HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0198 :""". -,Ir',-~,c, . . ~ . . , ,1 ,; ! .t I ';' ~. I ".- ,", ., I.. ... ',' . I I' .~. ~--~.~--=-.~.' ';_-,-:.H"-:-'---,~ ;-~- - ~~-~.....,,--,--~,.- r _... '" i' . "I ,.' .-'"~,":", ,~ " Lo~~c;;~~,~:;~~~'i;~::~:~~,'~-,,~;,:~:'-)~~',c~.;~"'~ ~:;.:,~:;;",~~,~"~~~~=~~ (>-\ ' :7' l "f::~: '".. '.!sell, a~16h.r.ai!Be, .rele~se,'con'{EJY and ~ont1ijm,luntQ,th.e'eaid\par,t.; ~t thels~,ponl1'.P!U't aild..~~. '..1 .1'; i ,::,..,',. " " .' .~ \'1 ", "" ': ',',1 ;'\ .' ,', _ ',' .,'. '." ',l II": hal,rs nJi~,~Ulgn~ fo,r~ver',,'~1\',that.,oe~t,~1n ~aro:;~ 'Ot Tand :l~~nf lan.~'b~1~g\1p .t~~"(io~n~t~,of St~", ,\,.~oie~nd s~te ot~lor~~8.,'''Qre 'pa-rhoul~rlY desorlb~'d. ~stoll6ws,;", .'. "" ' ','" , \ " .', .",'.', " ", .', . \ ".. '" . ,\ . " I. ,.,., \, ;, ; Lot 17 ,.or' BIC?~k a otP~at No. 'lot..Royal Par~, aooordingto, pl:at re.oorded on page 6.6 ot.:, P1:a.t , , \' "; ,. . - ': ',. ..,. .- -\. ,:' '.~. ';-.: ."", ~",: -', ,~....\ ! - '. ~\\ ,." ".'". . ., '. . \ .~ : 'Sook 4 in theoftioe ott'he Clerk ot.. the: 01roult' Court of St. Luoie'Counlly, Flo,rlda. ;\ '\ . ~ . . -" . > . ',' .- -. -. . .:.;, " 4: . \' . . '. . ' .... d " . . " TOGETllEa ~1th all th~, teneme~ ts.. he'redi.1;la~~t8~'~nd "app~rte'nan~e~ i :wlth 'e.~rl,p~1vlle'ge; r1g11.. ; -. .~ \ ' .,:' ,- . . ~ . t ',- ' .."... . . .": ' '-,' . . ' ... .. ." ' . '\' . . ' . " . ,t1h~o,';lnteres1;'lU1d "estate, reversl~p.r"Hll'81nde'rlU1d e,aBep1~nt 'th~ret'o' b~lQ,nging oJ'" ~n ~~w1s~' , \ ". \ \'.' , .,' " '. ."' " . '-. .' 10 ,;:~{~:::~:::*::~::.1:~:~'O~;:;:::d .J:i::;i::. :l'~~O to ,,~~~:~~uijJ'. ~. hO.~",~" to dOh., ' , :':; .' :1 ~-' .: ",'. .,,~ , " "'. " .... " ,-" . , ", . . ":'. .\.- ..' .~. "- ,'.' . " -",' . " .. It ~b' '~tua113,agr~ed tlla-t' these 'present's. are,: ~de' sub'jeot ,to 1;lie'to:POW1n,gexpx:ess-o~>ndHlorls , "' '... . . ' . ~. .. '. .,..-. .;" ' .' .,... . . ." .,. -:-. .. , '. ;'l'estrio1ilo1\s 'and' limitations ,ani wh10h ~e' tnt6n~ed' 1;0 Q~ '~8hall: be",aoc)ep}~ci as ooven~nts " '. . .. - . -', " "-' . -' ,.,. , "',,' . ..." ". '''', -., ~ . . \. '. . " ~ \ rUlmine, vi~ th. t~~ '~arid ,:an;\ .'whiQ~ fJhs.~l:b'e' ~1.ndlng 'all~eup'on the. h~1~8:1o~,~representat1v~s' . .; "','-. :....., ...~..'.: ~'~"'" '-....., "\" ~",'" ._~:.,;' ::. ....t... ;. '. . !.and :i~91gns of'. the Yelldee, 'Wi\o: by 'his' aOC?eptanoeof this 1nst~nt,ag~ee& to '8.bUe:, bland' .pe~fo:rm. ," .. '1~"ld;.r,e ~tr~o 010: ,.,Hal .at~o..a~o.nd; ~I 0>)', "O.a 'ot . t""axp':.~. , .oa~ ia~',a tlo.. ~'t, O~ ~e,,' .,', '" . I preQents, to-wit. '. >.. ,. .' " "" .' ~ I ;eh~~~\::. ::~:~ ':lJ=::a:~:o;~l~):;':: O:~:~~::::~:~~::::: :::::~:::h::I;~.~~h~~r'. '., : :.,,"., '. '.:." . . ',.' , "'" ',," " . ", , '....,. :',' .' '.:,' ',.'. , ',';';" ..,. --.' ,.,. .4 ,::}ve~e~ :tC), ant p~r80n, o.t!1,er tlul~ :ot the_cauoasiliXlr,a~~,i'nor:' sha;t.l::,said.preIl11ses, or' any,pa.rt .,thereot i " ,.ibe' "oooupied:'-'by ,ahd.per~on 0 ther' than of the Cau.~8,Slan rao,e. .provide,ll,.t)iat nothing Mreln 'con- .,''>1 . ,., ", ' , ' , '. .' . \ . . ' ~ [tala.d, ."011 pre..... , tha ' ,k.. ~~ng ,."a , ..,intalaiogo t' ..,~...'O. ,0. ,tho,. 'id p~o pe rOy'tor r. ..oa.b ie " 'I use <if- thi3~.o,C\J.llants.. '," .': ,', . ... , . ' ..: . ~ .'.' 2... No .l.n?-llding shall be .o.oti8t.rUotedo.~e%'eoted ,on ~a.id'pr.op~rtyuntU atte~.'the plans,",. _ .. " . . . .11 ~". '. . 8pe~1fioatlo'n:sand loce.'t10n~~t ,thes~e's~all have b61~n apPtOV'ed ,in. wr1t1t:lg ~y ,sai~. ~ola'l F~~k ' '. '. .' ~ .' '- ,.,. ' . - '.' . ~ 1', ' " .r . ,;.1 I' '1'87 I . I " .' l.,('O , \' ? - \', ,\ .; , "'7 .,(, , . Comp any ~ !t's sucoesso:r,s..:or assigns ~. .- .'. .' -, ;' : "', . ,,,. .' '., - _c . , ,. .... '. .: .'... ~'~ .No"re8iden~e ,o.~- b~.Ud<lng ~ 1.n:,l~dl~,po~,ohes 'fr': pro~.,e;ot~*~:" o~ 0 ~n,Y;'.,kind ~:':Sh~a~l't'oe:, ~:re~i~ed .',.> ~ .a~ a -leftS d1'stance tha,n.26. te.et Iro~ the,fro.nt..l1ne "f the. above desorlbed,'property"o.l! at. a less .' '1 '0\ ~~'s'tanQe .,thaJlth~ae (~'. f.eet -tl'om,tha' ~lde..lit:\... oi S.~~d. p~()perty ,: o~ .a.t 8" ieas d1stancie thart'l'1,ve (fi). feet .frOm tho rear line "of 'Said property. . ~it~ps :,t;~. porohe~. rt!ay 'exte,n<\ .~~er.,. thebui~d.1~ n:n~., 4.' '}fo ))ul1.diilga exoept,as p!'ovlded~ in ~he f.oIlo;!I1ng Ust,showing, cha.racter or building a.nd' , '. ~", . . ...". .... .:',. ,~'~., .. .~. ',' :',,~ ~"...:',', .'. ~:' ,',-.~... , .~minlmuil .'cOs~. shalLbe~~nbtru,o t.ed 'fin. ~;llot desoribed in 8ai9 list ,to-vd ~.:; '. '.' . _ , .&:... > ...., _' _' . ' ,.... "0, . - , . . .-. _' : (Deao:r.1Pt~ ona~.are.', ac-o'9pd ing ,top,:i.a.t.s '~f. ~oyal pa.r~ ~l~~d~ v is 10ns're q!Lrd ed' iri the 01'1'1 oe ~t t~~ Cle1tkot theC1rc)u.1't. Cour,t of St. Ll.tCle,County, Flo-r1de). ' . " "'.' ',"'. ,". ;SI . t.. -, . . . ., Lot~ ,~,to 6;ln01U~1-ie,'of Blo'~k< l i smgle': re~1~enoe"*4 .600; dr' dq:-pJ.ex flat 01' 'd..ou.ble hous~$6,OOOJ. -. ... ;'", - ':( d ~ . 1 , t , ! ! '. '~f ,.'[ , l' '. , . , ) .1 I " LOts 7 ,to 14, '.~n()iU81 va, ,of B~~~lc' 1,' '.singJ,.e. 'r~sldenoeonly~4 ~500~'1, ',10.: ""~"",,l to,c8, ih~lUSi,Y, e:-.~a~d.LQ.t8,.14' ~o 24".ln.o,1~S~Y.~'. ;1':B100,'k2's1ng18 resldenoe:only $4t~~~' ".. ""\ to~ .and Lotsl3-and 17 '1nolusi've,,'ofBIook3', singlerealdenoe t *4,.500;,"01' 4upiex flat' or double . .'. .,..., ':,' . , '1' . . " , ' ,house $8 ~OOOi ,dr '~partme~ts $12,000. . ~ '. , . . , .~ . -~ts S tol:2, lnolu-&1"V6, .O!-BlooJs. 4" stnr-:le:resldlUiu" ~4-.fiOO;' ordup~tix.nat, Or, 4o*ble house ..~ y . . $6,000; , or apartments.' $.l~ ,000. . o ~ t'; ? . Lots II, 8 and ~" 0 of BloOk, 0,' singh' reaiden"e only '$3,000., { , ' 'lota~e~ H, and 12, of Hloolc '0, singl,' res1denao $o~500; or Q.uplex. flat or double hOU8';;: $9,009; . ()rapatttlOOn~'s $,1.2,000'., '. .' --. . 'II "',I,';,.: ':' t ':--- or apartments ~12,OoO. ,. { ~ j I '- ; . ': . ' _. .' J..11 lots in Traot 1..; s'1ne1e rU8idenoe only $0,000. All 16t8,~n plook i4, ',~inele r~e1der,oe o~li ~6,()00. t , All 19ts, in Blook 10, single' residenoe only $ll ,000.., , .' '. -. . " . '- - ~.- ' '- . '? 'Lo.ts 3a to. 41inolua1ve, of Block 16, single re8ideno~, on1i' ~5,OOO.! , " {.. , ,'"Lots 28 to 32 inolus.1ve, of Blook 16, slneie:'r,es1denoe ~s5,OOO; 01' duplex flat or dCI\~ble hOl.1.se I ;-.. I' .} , 'i 1 , , . ' I . ,-,- " , '{ }