HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0189 ,.~'-"- ~,', f I ',' J . ..l. ~ ", , . .' . " ',>- ~--;....~ -';:- ...:Ji.........,.". .; 0..-': _ ,.~. i,l,...ll _...i_ ,'-4, '{" -~ l ,:...., f' " '. :' ". . .,' ,:J.~_~~:':~_' " :~,~~~~...:..i:.~-~.:.....:....~~ ~., ~ . : ,:'-, " ..' .. ,~~.:. ~'~ '.' ',: :.::T'~'::~~::~;::~:;~:~:;~::~;:;~;~~~;;:-,::;~;~~:;~~;::t-'-;o~: " ~ ..:-~.~:~~" . ,. . ' 'I" '-, I 4- . .1~' oons1d.~rat1on ot the 'sum ot'Ten dollars ,ani' other, Y,&.l\\able, oon81deraUona, Dqllars,' to ~t ~n . ," > "'\ htili<i ,p~?';: '~h&, re'o~l'~:t' ~~'~eot, 18, ;he~~ b,i<~~~~Wled~~'d,.: h'a ~ ,:'~~,~8'.d, '~arg~~n~d ;80,ld', .."1.~(tn~d ,..,1,,:, ,remlled . 'released'; ,oonve~~.d and oqnt~r~d, and' by these p,r'e~8~t~"f1~th gt~nt "b'arg&1n, sell" ! . I ,. . I " ,.. . ..'I -. '" ,1 t_, 'aU~n~'" remh$ .re'leaee', oo~v.ey &n:d" cQntirm. ,un~o'thel sa,1d part'. ~'dt' th~ 'ae-o'Ond: part and..,...;, {,' -- ;----------.--..... -.-:.~--._.---:---.--.---:':-- ".'\: ,:~-,', ..'. _ :--'--. :-"-.:~',-~. '~'--"--- .'-- ." '-~.--"~ ~ --~ -j. , .~.\ -'~ i ;, he.ire and a._Signs ,torei'8~ l :811 that oel' bain paroel '01' land q~g'andbo1ng' 1~,t.he' County ot' " ,,1 " ',' ' . - \ '- , " , ". -' '" ,.' . ...' , , ., . . ~ '.. ',' (. , ',;; i' St'., Luoie aIidState ,at FlOl"14a, mo:re part'1oula~ly' desor1bed as toilO'W8& " '. ' ! ' :' \ ". '. '. ". _J.. - ,',' \ l '_,:'\' ,- ":, .'.-'" -'_ ", " - " .... . -- ". '-'. ." -.' .. ',' ," ,\'- , .' 'j' .. ' LQ~a4 ot ino'ok, ~,~ ot" P1~~ No~ 2 'o~ Ro)'~:i p~rk.,&.ooO,r(t'~~g ~~: ~l~.t, "r~oo~.ed oh'~ page X~ o;f P14t " , : 'BOCf1C "i in. t~e ~ ot;tl~e ot th'e. Clerk' or' t,he C~rdul t Court. ot.:$~. i.u.ole-COUIl.t1t~ori4a..'. .\ , .' . , ' , " . .\,' , " . ,,',., '. "". ,', \, ',' 'I .' .TOGETHER.wnh 'all the,~enernents~ h.ered.l~...-ts"and appu~t8nan'oelil.wl~h'every prlvl1?ge,' '!, " " \". . . '.' '.', .., ,...' ,',' , ,,' ," \.. rfg~t, .t1tlet.~:re8t tii1d. esta'~e" .rev~:rs.lon.~inal~de.l'.'~l1(\ ~~a,~en ~ th~reto.,bei~n81ng-o) l.n.-'A'i,: \. ,,' '-", ,", -- ',' '->, '. ,.'-' .',' >',' ; ...., ...: \;, "-, , '~.. . . , ., '8nyWi8e.~pperta1'n1i1gf' TO H/\YE: AliI;> TO ,ItOLDt~, s~~ In fee s,li!lple ,toreye';J:' t '$UbJI).!3t. however..tf, \.-" '. '. ':,\'- , " .', ...., ",;" .';. _ "" f the tollowing' re8.tricti~Jlsfoond1'tlon8 and. 1,.m1tailloJl8:' . : '" '.f, . " ,'" _ :.' '. . . . . ' ", ' '. ',.:" , '," . " J, , .,:It ,1~1ml~<(lJ.li;,~~~:e~,th'.?,the8e',p'l,-e~en~s, are~m~de,lJUbJ~:ot ,.to' the ,,~~lloY(~~exlire~s.oo~-", J.\ . . ." . 41.,~1C?ns. .~lt1f~O~tO~S.\ a:.n., '11~1t!.l~lon,B..,'and ',W~1~h al!8 .~nt~D<\~,d to' be> Bn~_~~\! ~e~oc~.pt~d' ,as' c~ve~e.ntp. , , ", ' , ',. . >, ' , ,'" ' '.'.',. ...., , ',' I' . "~lng ~ ~h theiand t-' a.m 1!h1oh ~hal1 be'b~nd.1l}8 ,alike upon ,the he~~s,le.gal.re'present'a tivefJ f~ . . i.': , , ., ' . ,-. '.' , '. .' . '.' ," . . . .,,'.,.. " ,! ' an~ 'as,slgn.s .01', theVe'ndee'~, whObY'h18.Moep'~anoe, of tq1B .~n~tru.il1e~~~e.~o'ab1deby'an~'p1"fr~nl ~"'T .', .:.,';'" --.._.....-.' '. ...., '. ":~'." ';' "~....'..' ,.:.-......." .':;' ','. T', ". .', ..0.' .~. "'€. - ). j,':~ .~ .')I&1d restJ;"lcUons. .'11m1 t_e.t1~ns apd~Ond1tio,D8.as one, ot the gxp~~8800ns-.!dera,~i9ns" ()f the : l>~- . .: " -1" -'to..",. .". ., '1 1 presents to-dt:., , ,. .... ,'., ",'\., . .." :. . ~ ' . _' '~", ., . " ' " '~ . 1 " ' . .,! 1.BQ unlawful or 1mmoralu8$. shallolf niadeof 'the 'pl,-em1:ses 'herebyagreed to be oom'eye~, ; .. . " ".:," , .,.. . ", . '" . . , " . ''''.' . ' . . ':.,' 'I. , nor811,all; the.Aame ,nor' any. part,thereo,t., 'n61',any 11ltet'es~s' th.1"'''nb~ "'8'old, 'lease'd or' oth~r-'! , " . . .' '. . . '1' . w18'8 o6nYef~"d,to a'nyperson otherttlan ;otthe 'Cauoaslan'ra~e. Jl..H .IIMU :.dt,n.he8. 8.. ~. r. . I" ' . T' "-.",' 1\ . .~- " . ....,., ,.to.' .' -' .... ~i""-' -. .",'.' '-'.' ""'. t' ~.t1 ~hi,"'~~. nA 'n'nt'm:p-I~iI ~jr'a.,. "'&I'''<;}''' '<,P~n ~l11Q. at '1~8 .gft"'a~l~1l "1.", ..or .shal1 said],,' , . .. ." . ,~. . prf'm18 as. or any' par,t' the'reof ~ 'b~ ~.ollU~le~,'b~: ~l:persori~ther. than 0:( the C&.i1~a81a~' ~aoe,~ . ' ~, . .- ',,' _, . , ,_,' -, . " ,~-_ _,' '; , ... '_":"~,, . f,' _ " . ~. pJ:ov1dedthat'noth1ng bereJ.n oonta1ned: shailprevenJithe '.keepiIl8and:"ma1ntalJllng: 'or se:rvan,tr .1,.:',' ~n, the sald propert;'~or reaBonab~e \1se o.~: .the 'OO~P~t8. ' '. 'oj '-. '" .'. 1. . 2. ~IO' b\;.11d1ngshall b~oons~Qtedot' erected on'sa.t'd property uDtilafte~~ the 'plans.. l' . .'" " ;."'" ~': ' , . .,..., 'j speoifioations and. looatl0n. .()f. the' ~ame .shaH ha.ve been a.p1>rov8d 1~ ~rlUng by :saU~oyal Pa.rk; . '" .: ' " <I .' ., ""'F '0:- '~. ,17 8 :-,,~~~.t',;. '. -' ~ .' ~ . .'=-: :~,: J I '_ ~ I.:; ~ . - J ..-...~' ~~-'. . ')'. " , _.:_,,-~---- ---,--.'- , .~ . , . " I '", ,_-' ., .~ ~ 3. No resldenoeor -bll.t'ld1ng,. lnol'~ldlng p~Qlie8 or. projeo~10ns o~ any"k1nd~; s,hallb.e ereo~e~' ,'. 3~. f~etfram':tlio' f'rqn t line ot ~~heabove- desorlb.ed 'p'roper,iy. or at a I ' -. ~6'ssd1st~oe' 'than:tb.ree' (3).teet from the,s1de'~'l1ne ~r B~l.d :pro'peI'ty'.or'~ta,leS8', !11~tanQe .,~., .''', .. ~ '; .. ,: . ',,' . ':"' '. . -. " . - - -,' . ~.- '., " - ,'. .". ',: -->.., .. . .t~8.J;1'fiVe(6) 'feet' from, the rear l1rie.()'r saldpropert-1.' steps to prooiies .~~ extendov'er,'t~e . b~ lld1ng' l~ne '. " ,.' . , ..., ~, . " ' " . , 4.lfQ' buildiDe8,,'exeep1;,as_proVld~d,' i~'the: toi.la~1ng list sh()Yr1t1g ,oharaoter-ot 'bUll~in8' . .... t , .' . , , . .' I " . '~,; and,'in1n1DrJ.lD oost,shall be~onstruot~d on any,J.otdee,o.rlbed:1n s~1d',lUt.:to':'W1t:' . ~ '-, "',:-' . '. :.. '.. -'.' . . ~ (~eso,r"ptlobs'&.l'e' aooording- to .Plats. ot RoyllFark. stibdhhlons reoorded lntheott1oe ., '," '.~he ClftI'J: at the Circuit, Court. of St.: ~oi~ CO)J.Dty. Florida)..., Lots It.o 6'1nol~he"or .Blook: 1.slng'1e resldenoe '.4,600;-or:duple~ fl~t Ol". ~ouble li<?use' .8,000;' or apartments ~12,OOO.' ,. I Lots 7 to 14 li1<llus1ve,ot.B19ok 1. ~lng1.e're81denoe on1j$4.600. l,-esi<lenoe oJllyt4 ~t)00~~- I f .,', ,j single re81del1oe; $4,000; or, duplex ,tla.t or ; ! '----- Lots-l to 8'inolu8,1v~ and Lots'14 to-24-~' 1noluslve,-'ot-Blook 2t-~~gle ~ ' '\...., ~ ' , LOt t. and Lots 13 and.17 lnalusl~e, of blook 3; ," , . . I I . , double ~oU8e ~8,OOO; or apartmen~s IU2,000. , '.' . Lota 8,to l2.inC1u,srve, ot Blook 4"81ng),e resi4enoe '4.500; ',01' duplex ~lat or.dQ,uble .8,000: or apartmen,te 112,000. t. LOte 7,8 and 9. at .Ok"6. ~lngle res1aenoe only $3,500. ~~ I _ _1.~~~ . Lots 10.11 and ~~.i .~t Blook',0.S1ngle 'res1denoe ';3.500; o~ apartment. tl~~OOO. " ., II ,;-. " . " 'I;' , . . . " -',\ -,~ ',.;, .-- ,'., '.), : ~. ...... I " '" , . , , '. " 1 ~ II- ~ " , I 1. , '. "".--' -- .:-~/~_ -.. -__'<1'_~':",_~~__~--",_,~_~~"-~-~~~ ordu.plex flat or doubie 11'm:.se .8.000;" , I '.., .' j I . " " j'