HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0196 l \ . -.. _ '.,J. , . \ 'T""~..;.'" ,i"~ ",I'" ,,<' 'j ,~"_ . ".:' ---.--,,~.' " '" " l ,. ",1.'., "1:85- '.n~t:;:-"_~C_~;__9"f~-.:.:':-'~~ \,i, 4,' . . I ..c.": ' ' '. ':"::~_..hi,_~~ ,-'-0-.>' ~"~- ~,- ~',.,l , , ~'~~:::'~~';~;:':~~7."~~~~C;+;~:': :;fY:-',"~O~'.'~' "':~'~'?;~'~~;::"';':;;:;'T:-;c;.~~~i:~"f,t~~:,:'~:;:~.,: ;;;~,-:~,~~' " " " bu81n~... 11101den~~ 'to ..ell. equipped ho~el.8~: ,'" ." '.', ,., ': ~'."", ,I. " I: ~,~ '. ," . . t t.., '. . ',... :".,11 r,,". \. "..-l \\ ..,'..' ..-., . f:,~",,, >: ,~, '\' ,~~' ~ (~h8', ~X~r~10r~on8~~ch~on,'6t 8.11 .bu,ilci~ng~..,:,} 8EL1~ ~O.'al r,~~ e~'"~f be' 'or ,at~~e~' bl-1~~~;' ':: ' etuooo,o.rooli\OQrt';"--- bu~' not ot oonQrete 'O'look., 'Unless' 's841818' sUrtaoed.With stuooo, 'and a11<' \ .' '~., , ..' .' , . ",. . . . " .. ~lldl~.S,';Shall'\le ,ot\.s~~1eh,.~brr1.":~ ~)~~an. \Fl~ri~1an '6(8~~~iar,.\tn>~8 ~,~>lt~~l~Ot~~,:.;'..' '.\. " :,; . 6,~;' Fenoe~ in ;trorit of 'the 'bulld1n~ ~ 1~nea' ~~il))8 ornament&l' and not. e~oe,ed' t~l~tl ,inohes ". \ . '\ ' " \ , '. .' , " \' I,' ',11'1 h6lght'. Fe no , .:~ lii1;herea.r',~.r baok ~tthe'~1l.cill18,l,lne'\ot ,all,'lotb; .hali,'beOl"ll~f1I:ntlil \ ? : \ .. \ '. \, .. .' QI, ~.', -. \ ' :', ' " . ,:.. and not more,tban tive teet high.', .; ,,\:. "',..1 '. ,.1 , :. '-P:. . . t .z:.. '.:. .- . . \ -\ . ' ~ . ~ .' '. ','!~;tlp~rtionso~\ iots 'reter~d'o\,n't~e~e restrlot10na .1~1~ 1~ 'frorit ot',~he bu1ld~ng.l~ne '-:, - .' \' . ' .' . \ ~ " \ ~ , \ '. . . . . . . ,\ \ \ '",a.s,here~nbe~orEf se.~ ,~~~~ ~hall~.e used ,~n~y to~,orn8m~Jl.tal,~urpos8S.., '.' , '. . \, . " ',""', -' " : : \ " ;.. , .. '..' , . ~ . - ~ - " -', - . ~ , ' ' ,..' 7.. '10 ,a18ns ',or bl11b6ah\s ot any"kind or oharaoter,' shall be exhlb1 ted., d-1spla.yed; oonstruoted . . -'. .' . . '.' . _ . _ ~ _ ", :. . . ~ . '. ,',4 , , " , ....". cor. mri1;ta.l~e.d;o0a.~d' SUb~~Y18ioh'f~th'~.\it... tl:le wrl tt~~ .oonSl~,nt' ~t'~sala.'Rol;1. p~r](QplliH~~. 'J,ts..,,>C" '. sUOO~~S()~ 'or assl,g1ls.' ,', - '."" ;, " '.,,',' "... ., . .,'."", .,.' '.' '.. '.'/ ,.' , .,'.. ,'.'........ .. "'.' ,'..'. ':~~ :.Eaoh lot otth~ 'above dn6,rlbed p~mlses',shall at. the, opt1pn 'pt sald 1l:o:~a:l Park 'cQmpany .' ,. . - .-'~' ....' . '~"'.,:.,:..-.'''.'....'-:......' ....~... ..... .'. '-- ~"":".' ~'..'.' -'-'>>'~ :'.':' . beeubJeot,to asses!lInent, bY:8ald Cpmp,any, .t:or$8n,8maunt nottoexQael\ ~.io.Oo- 'per''iea.r :to.r ,.the" ,'" . "- ,', ,: .-" " '.'. ......," _~_' ~ ",,', '. '. - '. . . " .-' " f' '~." . -.", .' ~ . ,pttrto.d beg'lnniilge;t ,tb8 . date '~.f thl~de~nd. end1i1g,J~u.a:ry ,1, ,i930~ ,'payab18'~n iam,;-a$1ual: ~ _ 1 .', . ':>', " '. .. ,. " ~ _. ' . '. . . __ .: ~: . __. ' .".' " . ~. .. ',;, .in8~a1line.ntD9~ '.$$'.,00 .6aoh oi1',~prli 1 'an40Qtober'l:..ot,eaohy.ear l1t.t,~r date 'ot. thj.s, d~ed. wli}ch: '~';. .>' _ . f. - -' ~. . ." . ' " . . ',' ~ .' ""',.'.., _ . _ ' . -.. ,. '~ ..... _ ' " . ~ mo~eY8' "~hall . be, u'sed,to r' ~lie ~1.t)te,na.noe,.a~d' up~eep 'of.' sa'fd ~\l.biU.lslon, suohas th~ .'o~~'~rin8 ." 'c, . -', - . ,-~, '.':, . ~'-' , . _. .. i '_ ',. '" " . . _ '. ,oflO~,', care .~ttr.ee~. ~~ru.bbe~Ye.i1d vines ,\~ereon, '(whe~ n~gleot;ed) ,:so,~ar 'a:~~, the.~o\111t ' 't1>l:leO tad, will, pe ~m1 t. : a~d Whio~, t~~'~lud.v~Die~' &~re,es to ,'pay a~ ';o'zio '01" the. oO~81der8.t.1'on8 "o't" ',: 'th~s'e. ~resent.s; the',l1en'o1' :S\1ch: a.~sessments.. to., bepl'aoed'And ,o,~,neow'" 1.ilnth~ :800te,.m~anneras.. ) '. -0:0 '.'" . ,_ ,', " .- :, . . _ ,_' " '"" ", +'. '. ; 'le.provlded: t~r 1'1ens. for ~abor'a'nd mat;erlaljJ,under ~ t'he .taws, or.th~ $tate.o1'Flo,r1d,~' ' ...., .~ -.. .' . . ", .", i, . '.' '. , ;". ' . ": _' '. :" ", ,'" . ..... " -. '; 9~, "Ge.ragea, shall---be 'ereoted subsequent. 'to or '131ml}-11;aneoui!ly, w1thth.~, constru.{~lon ot, the, . , .' ." .' ". , ':'. z" .,.., '. .' , '.' "..',' .... ._ ,,',' ',e' ;..' dwelU~g,;\U)~ea~ perm1ss.10n:to.'~o oth~rw,l.se.:'1s .t'~8t obtli1n.f)d .1n wrl~l~ ~rom aa~d."R?}'~l, p.ar,k' , ,~foinpani.'(}ara8e8. shall be oons1i~uoted of, the same,mate.r1al and of the~ame areh1teotural'deslgi:1 . '. ' " '" . . . . ....' . - ., ,,' . . .' .' ~,' . . ..' - ", . . ~ I., ":.::- . . ,.' ,.' .~, .' " ,." ..... ~,\ 'astJt:e "dwe).liJ;gs, and 'gjali not ;l,n;.an,y,cv~ntbe. u.sQ4'tQr .reQ~den~laf,~purpo~es except -to;" ~he' '.: " ;~: .': '. . , .' ... ." -,' . " ", .'- :'. .' . .', . " -. . .. .. '... .' . .. ~ ": . "'~,' - '" '.' '. " " '.' .. . '.:' :.. housIng or'serv-ants; , . . -' .1 ..,','1, ,.' .' . c .' , . .1, . . . . ....10..~()splrltucru:8 l~quor shall 1>0 sold, or kept;' torsa];e ~p6n.,s~1:d premises,.,' : 11. Nothing in th~8e'~ ~81;rlQt1ons'~ha~1' tie oon8tru.ed~0 as topi--evc~t' the. const-ruoti.or:of . _ ;' ,.':'. : ." :-- . -..c.~~'."", :.- , . ,'.~,._,-(;-" .~. :'~'" .-.... .,' :~"~,' :'"" .~."._.. , sohools and: churohes oi "SO as topreven't an,y physlo1aIi: or.. dentist 'trorp :practlo1ng~h prote,sdon,.2 . . .. ',. ',. , - "c' .'. - ," . "., . ".' '. .' '" .,~.' " :. _ _ ' ", ~. " ". . .' '. - .. ", I . "lri any, .~~s14enoe" b~11~1ngi subJeot ,hoYley&r'l ,to. all, other. ,restrictions here1:n oontained' per.. ., <ta1ni~ -to res1,ci~l1o,e,bu1ldlngll .. '. " ... ' . ", - :. .. ,-:......',.-. ,,:. . . '. , .. 12'., Theaa1d 'Royal:ParkCom~an1,~ ita sqCOeSBOra' 9r .asslgns ~" sha.11have,the rlght" a-t.ter." ' ~ .: . '\l . ~ ..' , .. . . . Janua,ry 18~, 1933, to ~1easo' any of- the.,libo'v,e".ox: torep';olng. re'8t~loUons~ oondltlo~s .or l1mltat,1~ns . by: sealed.1nstrWne~t~d~iY executed, 1n a'coOrde'nce 'with. the laws b:f'~be stat~ ot F1Qr1da. t~r "'the" .~. . . . :o()nveia:no~ 91'r.eal~,s~te. .:.' 1- :):~. The ,pr~:v.ll~~e and,ea$eme~t, is he~ ~1 toreve r r,cue.rved tq ..sa1d ,Royall'a~k '~ompaDl1~ts _:; .----- l -~. su.ooessoraan4asslghs, to 'ereotand' m~iiata1npQles, wl~~8'and.-otllt:.uu1t;a~l,eEf~ti1pmetit- fQr . . .,. .' . .. . '. .., ,., ' ~ electrlo J,lgh't,-power; t$J,e~raph, telephone anci'otberpUbl1o-j.l.t1Ujl88. and, to OO~8trUot an~ malnta~!l 8~Yfers ,water mainq arid, gas mains--- .~e , f.' 'teet'on eaoh side o't 'each lot hereby conveyed" and for. suoh jJ..l.rposes " as well as to repair, . t. '.'~~' ,. I '. . remove or re;).ao~ said' poles',. ;wlr~8~ equl~nt, seVlors, and mains, s-aid.RoyalPark Coopany I ~ ts f . ". "r _ .. , _. t~ S,UooEr'ssors' and assigns, i!shall ho.ve"the 'right 'otingreU, egress and regress, as may ben80essary or oonyon1ent ,tornll ,ot' add purposes. ! :[1 I; 14. llo st.,ruc ture, exoepta,:f'enoe o1'the .lF1nd .here lnbetore ,desor1bed may ever be ereoted. upon " ' " j, ' .. any part of the 9trlp8 01' land, In these premises over' wn loh an easement for pUbilo utility , pur?O~1 ha.s beenre8erVed~ f" r' I ; I, ..1