HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0210 "J ~' " , " , I t, " " -. . -1!'+ ",I _ ~ : '. ':, . 1:99, J., ~+-';L ""J '1iI :." <,:.,.+;~L ~.,:,"~~_ ,.'_;",~::c_,~_, "',', .~ .;~" =,4r-' ~ ."- '-I' ,----: ~J. r., '. I - .. . 1~~ ',' ,~.~,~;.,-: :~~~ ~'~:::::,.~,;...~;l..,...;--:~. ,,' ,~;~:-.,.,.. '-:::-_~..~~:;,: ,.!'~' .~~~~_ ~ ,~';'::,~I~;''''1':~': :C~2:,~~~~~......':':'_~-+,~' .' :~:~, '_, .:~,~.:;~~.~: , .;,... " ", ".':.. "." ,', , "',',' 'y' , ""'" \'~ , "," : " .' "1,to .t)l.e ln~$ deaortbell. there hi'. ' f.nd 'tho.t,spe 'e~eout.,edthe, said dhdfraelt :a04 vol'tnta,#l~.t - 1 i . . . 1 '" t 'I ' \ . ,.~ . ., > " l. .' 1. .' \' "". ~. , . '.,,' ' , \, . . i and" ,:4"thout, atl1'oanpulsion. ootl8tralnt ~ app:re'hension or fear o~ or frdm lie).. said .hu8band~ ',' , ., .#. , . "'. -' ." .' \ ~ - . '~,..' . ,29th :~:!, 9,,' .~,.~, ...,...l,'" ,;~,,::.,.i..al: ~'. na.e.poit. ~.Url~Y c::i s::t :o::.::.,~' ,y ~:.."th~., " r ' . " '. \ Notary Publ1 d In' Bn<i 't'qr' Soott County. , , , ,: ',..',\ \.~'.l'.:S&~~~ . L .Iqwa. ~ OO~iss'1~n:$~I>1:r.e8 ,:July 1th;1~27. <,:,~.~" . ,.,;(.~ ,~ FlIed' and reo6rded this 24th dny:;ar. ~pr1l at9:I6 A'~M.1926. ' " . .;.,. ~:~'. '.', ~;-'~.;.-' \:" "\,,,' ,,',: " ,- ---', " . '. ' " " '. / ',~ ' .. ,''. .... <'~,. .,' ,~,_O. ,E-ldr,ed," (Olerk, ~,~!~~i11t, C~ur,t.r... Ct~ ct.' s.e~i" :.', " :,(,0~..~,"~ ' ' B ";,, ...': -jIJ.,_ " '.':n: L2 ,~ ;. ,'b.Cr.' ( ~v ,1' ~~I ~ r/~ (gz~ ,.' :""~, : ' J ....,-~2/, ...., ' ," ..'" .' ~,' ' ',' t '.' " ", '. " .. ',,' :-. - , ',. ; - .: - · -. -~. -. - e - . - e..- ..... -. - . -~. ~. - ~ -.. .. . - . -;.;.- ........ .... . - . _ . ..~. _ ~ ... . _ . -. -. ~.. '- e -. -. ~ . _ . _ . _ ....e _ e _ . _ . _ .~ ~ . .. .... , .(\;t'.,E:l:/d'I.I... ". ,', ',' , ,,"0 ,':', ':, Whoil11,.c..~n'c~:t.,.t\~<i' , '" " .' , .... .' "',, , . .', i$FIDAVIT' ,', , ' , ".' . " : ..., . , , .- .. . " J. .'<l_,'::" ,\ t it': I' " ',\ . , ~ ~ '" . ~ . ~' " \..' .. ". " ". . . ~ '. \- .- . , ,~ '-. ..... - , ',' , .i, ,', ,Stat~f'ot F..lor:1J.a, . c' " , , ,... ',' ...... . ',' . '''''" " " ' , , ' OoUn~Y :9f':St.-,,41.0,i8,.;., "~., ,> .:'.' ,.' _' . ,..;'. .' .' 'Personall1' oe for" .:t)le~ers1gned .offioe r. . autho.r1ze~by't;he taws' of a.aidstat e' to';' . .' . . .~., ' -'. ,.' '. .-. " -. '. . " - . .- .. -;......, .:" '. ..,~. '~dmin:.8te-r"cath1f".OOfnQJi: K.,..&:..,~ll.T(h.O~ 'on oat;h,8~Y8':;" T~~ he .~a,pe~8.~no.1ly~aoqUa1nte4'" :.W,l~ll' ~obe~~ 'B., 'SP,ratt. ;;Who" ~'OqUltedti t.l~,:~~,:.iot8" ~nell~' nn~,'TWO" (2 lot: Se~t1(j~iane,(~9). ~'lot ~:x (6) :Of:SootiOl}?O~::l4') 'a.Vl~ ~owrislp.~.,31.S?uth~~ge 3~'.'Ea~i~\3~. .~Oi~." .countr~ ,F10rlda!that',;sa1~ Ro'b4rt" B.SJi1.'&~twasr~q,u~nt1y. referre~ 'to,;as .R~ "a. Sp~att and 'fi-eq\lentl~<$leIle:1:h18'n~1OO ts. n.~.' 3'ii.~~tt'. and~~a.t~o~~~t~~.~SP1*8:'tt ,and.~/(3., 5~ra.tt, .. " < . , , . ~"" , "11 . . " \'lore,one, an<,( the sanie; PQr:'son. . ',"* " \1!, "',Sworn.to kci:8ubs'orlbQu-befoJ'e this 22 dayo! kprl1{ 1925. (}wenclol~HalL ' p, ',.. ',' ,,', ' .!totary Publ1,Q" State', of, F1~i:ida a t Large., '= ' Jt.','E ~ Hi.J.L " :'.' f" , .' .' ~{y. Qo:mm1ss1.o-n expires :)~pt.5,,1928',,', .,~, , . 'qj -, ' ' ' Fll,ed ,andreoord~d this ,~4th ~ay 'ot .i~lIrn.~ lO;3i ii..li. ,19~6. .' b ,~ ~O' (;0 /,~I , ~ .... .-.. .' I "': ~ . ';;'.' : .:. . ,,4 . -. - -. - .. ~- · !"" · - . -. -. ~ ."- ~ - .. -. ~ ..~ .---..;. · -..... . '- .-.. -: _"t"'. . ~ ... . -~..... . :..~ - .~_. -.~ - .''''!t ~~.-- . - . ~. ... .-~~. '~.'~ : . ~ ..-- . - , - .- '.'_:~ ~.. - i ' " 'c..,l\.bt..l,t.~ \\b!'r't~," ' , '1',0"'" 'VV,h.c>tlt\. (...O'A.("c.'l"~c.:a',,:,',- ,'. ".:; ..' ,J..b'FIDJ..VIT: . ,'.'" , " " ..; 'P.C~ Eldred (Clerk ,otClrou1t Court) .... . -. ....' . . ,. '- '. " . ~ . : , . , . ' '.' .'. . . .B~~~~',D~C~ ~ " _t;' '$tateof Florida , , ~_..-:- ---.~ " C~unty ~f St. Lucie " ,,' 'F~rs'nally before ,the unfl~rslenedoff1cel" &.ut~orlzed, by the,lli.ws of,Slilld state to '\ ~ . , .... , .' . p - . :ndIrt1n1st~r-'onthl3, Qomes..Charles Harrl.s. .V7!19. on oath says:. That he .fS'per'sonally aoquaufted .' ~ . ' , ' " with F. H. iVhld~enj who was' one ,of the~rantee8 nam~~ '1n:~h&t ,oerta1n warra~~y deed date:' i:pril' . . . -.....' . . ~- . '\ - ..' '\I. ~', , --;', 6, ,1~22.&.nd reoo~do'd in Deed .BOOk 48.' page 127,. ~t.L\!oi-eCountY.:flor,~d!l. reoords. v!here1n:: . .~here .... oo~.Ye.d the tOll~~ng des~r1'bed, p.ro'p'e~t~ In :St. ~, Lu~ie Co',trity" Florld~.' to-wit: .Lots 1. 2 'and '3 of Seot'lon 3. 'Townstiip' 31 South. Rall8e . . ' I " , , . ' ~9~Ea8t.. oonta1riine,137 fiordS, IOOreor>l~ss;' also'lots 1.' .! , ~t.4 and 0'. of seot~o'n4('-Townshlp ~l.;)outh, ~8.nge~9',E.1lB', '. { . . . - contalnlng'lfiO' 80reEl.more,or leSd; (1180 16ts'l',aa4 4 of . ! . " ? ~-' . i ~1.',:~,':l,I,:, ' , . . ~ , .1 f 1 '. ' . ..r /', , / , , I Scotion 10.' T01flll:lh1p 31 ',I I,' , , 16, aore.,; more or le 88 3outb. Ra.rIg~ q9, ~ast. oontalnl~ , J ~ -~--'-'~-1 - , j !. . \' I warranty deed aat/ed. April 7, 1922, and reoorded I,D oet4,.Book 48. ~~3