HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0199 i' i , 'I ,_ t-' i l "188~' I.' -,,' "; '.. J~I -',I-_,L~'c-t~~-'~.~". ,~,..,'- ,,\ ," .-J-,.;,---:-~. "'.1, __'~ I.~ ',' ',' ~;-,--- 1....'1.. , ;l~'~~:~;,:i.:;~:~;::::~::::?~ ":" _:. .,~~~:~;;,:,~~~~~- ",:","~,:,~"...~:,:d ~ --;'~;"~'l~: ':,' e~~~,~ . ,'. '. :,'. I' " " ' ..'.. " 'J'.I , 'I'" 'I, ' .'.. . ," 'I' \ ,1'1 . . \ I , f ~O,~SI J.to ,1~1~lus1ve, ot B}-O,Ok .17?i ,s~ngl.e.res1<1e~oe ,$5~OOOI;..or d\1P.l)~x flat ~ ,oqo';,' or .dI9ub~e. r\., , '" Ih~US,~.,*10,9'(J();\,or a.par~mentEt'$15,OO~/ . \ '" I, .",. .-', ,'. ,. ".,' .'. ,/ \.' '~:,',\,' " ',','1"" . ,,: Lo~,& \ l.t>'aM a ot Bloo)c'.lS: ,si,n~le: re8id~no~ ,$~.,OO?'j .o~ dUPle~" t,'l~i. $8,~OO,' ~\pr' d~uble '110~~~ ':',.1 I, ' . \ ~ . ' \ .'. '. ' ~ \ \ \ \ '., \ .. . . \ ' .lO,OOj)';o.r-a:p~.tm~nts or h~tel'$16,00p.;,: ',\'".,'.', \'J .'" \. " I' . '", r. \ \ \ - ,\ . - - - '- . -." . . - . - '- . ". - - .'~' .. \ \ - - - .. - - --.', - ' . - - -' ., \ \' .' ~ - . -' ; . - .. ~ ~ - . - Allio'ts:'i1,1 T~aotDfrontingOnRoya~'l'a~m Houlevard,--'-'s1ng'l'e--:~iIdenoe' $5~QOO'; or ,dup.L~x t1a\' Ii '.", '.,8,'060; 'o'r. dou~le hotis~\${o,ooo;' or~pa.'rpitnets\or ,hote'], $~5 ;000,,:' . ,". " I , .' ",;' .1" . ; "'LOts: 1 't~ ,19'. ~\nalu~1Ve' ~~ b;tQolt J9, ,si~ie res~i~~n~el$~,OO~;~ ~r".-d~~le~'h~.t '$8:,0~~,~ 'o'r dO.\~b~~: ,Il': .;.:~, I '. ", ' ;.' ..' ., , ,''- , " ,. .~:;.'.,' , ...... .".. '" ' bouse$lO.,()OO; or apar.tmen.ts 115,000.',pro;-ide'd, that'~t,a 1. and 2 me,y also be\,{sed.'Pf ho t'e 1 , i ...'r purpose8~" "\ \", I -" '. ",., ...',' '.,_:'::'.'~I:",.",,":'~l\\", .' . .Lot i. -arid: 101;'&: 2; .to '48 lno1u~iYe".. ot Btook' 21 ~s1.ngie rQsid'enoe $0 .OOO..~.r.' d\1,~lA'J[>'1'1.at '$8 ,~oo~l ' , ' " . . " \ - '..' , . " ," " .' I ' ". o,r','doU.bl~ h~u~e .;],(r..OOO(,or 'apartments :~ll).O~; 'Provided., 'that' ~~$ l~ 4'1, and ,48 ~ay ,.,SO be I . . ;.. . " . ' , ' , , '. ' " ,. , .- ,,' . ,'. :" '.' , 'used' :forh~te,l .purpoets,.e..... , .....,., ,'\.- ' ,,~ ...,," , I' ~ " '.' I:o'ts' l.t'o .,19~1~olusive ,,'~1";, B.iQ'Ok."22,~. s,fngle, ';r~~~'d'-noe ,'6~~,OO: or dUiPlextla~t'.a.900;<or.~oub~~'.1 .... ho~e _$,lO,Ooo;:.or'ap~t~i1tS'l~,OOO. '~," ' '. '. .',' ". " ,...< ,,' '-I "LO~2o,:otBl-ook 2~', '.single l'ee1dQnO,e only '$~,5q~'j. 11 .' .j, . .' .'ilJ.' ,,' " !: resi4enQe$6,600: or 4U.p-lex:(lat'$8,OOO'; 'or'double. house": i'" i t. o . ~ . . Lots 2.4. to 29 i1101usive,''of .l31pok-' 32,s1nt;le ruidenoe't5,060,;or ,du~lex'f'1a:t~8,000; 'Qi-doublet . ,0 , " . . ,. 'l' .- 'L i ~ J " ~- 1 ,o, , , .. "", ~. .\ .- .r" ,: ::1'" :~' \ ' I'. 'I,' .... " ',', " LOt8'~6 att.d':~7.~ of. .Hlook 24, ''8~ll8~e '$lQ',ObO;,":,o'r' ~pa,rtu)8nt.s' '$15 lO()O. .; , . , , . . .;.. ~ ' I., . ". or, apartment.s1JWi'OOO~ , " . . ',' ..' .', . ;'.' .a '_ . , . . -, . . ~ . > 't A11Lotsex9e.pt'Lot~ 8't<>'12c'1~olu.e1Ve,' i.n B~oo)[ 4, 'slil,~ie ,.~side~oe; ~2,,500.;'. or <1UP'l~X fIa:t 'or: 1. ",11 '," '.,~'. '~.' .....'." .'. ......-'... ,. :.-..~.... .," " . ~ . ..;'~' ~ .; '.1" :<1~bl~..',h~use$5.090;. or apar~meJl~S $.8.,000.., . L .' , . . . , "j Lot~13 to 23.,.ln.ollisive, ofBlo,~k 5,csinr;le.l'esld,enoe $2,500;' Qrduplex .tlat,or dQuble' house {. $5,000; or ap~trn~nts, $S,OOO~ r" .'~...- ,I . ':, . ." . ..' '-. .'. ~. ~==..- . Lota.~'to 6 lrtolusl...ejand,Lots 24,and 2.f> 01'B,look.':5, single t-esidenoe '0I11,Y'$3,500'.1 "Ai.1':Lo"ts in Block' 6, sine-Ie resld'e'noe $2,500; or duple. flat' O~d'~Ql~ ,noUS\) ~:5,oOo; or apartmett, '~s ~. ' . ' , ~ cl 11 ". $8,000. .'Lots .. . l' to 17 lno luslve. o',f, 8look lQ, Single z:e~l~cnoe()nlyt,6 ,500" . .' i.,; i . , ). , ' .-t ,/>.11' Lotsln Blook .~l,s1~le~~lde'noe onlT .$2,000'- ,... .' "l'. . ., " Al:l.1.otslri'!31ook' 12, s1ngle,res1d~noe'Qnly~3,OOO. ". ::i .,~ r Lots 18 t~ .331n.olushe, 0.-r',.iH09k10, slngler'esldElnoe 'on17:$3'~OOO. ;", , d , ; , .": . . be. ~sed'for. 0/ sWlmm1~ 'pool'.,. . .',p '-. / ,DWell1ng,1J.ouses, flnts- and .np~tment'~ous.-es ~hall be.u!!ed~ tOr re'aldentl!-l p~rpo~~8'onlT'-~ , No more. than one pr1vateg~ra.e toru'se'or, oooupants sl1all~e, ere'O'hd ~n-any 'one' l'ot.. ~.-IJ t;... '- ",. ~, .... _ '. ,!.. : :"..~' ".' . ~ '"!' . ~ItHotel i)Urposee"s~n1;tinolude eift Shops,dru.g stOT.e, barbe'r. and beauty shops, and any _f ..,' , , j, " . r:, ," I i i ! I .' - . \ . . .' 'AlLL<>t&,1~~look.13~1I'gle resA<1enoe only $7,-500.., P~vided,.also',. that ~ts2,3~. 4.plat , . i . , ; 'f " f .1 bua1ne a,s 1n~~denta~ to well e qu1pped~tol.lJ. , 5. ' Th~' exterIor oonstruotlon o1'aIl b u1)..dIngsInsaId Royal ~ark'shhn be of stone, ,briok, ," . . stuoc,o' o~' conore't V'bl:!-tnot of oonore tebiocks, ~nie. 8S same 1s surfa.ce'd 'wi,thstuooo.,. and all 'J . bULdl~~ shall VI 01" ~p~nlsh. KOrrlSV " ital1an~ 'Floridian or ~iml1artYfPe8 '01' archi teel:ure.: 6. Fences in front 'of t~e build i1'1g 11nes,ahall be orna7lentaI and 'pot ,exoeed thirty,! i,nohes:' in height. . nnov' in the'real'., 01' b..kof the bUilding line or."all 'fots, shalll be ornamental f 1 I ,- - '.-., 'and not, ~ore than f1ve teet high. t J..:U .PQrtions ot lots -referred to in these I .'v- as hereln'oefo:re set to,l't..' shaH be \,;,sedonly . I ' ' 1 '. , :.1 J restrlc't1ohS, lying In fror,~, ot the~ulldll16 Hne rbr O~hmen}al ~rp9~ee.' . I 1 ~ I, I.. 'I " IJ I . 1 I,