HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0208 I . Y .r. . . .. '( - - : '"~ ~,~.~,-~ t. I..... I 7 11..._, i i _."-. .,-".".jl.'".~.-. '1,'-.0,', I' J " '.,. I ~,' ,i,J I'.' ,I ~r.--------------=--"-'~:......'....'--------__l 0 .-,' .., ,,,,~~~;.,.' "c-,.,,~~...,.~-,.__.. --'-"7~~"':'~~" _.,;___ I'" " . h~~. ~~~cr:~.i;~. ~ ~~j,:7' ,:,:~:~;...~,:"L' ~",~~J"~~~~;";~'~~~~~C;"~4'~ 7-\-:-~':.i;_.', JL~:~;: I,' 'fin allY re~1de'noe b~11diilg'. ,eubJe~t. hawe:v:e~I't'Q ,~t~:~h~ll". res.tti011l,onshe.re1~ oo)i~a1ned:~ertEi1.n'lna~, - ""~, I .. ii' : . ',j,to f6s1<len06 buil,dlnga '~. , " J ' '. , :"\ ~ " \' . \ 't I, It. . ~ I " 4 . . . I .. "t ,I \ . . I . _. , . ." ' ",: ,12. ~~e sald ItQyal F.,~'kqomp~~.'1t~,'s~O,o~a80raor.a8,8Igna'.'8no.lf'liave .tl1a,r'1gl,lt a.f't,e~.1anual'Y' ... ;.. . t <"',' ' ., , " . ':'ist~' i933;,'to iole~8e anyof'the'~bove ~r toregoing ,re8trj:otio~. ~~~d~ition8' o.r ,i1'ml,tatlonS' ,by" " '~;"" ,". '. .":.,':\ ,t,'" .~. ,.,.."..",' _ ",,:: .:-, ,:". ..~ \', "," ....,.', ,.' '. '..',. '-, ..~~t -,-~ 1 s~a;t~, ,lnl!t~Ill~.n~s, ~~~y~xeo~ted ,,11'1 a<iQo'~~noe:w"l.t\1the ,l,~WS, oJ', the, St~~e of Flo:rld,~,tor t-.he'... .<, !oonvey~noe~t real. estat~.' "', , .' " ,I ' ' I ' :" '1.3'. Thepr1Y~,lege,i:u'1d~eo..8eme~t h h'er~by f'o1"~Ver rese'i'ved to- ~a-1d:Ro~al'l,'ar1:Gc5.'mp,nny,'1t8' \. __' .... ,,_,' .\..... \'" :.i ..' ,_ ',' ',.'". ',\,' ',_, ",'.,",'. \. /.' ~.' .~...\'-~:~ su:coessors aJ?d\aadgns. t,o- erEfot,&.ndma.lnt8.1tljol~!. wlree o.t:l.d"other,s~,lbal'be .'qu(plllent.for ",. ':' . . , ..".,. . , .,...... . .. '., ,', .' .,.' " -,' ",' . " 8:l>e'otrlo',tMh,t., po~er; .telegraph,t.el:eph~l1e'aml'~ th6r, p,~ bl1ti'\.ltlil,t'ie~. 'a,n;d~o' o'on~'t~ot &.nd " ). \ .".... \', .. - " . , me.i~!;8.1n sewer,ii.watermalna,e.nd' gas maIns on, 1n;.and under .tJ1e' re.ar.f1v.e'f'-eet, an'dt~ th"X'ee, fee~ . . ' . ,:' . ~ . \': ,,~.: . '.' ~ , c. ", .. \ . ~ -~'. ". . o.n , eaoh, ~lde.,'6 t', ea,oh, .lot: ~ re:~y .~o ~veie(f, 'an~ . ~o~rsU,oh pU'l'P,ose. ~.~ ...as'c..~tti.L.a.L'.~o,~j>alr, ", remove or'; . ~ ,_. _ r . '", . _ _.. '.. "', .. .' -, . . -. _ " ",,,....:,," " ", , '. . '. ;. . . . "', -; ,," ,'_ '" _ "",, " " . , .' _ " . .r~piilo& B4d' pO,l$S., ~I're8~e,ql,l1p~Pt.. s~ttere, ~d 'ma1;pa'!J~Jd.,ROY~~, Fark .C.ompanYi,l~s8u~:oes.so.rlt', ," " ~ " . .'. ,;>." \ ..' .' .. .' '. ." , . . ,," , . ; '" ' .' ." ~ . :' ,- i :and assit-n8, shall have the ,r~ght. or' ingre"s r 'egre.s8 "}u1d 'reg~.eS8 aft may be,. ne~elJso.ry,' or oonvenl:en~ \ '. ., }'. . "; .. ,... " \ . . ~ . ". '., '. ,., . , .' . t'\. '-, '.::'jt:orallo~8a1~"pu'tP9a&s.,~.,~.;," ",," ,,, '" ,';' , ...... .' 'i\ .' " , . I .-. ~ '. .' . -..' . . , . .' 14~, '. No, s~ru.otu~ ~xo~pt ,-a ,t>enoe of the ,kind' h~re~nRetore~~sorlbed' may ever by ~re~ted ',uPOIl :,' . . '. . .' . ~ ." .- . ~. . '. . .: ... ". ,~_. . .- :'..:...... \: .., ~. ': any: pll:r.~' or,' thestr1pfot.l~ in these premlse8 over Y(hi'oh an easement ,tor, publio' utility 1.'. ...... .' ,'~,' '., l' - " . ' .' , '.. -,'~ : . .~ ',:-",',', ,'. . f pUl'l'os.es has' been l'esftrvad ~.' ." , '.'. ' , . .~ . . . -".',' . -. , .. .' , . ", .' '. '.' ' ~ .'~ " ,. ~ '. -( 15. " On' and. at:~eri ,Jrmlary '1," ~~40, all'. Of .th~ ~~r~go1ne, oopd'i ~i' D's.; r.est~i:otl()n's. a~d~ :l_~ml,~t1or.s, from 'One (If,toTwelve',( l2)lpolusl v.e;. s~lsll ~~~r(n'o$sed "Wi thout.' anY a:otic)D' on th'~ of saId "Royal fark C~61ll~,ny" Its~oo~~s9'~'or.'isSlg~e'.,,""': '. ", ' · . .,--.' <:. . :':.~~,'~ -, " .. . -...', " '.' ...... And' t~e s tAd 'p~l.l~ty' of the 'fl'rst, p.a~t .doth cQ<venant ~1th the,'s~.1d party ~f ~he~e!)ond ,part ; that it 'ilI .iawtu.lly' 'l!~'1Zed" o't 'the's aidp~emiaes j.'that they 'a'r~f'ree' of all', Incumbranoes . . (ex} " < ;,' ',' , ,'.. ' ,....,' ':' , ;' ' , " ", ,.' ,.' , ,..", ' , . '081it ~e a1). ,tay.$9' a~d atl instaJ,irnehts 'ot asses ameots ~oi: ',murrie~pal, '1mpl'OVl:lDen'ts beoolnlDft, du~ .. .' ., . .. ..;.... . ,'" ". -- '~'.- . .",.~ ", JI". . .,: ..... .' ~",&,. aid'.pa.ya~le after th~ dat.;~ Of'~h'1sd,eed), and tl}e.t l,t ~as goocl' Hght and,lo.~f\ll,author~ty"to,8Qll: .. - \ ," '.' '.. . ~ . .~., " .. " '.... '..-"~'" . :', . ,....' :.,.~, , : ... .,'. .' .,',' :. .' '. the '8am~;:.and,tho s~td,:partYQf tlle f.1i'st''p~r.t .do,es,he:repy tUlly ,warrant't.qe't1tl.e. to sa1d'lJUld'... ) ~~n4 w!il .d~fe,rid't~&.~ame. !lgn1list t~,~' If1~'t\,.).~latDls, or, a~~person8: whomsoever..'. .': '. '., 1NWITN.ES~ .:lr~R~O:F.,.tl'le aa.id;~,arty o.f'thf) f'ir13t.pn"rt haa,~aused'these p~sent~to ~'e : '.' . I/' ' . ".' . " Slgn:ed i'n 1ts,.no.me b-y lt~ px<esIdent.-and lts,corpora.te's.eal.to be:af.:.'lxed,J'a.~tes.ted'by.1t!l ..' :l ..... '- h . \ " '{ . ,~ "\" " , , :~' , . . i ii", .. , ' "~l .. . ;. :j f 9' , .. { , o i [ 1 J ,l ~~ ~ J: :1 " :"'. t. ~ . , .' r f ~ ~ r',! I .'/ '" "', .... .' ~ . ." t> ~i:. ~ seoret,ar~~ft ,4~ and year' a~~ve wri,t~on. . . '> ::. ' . (cf!!~:ate seat'}. ". ", . . By " tsorp~ Sea~:. ' Slg11ed'~~leua.~o. delivered In our p~,se.nce; "Ra.Oh.el BrooksiU ~h'- $' " ' d . , " , ~ RQYAL PbHK ,COJ,{P.i.lfY ~ , ~ '~aldo E. Se'4Cton~" " Pre~ld.el'it~. . ,l:'< ......... . .., '.' 'EvaE . c. Uart-el)8 ($2.60,1. R. st~p,B oangell~d) '> " ; S'l:ATE.OF FLO~IDk ' COUUTY OF S'l' .IJJCIE ' ., ", ,.' I HER,E3YCE.RTIFY, that, on th1 ~ '6 day, of" April'. A..D. 19 26, bef'O~ m-e.,'pers'on~~ly appeared . .' , -... :' Wa.ldo, E. Sex.tonam F.. L. 'Rel}lrnIngs respeQtIye1V'President and :Seo..re~a'ry "of .R~ye.l Pa.r~/C(jmp)any~' " ,I _' . _ ",. _I". . '. . . ' _ . '-. '._____ --, L . "a: corporation U!lder the, la,ws'~r the Statoot .L'lO~1da.t~,.me'-~ownt'o b&.the psrslfnll'-aesoi'1bed,ln.' j and whO .exeoutedt~'f'o'i'egolng de~d .>~d ,~ev;'til Iy~Okno'wiedged. the exeou tlon thereof 'to .be'their '. '..' : .,' -. , '., 0-' . .' , . ' ,,' " f'r~e o.otand,deea as su9h offioers I ,t~rthe uses 'ahd -purposes therein mentIoned; and, tha,tthey 8'ff1~ed._t.b~..r~'to. tJULname'" and ottlo18.l 8eal ot sald i corpora t1on,' tn~t the ~xe'outlon and delivery , ," < :~'.':, " , . .' , , " ., ot this, deed W~8 author~,z,ed by ,the Boar.d of, DIreotors 9t 8ald oorpora tIonj an<! the said deed 1s the &.'ot aM deet! ~1 sa1<< cor~o rat 1 on ~ J I , .I ' .'. W1~W;:~Smy signature ,and offioial seal at 'Jero, In the County ,9f. "3~. 1,',1018 and State of ' I " . F+orida,'the da.y and ?ear'last aforesaid'., I ' " , I '.. , , 'Raohel ,ijrooksmlth... ~... .. {seal) llo'tari Publio, State.; ot -'lor~d.~. l!y oomt:11eston explre.D .;"pdl 9 ;1926. i ;;----.... I / ., 'i , I .,. . I