Shapes: As required by building configuration. 7. Bond Pattern: Running Bond. 8. Integral Water Repellent: Liquid polymeric admixture. B. Mortar and Grout for Brick and Concrete Masonry Unit Assemblies: 1. Mortar Mix: ASTM C 270, Type S, for reinforced masonry, masonry below grade and masonry in contact with earth and ASTM C 270, Type N, for above -grade Ioadbearing and nonloadbearing walls and parapet walls and for interior Ioadbearing and nonloadbearing partitions. 2. Mortar Materials: Ready mixed, ASTM C 207, Type S. 3. Grout Aggregate: ASTM C 404. 4. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C 207, Type S. C. Reinforcing Steel: 1. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615, Grade 60. 2. Reinforcing Wire: ASTM A 496. 3. Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A 185, plain. D. Masonry Accessories: 1. Cavity Drainage Material 2. Rubberized -Asphalt or EPDM Flashing with stainless steel drip edge. 3. Loose -Granular Fill Insulation. 4. Nonmetallic expansion joint strips. 5. Preformed control joint gaskets. 6. Bond breaker strips. 7. Plastic tubing for weeps. 8. Cotton mash cord for weeps. 9. Open head -joint weeps. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Installation of Masonry Assemblies: 1. Comply with PCA Recommended Practices for Laying Concrete Block, Brick Institute of America BIA Tech Notes, and NCMA TEK Bulletins. 2. Comply with cold weather and warn weather protection procedures as recommended In BIA Tech Notes. 3. Provide fire -rated assemblies complying with ASTM E 119. 4. Sawcut units when required. Maintain uniform joint width. Provide full bed, head and collar Joints except at weep holes. 5. Install lintels and accessories In masonry construction. 6. Coordinate Installation of flashings. 7. Comply with applicable codes and regulations for spacing of ties and horizontal reinforcing. 8. Provide expansion and control Joints in accordance with BIA and NCMA recommendations. 9. Remove and replace damaged units. 10. Clan brick using bucket and brush method, 11. Clean concrete masonry by dry brushing, SECTION 06f00 ROUGH CARPENTRY PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with goveming codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers, which have been in satisfactory use In similar service for three years. Use experienced Installers. Deliver, handle, and store materials In accordance with manufacturer's Instructions. B. Lumber Standards and Grade Stamps: DOC PS 20, American Softwood Lumber Standard and Inspection agency grade stamps. C. Construction Panel Standards: DOC PS 1, U.S. Product Standard for Construction and Industrial Plywood; APA PRP-108. 0. Wood Framing Standards: NFPA House Framing Manual. 1. Exterior Wall Framing: 2 Inch by 4-Inch nominal (38 mm by 89 mm actual) studs, 16 Inches (40 cm) on center. 2. Interior Wall Framing: 2 Inch by 4-Inch (38 mm by 89 mm actual) studs, 16 Inches (40 cm) on center. E. Preservative Treatment: AWPA C2 for lumber and AWPA C9 for plywood; waterbome pressure treatment. Provide for wood in contact with soil, concrete, masonry, roofing, flashing, damp proofing and waterproofing. F. Fire -Retardant Treatment: AWPA C20 for lumber and AWPA C27 for plywood; noncorrosive type. Provide at building Interior where required by code. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Rough Carpentry Applications: 1. Dimension Lumber; a. Light Framing: Stud, No:.2 or St ndard grade. b. Structural Framing; No. 1 grade. c. S ecies: SPF P d. Exposed Framing: Appearance gra e. 2. Boards: a. Exposed Boards: 15 percent moisture content. b. Concealed Boards: 19 percent moisture content. 3. Building Paper. a. Material: Asphalt -saturated organic felt, ASTM D 226, Type 1, No. 15 felt, unperforated. 4. Building Wrap: - a. Material: Air -retarder shooting made from polyoleflns; cross -laminated films, woven strands, or spun -bonded fibers; coated or uncoated; with or without perforations; ASTM E 1677. Type I. 5. Sill Sealer Gaskets: a. Material: Glass fiber strip resilient Insulation. 6. Framing Anchors and Fast��jj ern: a. Material: Non -corrosive, suitable for load and exposure. Drywall screws are not acceptable. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Securely attach rough carpentry work to substrate by anchoring and fastening as Indicated. B. Plywood: Comply with applicable recommendations contained in APA Form No. E30K, "APA Design/Construction Guide: Residential & Commercial" C. Provide rollers, blocking and grounds where required. Set work plumb, level and accurately cut. D. Install materials and systems In accordance with manufacturers instructions and approved submittals. Install materials and systems In proper relation with adjacent construction. Coordinate with other work. E. Comply with manufacturer's requirements far cutting, handling, fastening and working treated materials. F. Restore damaged components. Protect work from damage. SECTION W200 INTERIOR FINISH CARPENTRY PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacuver's product data and installation Instructions for each material and product used. B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings Indicating material characteristics, details of construction, connections, and relationship with adjacent construction. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with governing codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers, which have been in satisfactory use In similar servicefor three years. Use experienced installers. Deliver, handle, and store materials in accordance with manufacturers Instructions. B. Standards: Architectural Woodwork Institute (APA) 'Architectural Woodwork Standards.' C. Preservative Treatment: Nonpressurs method, exterior type, AWPA N1 D. Wood Products: Comply with the following: 1. Hardboard: AHA A135.4. 2. Madlum-Denalty Fiberboard: ANSI A208.2, Grade MD -Exterior Glue. 3. Particleboard: ANSI A208.1, Grade M-2-Exterior Glue. 4. Softwood Plywood: DOC PS 1, Medium Density Overlay. 5. Hardwood Plywood and Face Vcneers: HPVA HP-1. E. Mock -Ups: Provide mock-up as required to demonstrate quality of workmanship of each type of flnlsh carpentry. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Interior Standing and Running Trim and Rgils: 1. Species for Opaque or painted Finish: White pine or sugar pine. 2. Species for stalned finish: Knotty pine where shown on plans PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Provide work to sizes, shapes, and profiles Indicated. Install work to comply with quality standards referenced. Back prime work and install plumb, level and straight with tight joints; scribe work to fit. B. Quality Standard: Install woodwork to comply with AWl standards for the same grade specified for type of woodwork Involved. C. Install materials and systems In accordance with manufacturers Instructions and approved submittals. Install materials and systems. In proper relation with adjacent construction. Coordinate with work of other sections. D. Comply with manufacturer's requirements far cutting, handling, fastening and working treated materials. E. Repair minor damage, clean and protect. SECTION 07210 BUILDING INSULATION PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with governing codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers, which have been In satisfactory use In similar aervlce for three years. Use experienced installers. Deliver, handle, and stare materials in accordance with manufacturer's Instructions. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Blanket/Butt Insulation: 1. Application: Thermal insulation in studs in exterior walls. a. Batt Insulation R-19, R-13, R-11 as shown on plans. Kraft faced with stapling flange for wood wall construction. 2. Type: Foil -faced mineral fiber. a. Standard: ASTM C 665, Type III (foil-scrim-kraft vapor -retarder membrane) b. Foil reinforced Kraft facing (FRK) with stapling flange for wood stud application In attic areas (F'5-25 with flame spread of 25) as manufactured by Owens Corning or Equal. 3. Sound Batt Insulatio with noncombustible mineral fiberglass Batts with minimum 3 %" thickness. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install materials and systems In accordance with manufactures Instructions and approved submittals. Install materials and systems In proper relation with adjacent construction. Coordinate with work of other sections. Provide full thickness in one layer over entire area, tightly fitting around penetrations. B. Pour loose Insulation Into cavities indicated; provide uniform coverage at correct density and thickness. C. Install vapor retarder over entire area of inside face of exterior walla and elsewhere as indicated. Seal all seams and around perimeter and penetrations with duct tape to form a continuous vapor retarder free of holes. D. Protect installed Insulation and vapor retarder. SECTION 07900 JOINT SEALERS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with governing codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers, which have been In satisfactory use In similar service for three years. Use experienced Installers. Deliver, handle, and store materials in accordance with manufacturer's Instructions. B. Field -Constructed Mack -Ups: Each joint type. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Exterior Joints in Vertical Surfaces, xt or J iota In Horizontal Su rfacee Urethane: B. E eri o , 1. Materials: Self -leveling urethane sealant, ASTM C 920. C. Exterior Paving Joint Fillers, Bituminous: 1. Materials: Bituminous fiber. D. Interior Joints, Limited Movement, Acrylic: 1. Materials: Acrytc-emulsion, ASTM C 834. E. Interior Joints, Sanitary Silicone: 1. Materials: One -part mildew -resistant silicone sealant, ASTM C 920. F. Glazing and kitchen applications 1. General Electric silicone construction 1200 sealant or equal. PART 3 EXECUTION A. Do not proceed with Installation of joint sealants under following conditions: 1. When ambient and substrate temperature conditions are outside limits permitted by joint sealant manufacturer or are below 4.4 C (40 F). 2. When Joint substrates are wet. 3. Do not proceed with Installation of joint sealants where joint widths are t sealant manufacturer fora lications s than t sae allowed b In lea h PP rk indicated. 4. Oo not proceed with Installation of joint sealants until contaminants capable of Interfering with adhesion are removed from joint substrates. B. Examine substrate; report unsatisfactory conditions In writing. Beginning work means acceptance of substrates. C. Provide sealants in colors as selected from manufacturer's standards. D. Install materials and systems In accordance with manufacturer's Instructions and approved submittals. Install materials and systems In proper relation with adjacent construction and with uniform appearance. Coordinate with work of other sections. Clean and prime Joints, and Install bond breakers, backer rods and sealant as recommended by manufacturers. E. Depth shall equal width up to 1/2 Inch wide; depth shall equal 1/2 width for Joints over 1/2 Inch wide. F. For application of sealante, follow requirements of ASTM C1193 unless specified otherwise. G. Avoid dropping or smearing compound on adjacent surfaces. H. Fill Joints solidly with compound and finish compound smooth. I. Cure and protect sealants as directed by manufacturers. Replace or restore damaged sealants. Clean adjacent surfaces to remove spillage. J. After all equipment and wall materials have been Installed, all Joints to walls and bases shall be sealed with silicone sealant SECTION 08110 STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 QUAUTY ASSURANCE A. Comply with governing codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers, which have been In satisfactory use In similar service for three years. Use experienced installers. Deliver, handle, and store materials in accordance with manufacturers Instructions. B. Standards: ANSI/SDI-100, Recommended Specifications for Standard Steel Doors and Frames. C. Performance Standards: 1. Fire -Rated Assemblies: NFPA 80, and acceptable testing agency listing. 2. Thermal -Rated Assemblies at Exterior: ASTM C 236 or ASTM C 976. 3. Sound -Rated Assemblies at Mechanical Rooms: ASTM E 1408, and ASTM E 413. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Interior Steel Frames: 1. Material: Minimum 16 gauge steel sheet. 2. Comers: Mitered or coped. 3. Type: Knockdown. B. Exterior Steel Frames: 1. Manufacturers: Material: Minimum 14 gauge galvanized steel sheet. 2. Comers: Mitered or coped. 3. Type: Knockdown. C. Interior Preassembled Steel Doors and Frames: 1. Material: Minimum 22 gauge steel sheet. 2. Door Thickness: 1-3/4 Inches. 3. Door Faces: Flush. 4. Finleh: Factory finished. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Fabricate work to be rigid, neat and free from seams, defects, dents, warp, buckle, and exposed fasteners. Install doors and frames in compliance with SDI-100, NFPA 80, and requirements of authorities having Jurisdiction. B. Install frames plumb, level, rigid and in true alignment in accordance with ANSI A250.11, "Recommended Erection Instructions for Steel Frames" and ANSI A115.IG, "Installation Guide for Doors and Hardware". Hardware: Prepare doors and frames to receive hardware on final schedule. Provide for 3 silencers on single doorframes; 2 on double doorframes. C. Shop Finish: Clean, treat and prime paint all work with rust -Inhibiting primer comparable with Finleh point specified In Division 9 section. Provide asphalt emulsion sound deadening coating on concealed frame Interfere. D. Touch-up damaged coatings ready to receive flnlsh painting. E. CLEARANCES 1. Clearance between the door and frame head and jambs for both single swing and pairs of doors shall be 1/8 Inch (3.2 mm). 2. Clearance between the meeting edges of pairs of doors shall be 3/16 Inch plus or minus 1/16 Inch (5 mm plus or minus 1.6 mm). For fire rated applications, the clearance between the meeting edges of pairs of doors shall be 1/8 Inch plus or minus 1/16 Inch (3.2 mm plus or minus 1.6 man). 3. Bottom clearance shall be 3/4 Inch (19 mm). (Standard) 4. The clearance between the face of the door and door stop shall be 1/16 Inch to 1/8 Inch (1.6 mm plum or minus 3.2 mm).. F. Adjust doors for free swing without binding. SECTION 08210 FLUSH WOOD DOORS PART 1 GENERAL A. Warranty. Submit manufacturers standard warranty. Include labor and materials to repair or replace defective materials. 1. Solid -Core Exterior Doors: 5 years. 2. Solid -Core Interior Doors: 2 years 3. Hollow -Core Interior Doors: 2 years. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with governing codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers, which have been In satisfactory use in similar service for three years. Use experienced Installers. Deliver, handle, and store materials in accordance with manufacturer's Instructions. B. Quality Standards: [NWWDA 1.5.1-A, 'Architectural Wood Flush Doors.'] [AVA's 'Architectural Woodwork Standards.']. C. Fire Rated Wood Doors: Meet NFPA 80 requirements. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Interior Flush Wood Doors: 1. Type: Hallow core. 2. Thickness: 1-3/8 Inches thick. 3. Grade: Economy. 4. Fromes: Metal knowckdown. 5. Finish Application: Site finished. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Comply with NWMA I.S. 1A and epecifled quality standard. B. Profit doors to frames. Premachins doors for hardware listed on final schedules. Factory bevel doors. C. Correct any deficiency that prohibits the door from swinging or operating freely. Do not remove hinge screws after Initial Insertion. Shims used for alignment purposes must be Inserted between hinge and frame. Do not Insert shims between hinge and door. D. Insure that door closers are properly adjusted and do not limit the door opening awing. Limit door opening swing only with a properly located stop. E. Replace doors that are damaged or that do not comply with requirements. Doors may be repaired or refinished if Work complies with requirements and shows no evidence of repair or reflnishing. F. Install doors with not more than 1/8 Inch clearance at top and aides, 1/4 Inch at bottom. Comply with NFPA 80 for rated assemblies. G. Adjust, clean, and protect. SECTION 08415 ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with goveming codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers, which have been in satisfactory use in similar service for three years. Use experienced installers. Deliver, handle, and store materials in accordance with manufacturer's Instructions. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Aluminum Entrances and Storefront: 1. Aluminum Members: ASTM B 209, ASTM B 221, ASTM B 429, 2. Steel Reinforcement: ASTM A 36, ASTM A 1008, and ASTM A 1011. 3. Door Style: Narrow stile and rail doors. 4. Storefront Style: Aluminum framed. 5. Glass and Glazing: Insulating glazing, tempered. 6. Glazing Color: Clear glass. WINDOW TINTING IS NOT ALLOWED. 7. Closers: Surface mounted. 8, Closer Operation: Double acting closers. 9. Aluminum Finleh: Clear anodized. 10. Aluminum Flnlsh: Baked enamel. 11. Auxiliary Moterlols: a. Push/pulls, doorstops, overhead holders, and deadlocks. b. Weatherstripping and thresholds. c. Exit devices. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Take field measurements before fabrication where possible; der net delay Job progress. B. Install materials and systems in accordance with manufacturer's Instructions and approved submittals. Install materials and systems In proper relotim with adjacent construction and with uniform appearance. Coordinate with work of other sections. C, Anchor securely In place; Install plumb, level and In true alignment. Isolate dissimilar materials to prevent corrosion. D. Install components to drain water passing Joints, condensation occuming within framing members, and moisture migrating within the system to exterior. E. Adjust operating entrance door hardware to function smoothly as recommended by manufacturer. 1. For entrance doors accessible to people with dieabllltlee, adjust closers to provide a 3-second closer awaep period for doors to move from a 70-degree open position to 3 Inches (75 mm) from the latch, measured to the leading door edge F. Coordinate with glass and glazing work; install hardware and adjust for smooth, proper operation. G. Aluminum -framed assemblies will be considered defective if they do not pass tests and Inspections H. Clean and protect completed system; repair damage. SECTION 09110 NON-STRUCTURAL METAL FRAMING PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with governing codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers, which have been in satisfactory use In similar service for three years. Use experienced installers. Deliver, handle, and stare materials in accordance with manufacturers Instructions. B. Tolerances: Not more than 1/8 Inch in 10 feet deviation from true plane, plumb, level and proper relation to adjacent surfaces In finished work. C. Fire Resistance for Fire -Rated Assemblies: ASTM E 119. D. Performance: Fire. structural, and seismic performance meeting requirements of building code and local authorities. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Steel Framing for Walls and Partitions: 1. Material Standard: ASTM C645. 2. Stud Thickness: 20 gauge (.0329 Inch). 3. Stud Thickness: 25 gauge (.0179 inch). 4. Stud Depth, Typical: 2-1/2 Inches. 5. Stud Depth, Typical: 3-5/8 Inches. 6. Furring Channel Thickness: 25 gauge (.0179 Inch). S. Steel Framing for Suspended and Furred Callings: 1. Material Standard: ASTM C645. 2. Attachment: Standard. 3. Stud Thickness: 20 gouge (.0329 inch). 4. Accessories: Furring channels, hangers and Inserts. C. Wire Hangers; ASTM A 641/A 641M, Clan 1 zinc coating, soft temper, 0.18 Inch (4,064 mm) In diameter. D. Non -Structural Track: Cold -Formed galvanized steel runner tracks in conformance with ASTM C 645 for conditions Indicated below: E. Grid Suspension System for Gypsum Board Ceilings: ASTM C 645, direct -hung system composed of main beams and cross -fuming members that Interlock. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Provide fire -rated systems where Indicated and where required by authorities having jurisdiction. S. Where new partitions meet existing construction, remove existing corner beads to provide a smooth transition. C. Provide acoustical sealant at bath faces at top and bottom runner tracks, wall perimeters, openings, expansion and control Joints. D. Install supplementary framing, and blocking to support fixtures, equipment services, heavy trim, grab bars, toilet accessories, furnishings, or similar construction. E. Install tracks (runners) at floors and overhead supports. Extend framing full height to structural supports or substrates above suspended ceilings except where partitions are Indicated to terminate at suspended callings. Continue framing around ducts penetrating partitions above ceiling. F. Fire -Resistance -Rated Partitions: Install framing to comply with fire -resistance -rated assembly Indicated and support closures and to make partitions continuous from Hear to underside of solid structure. G. Suspend hangers from building structure as follows 1. Install hangers plumb and free from contact with insulation or other objects within telling plenum that are not part of supporting structural or suspension system. 2. Where width of ducts and other construction within ceiling plenum produces hanger spacing that Interfere with locations of hangers required to support standard suspension system members, install supplemental suspension members and hangers In the forth of trapezes or equivalent devices. 3. Wire Hangers: Secure by looping and wire tying, either directly to structures or to Inserts, eye screws, or other devices and fasteners that are secure and appropriate for substrate, and In a manner that will not cause hangers to deteriorate or otherwise fall 4. Grid Suspension Systems: Attach perimeter wall track or angle where grid suspension systems meet vertical surfaces. Mechanically join main beam and cross -fuming members to each other and butt -cut to fit Into wall track SECTION 09300 TILE PART 1 GENERAL 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with governing codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers, which have been In satisfactory use in similar service for three years. Use experienced installers. Deliver, handle, and store materials In accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Each type and color of the and grout to be provided from a single source. C. Tile: ANSI A 137.1. D. Tile Setting Materials: ANSI A 118 series standard specifications. E. Tile Installation: ANSI 108 series standard specifications and Tile Council of America, Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Manufacturers: Application: Interior wall the over gypsum wallboard. B. See Interior finish schedule for manufacturers and color specifications PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Comply with Tile Council of America and ANSI Standard Specifications for Installation for substrate and Installation required. Comply with manufacturer s Instructions and recommendations. B. Install waterproof membrane In accordance with manufacturers Instructions and recommendations. C. Lay tile In grid pattern with alignment grids. Layout tile to provide uniform joint widths and to minimize cutting; do not use lase than 1/2 the units. D. Grout and cure, clean and protect. E. Lay out tile work so that no tile less than one half full size is used. Make all cuts on the outer edge of the field. F. Set tile firmly In place with finish surfaces In true planes. Align the flush with adjacent the unless shown otherwise on construction documents. G. Form Intersections and returns accurately. H. Out and drill tile neatly without marring surface. I. Completed work le to be free from hollow sounding areas and loose, cracked or defective tile. J. Remove and reset tiles that are out of plane or misaligned. K. Floors: 1. Extend floor tile beneath casework and equipment, except those units mounted in wall recesses. 2. Align flnlsh surface of new tile work flush with other and existing adjoining floor Flnlsh where Indicated in construction documents. 3. In areas where floor drains occur, slope the to drains. L. Joints: 1. Keep all Joints in line, straight, level, perpendicular and of even width unless shown otherwise on construction documents. 2. Make joints 2 mm (1/16 Inch) wide for glazed wall the and mosaic tile work. 3. Make Joints in quarry tile work not leas than 6 mm (1/4 Inch) nor more than 9 mm (3/8 Inch) wide. Flnlsh Joints flush with surface of tile. 4. Make Joints In paver tile, porcelain type; maximum 3 mm (1/8 Inch) wide. �p,�� a"fit I �, : J.0 Pas . , s. .e 9 t AROSU�4 --'U proposed Im rovement5 p for Tro i ca I p m thie 5 00 Cafe 5T. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Key Plan: Issues: No.: Date: Description: A. 12/14/15 PERMIT 5ET B. 03 /21 /16 13 0 G. D E PT. 1 Architect: DONADIO & Associates, Architects P.A. 60917th 9traa0 Vero Beach, FL 32900 Te1.772.794.2929 Fax772.562.6600 License No. AA0002236 www.donadlo-arch,00m Consultant: Drawing Title: 5FECIFICATION5 Keference North jy MT Chd: XREF File: A D Project No.: Plot File: 2015-63 Sheet No.: Gert. No.: 12,450 Date 31 ned:O . A0.2� Let C.J u� Copyright ©2015. Donadlo 8 Aeooclatea. Architeobe, P.A. Project: CODE REVIEW FOR TROPICAL SMOOTHIE CAFE 6632 U.S. HIGHWAY #1, PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA 34952 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #2015-6312 DATE: NOVEMBER 5, 2015 SCOPE OF WORK The existing Building is Single Story approximately 2,944 sq. ft. (gross), Built in 2006, and previously occupied by Long John Silvers and Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). With the exception of the existing two (2) Coolers, Freezer and one (1) Toilet Room, the remainder of the interior is to be demolished. The interior will then be sub -divided into two (2) separate spaces, Tropical Smoothie (1,601 sq. ft.) and a future Tenant (1,343 sq. ft.). Tropical Smoothie is an Assembly Occupancy by nature, but with a total Occupant content of less than 50 (i.e. seating area; 315 sf = 15 = 21 Occupants; Kitchen/Food Prep area; 1286 sf + 200 = 7 Occupants; total number of Occupants = 28). It is classified as a Group B Occupancy per FBC 2014- Building 303.1.1. The HVAC, Plumbing and Electrical systems will be new throughout. By definition this is considered an Alteration - Level 3 and a Change of Occupancy Classification. CODE REFERENCES Florida Building Code 2014 - "Building" Florida Building Code 2014 - "Existing Buildings" Florida Building Code 2014 - "Accessibility" Florida Building Code 2014 - "Plumbing" Florida Fire Prevention Code 5th Edition NOTE: Unless indicated to the contrary, all code references refer to FBC 2014 - "Existing Buildings". CODE REVIEW 1) GENERAL FBC 1001 a) Certificate of Occupancy Required FBC 1001.4 A Certificate of Occupancy will be required for the new Group "B" Occupancy. 2) SPECIAL USE AND OCCUPANCY FBC 1002 N/A 3) BUILDING ELEMENTS AND MATERIALS FBC 1003 All Building materials will be non-combustible. See Section FBC 1012 for Details. 4) FIRE PROTECTION FBC 1004 See Section 1012 below for Details. 5) MEANS OF EGRESS FBC 1005 See Section 1012 below for Details 6) ACCESSIBILITY FBC 1006 The work involved in the Change of Occupancy Classification complies with FBC 2014; "Accessibility". 7) STRUCTURAL FBC 1007 The work involved in the Change of Occupancy Classification is restricted to the demolition of existing Non-loadbearing Metal Stud Partitions and the Construction of new Non-loadbearing Partitions. Existing Building Gravity loads will not be affected as a result of the proposed work. 8) ELECTRICAL FBC 1008 1) Special Occupancies The Change of Occupancy Classification i.e. Assembly (A-2) to Business does not fall into the "Special Occupancies" category. All new wiring and Equipment to comply with NFPA 70 NEC. 9) MECHANICAL FBC 1009 A new HVAC System will be installed. All work and materials will comply with FBC 2014 "Mechanical". 10) PLUMBING FBC 1010 A new Plumbing System to be installed to meet the requirements of FBC 2014-Plumbing 11) LIGHT AND VENTILATION FBC 1011 Light and Ventilation for the new Occupancy will comply with the requirements of FBC 2014, Building. 12) CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION FBC 1012 1) Change of Occupancy Classification with Separation FBC 1012.1.1.2 The future Tenant space may be leased to another Business Occupancy or Mercantile Occupancy (Retail/Sales). FBC TABLE 508-4 - "Required Separation of Occupancies" Indicates that the separation between Business and Business Occupancies or Business and Mercantile Occupancies is not required to be rated. TABLE (b) NFPA 101 indicates that no rated separation is required between two (2) adjacent Business Occupancies and that because the Building is less than two (2) Stories and less than 10,000 sq. ft., no rated separation is required between Business and Mercantile Occupancies. II) Change of Occupancy Classification based on Hazard Category FBC 1012.1.3; TABLE 1012.4 Based on TABLE 1012.4 the Relative Hazard steps down from 3 (Assembly Occupancy) to 4 (Business Occupancy). III) Accessibility FBC 1012.1.4; FBC 2014 "Accessibility See Section 1012.8 below for Details IV) Fire Protection Systems FBC 1012.2; 1012.2.1; 1012.2.2; CH.9, FBC 2014 - Building The existing Building does not have an Automatic Fire Sprinkler System installed. The Change of Occupancy Classification does not require the installation of a Sprinkler Systems. V) Interior Finish FBC 1012.3; FBC 2014 - "Building" TABLE 803.9; LSC.10.2; All new Wall and Ceiling finishes in the Work area undergoing a Change of Occupancy Classification to comply with the following TABLE: Business Group - "B"; Non-Sprinklered Interior Exit Stairways, Interior Exit Ramps and Passageways corridors and Enclosures for Exit Access Stairways and Exit Access Ramps Rooms and Enclosed Spaces c Class C: = Flame Spread Index 76-200; Smoke Developed Index 0-450; a) Floor Finish FBC 2014 - "Building" 804.4.2; LSC 10.2; All Floor finish materials to have a minimum Critical Radiant Flux of Class II. VI) Means of Egress General FBC TABLE 1012.4 The Relative Hazard has decreased from 3 (Assembly Occupancy) to 4 (Business Occupancy). VII) Means of Egress for Changes of Use to Equal or Lower Standard Catepory FBC TABLE 1012.4 All newly constructed Means of Egress complies with FBC 2014 - Building. 13) General Means of Egress FBC 2014 - "Building" 1003.2 Means of Egress Ceiling Height = 9'-0" > 7%6" 1) Floor Surface; Elevation Change: Egress Continuity FBC 2014 - "Building" 1003.4; 1003.5; 1003.6 The following applies to the Means of Egress: a) Securely attached and slip resistant Floor surface; b) No Elevation change; c) The Means of Egress is uninterrupted and leads directly to the Building Exterior. II) Occupant Load FBC 2014 - "Building" TABLE 1004.1.2; LSC TABLE; 38.1.7 Seating Area = 315 sq. ft. + 15 = 21 Occupants Kitchen/Food Prep. = 1286 sq. ft. + 200 = 7 Occupants Total = 28 Occupants III) Means of Egress Sizing FBC 2014- "Building" 1005 a) Required Capacity Based on Occupant Load FBC 2014 - "Building" 1005.3 Exit capacity required; 28 x 0.2" = 5.6" Existing Exit capacity existing = 36" b) Encroachment FBC 2014 - "Building" 1005.7; 1005.7.1 There is no encroachment into the existing Means of Egress width. IV) Means of Egress Illumination FBC 1006 a) Illumination Required FBC 1006.1 The Means of Egress, including Exit Discharge, will be illuminated at all times during Building Occupancy. b) Illumination Level FBC 1006.2 The Means of Egress Illumination Level shall not be less Than 1 Footcandle (11 LUX) at the walking surface. c) Emergency Power for Illumination An Emergency Power Supply will be provided to illuminate all Means of Egress components. The Emergency Supply will provide Power for a minimum of 90 minutes and will consist of Storage Batteries, Unit Equipment or an on -site generator. V) Accessible Means of Egress FBC 2014 - "Building" 1007; FBC 2014 - Accessibility One (1) existing Accessible Means of Egress is provided. VI) Doors. Gates and Turnstiles FBC 2014- "Building" 1008.1.1; 1008.1.2; 1008.1.3; LSC 7.2.1; Minimum width of Egress Doors permitted = 32" Width of Egress Doors to be provided = 36" Minimum height of Egress Doors permitted = 80" Minimum height of Egress Doors to be provided = 80" Both Egress Doors swing in the direction of travel and are side hinged. All Interior side -swinging Doors (without closers) to comply with the following prescribed forces: 1) A maximum 51b (22N) force shall swing door fully open. 2) A 151b (67N) force shall release a latch 3) A 301b (133N) force shall set door in motion. See Hardware Schedule for individual Door Hardware. VII) Exit Signs FBC 2014 - "Building" 1011 a) Illumination FBC 1011.3; FBC 1011.6.2 All Exit signs to be internally or externally illuminated with an intensity of 5 Footcandles (54 LUX). b) Graphics FBC 1011.6.1 All Graphics on Exit or Directional Signs shall not be less than 6" high or smaller than 3/4" principal strokes. c) Power Source FBC 1011.6.3 In the case of a Primary Power loss an Emergency Power Supply, for a minimum of 90 minutes will be provided. Power Source one of Batteries or on -site Generator. Vill) Exit Access FBC 2014 - "Building" 1014.2; LSC 7.5; 38.2.5 The Exit Access is existing and leads directly to the Building Exterior. IX) Common Path of Egress Travel FBC 2014 - "Building" 1014.3; FBC TABLE 1014.3; LSC Maximum Common Path of Egress Travel permitted = 100' Actual Maximum Common Path of Egress Travel = 32' (Toilet Room to Entrance/Exit Door) X) Exit and Exit Access Doorways FBC 2014 - "Building" 1015; TABLE 1015.1; LSC Two (2) Exit Access Doorways exist and are not affected by the Change of Occupancy Classification. a) Two Exits or Exit Access Doorways FBC 2014 - "Building" 1015.2.1 Building Diagonal = 76' Door Separation = 63' 50% x 76' = 38' < 63' - O.K. This Space meets the criteria for a Single Exit; Occupant Load = 28 < 49 Total Travel Distance = 83'< 100' However, based on FBC TABLE 1021.2/2 a single Door is not permitted because the Exit Access Travel Distance exceeds 75' (87' actual). XI) Exit Access Travel Distance FBC 2014 - "Building" Table 1016.2; LSC 7.6; Maximum Exit Travel Distance to an Exit = 200' Actual Maximum Travel Distance to an Exit = 87' (Wash Area to Entrance/Exit Door) XII) Exits FBC 2014 - "Building" 1020 Both Exit Doors lead directly to a Public way. XIII) Number of Exits and Exit Configuration FBC 2014 - "Building" 1021.2 (2); LSC 38.2.4 Minimum number of Exits required = 2 Number of Exits existing = 2 XIV) Exit Discharge FBC 2014 - "Building" 1027.1 Both Exits Discharge directly at grade. XV) ACCESSIBILITY FBC 2014 ACCESSIBILITY a) Accessible Routes FBC 402 An Accessible Route is provided throughout the Facility. b) Parking Spaces FBC 208; FBC TABLE 208.2 Existing c) Drinking Fountains FBC 211; FBC 602.1 - 602.6; 602.7 Not required. The Restaurant provides water for Patrons. d) Kitchens. Kitchenettes and Sinks FBC 212; FBC 606; FBC 804 The Food Prep area does not have a conventional Range or Cooktop Equipment. e) Toilet Facilities and Bathing Facilities FBC 213; FBC 603 Separate Male and Female Toilet Facilities are provided that meet all necessary Door swing requirements, fixture clearances and turning radius. XVI) MINIMUM PLUMBING FIXTURE COUNT FBC TABLE 403.1 (PLUMBING 2014) 50%/50% Ratio; Men/Women; Occupant load = 28; 14 Male/14 Female Water Closets; Male/Female; 1 per 25 for first 50; Lavatories; Male/Female; 1 per 40 for first 80; Drinking Fountains; 1 per 100; Service Sinks; 1 BUSINESS OCCUPANCY -GROUP "B" WATER DRINKING CLOSETS LAVATORIES FOUNTAINS SERVICE SINKS Required Existing Required Existing Required Existing Required Existing Male 1 1 1 1 Water 1 1 Served Female 1 1 1 1 14) HEIGHTS AND AREA FOR CHANGE TO EQUAL OR LESSER HAZARD CATEGORY FBC 1012.5; TABLE 1012.5 The Relative Hazard changes to a lesser Category: Assembly (2) to Business (4). 15) Exterior Wall Fire -Resistance Ratings FBC TABLE 1012.6 There is no change in Exterior Wall Hazard Category; Assembly (Relative Hazard 3); Business (Relative Hazard 3). 16) Exterior Wall Rating for a Change of Occupancy Classification to an Equal or Lesser Hazard Category FBC 1012.6.2 Existing Exterior Walls are acceptable. 17) Opening Protectives FBC 1012.6.3; FBC 2014 - BUILDING TABLE 705.8 The existing North, South, East and West Walls are in excess of 30' from the Property Line. The Building is Unprotected/Non-Sprinklered; no limit on unprotected areas. 18) Enclosure of Vertical Shafts FBC 1012.7.2 N/A 19) Accessibility FBC 1012.8; FBC 2014 "Accessibility" See Item f) XVII above. proposed Improvements for Tropical Smoothie Cafe ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Key Flan: issues: No.: Pate: Description: A. 12/14/15 PERMIT SET Arrh ite.rt- DONADIO & Associates, Architects P.A. 60917th 5tre Vero Beach, FL 32900 Te1.772.794.2929 Fax.772.562.H600 Ll.nae No. AA0002238 ..donadlo-arch.. Consultant: )rawing Title: CODE REVIEW North Ay :ert. No.: 12,456 )ate Signed: MT Chd: XREF File: AJD Project No.: Flot File: 2015-63 Sheet No.: A1.1 D Project: DRIVE-THRU 10 0®® • u u r T� lr 11f 7T I I GAS I O METER L— I\ 100 FOOD PREP MAX. TRAVE T. TO T I \� O — 7 I II II I __ L— COOLER ®__ — — — — — — D00 I — -- I � 6E1' I I — —Z I O DINING 101 WASH 0 102 �x e: �I a o 0 0 0 — — —00 MEN I \ / / I COOLER �I I OAP FREEZER FUTURE TENANT EXI5T. HWH UNI-SEX EQUIP. O YARD OPTH ADA UNI-5E PfH 01 LIFE SAFETY FLAN 5cale:1/4" -1'-0" f� OF ............. AREA: GPO55 NET �Pa.�1yONY 0 •'•• BUILDING 2,944OF �0•' TROPICAL5MOOTIE 1,0015F 1,454OF FUTURE TENANT 1,343OF 1,239.OF Frop000d Improvements for Tropical Smoothie Cafe 5T. LUGIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Key Plan: Iooue5: No.: Date: Description: A 12/14/15 PERMIT 5ET Architect: DONADIO & Associates, Architects P.A. 60917th 9trmt Vero 5each, FL 52960 Ts1.772.794.2929 Fm.772.562.5600 License No. AA0002235 xmw.danadlo-smh.com Con6ultant: Drawing Title: LIFE SAFETY PLAN Reference North MT Chd: XREF File: ADD Project No.: Plot File: 2015-63 Sheet No.: Cert. No.: 12,456 OE JpA5 A1.11 Date Signed: M Project: WALL LEGEND EXI5TING 8" CMU WALL EXI5TING 4" 5TUD WALL - — — — - EXI5TING TO 5E REMOVED 01 EXISTING/DEMO FLOOK PLAN 5cale:1/4" - T-0" Proposed Improvements for Tropical Smoothie Cafe ST, LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Key Plan: 155Ue5: No.: Date: Description: A. 10/28/15 CLIENT REVIEW 5. 12/14/15 PERMIT 5ET C. 03/21/16 SLDG,DEPT. 1 Architect: DONADIO & Associates, Architects P.A. 60917th Street Van Beach, FL 52960 Tal.772.7942929 Fax.772.562.5600 Licmas No. AA00022M w .donadlo-arch.com Consultant: Drawing Title: EXISTING/DEMO FLOOR PLAN Reference North Orn: Dwg. File: Kph '®..... !® XREF File: COPYm-T AJD PN�KONYJ-0 `y Project No.: Fiot Flle: • ' — '� 2015-63 • S g Sheet No.: �� •• :%V/ Cert. No.: 12,456 Date 6lgned: MAP 3 o 2016 A2.10 D•A'A� Copyright (D 2015, Ponadlo & Aeeoclateo, Architects, FA. Project: DOOR SCHEDULE ITEM No SIZE THK. MATERIAL FRAME TYPE REMARKS HARDWARE 100 T-0" X T-0" 1-3/4" ALUM/GLASS ALUM STOREFRONT NEW EXTERIOR DOOR GROUP #E2 101 T-0" X 6'-8" 1-3/4" WOOD HIM FLUSH SOLID CORE NEW INTERIOR DOOR GROUP #1 102 T-0" X 6'-8" 1-3/4" WOOD HIM FLUSH SOLID CORE NEW INTERIOR DOOR GROUP #2 103 3'-0" X T-0" 1-3/4" ALUM/GLASS ALUM STOREFRONT ENTRANCE DOOR I GROUP #E1 u DOOR NOTES: 1. ALL NEW INTERIOR WOOD DOORS ARE TO BE CLEANED AND TOUCHED UP TO RECIEVE NEW SCHEDULED FINISH. 2. LOCKING DEVICES ON REQUIRED EXIT DOORS SHALL NOT REQUIRE THE USE OF A KEY, A TOOL, OR SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OR EFFORT FOR OPERATION FROM THE EGRESS SIDE OF THE DOOR, EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED BY SECTION 1008.1.9 (2010 FBC). 3. ALL INTERIOR DOOR LOCKSETS/PASSAGE SETS ARE TO BE HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE WITH LEVER ACTION HANDLES AND MOUNTED AT 40" ABOVE THE FINISHED FLOOR. 4. CONTRACTOR IS TO ADJUST ALL DOORS TO NORMAL WORKING OPERATION WHICH INCLUDES THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF HARDWARE AND WEATHER STRIPPING AS REQUIRED. 5. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THAT THE EXISTING RESTROOM DOORS HAVE CLOSERS. IF NOT, CONTRACTOR IS TO INSTALL NEW CLOSER ON EACH RESTROOM DOOR. 6. ALL DOORS SHALL HAVE AN OPENING FORCE OF FIVE POUNDS MAXIMUM. DOOR HARDWARE: GROUP #1 - NEW INTERIOR DOOR: GROUP #2 - NEW INTERIOR DOOR: 1.5 PAIR BUTTS: NEW 1.5 PAIR BUTTS: NEW 1.0 LOCKSET W/ LEVER HANDLE 1.0 LOCKSET W/ LEVER HANDLE 1.0 DOOR CLOSER, SURFACE MOUNTED GROUP #Et - NEW EXTERIOR DOOR HARDWARE GROUP #E2 - NEW ENTRANCE HARDWARE: 1.5 PAIR BUTTS 1.5 PAIR BUTTS 1.0 LATCH SET WITH RETRACTABLE DEAD BOLT 1.0 DEAD BOLT (IN OPEN POSITION DURING BUSINESS HRS) 1.0 DOOR CLOSURES 1.0 DOOR CLOSER 1.0 THRESHOLD 1.0 THRESHOLD 1.0 DOOR SWEEP 1.0 DOOR SWEEP 1.0 DOOR PULLS 1.0 PUSH PLATE 01 FROF05CD FLOOK FLAN AREA: GPO55 NET 6UILDING 2,9445F TROPICAL5MOOTIE 1,6015F 1,4545F FUTURE TENANT 1,345 5F 1,239 OF 50ale:114' -1'-0" WALL LEGEND PTFFTPT EXISTING 8" CMU WALL EXI5TING 4" STUD WALL 8" THICK CMU WALL INFILL WITH 5/8" CEMENT/LIME STUCCO FINISH ON EXTERIOR. INTERIOR 51DE TO BE DRYWALL ON 11/2" MTL. FURRING SPACED 24" O,C. MAX. (REFER TO PLAN FOR LOCATION). INTERIOR PARTITION - 3 5/8", 25 GA. METAL STUDS 0 24' O.C. (MAX.) WITH 5/8" DRYWALL ON BOTH SIDES, ALL FROM 5LA13 TO 6" ABOVE 5U5PENDED CEILING ON EITHER SIDE. — — INTERIOR UNDER COUNTER HALF HEIGHT PARTITION - 3 5/8", 25 GA. METAL 5TUD5 0 24" O.C. (MAX.) WITH 5/8" DRYWALL ON 50TH SIDES, ALL FROM 5LA5 TO. proposed Improvements for Tropical Smoothie Cafe 5T. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Key Plan: 155Ue5: No.: Date: Description: A. 10/2&/15 CLIENT REVIEW B. 12/14/15 PERMIT 5ET G. 01/11/16 CORP. 1 D. 03/21/16 50G.1EPT. 2 Architect: DONADIO & Associates, Architects P.A. 60917th 5trwt Vero Beach, FL 32950. Ta1.772.794.2929 Fax.772.562.e600 Llcenee No. AA00022M ww,v.danadlo-aroh.wm Co116Ultatt: Drawin6 Title: PROP05ED FLOOR PLAN Reference North Drn: Dwg. File: pF"FLO MT Chd: XREF File: .. BgWONY J,E6Nq ro ect No,: Plot File: AN Co " • a 2015-63 AR00 :C) Sheet No.: G/�•, .."w Cert. No.: 12,456 MAR 3 0 2016 A2.11 RED`�¢G Date signed: Copyright Q 2015. Ponadlo & Ae xlataa, Archlta . P.A. Project: FOODSERVICE EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE ITEM NO QTY EQUIPMENT CATEGORY PROVIDED BY VENDOR INSTALLED BY BACK OF HOUSE EQUIPMENT 1A 1 WALK-IN COOLER/FREEZER COMBO UNIT(S) EXISTING 1B LOT COOLERIFREEZER REFRIGERATION EXISTING 2 LOT WALK-IN COOLER/FREEZER SHELVING TBD 3A 2 75" TALL DRY STORAGE SHELVING, 14" X 30" FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 3B 3 75" TALL DRY STORAGE SHELVING, 18" X 48" FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 3C 1 75" TALL DRY STORAGE SHELVING, 18" X 54" FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 4 1 THREE COMPARTMENT SINK FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 5 1 PRE -RINSE FAUCET FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 6 2 14" DEEP WALL SHELF, 24" & 36" LONG FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 7 1 MOP SINK GENERAL CONTRACTOR SEE PLUMB. SCHEDULE GENERAL CONTRACTOR 8 1 SERVICE FAUCET GENERAL CONTRACTOR SEE PLUMB. SCHEDULE GENERAL CONTRACTOR 9 1 WATER HEATER GENERAL CONTRACTOR SEE PLUMB. SCHEDULE GENERAL CONTRACTOR 10 LOT SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM FRANCHISEE OWNER'S CHOICE VENDOR INSTALLED 11 1 SAFE FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR SMOOTHIE LINE / FOOD LINE EQUIPMENT 21 1 ICE MAKER W/BIN FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 22 1 WATER FILTER,3STAGE FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 23 SPARE NUMBER 24 1 PREP SINK FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 25 1 MICROWAVE, UNDERCOUNTER FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 26 SPARE NUMBER 27 1 MICROWAVE CONVECTION OVEN FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 28 1 RERFIGERATED PREP TABLE, 30 PAN FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 29 1 RERFIGERATED PREP TABLE, 30 PAN FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 30 1 RERFIGERATED PREP TABLE, 18 PAN FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 31 1 WORK TABLE W/HAND SINK & DUMP SINK, 30" X 48" FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 32A 1 WORK TABLE, 30" X 84" (SINGLE UNDERSHELF) FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 32B 1 WORK TABLE, 30" X 60" (SINGLE UNDERSHELF) FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 32C 1 MOBILE WORK TABLE, 30" X 60" FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 33 1 EQUIPMENT STAND, 30" X 30" (24" HGT.) FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 34 2 WORK TABLE, 30" X 24" (SINGLE UNDERSHELF) FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 35 1 WORK TABLE, 30" X 36" (SINGLE UNDERSHELF) FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 36 1 BLENDER TABLE, 30" X 108" (SINGLE UNDERSHELF) FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 36A 1 WATER SPIGOT FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 36B 1 WATER CONTAINER, DROP -IN FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 36C 1 WATER FILTER,2STAGE FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 36D 4 CUP DISPENSER FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 36E 1 LID DISPENSER FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 37 4 BLENDER, BAR TYPE FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 38 1 ICE BIN, DROP -IN FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 39 1 HAND SINK FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 40A 1 14" DEEP WALL SHELF, 36" LONG FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 40B 2 14" DEEP WALL SHELF, 42" LONG FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 40C 2 18" DEEP WALL SHELF, 42" LONG FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 40D 1 18"DEEP WALL SHELF, 60"LONG FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 41 LOT WALL CABINET, V-0" FRANCHISEE DMG GENERAL CONTRACTOR CASHIER AREA EQUIPMENT 49 1 CASHIER COUNTER TOP, V-0" GENERAL CONTRACTOR DMG GENERAL CONTRACTOR 50 3 S/S WALL LEDGE, 48" FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 51 1 MENU BOARD SYSTEM, WALL MOUNT, 9 PANELS FRANCHISEE THE HOWARD COMPANY GENERAL CONTRACTOR 52 2 POS TERMINAL FRANCHISEE MICROS RTG 53 1 1 POS SYSTEM - BACK OF HOUSE FRANCHISEE MICROS RTG 54 4 POS PRINTER FRANCHISEE MICROS RTG 55 TBD MONITOR, FUTURE ITEM FRANCHISEE MICROS RTG 56 1 BEVERAGE ICE CHEST FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 57 2 STEAMER FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 57A 1 STEAMER STAND FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 58 1 WORK TABLE, 30" X 24" (DOUBLE UNDERSHELF) FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 59 2 WORK TABLE, 30" X 12" (SINGLE UNDERSHELF) FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 60 2 WORK TABLE, LENGTH TBD FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 61 2 SUPPLIMENT HOLDER FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 62 1 DRAIN BOARD FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 62A 1 CUSTOM SHELF FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR DINING EQUIPMENT 71 LOT TABLE TOP & BASE GENERAL CONTRACTOR DMG GENERAL CONTRACTOR 72A LOT DINING CHAIR GENERAL CONTRACTOR DMG GENERAL CONTRACTOR 72B LOT DINING STOOL GENERAL CONTRACTOR DMG GENERAL CONTRACTOR 73 2 TOP CAP GENERAL CONTRACTOR SEE FINISH SCHEDULE GENERAL CONTRACTOR 74 1 SIT-DOWN COUNTER GENERAL CONTRACTOR DMG GENERAL CONTRACTOR 75 5 PENDANT LIGHT FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 76 1 MARKET PLACE GENERAL CONTRACTOR DMG GENERAL CONTRACTOR 77 LOT BANQUET SEATING GENERAL CONTRACTOR DMG GENERAL CONTRACTOR 78 1 TRASH CAN FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 78A 1 TRAY SHELF - LOCATION BY G.C. FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 79 1 TROPICAL SMOOTHIE NEON SIGN FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 80 1 EXTERIOR SIGNAGE FRANCHISEE SIGN COMPANY SIGN COMPANY 100 1 DRIVE THRU MENU BOARD FRANCHISEE THE HOWARD COMPANYI GENERAL CONTRACTOR 197 2 BABY CHANGING STATION FRANCHISEE HOCKENBERGS GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTACT MATRIX GRAND RESTAURANT / THE DESIGN MANUFACTURING GROUP, INC MICROS/ORACLE HOCKENBERGS 1040 MARIETTA INDUSTRIAL DRIVE (POS PROVIDER) FOODSERVICE EQUIPMENT & MARIETTA, GA 30062 SUPPLY GARRETT STOM 3650 ANNAPOLIS LANE, N. #107 KENT PRATER (561) 248-9040 PLYMOUTH, MN 55447 (770) 514-9784 garrett.stom@oracle.com group9OlO@bellsouth.net MARK COX, CFSP (763) 746.3410 markc@hockenbergs.com RETAIL TECHNOLOGY GROUP 1663 FENTON BUSINESS PARK COURT FENTON, MO 63026 (POS INSTALLER) THE HOWARD COMPANY, INC. ULTERIOR MOTIVES INTERNATIONAL, INC. 1375 N. BARKER ROAD 1081 OHIO DRIVE, SUITE 2 SHANNON LAY BROOKFIELD, WI 53045 PLANO, TX 75093 (636) 600-4070 (636) 680-8438 NICHOLAS STAUFF, CDT LEAH UTZMAN shannon.lay@rtgpos.com (262)317-7751 (214)826-0011 EXT:7013 nick@howardoompany.com (469) 3315232 leah@umi-inc.00m MUZAK, MOOD MEDIA CO. LAUREN SALVI (262) 317-7702 ALLISON GRABER KENNY PITTOCK lauren@howardoompany.00m (214) 826-0011 (251) 402-5709 (469) 331-6236 kenny.pittock@moodmadla.com 01 FOOD SERVICE FLAN Scale: 1/4" - 1'-0" Proposed Improvements for Tropical Smoothie Cafe ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Key Flan: 155Ue5: No.: Date: Description: A. 12/14/15 PERMIT SET Architect: DONADIO & Associates, Architects P.A. COS 17th street Vero Beach, FL 329W TaL772.784.2929 Fa 772562b600 Lwenee Na AA0002238 w .donadlo-arch,wm Consultant: Drawing Title: FOOD SERVICE FLAN Uwe. MT Chd: XREF File: AJD Project No.: Plot File: 2015-63 Sheet No.: Cert. No.: 12,456 Date Signed: DEC 1 It 1015 A2"12 Copyright Q2015, Domdlo & Aaooclatea. Archftacta, PA Project: FLOOR FINISH LEGEND I iiiiiiiiiiiiGiiii 1■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■1 WALL SACKING LEGEND TYPE A WALL BACKING - 48" HIGH FROM 37TO 85" AFF FOR OVERSHELVES. TYPE B WALL BACKING - 60" HIGH FROM 25" TO 85" AFF FOR HAN05INK AND OFFICE TYPE C WALL BACKING - 30" HIGH FROM 39" TO 69" AFF. FOR MOP SINK FAUCET BRACKET TYPE D WALL BACKING -12" HIGH FROM 46" TO 60" AFF. FOR MOP RACK. TYPE E WALL BACKING - 24" HIGH FROM 30" TO 60" AFF. FOR STAINLESS LEDGE. TYPE F WALL BACKING - 30" HIGH FROM 24" TO 54' AFF. FOR CHANGING STATION. 02 FLOOR FINISHES FLAN 01 WALL BACKING FLAN Scale: 1/4" - 1'-0" Scale: 1/4" - 1'-0" proposed Improvements for Tropical Smoothie Cafe ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Key Plan: Issues: No.: Date: Description: A. 12/14/15 PERMIT 5ET Arrhitart DONADIO & Associates, Architects P.A. 60917th 5t"at Varo Beach. FL 32960 Tal.7727942929 Faa.772.562.9600 Lloanae No. AA0002236 w .donadio-aroh.con Consultant: Drawing Title: WALL SACKING AND FLOOR FINISHES PLANS North MT Chi: XREF File: AJD Project No.: Plot File: 2015-63 Sheet No.: Cart. No.: 12,456 Date 51gned: A2.1 Copyright © 2015. 0onadlo & Aeeoclatea, Mchltecte. P.A. project: INTERIOR FINISHES PLAN FLOOR TILE -DINING WALL TILE SUSPENDED CEILING FT-1 MANUF: CENTIVA WT-I MANUF: ROCA OR EQUAL AT-1 MANUF: ARMSTRONG TYPE: VINYL FLOORING TYPE: CERAMIC TILE TYPE: CLASS SERIES: CONTOUR PLANK COLOR WHITE NUMBER: 1728A AD FINE FISSURED NUMBER: CP 0303-C SIZE: 376" COLOR: WHITE COLOR: VINTAGE CHALET GROUT MANUF: POLYBLEND OR EQUAL SIZE: 24'X24"X5/B" GROUT TYPE: NOWSANDED GRID: 15/18"GRID. MATCH WHITE CONTACT INFO: GROUT COLOR: NEWTAUPE#185 COLOR OF CEILING TILE r� PAINT' LENNIE ROWAN, LEED GA AT-2 MANUF: ARMSTRONG ACCOUNT EXECTUTIVE TYPE: CLASS TANbUS/CENTIVA NUMBER: WASHABLE VINYL SURFACE A TARKETT COMPANY P-1 MANUF: SHERWIN WILLIAMS COLOR: WHITE (404) 428-5210 NUMBER: SW-7103 SIZE: 24'X48"XSW COLOR: FINISH: WHITETAIL SATIN GRID: NEW WHITE I5/10'GRID. FLOOR TILE -KITCHEN P-2 MANUF: SHERWIN WILLIAMS NUMBER: SW-8821 WOOD FT-2 MANUF: DALTILE OR EQUAL COLOR EMOTIONAL TYPE: QUARRY TILE FINISH: SATIN WO-1 TYPE: 1"X 3' TRB4 BOARD COLOR: ASHEN GRAY P-3 MANUF: SHERWIN WILLIAMS FINISH: PAINTED: P-1 SIZE: BOXY' NOTE: PLACE BATTENS EVERY Z-W O.C. GROUT MANUF: END OR EQUAL NUMBER: 2 TO PROVIDE A BOARD AND GROUT TYPE: SANDED SANDED COLOR: LARCH BATTEN APPEARANCE OR AS GROUT COLOR: OELOREAN GRAY #185 FINISH: SATIN SATIN NOTED IN ELEVATION P-0 MANUF: NUMBER: COLOR: SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW46483 IME WD-2 TYPE: STAIN GRADE PINE FLOOR TILE BASE FINISH: SATIN SATIN FINISH: NOTE PAINTED: P-1 1"X 2"617MPS B-1 TYPE: STAIN GRADE PINE SIZE: 1"X 8'STRIPS COUNTERTOPS WD-3 TYPE: 4FT X 8FT STAIN: SHERWIN WILLAMS BEAD BOARD PANEL ST•1 MANUF: HANWHA SURFACES NUMBER: SW-3130 FINISH: PAINTED: P-1 FINISH: BRAZILNUT TYPE: HANSTONE QUARTZ B-2 3-5/8" METAL STUD TRACK INSTALLED W/ COLOR SLICE OF ICE WD-d TYPE: STAIN GRADE PINE FLANGES FACING THE WALL FINISH: POLISHED FINISH: PAINTED: P-1 THICKNESS: 2 CM NOTE: 1"X 4" STRIPS JOINT SIZE: BUTT JOINTS IF NEEDED 33 MANUF: ROCA OR EQUAL WD-5 TYPE: FRAMING GRADE WOOD PLANKS TYPE: CERAMIC TILE BASE ST-2 MANUF: DMG, INC. FINISH: SHERWIN WILLIAMS COLOR: WHITE TYPE: BUTCHER BLOCK TOP SW-3130 BRAZILNUT SIZE: 3'XW WOOD: MAPLE NOTE: 1'X6'KNOTTYPINE GROUT MANUF: POLYSLEND OR EQUAL FINISH: NATURAL CLEAR FINISH GROUT TYPE: NON -SANDED THICKNESS: 3/4"WITH 3/4"SUBSTRATE WD-B TYPE: FRAMING GRADE WOOD PLANKS GROUT COLOR NEW TAUPE #185 FINISH: SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW-3130 BRAZILNUT B4 MANUF: DALTILE OR EQUAL ST-3 MANUF: HOME DEPOT NOTE: i" X i" KNOTTY PINE TYPE: QUARRY TILE BASE TYPE: PVC TRIMPLANK COLOR: ASHEN GRAY COLOR: WHITE SIZE: 8"X6" NUMBER: VERANDA 7311 OR SIMILAF BRAZILNUT STAIN ON ALL SURFACES TO GROUT MANUF: POLYBLEND OR EQUAL SIZE: 1" X 8" X 6-0' BE ONE COAT ONLY, RUBBED ON AND IMMEDIATELY WIPED FOR A LIGHT GROUTTYPE: SANDED COLORED FINISH. GROUT COLOR: DELOREAN GRAY#185 FIBERGLASS PANEL B3 MANUF: JOHNSONRE FRP-1 MANUF: FRP TYPE: VINYL WALL BASE TYPE: X COLOR: SEAWEED#101 COLOR: WHITE SIZE: 4' HIGH NOTE: CAULK ALL JOINTS. EXISTING FRP (FOR RESTROOMS & OPTIONAL KITCHEN TO REMAIN WHERE POSSIBLE. BASE) KEY NOTES I OGYP. BOARD WALL OR FRP OPTION O quROM FLOOR TO 3W A.F.F.WrA FROM F. TO 54" A.F.F. ODINING SIDE OFJQ R&TRIM TO BE PAINTED P-2 OPAINTED GYP. BOARD WALL OS FRP-1 NSTALLED FROM FLOOR TO TOP OF HALF HGT. WALL OHORIZONTAL SURFACE TO BE ST-1 < HORIZONTAL SURFACE TO BE T-2 OHORIZONTAL SURFACE TO BE T3 RESTROOM FINISHES STOOL / VANITY WALL TO HAVE Wr-1 WALL TILE FROM FLOOR TO 48' A.F.F. WALL ABOVE TILE TO BE PAINTED WITH® ALL OTHER WALLS TO BE PAINTED P-0 ROM FLOOR TO CEILING. INTEIjL9_R SIDE OF DOOR AND TRIM TO BE PAINTED WITH P-41 BABE TO BE B-1 01 WALL FIN15HE5 FLAN Scale: 1/4" - 1'-0" OF Fropo5ed Improvements for Tropical Smoothie Cafe 5T. LUCIE COUNTY, FLOKIPA Key flan: ISSUe9: No.: Date: Description: A. 12/14/15 PERMIT 5ET Architect: DONADIO & Associates, Architects P.A. 60917th Stro Vero 13 a 1% FL 529W Te1.772.7942929 Fax.772.662.9600 Ucenw No. AA0002238 wvw.danadlo-aroh.com COnoultaRt: Drawing Title: WALL FINISHES PLAN Reference North MT d: XREF File: COPS', GtN " !ll....iiii ro ect No.: Piot File: 2015-63 Sheet No.: Cert. No.: 12,456 Date 51Aned: A2.14 CaP,iiBht© 2015• Doaadlo & Aeaaclatea, Amhkeata, F.A Project: REFLECTED CEILING PLAN SUSPENDED CEILING PAINT AT-1 MANUF: ARMSTRONG P-1 MANUF: SHERWIN WILLIAMS TYPE: CLASS'A' NUMBER: SW-7103 NUMBER: 1728A AD FINE FISSURED COLOR: WHITETAIL COLOR: WHITE FINISH: SATIN SIZE: 24"X24"XB/8• GRID: 16/16"GRID. MATCH WHITE P-2 MANUF: SHERWIN WILLIAMS COLOR OF CEILING TILE NUMBER: SW-6621 COLOR: EMOTIONAL AT-2 MANUF: ARMSTRONG FINISH: SATIN TYPE: CLASS NUMBER: WASHABLE VINYL SURFACE 124 MANUF: SHERWIN WILLIAMS COLOR: WHITE NUMBER: SW-0762 SIZE: 24"X48'X5/8" COLOR: LARCHMERE GRID: NEW WHITE 15/16' GRID. FINISH: SATIN P-4 MANUF. SHERWIN WILLIAMS NUMBER: SW-6463 COLOR: BREAKTIME FINISH: SATIN KEY NOTES OWALL MOUNTED MENU BOARD FROM 6'-3" O CEILING GRID INSTALLED 0 90° WISTORE FRONT, A.F.F. TO T-W A.F.F. OCEILING MOUNTED TRACK LIGHTING O PENDANT LIGHT AT T-0"TO BOTTOM OF PENDANT OCEILING FAN: 8'-6"TO BOTTOM OF WALL SCONCE AT 8'-V TO FIXTURE FROM FINISHED FLOOR. CENTER OF WALL PLATE O4 PAINTED GYP. BOARD CEILING //�� <py SUSPENDED MILLWORK SOFFIT BY DESIGN MANFACTURING GROUP(770) 514-9784 O6 CEILING GRID INSTALLED 0SO- W/STORE FRONT. LIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE SYMBOL REF. NO ITEM DESCRIPTION MANUF. PART# VOLTAGE WATTAGE 6R 6" RECESS LED INC HOUSING. GU24 BASE 7200327 120 O 6R 6" LED WHITE TRIM 72003602 120 12 LED 24T 2' X 4' LED TROFFER 72002406 UNV 44 LED ® 24T 2' X 4' LED TROFFER (WITH EM) 72005244 UNV 44 LED TL LED SINGLE CIRCUIT TRACK HEAD 18644197 120 10 LED TL 4' TRACK - WHITE 18622804 TL 8' TRACK - WHITE 18622846 TL WHITE CONNECTOR 18622888 TL LIVE END FEED - WHITE 18622961 1 PL BLUE GLASS PENDANT LIGHT 17745813 120 40 MAX/1 PER �} PL LED BULB 43905316 120 10 LED ►(-@ WS LED GOOSENECK WALL SCONCE 65311327 120 9 LED CF CEILING FAN - WHITE 50069353 120 EM LED EMERGENCY LIGHT 90902323 UNV LED /> EMX LED EMERGENCY / EXIT COMBO 90902167 UNV LED FOR SPECIAL NATIONAL ACCOUNT PRICING CONTACT: HERMITAGE LIGHTING NATIONAL ACCOUNTS ATTN: MATT FLEISCHER 01 DEFLECTED CEILING FLAN 5cale:1/4" - 1'-0'I proposed Improvement: for Tropical Smoothie Cafe 5T. LUCIE COUNTY, FLO Key Plan: Issues: No.: Date: Description: A. 12/14/15 PERMIT 5ET Arrhitart: DONADIO & Associates, Architects P.A. 60917th 5treeC Yom Beech, FL 52960 Te1.772.7942929 Fax.772.562.66D0 Lloenee No. AA00022M wvrv.donadio-aroh.wm Con6ultant: Drawing Title: REFLECTED CEILING PLAN Reference Nona-_ . _ UE Drn: Dwl r r�� MT Chd: TPE AJD 0 p Project No.: Plo 2015-63 _ 456 'V 5heet No.: Cert. No.: 12,456 DEC 1 d 2015 iD Date 514ned: A 2.4 Copyright Q 2015, Donadlo & Aeawlatee, Awhitecta, P.A. Project: 0 (V VERIFYOFFICE WALL 15ACKING ■ L-±-i 01 DESK ELEVATION & 5ECTION 06 FRONT LINE ELEVATION (REAR VIEW) 2'-2" 6'-2" 2'-2" 0 WALL BACKING P-1 WALL A' BY G.C. (TYPICAL ALL WALL BACKING BACKING WATER 5 KITCHEN WALL5) 'A' BY G.C. 15' BY G.C. HEATER � — 2'-0" 2,-3n 31-0" WALL g 6 I 40 B4CKJN o D' 8Y G.0 I o 39 24 WALL J BACKING 'G' BY G.C. L — 7 7 [n � (V r lIC7FOOD MONTAGE PHOT P 13Y OWNER SRDERED FROM UMI IN —_ 0 i fm 08 DINING WALL ELEVATION 0 (V 2'-8" 5'-0" 1'-9" 02 MOP / SCULLERY ELEVATION e FST0 PREP SINK ELEVATION 04 ICE MAKER ELEVATION 07 BACK LINE / DINING WALL ELEVATION 6'-0" „ 2'-3" 4'-11" „ 2'4' .. 2'-1" .. 2'-1" .. 2'-1" ,- 2'-O" .. 2'-1" .. 2'-1" .. 2'-1" m mmm m mum MEN BEACH HUT ORDERED FROM UMI IN5TALLEP BY GC B-1 WD-3 DINING WALL ELEVATION J 1X2 CAP 1X4 WOOD STRIP 1X2 CAP 1X4 WOOD 5TRIP BEAD BOARD I WALL BACKING (TYPICAL 'A' BY G.C. KITCHEN WALL5) 40 40 32 T-O" L= T 05 ICE MAKER ELEVATION c P-4 OPEN TO TOP OF TILE TO HAVE KITCHEN BULLNOSE FIN15H OR SCHLUTER EDGE STRIP WT-1 0 40 P-2 WD-5 RE5TOOM CORRIDOR WD-6 \ \ 0 N DOCK PHOTO (53.5"w X 93.5" h)5UPPLIED BY OWNER ORDERED FROM UMI - INSTALLED BY GC TRIM EXCE55 FROM BOTTOM a 1=1 =IJ° ) RE5TROOM WALL ELEVATION I'ropooed I mprovemerlto for Tropical Smoothie Cafe 5T. LUCIE COUNTY, FLO. Key Plan: 155Ue5: No.: Date: Description: A. 12/14/15 PERMIT 5ET Architect: D O A D l 0 & Associates, Architects P.A. 60917th street Vero 5each, FL 52960 Tol.772.7942929 Fax.772.562.8600 Llconea No. AA0002258 w .donadlo-archcom COn6Ultant Drawing Title: INTERIOR ELEVATIONS Reference North I LF ­0 Drn: Dwo MT .( ... •• ...• ..- Chd: XRE kl: AJO Y3 Q/p Protect No.: Plot VIA, 2015-63 _ AROCIN V 51heetNo.: Cert. No.: 12,456 Date Signed: A5.1( Copyright Q 2015. Donadlo & Aaaociateo, Arohltecto. P.A. 05E TRIM Z-11" BEAD BOARD PANELING ON BOTH 51DE5 OF CABINET ENDS OPEN N05E TRIM OPEN N05E TRIM OPEN BADBAR O �t BAD N 0 0 BEAD BOARD FE (LEFT)CORE OR RIGHT) A BEAD OOR BEAD 30APE A I I AR = ==: =7 - - NOTE: FIN15HED ENO5 BUILD UP I115ET�" I FROM END BETWEEN II BUILD UP IN5ET ARE TO BE SENT FROM END BETWEEN SEPARATE AND FE BOOTH 5ECTION5 �I I� BOOTH 5ECTION5 INSTALLED IN THE FIE FINI5HED KNOTTY PINE PLYWOOD II II TO MATCH MINWAX: #224 SPECIAL WALNUT II II II Proposed mprovement5 for Tropical smoothie Cafe IE COUNTY, FLOE No.: Date: Description: A. 12/14/15 PERMIT SET NADIO ;fates, Architects P.A. 60917th 5tre4 Vera &oath, FL 32900 Te1.772.794.2929 Fax.7721562.8600 .Icenae No. AA0002238 w Aonadlo-aroh.aom Orn: DWg. Chi: MT XREF JD py Project No.: Plot I 2015-63 5heet No.: A5.2( Copyright Q 2015, Poradio& Aoaoalatae, Architm ,P.A. PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN SGALE: 1/W = 10° NORTH NOTES, I. (+/-) DENOTES DE516N WIND PRESSURE (asc) 2, REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWIN65 FOR DIMEN510N5 EXIST. 8" GMU WALL IN RUNNING BOND 01 e- EPDXY ANCHOR VERT BAR INTO BOTTOM OF EXISTING CONCRETE 13M S EACH END OF INPILL 4 4'-O' O.G. MAX, " 1"' `— BOT OF EXI5TIN5 HAND PACK LAST 4' W/NON-SHRINK GROUT FILLED CELL REINF. W/ #5 VERT. S 4'-0' O.G. MAX. XY EMBED . / I INTO FTS&A8 A EA. ND OF INFILL a 8" GNU IN RUNNING BOND W/ #5 VERT. BARS IN v GROUTED CELLS ® 4'-0" O.C. MAX., 4 o JAM85. PROVIDE 9 60, LADDER TYPE JOINT REINF. b 16' O.( . VERT. W/ MIN. OF 8" LAP SPLICE d TYPICAL MASONRY INFILL DETAIL CONCRETE 56ALE::3/4" = 1'-D" DESIGN CRITERIA FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, 5th EDITION - EXI5TIN6 BUILDIN6 ROOF LOADS DEAD.... ............ ........................................................ _, ».....WA LIVE........................................................,.........................,..,....WA DE516N CRITERIA PER A56E i ULTIMATE WIND SPEED RE-610K Alt)......................110 MPH NOMINAL WIND SPEED RE610N, V(aed)....................132 MPH WIND BORNE DEBRIS RE-610N ENCLOSED STRUCTURE BUILDIN6 HEI69 < 20,FT ROOF PITGH FLAT < 1" R15K GATE60RY II INTERNAL PRE55ME GOEFF, t Oh EXPOSE C HE16HT 4 EXPOSURE COEFF. 1.29 NOMINAL COMPONENT & CLADDING PRESSURES POF IASDI ZONE EFFECTIVE AREA (50. FT) 0<10 11<20 21<50 51<100 I WA y� 2 a 3 4 +40 -44 +34 -42 +36 -40 +36 -38 5 +40 -54 +39 -50 +36 4b +34 -42 4 5 7kWLA END ZONE 5 15 WITHIN A DISTANCE OF (a) = 6 FT FROM BUILDING CORNERS. SCOPE OF WORK I, SCOPE OF WORK 15 LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: a. INFILL EXI5TIN6 WINDOW OPENINSS A5 SHOWN IN PLAN (TYP ® 3 LOCATIONS) b, MODIFY (2) EXIST 3'XT STOREFRONT DOORS W/ GMU INFILL AS SHOWN IN PLAN. STRUCTURAL NOTES I. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMEN510N5 IN THE FIELD AND NOTIFY THE B61NEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE BRACED AND SHORED BY THE CONTRACTOR A5 REQUIRED TO SAFELY PERFORM THE WORK. 3. ALL DOORS AND HARDWARE MUST BE OB16NED AND CERTIFIED TO WITHSTAND THE DE516N WIND PRESSURES AS NOTED IN THIS DOCUMENT 4 SHALL BE IMPACT RESISTANT OR PROTECTED WITH IMPACT RE-515TANT COVERING MATERIAL AS REQUIRED BY THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. CONCRETE I. CONCRETE WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.G.I, 301 SPECIFICATIONS FOR 5TRUGTURAL CONCRETE FOR BUILDINGS" LATEST EDITION AND A.G.I.316 BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR .STRUCTURAL CONCRETE. 2. CONCRETE STRENGTH SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3,000 PN AT 28 DAYS, WITH 3/8" MAXIMUM A66RE6ATE SLUMP Q" t 1". 3. REINFOROIN6 STEEL SHALL BE IN AGGURDANCE WITH ASTM A615 6RADE 60. 4. THE MINIMUM CONCRETE COVERAGES SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS, CAST A6AIN5T EARTH 3 INS EXPOSED TO WEATHER I V2 INS 5. PROVIDE 90 DEGREE LAP SPLICES AT ALL INTERSECTIONS. 6. REINFORCIN6 SHALL BE LAPPED SPLICED AND TIED WITH THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM: #4 241% #5 301NS #6 36IWi MASONRY I. CONCRETE MA50NRY WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI 530.1/A%E 6/TM5 602, SPECIFICATION FOR CONCRETE MASONRY STRUCTURES AND ACI 530/A9CE 5/1M5 402, BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR MASONRY STRUCTURES, 2. CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH ASTM GAO, GRADE N, TYPE 11. MASONRY UNITS SHALL BE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A5TM 6140 AND SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM Mn = 1400 P51, 3. 6ROUT SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH A" 0416, COARSE TYPE SLUMP W TO II". 4. MORTAR SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM 6270, TYPE 5. 5. PROVIDE GLEANOUTS FOR ALL GROUTED CONSTRUCTION AND LIMIT MORTAR FROTRU5ION5 TO 1/2" MAXIMUM IN 6ROUTED CELLS. 6. ALL MASONRY WALL$ SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN RUNNIN6 BOND WITH 4 6A, LADDER TYPE JOINT REINFORGIN6 SPACED 16" O.G. VERTICALLY. LAP AT ALL GORNERS AND 6" MINIMUM, O.G. MA3.,4" , owl i I,d1°i 1/400 CORRO51ON RESISTANT TAPCONS INTO GROUTED MASONRY W/ 1 3/4" EMBED TYP. (MIN OF 3 FASTENERS EA 51M MASONRY DOOR ATTACHMENT DETAIL NOTES: SCALE: 5/4' = 1' 0" I. DOORS SHALL BE DE516NED, MANUFACTURED, INSTALLED 4 CERTIFIED TO WITHSTAND A MIN, DE516N WIND PRE55M A5 NOTED IN PLAN 4 SHALL BE PROTECTED BY SHUTTERS OR BE IMPACT RATED. 2. WATERPROOF ALL DOOR 4 WINDOW PERIMETERS W/ LIQUID POLYURETHANE WATERPROOHN6 %LKEM' OR EQUAL. (1) COAT BEFORE INSTALLING BUCKS 4 (1) GOAT AFTER BUCK INSTALLATION. 411 10' #3 HOOK F IN MORTAR JOINTS NI Ib" O,G. W/ 4' EPDXY EMBED INTO EXIST WALL NEW MA50NR.Y WALL #5 VERT IN 6;WUTED CELL LAN. L4 i,. Ili ♦L_ 6ROUT EXIST CELL SOLID IF FOUND TO BE UN -FILLED TYPICAL CMU WALL. CONNa_ #,2TION DETAIL__-__ !GALE: 3/4' = 1'-0" C. �i? evl �i 'CI Lr,� r � l e� I jC'I T9 I-ij C> 3 u r cra cn a: m 01 L.L I C: 0 rr °• c^a '.:;. „III'..--.-.. 75 Uy C,�ar P. Q1 G: C, 16w'� r This drawing and design as shown Is the property of ML Engineering, Inc. Reproduction and/or use of this drawing or any content therein, without express consent or permission of this company Is prohibited, may constitute on Infringe- ment, and may be sublect to legal action Idy MIL Enelnearin0, Inc. 0 J I.L. LI U J F� O uu LL ,u Cis LU W F1®Ebl 2 1�— e W it 0 0 0-00 Uj cn Us) Ex �10 CL '40 4Cr) u.i REVISIONS: DATE: u"veiiau„euem"mwwlmiweisn If"iUE', DATE: DATE: 3-29-16 DRAWN BY: TR CHECKED BY: ML JOB No. 7135 SEAL: V 1V `-V A)X 10 P.E. nRA . # G. 47520 SHEET NO: S% OF 1 SHEET Project: LIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE SYMBOL INO ITEM DESCRIPTION MAN UF. PART # VOLTAGE WATTAGE O 6R 6" RECESS LED NC HOUSING. GU24 BASE 7200327 120 6R 6" LED WHITE TRIM 72003602 120 12 LED 24T 2' X 4' LED TROFFER 72002406 UNV 44 LED 24T 2' X 4' LED TROFFER (WITH EM) 72005244 UNV 44 LED TL LED SINGLE CIRCUIT TRACK HEAD 18644197 120 10 LED TL 4' TRACK -WHITE 18622804 TL 8' TRACK -WHITE 18622846 TL WHITE CONNECTOR 18622888 TL LIVE END FEED - WHITE 18622961 PL BLUE GLASS PENDANT LIGHT 17745813 120 40 MAX/1 PL LED BULB 43905316 120 10 LED Q WS LED GOOSENECK WALL SCONCE 65311327 120 9 LED (� /> CIF CEILING FAN -WHITE 50069353 1120 67* 1 EM LED EMERGENCY LIGHT 190902323 JUNV ILED ou EMX LED EMERGENCY / EXIT COMBO 190902167 1UNV ILED FOR SPECIAL NATIONAL ACCOUNT PRICING CONTACT: HERMITAGE LIGHTING NATIONAL ACCOUNTS ATTN: MATT FLEISCHER ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL A. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL ALL NEW ELECTRICAL WORK INDICATED. CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH DRAWINGS AND APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS. IF A PROBLEM IS ENCOUNTERED IN COMPLYING WITH THIS REQUIREMENT, CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER DISCOVERY OF THE PROBLEM AND SHALL NOT PROCEED WITH THAT PORTION OF THE WORK UNTIL ARCHITECT/ENGINEER HAS DIRECTED CORRECTIVE ACT10N TO BE TAKEN. B. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE JOB SITE PRIOR TO BID AND FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH ALL CONDITIONS AFFECTING ELECTRICAL AND COMMUNICATIONS INSTALLATION AND MAKE PROVISIONS AS TO THE COST THEREOF. C. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (AS ADOPTED BY THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION) AND ALL CODES AND ORDINANCES OF THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. THE SPECIFICATION, CODES AND STANDARDS LISTED BELOW ARE UTILIZED IN THIS PROJECT. 1. NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (NFPA-70) 2. CODE FOR SAFETY TO LIFE (NFPA-101) 3. STANDARD FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE AND USE OF LOCAL PROTECTIVE SIGNALING SYSTEMS (NFPA-72) 4. UNDERWRITERS' LABORATORIES (UL) 5. NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (NEMA) 6. AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE (ANSI) 7. FEDERAL SPECIFICATION (FED. SPEC.) 8. INSULATED POWER CABLE ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION (IPCEA) 9. FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. FBC 2014 EDITION 10.INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERS (IEEE) 11. CITY OF FT PIERCE BUILDING CODE. (AMENDMENTS TO FLORIDA BUILDING CODE FBC 2014) 12. ADDITIONALLY, DESIGNS, WORK PRACTICES AND CONDITIONS MUST CONFORM WITH THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT OF 1970 (OSHA) D. DO NOT SCALE THE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS AND ELEVATIONS FOR EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EQUIPMENT. CONFIRM WITH OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. E. IT IS NOT THE INTENT OF THESE PLANS TO SHOW EVERY MINOR DETAIL OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR IS EXPECTED TO FURNISH AND INSTALL ALL ITEMS FOR A COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AND PROVIDE ALL REQUIREMENTS NECESSARY FOR EQUIPMENT TO BE PLACED IN PROPER WORKING ORDER. F. CONTRACTOR SHALL GUARANTEE ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP FREE FROM DEFECTS FROM A PERIOD OF NOT LESS THAN ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF ACCEPTANCE. G. CORRECTION OF ANY DEFECTS SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHARGE AND SHALL INCLUDE REPLACEMENT OR REPAIR OF ANY OTHER PHASE OF THE INSTALLATION WHICH MAY HAVE BEEN DAMAGED THERE BY. H. ALL REQUIRED INSURANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR PROTECTION AGAINST PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE FOR THE DURATTON OF THE WORK. CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY FOR ALL PERMITS, FEES, INSPECTIONS AND TESTING. CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN PERMIT AND APPROVED SUBMITTALS PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK OR ORDERING EQUIPMENT. THE TERM "PROVIDE" USED IN THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL MEAN THAT THE CONTRACTOR IS TO FURNISH, INSTALL AND CONNECT COMPLETE. PART 2 - PRODUCTS A. MINIMUM WIRE SIZE SHALL BE #12 A.W.G. (EXCEPT AS NOTED OTHERWISE FOR CONTROL WIRING). ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE 98% CONDUCTIVITY, COPPER WITH "THHN-THWN" INSULATION UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. B. ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING (EMT) SHALL BE OF BEST QUALITY STEEL, SMOOTH INSIDE AND OUT AND SHALL BE HOT -DIPPED GALVANIZED. C. OUTLET BOXES SHALL BE PRESSED STEEL IN DRY LOCATIONS, CAST ALLOY WITH THREADED HUBS I. IN WET OR DAMP LOCATIONS AND SPECIAL ENCLOSURES FOR OTHER CLASSIFIED AREAS. D. RIGID NONMETALIC CONDUIT SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 PVC. L•. ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE NEW AND BEAR UNDERWRITERS' LABELS WHERE APPLICABLE. F. PANELBOARDS: 1. CURRENT CARRYING BUSES SHALL BE COPPER. GROUND BUS BARS SHALL BE COPPER. 2. ALL CIRCUIT BREAKERS SHALL BE BOLT ON. PLUG-IN BREAKERS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. 3. CIRCUIT BREAKERS USED AS SWITCHES IN FLUORESCENT OR HID LIGHTING CIRCUITS SHALL BE LISTED AND MARKED "SWD" 4. ALL CIRCUIT BREAKERS FEEDING MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE HACR TYPE. 5. A.I.C. RATINGS SHALL BE AS INDICATED ON PANELBOARD SCHEDULES. 6. ALL PANELBOARDS SHALL BE FURNISHED WITH PLASTIC LAMINATE NAMEPLATES WITH 1/4" ENGRAVED LETTERING FOR PANEL IDENTIFICATION. 7. ALL PANELBOARDS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH TYPE -WRITTEN DIRECTORY OF BRANCH CIRCUIT DESIGNATIONS. G. DISCONNECT SWITCHES SHALL BE H.P. RATED, HEAVY DUTY, QUICK -MAKE, QUICK -BREAK. ENCLOSURES SHALL BE NEMA-1 FOR INDOOR LOCATIONS, NEMA 3R FOR OUTDOOR LOCATIONSOR AS OTHERWISE NOTED. H. MOTOR STARTERS SHALL BE MANUAL OR MAGNETIC AS INDICATED ON THE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS, WITH OVERLOAD RELAYS IN EACH PHASE. WIRING DEVICES (GENERAL PURPOSE RECEPTACLES AND WALL SWITCHES) COLOR SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH CLIENT. PART 3 - EXECUTION A. COLOR CODING OF CONDUCTORS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: 1. 208/120 VOLTS, 3 PHASE, 4-WIRE SYSTEM: UNGROUNDED CONDUCTORS: 1 BLACK, 1 RED AND 1 BLUE. GROUNDED (NEUTRAL) CONDUCTOR; WHITE. GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE GREEN. 2. 480/277 VOLT, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE SYSTEM: UNGROUNDED CONDUCTORS: 1 BROWN, 1 YELLOW, AND 1 PURPLE. GROUNDED (NEUTRAL) CONDUCTORS; GREY. GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE GREEN. 3. BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING (#6 AND SMALLER) SHALL BE COLOR CODED BY CONTINUOUS INSULATION COLOR AND FEEDERS AND SERVICES (#4 AND LARGER) SHALL BE CODED AT ALL JUNCTION OR PULL POINTS (EXCEPT LB'S OR LBD'S) USING COLOR MARKERS OR PLASTIC TAPE MANUFACTURED 1• FOR THE PURPOSE. B. WIRING METHODS 1. ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING (EMT) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, SPECIFIED OR AS SPECIFICALLY PROHIBITED BY THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. ALL FITTINGS AND COUPLINGS FOR EMT CONDUIT SHALL BE ALL STEEL RAIN TIGHT COMPRESSION TYPE OR ALL STEEL CONCRETE TIGHT SET SCREW TYPE. 2. SCHEDULE 40 PVC CONDUIT, WITH FITTINGS AND COUPLINGS APPROPRIATE FOR THE USE, SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDERGROUND OR BELOW SLABS ON GRADE. 3. TYPE MC CABLE WITH ALUMINUM ARMOR AND INTERNAL GROUND IS ACCEPTABLE FOR USE AS GENERAL BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING FOR CIRCUITS 20 AMPERES OR LESS AND CONCEALED IN WALLS OR ABOVE SUSPENDED CEILING AND AS APPROVED BY THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. C. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SHALL BE COMPLETE AND EFFECTIVELY GROUNDED AS REQUIRED BY THE LATEST EDITION OF THE N.E.C. AND LOCAL CODES. D. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A LICENSED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR IN A FIRST CLASS WORKMANLIKE MANNER. THE COMPLETED SYSTEM SHALL BE FULLY OPERATIVE AND ACCEPTED BY ENGINEER/ARCHITECT. E. ALL WORK SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH OTHER TRADES TO AVOID INTERFERENCE WITH THE PROGRESS OF CONSTRUCTION. F. THE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION SHALL MEET ALL STANDARD REQUIREMENTS OF POWER AND TELEPHONE COMPANIES, AND SHALL BE FULLY COORDINATED WITH THEM PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. G. PROVIDE AND INSTALL CONDUIT, CONDUCTORS, PULL WIRES, BOXES, COVER PLATES, AND WIRING DEVICES, FOR ALL OUTLETS AS INDICATED. H. MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, AND EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING ALL COMPONENTS THEREOF, SHALL BE NEW AND SUCH AS APPEAR ON THE UL LIST OF APPROVED ITEMS AND SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE REQUIREMENTS OF NEC, NEMA, AND IECE. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT AT LEAST FIVE (5) SETS OF SHOP DRAWINGS OR CUT SHEETS OF LIGHTING FIXTURES, SWITCHES, AND OTHER ELECTRICAL ITEMS FOR APPROVAL BY ENGINEER/ARCHITECT. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL CUTTING AND PATCHING REQUIRED OF HIS WORK. K. ALL LAY -IN LIGHTING FIXTURES SHALL BE SECURED TO THE SUSPENDED CEILING GRID AT EACH CORNER. L. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH MECHANICAL DRAWINGS AND PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY CONTROL WIRING. M. ALL ELECTRICAL POWER WIRING FOR THE HVAC SYSTEM INCLUDING WIRING THRU LINE VOLTAGE CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. N. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM WITH THE ELECTRICAL UTILITY COMPANY ANY AND ALL REQUIREMENTS SUCH AS: METERING EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS AND METERING EQUIPMENT LOCATION, TRANSFORMER SIZE AND LOCATION OR SERVICE POINT, CONDUIT ENTRY AND LUG SIZE RESTRICTIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE ALL REQUIRED DOWN TIME FOR THE OWNERS CONFIRMATION. ANY CONFLICTS AND DESCREPANCIES SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER BEFORE 0. PROCEEDING WITH ANY WORK. PER NEC 210.8(B)(2) ALL 15- AND 20-AMPERE, 125-VOLT RECEPTACLES IN NONDWELLING- TYPE KITCHENS TO BE GFCI PROTECTED. P. BRANCH CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS SHALL BE SIZED FOR A MAXIMUM VOLTAGE DROP OF 3% DESIGN LOAD. 2014 FBC ENERGY CONSERVATION SECTION 505.7.3.2. Q• FEEDER CONDUCTORS SHALL BE SIZED FOR A MAXIMUM OF 2% VOLTAGE DROP PER 505.7.3.1. SHEET INDEX F2ELECTRICAL EO.1 ELECTRICAL NOTES, LEGEND & INDEX E0.RICAL ELECT SPECIFICATIONS E2.1 LIGHTING PLAN E3.1 POWER PLAN E4.1 LOW VOLTAGE PLAN E5.1 ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM ELECTRICAL LEGEND 17 TELEPHONE OUTLET WITH 3/4" CONDUIT STUBBED OUT FROM WALL 6" ABOVE CEILING. MOUNT 18" A.F.F. TO CENTER LINE OF OUTLET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. DATA OUTLET WITH 3/4" CONDUIT STUBBED OUT FROM WALL 6" ABOVE CEILING. V MOUNT 18" A.F.F. TO CENTER LINE OF OUTLET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. TELEPHONE/DATA OUTLET WITH 3/4" CONDUIT STUBBED OUT FROM WALL 6" ABOVE CEILING. $ MOUNTED ABOVE COUNTER, SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING FOR SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS. TELEPHONE/DATA OUTLET WITH 3/4" CONDUIT STUBBED OUT FROM WALL 6" ABOVE CEILING. 0 MOUNT 18" A.F.F. TO CENTER LINE OF OUTLET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ® TELEPHONE/DATA OUTLET WITH 3/4" CONDUIT RUN TO THE NEAREST STUD WALL AND STUBBED OUT FROM WALL 6" ABOVE CEILING. PROVIDE BRASS COVER PLATE AND CARPET FLANGE. TELEVISION OUTLET WITH 3/4" CONDUIT STUBBED OUT FROM WALL 6" ABOVE CEILING. MOUNT AT 18" A.F.F. TO CENTER LINE OF OUTLET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. m 20 AMP SINGLE RECEPTACLE (NEMA 5-20R) MOUNTED AT 18" A.F.F. TO CENTER LINE OF �I OUTLET UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. (111 20 AMP DUPLEX RECEPTACLE (NEMA 5-20R) MOUNTED AT 18" A.F.F. TO CENTER LINE OF qP OUTLET UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 20 AMP QUADRUPLEX RECEPTACLE (NEMA 5-20R) MOUNTED AT 18" A.F.F. TO CENTER LINE OF OUTLET UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PGFI 20 AMP DUPLEX RECEPTACLE (NEMA 5-20R) WITH GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER, MOUNT AT 18" A.F.F. TO CENTER LINE OF OUTLET. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 20 AMP DUPLEX RECEPTACLE (NEMA 5-20R) MOUNTED ABOVE COUNTER SEE ARCHITECTUAL DRAWINGS FOR SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS. !(T� 20 AMP DUPLEX RECEPTACLE (NEMA 5-20R) WITH ISOLATED GROUND, MOUNT AT 18" A.F.F. Ii TO CENTERLINE OF OUTLET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 20 AMP QUADRUPLEX RECEPTACLE (NEMA 5-20R) WITH ISOLATED GROUND, MOUNT AT 18" A.F.F. TO CENTERLINE OF OUTLET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ® 20 AMP DUPLEX RECEPTACLE (NEMA 5-20R), RECESS FLOOR MOUNTED. PROVIDE BRASS COVER PLATE AND CARPET FLANGE. ®� 20 AMP DUPLEX RECEPTACLE (NEMA 5-20R), CEILING MOUNTED. (� SPECIAL-PURPOSE RECEPTACLE Q JUNCTION BOX Op SINGLE GANG JUNCTION BOX FOR POWER CONNECTION TO MODULAR FURNITURE SYSTEM INSTALL IN EXACT MANNER AS DIRECTED BY FURNITURE SUPPLIER. DOUBLE GANG JUNCTION BOX FOR TELEPHONE/DATA CONNECTION TO MODULAR FURNITURE �r�D SYSTEM. INSTALL IN EXACT MANNER AND LOCATION AS DIRECTED BY FURNITURE SUPPLIER. EXTEND (2) 3/4" EMPTY CONDUITS FROM JUNCTION BOX TO ABOVE CEILING AND TERMINATE WITH INSULATING BUSHING 6" FROM WALL. TELE/POWER POLE FOR TELEPHONE/DATA/POWER CONNECTION TO MODULAR FURNITURE 8 WIRE SYSTEM (SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET). INSTALL IN EXACT MANNER AND LOCATION AS DIRECTED BY FURNITURE SUPPLIER, WIREMOLD CATALOG # 25DTP-4D W/IVORY FINISH. ® SPECIAL PURPOSE RECEPTACLE MOUNTED BELOW RAISE FLOOR, gEXHAUST FAN. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOR SPECIFICATIONS. SINGLE POLE, 20 AMP, SWITCH. MOUNT 46" A.F.F. TO CENTERLINE OF SWITCH UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. s 3-WAY, 20 AMP, SWITCH. MOUNT 46" A.F.F. TO CENTERLINE OF SWITCH UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. $o SINGLE POLE, 20 AMP, SWITCH WITH DIMMER. MOUNT 46" A.F.F. TO CENTERLINE OF SWITCH UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. M MOTOR RATED SWITCH %D OOCCUPANCY SWITCH, WATTSTOPPER, MOUNT 46" A.F.F. TO CENTERLINE OF SWITCH UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. TWO POLE, 30 AMP SWITCH. MOUNT ADJACENT EQUIPMENT TO BE CONTROLLED. ® FACTORY MOUNTED DISCONNECT/STARTER (SEE MECHANICAL SCHEDULE) tO AE FUSIBLE DISCONNECT SWITCH A = POLES, B= FRAME SIZE, C- FUSE RATING 4= AJ FUSIBLE MOTOR STARTER DISCONNECT SWITCH A = POLES, B= NEMA SIZE, C= FUSE RATING -L GROUNDING ELECTRODE & CONDUCTOR SYSTEM IV TRANSFORMER o ELECTRICAL PANELBOARD o- TELEPHONE WOOD BACKBOARD WP WEATHERPROOF T/C TIME CLOCK RE RELOCATED E EXISTING TO REMAIN A.F.F. ABOVE FINISH FLOOR Proposed Improvements for Tropical Smoothie Cafe ST. LUCIE COUNTY, Key Plan: FLORIDA Issues: No.: Date: Description: A. 02.09.16 PERMIT ISSUE Architect: DONADIO & Associates, Architects P.A. 609 17th Street Vero Beach, FL 32960 Te1.772.794.2929 Fax.772.562.8600 License Na, AA0002238 ..danadio-amh.com Consultant: RECEIVED FEB 18 2016 PERMf ITTING St. Lucie County, FL Drawing Title: Reference North ELECTRICAL NOTESL , n U ISSUED FOR PERMIT 02-09-16 Drn: Dwg. File: MT Chd: XREF File: KAMM CONSULTING PROJECT #: 2015-0844 ' ""�,y7, PROJECT MANAGER: DUANE MILLAR AJD `+yN'+'� 1408 Oranktr e•.. •- .. Project No.: Plot File: Fort PierccFf ida' 49�N ''• © Phone 77>T.595.J74 ax 77 ��:I.. 'n 2015-63 11 u bb (i�tkarnmeon Ism corn Sheet No.: Certificyiion of Aut lSza 6189 Cart. No.: 12,456 PRINCIPAL a 02-0- Bradly L Brawn Florida Lic#.nse #58232 % `W t ' F' I Date Signed: 0 • Project: SECTION 16000 All. CONDUIT SHALL BE EMT FOR BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING WITH SET SCREW CONNECTORS ELECTRICAL UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, PVC (SCHEDULE 40) SHALL BE USED BELOW AND ABOVE PART 1 GENERAL GRADE. FLEXIBLE CONDUIT SHALL BE USED TO MAKE FINAL CONNECTION TO ELECTRICAL 1.1 SUMMARY EQUIPMENT WHERE REQUIRED, LIQUID TIGHT SHALL BE USED FOR EXTERIOR APPLICATION& A. SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS AND UTILITY, MC CABLE IS ALLOWED. COORDINATE WITH THE OWNER THE INTERRLIPTI13N OF UTILITY SERVICES NECESSARY TO ACCOMPLISH THE WORK. B. WIRE AND CABLE, B. IDENTIFICATION a BRANCH CIRCUIT AND FEEDER CONDUCTORS SHALL HE COPPER 600 VOLT TYPE THHN/THWN. PROPERLY LABEL ALL PANEL BOARDS, DISTRIBUTION PANEL BOARDS, SIGNAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS CONDUCTORS INCLUDING FEEDER CIRCUITS. PROVIDE TWO COPIES OF TYPED PANEL BOARD SCHEDULE& C. PERFORMANCE VERIFICATION b. #12 AWG AND SMALLER SHALL BE SOLID. THE MINIMUM WIRE SIZE SHALL BE #12 AWG PRIOR TO THE FINAL INSPECTION TEST FEEDER AND BRANCH CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS N6 AWG AND LARGER FOR UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. SHORTS, OPEN, INTENTIONAL AND UNINTENTIONAL GROUNDS BY MEANS OF AN APPROVED TYPE OF ,a NO ALUMINUM WIRE WILL BE PERMITTED. CONSTANT 'MEGGER'. d ALL COPPER TAPS AND SPLICES •8 AWG OR SMALLER SHALL BE FASTENED WITH WIRE NUT D. LAYOUT OF WORK, CON ECTOR& ALL TAPS AND SPLICES LARGER THAN N8 AWG SHALL BE MADE WITH COLOR CORRELATE FINAL EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS WITH GOVERNING ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. PROVIDE KEYED HIGH COMPRESSION TYPE CONNECTORS. AN APPROVED SHRINK SLEEVE TO EQUAL COORDINATION OF ALL TRADES REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION IN A NEAT AND WORKMANLIKE MANNER. INSULATION RATING OF THE WIRE SHALL BE USED TO INSULATE SPLICES. E. SITE INVESTIGATION, SURVEY EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS THOROUGHLY BEFORE BID. ADVISE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO HID OF ANY a. ALL POWER FEEDERS AND BRANCH CIRCUITS N8 AWG AND SMALLER SHALL BE WIRED WITH DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. COLOR -CODED WIRE AS HEREIN SPECIFIED. POWER FEEDERS B8 AWG AND LARGER SHALL F. SUPERVISION OF WORK, EITHER BE COLOR -CODED WITH TAPE QZ PAINT INSIDE ALL PANELS, JUNCTION BOXES, ETC. PROVIDE A FIELD SUPERINTENDENT WHO HAS A MINIMUM OF FOUR YEARS' EXPERIENCE ON PROJECTS OF A I, 120/208 VOLT, 3 PHASE, 4 WIRE SIMILAR NATURE AND SIZE THE SUPERINTENDENT SHALL BE PRESENT AT ALL TIMES THAT WORK UNDER THIS 0 PHASE WIRES BLACK, RED, BLUE DIVISION IS BEING INSTALLED OR AFFECTED. G. COORDINATIONt M. NEUTRAL - WHITE PROVIDE ALL COORDINATION AND SUPERVISION WHERE WORK CONNECTS TO OR IS AFFECTED BY OTHER Iv. GROUND - GREEN OR GREEN WITH YELLOW STRIPES TRADES. LOCATE ALL OPENINGS REQUIRED FOR WORK PERFORMED UNDER THIS SECTION. v. SWITCH LEGS - COLORS OTHER THAN THOSE UTI.IZED ABOVE. R BASIS (IF WIRING DESIGN THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT DESIGN IS BASED ON SPECIFIC SIZES OF EQUIPMENT. WHEREVER f. WHERE PERMITTED BY CODE APPROVED CABLE ASSEMBLIES MAY BE USED FOR CONCEALED EQUIPMENT PROVIDED DIFFERS FROM THE DOCUMENTS, THE ASSOCIATED WIRING AND CIRCUIT BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING ONLY. COMPONENTS SHALL BE CHANGED TO THE PROPER SIZE FOR THE EQUIPMENT BEING INSTALLED WITH NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. C. OUTLET BOXES, 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE n. FIXTURES TO BE USED, AND NUMBER AND SIZE 13F CONDUCTORS, MINIMUM 4'X4' SQUARE A. MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP WITH REQUIRED RINGS. WELDED BOXES ARE ALLOWED. PROVIDE OUTLET BOXES FOR ALL n. PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS SWILL MEET OR EXCEED THE QUALITY OR REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED OR SHOWN POWER AND COMMUNICATION DEVICES. ON THE DRAWINGS, b. CEILING BOXES SHALL BE 4' SQUARE BY 1-1/2' DEEP OR LARGER AS REQUIRED FOR NUMBER b. PROVIDE PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS, WHICH THE MANUFACTURER HAS CERTIFIED AS APPROPRIATE TO THE AND SIZE OF CONDUCTORS. APPLICATIONS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. c. PROVIDE PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS, WHICH ARE SUPPORTED BY CONVENIENT, PARTS AVAILABILITY AND c. FLUSH OUTLET BOXES SHALL HE ONE PIECE STEEL OUTLET BOXES, BOXES SHALL HE SERVICING, MOUNTED SO THAT COVERS AND PLATES WILL FINISH FLUSH WITH FINISHED SURFACES d WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE IN ALL RESPECTS OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY AND ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE WITHOUT THE USE OF SHIMS, MATS, OR OTHER DEVICES. PLATES SHALL NOT SUPPORT DONE ACCORDING TO THE BEST PRACTICE OF THE TRADE. ALL SYSTEMS SHALL BE MADE WIRING DEVICES. GANG SWITCHES WITH COMMON COVER PLATES WHERE TWO OR MORE COMPLETE AND OPERATIONAL IN FIRST CLASS WORKING ORDER. FURNISH ALL NECESSARY ARE INDICATED IN THE SAME LOCATION. OUTLETS W EACH SIDE OF THE WALL SHALL HAVE LABOR AND MATERIALS TO CONSTRUCT A COMPLETE SYSTEM. SEPARATE BOXES, THROUGH -WALL TYPE BOXES OR BACK-TO-BACK MOUNTING SHALL NOT BE a. PROVIDE ALL LABOR, MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, FEES, ELECTRICAL PERMITS AND ALL NECESSARY ITEMS F13R A PERMITTED, TRIM RINGS SHALL BE EXTENDED TO WITHIN 1/4' OF FINISH WALL SURFACE. COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. d. SUPPORT OUTLET BOXES MOUNTED IN STUD WALLS WITH TWO SCREWS INSIDE OF OUTLET f, PROVIDE COMPLETE SYSTEMS, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER EACH INDIVIDUAL COMPONENT IS INDICATED OR BOX TO A HORIZONTAL STUD BRACE BETWEEN VERTICAL STUDS. NOT. ®. THE WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST APPLICABLE EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING LISTED CODES AND a. OUTLET BOXES THAT DO NOT RECEIVE WIRING DEVICES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH BLANK PLATES TO MATCH INSTALLED WIRING DEVICE PLATES. ORDINANCES, I. NFPA NO. 70 'NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE'. f. OUTLET BOXES/CONDUIT BODIES EXPOSED TO THE WEATHER, NOT CONTAINED INSIDE II. NECA 'STANDARD OF INSTALLATION.' BUILDING WALLS, SHALL BE TYPE MALLEABLE IROL COVERS SHALL BE OF THE TYPE AND OF 01. ELECTRIC UTILITY COMPANY SERVICE STANDARDS, THE SAME MANUFACTURER AS THE CONDUIT BODIES AND SHALL BE SUITABLE FOR THE USE Iv. TELEPHONE UTILITY COMPANY SERVICE STANDARDS, IN THE AREA SERVED. CAST ALUMINUM BOXES WILL NOT BE APPROVED. v. CABLE TV UTILITY COMPANY SERVICE STANDARDS. Q. LOCATE SPECIAL PURPOSE OUTLETS AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS FOR THE EQUIPMENT vL UNDERWRITER'S LABORATORY STANDARDS. SERVED, v0. OTHER LOCAL CODES, ORDINANCES AND LAWS APPLICABLE TO THE PLACE OF WORK, Ph LOCATION AND TYPE OF OUTLETS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE APPROPRIATE TRADES h, RELATED W1RK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE, I, REFER TO THE ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL DIVISIONS OF THE WORK FOR ELECTRICAL INVOLVED. THE SECURING OF COMPLETE IWDRMAT113i FOR PROPER ELECTRICAL WORK TO BE DONE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THESE DIVISIONS, ROUGH -IN SHALL BE INCLUDED AS WORK REQUIRED UNDER THIS DIVISION OF THE II. VERIFY LOCATIOINS AND ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS OF ALL EQUIPMENT FURNISHED BY THE OWNER OR CONTRACT. OTHER TRADES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION 11F CONDUIT AND WIRE. D. WIRING DEVICES, D. SUBSTITUTIONS, EQUIPMENT AND DESIGN 13F SYSTEMS INDICATED ON THE DESIGN DRAWINGS AND WITHIN THE a. DUPLEX CONVENIENCE OUTLETS - MENA 5-20R HUBBELL #5362. SPECIFICATIONS ARE CONSIDERED AS ?SPECIFIED STANDARDS? OF QUALITY AND, WITH DIMENSIONS OF THE b. DUPLEX CONVENIENCE OUTLETS - GFI TYPE NEMA 5-20R, HUBBELL t GF5362. SPECIFIED MATERIALS FROM THE BASIS OF DESIGN. c. SWITCHES - 20A C. PRODUCTS, g'LL MATERIALS SHALL BE NEW AND OF THE BEST QUALITY, FREE OF DEFECTS. WHERE APPLICABLE, ALL L SINGLE POLL - HUBBELL 01221 TERIALS SHALL BE U.L. LISTED OR BE LISTED WITH AN APPROVED TESTING AGENCY. M. DOUBLE POLE - HUBBELL 81222 A WORKMANSHIPt IL THREE POLE - HUBBELL N1223 ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE FABRICATED AND INSTALLED IN A NEAT AND WORKMANLIKE MANNER WITH THE COORDINATION OF ALL TRADES TO AVOID INTERFERENCE AND DELAY DUE TO LACK OF COORDINATION. Iv. FOR POLE - HUBBELL 01224 E. CLEANING, TESTING AND ADJUSTING, d EQUAL DEVICES BY COOPER OR PLS MAY BE PROVIDED. CLEAN, REPAIR, ADJUST, CHECK AND PLACE IN SERVICE THE VARIOUS SYSTEMS SHOWN ON THE a, MOTOR STARTING SWITCH CUNSTRUCTION DOCUMENT& F. GUARANTEE AND WARRANTY, L SQUARE D CLASS 2510 TYPE FGIP SURFACE MOUNTED OR EQUAL BY CUTLER HAMMER OR PROVIDE WRITTEN GUARANTEE TO THE OWNER STATING THAT ALL WORK HAS BEEN PERFORMED IN GE. ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND WARRANTY ALL WORK AGAINST DEFECTS DUE TO f. COLOR OF WIRING DEVICES SHALL BE IVORY UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED OR DIRECTED. FAULTY WORKMANSHIP OR MATERIALS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM BENEFICIAL OCCUPANCY. Q, OTHER DEVICES, SPECIFICATION GRADE, TYPE AND NEMA CONFIGURATION AS INDICATED. PART 1 PRODUCTS 21 MATERIALS K COMMUNICATIONS OUTLETS - AS INDICATED. A. MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP L PROVIDE PANEL BOARDS AS SCHEDULED ON THE DRAWINGS OR EQUALS AS MANUFACTURED n. ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE TIMELY PLACEMENT OF ALL CONDUIT, OUTLET BOXES, CABINETS, AND BY CUTLER HAMMER, SQUARE D OR SIEMENS. SHORT CIRCUIT RATING SHALL BE AS LISTED OTHER WIRING DEVICES IN WALLS, CEILINGS, ETC. AS THE CONSTRUCTION PROGRESSES. ON THE PANEL SCHEDULES b. RACEWAY AND CONDUIT SYSTEMS, L SURFACE MOUNTED EQUIPMENT AND RACEWAYS WILL BE PAINTED UNDER DIVISION 9. COLOR AS SELECTED BY THE ARCHITECT. E. GROUND THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AS INDICATED AND, AS A MINIMUM, IN ACCORDANCE WITH 0. SIZE RACEWAY AS REQUIRED BY THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE WITH OVERSIZED CONDUITS AS INDICATED. ARTICLE 250 OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND ALL LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. PROVIDE COMPLETE RACEWAY SYSTEMS INCLUDING CONDUIT, SUPPORTS, BOXES AND ENCLOSURES AND ALL CONNECTIONS TO ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. CONCEAL RACEWAY IN FINISHED AREAS UNLESS INDICATED F. MAKE FINAL CONNECTIONS TO ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FURNISHED AND/OR SET IN PLACE OTHERWISE. INSTALL EXPOSED RACEWAY PARALLEL OR PERPENDICULAR TO WALLS, CEILING OR STRUCTURAL BY OTHERS. MEMBERS. III. CONDUIT SYSTEMS SWILL HE SUSPENDED FROM OR AFFIXED TO THE BUILDING SUPERSTRUCTURE ONLY. G. FURNISH AND INSTALL EQUIPMENT DISCONNECTS AS INDICATED OR REQUIRED. SWITCHES Iv. ALL RACEWAYS SHALL HE RUN IN A NEAT AND WORKMANLIKE MANNER AND SHALL HE PROPERLY SUPPORTED SHALL BE SIZED TO SUIT THE ACTUAL EQUIPMENT BEING SERVED. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEC WITH APPROVED CONDUIT STRAPS, CLAMPS, HANGER RODS AND H. CONNECT MOTOR STARTERS, RELAYS, SWITCHES, AND RELATED ITEMS FURNISHED UNDER STRUCTURAL FASTENERS, NON -BOLTED CONDUIT CLAMPS SUPPORTING 13F THE CONDUIT SYSTEM FROM OTHER DIVISIONS. SUSPENDED CEILINGS IS NOT BE PERMITTED. v. RACEWAYS FOR BRANCH CIRCUITS AND FEEDERS SHALL HAVE AN INSULATED COPPER SYSTEM GROUND L DUCTWORK TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER ELECTRICAL CONDUIT. COORDINATE CONDUIT RUNS TO CONDUCTOR THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE CIRCUIT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEC. ALLOW DUCTVORK TO BE INSTALLED AS DRAVN, LIGHT FIXTURES TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE TOTAL CONDUIT FILL WHEN DETERMINING CONDUIT DUCTWORK. SIZE. vL AN APPROVED NYLON PULL -CORD SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ALL EMPTY CONDUITS. PULL CORDS SHALL BE J. ALL INTERIOR LIGHTS SHALL BE CONTROLLED FROM WALL SWITCHES. LIGHTS SHALL NOT BE FASTENED TO PREVENT ACCIDENTAL REMOVAL SWITCHED FROM PANELS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. v0. CIRCUIT NUMBERS AND SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION SHALL BE PRINTED ON JUNCTION BOX COVERS USING INK K. ALL ENCLOSURES SHALL BE OF THE MEMA TYPE WHICH IS SUITABLE FOR THE APPLICATION. MARKERS AND BE PLAINLY VISIBLE L. ALL WORK SHALL HAVE PROPER LABELING. ALL CIRCUITS SHALL BE LABELED AT PANELS AND BOXES INDICATED. ALL PANELS AND DISCONNECTS ARE TO BE PERMANENTLY MARKED WITH NAME 13R EQUIPMENT SERVED UTILIZING ENGRAVED NAMEPLATES, LAMINATED PHENOLIC BLACK WITH WHITE LETTERS, 3/8' HIGH MINIMUM. ALL PANELS ARE TO BE PROVIDED WITH TYPE WRITTEN PANEL SCHEDULES M. ALL CIRCUIT BREAKERS SERVING AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE HACR RATED. N. PROVIDE AND INSTALL CONDUIT AND JUNCTION BOXES FOR INTERIOR LIGHTING AS INDICATED AND/OR REQUIRED. O. DISCONNECT SWITCHES SHALL BE RATED NORMAL DUTY, FULLY ENCLOSED WITH DUAL COVER LOCKS, P. QUICK -MAKE/ QUICK -BREAK MECHANISMS AND DUAL HORSEPOWER RATED. PROVIDE NEMA-3R ENCLOSURES IN EXTERIOR OR DAMP LOCATIONS AND NEMA-0 ENCLOSURES IN WET LOCATIONS. Q. LIGHTING FIXTURES, LAMPS, MOIUNTING HARDWARE. n. PROVIDE LIGHTING FIXTURES, LAMPS, MOUNTING HARDWARE, ETC. AS REQUIRED FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATIOL b. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY MOUNTING HARDWARE AND INSTALL FIXTURES AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS AND PER THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED INSTALLATIOIN INSTRUCTIOINS. FIXTURES SHALL BE FIRMLY MOUNTED USING STANDARD SUPPORTS FOR OUTLETS AND FIXTURES. c. LAMPS SHALL HAVE A 30 DAY GUARANTEE ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ISSUED FOR PERMIT 02-09-16 1 KAMM CONSULTING PROJECT k 2015-0844 %01........ ­'d PROJECT MANAGER: DUANE MILLAR pLY LANE Fort Pielte, F1Qtida334950 F Phone' V2.593.174A,Eax772.5 Proposed Improvements for Tropical Smoothie Cafe ST. LUCIE COUNTY, Key Plan: FLORIDA Issues: No.: Date: Description: A. 02,09.16 PERMIT ISSUE Architect: DONADIO & Associates, Architects P.A. 609 17th Street Vero Beach, FL 32960 Tel.772.794.2929 Fax.772.662.8600 License No. AA0002238 w .donadio-arch.com Consultant: Drawing Title: Reference North FILE COPY Drn: Dwg. File: MT Chd: XREF File: AJD Project No.: Plot File: 2015-63 Sheet No.: PRINCIPAL Bradly L Brown Florida License#58232 Cert. No.: 12,456 Date Signed: E ®s 2