HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0211 -~-~~,~o;,.I.c, ,. ~.~~ '~I '"c:~:,_ . 1 ,"" ~ . ~ \ . I . . - ,"" . . ,"', " I'~ ' . ' ~ , ': . - , I . ' , : ' " . J ,,'.' : .....",..,..~.."..".,~-~~.......".,.,.......:..;""~~~".,.,...,.;.-,........~;-:: ;: ':';~,;.: .; ,'.: ,~~:':''-:':'_)~~':'''~~''''t~''''- ~.:...:.~ --"---~'J~.;:':'~":': ,; .....;..-,!~ ,.'~ ~ :- I ~ ~ ~ . I t ('0 ': .-, :~" t." ' , .' , ') . I";" '. ,. . .' ~,. I I. :,' . 1., .: . ',1.24,' st. L\lo1~' 'Count)', Florida reoorde".w hereil1 t}lere" ~aa 'oonve'1ed, thQt, 'rollowing de~~.r1b~d' . '. ",~""", '. ~ . . t t," t\" f ". f. . propert)'. ln St. l4l01e County, '.lor1da. to-\4 t'c ,', "', ;'''' ' '",' I. ',~"" ' , , ' , I L~t 6. ot se'otio~, ~;,' Tb.wnll~1~~ ~n ~~u~'~', R9.11~e ~9 ::ie.8~,' " '. . ,.', :l', '.': '. 'oont8,lnlhg,~~2. i6aO,re$. '.,":' ' .' ,. ,;::'~ . " \. ',' 1--: " A3.eo' io~s,~t'~,nd. 2..' Se9t~on 9, ;TO~S~P '~~':south i R~e '~~ Eaet\ oontal,rllng,'r I 82.6Qaores ~ ,more or 'lees. " . , .' I .' . ~..,..'.... .. .- . '.. \ . . . \". l . , ThIlt \ t1."e :&a111' Fl.H~ ,~1dd~n' rQ~~r~dtto' 111' e~;,d' ,'~o. he'~1nb~fore' aeeoDl bed \ deed~ was, arid ie "I"" .~~ a1s'o 'known ,as FeJ.'-::x; 1t.. Whl~den" and' that',~f.the.~~,!n, personal ~'O~ledg~; ci~.the,~e~onent ~the., ; .t~:, '. ' F\ H.. Wh1daenref~rfed.' tci1n ,sau deed~ 8.llI1Fel1J!: H. iVhldMn'a1.'8' oileand the '.same person..' ~,' "j':;", " -l ',' " ~ - r '. \ ~ l . . \". . . .," t " '! i ,. " I ',',j. '., ,1, " '.1' .:".!,,:'; '~ . . ~ _' . i' lQ:,31A~Il.1920.'.' " 'C , " '. 'r' :.1" '. ,.. ':. ~ . ..- '.' .~ ..... I .' .....; , P. '0. :g~red fC.l~'rlf o,f Cfrou'1t . (,;ourt ':." ~., I ," . B)'/r' ,~~..,,',;" O~;...~'.' ' D.C'. ',.." '. 'j. .' ,~.J~,r/~~~. '." ...' ,. . " .i -..,. .-'.';".-~.. .':- ...~.7c.~..,.. -.':' '-.~',-,~,,~ .~:~'..: -"-</~'~-': -...'- .-;. :..;.. -'~..:,~ ~.-~ -~~-..- ',,>~,':~"-:::.. -.-.... .~.- ~-. -.;" .'..::."! ~> "" 'J e. -R.ODOYet al .' T,O, . ' E.,.,GRACE' ~YLIN' " '. , ~HiS lllD,!ITU:<B MOdo thh 21.td:~::::r1:~E:.~~1925 ,by and'b.t~~~n ..R: ;~~OU.nd . "\r' ,,:' 'J J11$~ Wl~~ Ethel ,Mae t?,do,!l1,F. ~E. GolER.and hl~wite Cora Gob~n"',o( .lH.bbcto\4nt7.Georgiaipai-t188 ,':i, '. '..."'. ' , .., . -, :', . . I ,':'" .' . . .". . ". .'. : "ell: .". . . , .o~ 'the t.lrst, p~tand ~8,'. E.' 0":08' ~l1,n .~. ~r$c .trad~.r,)' ~t t~~ Co~';~ .'0,':. 3t~ : ~';lOl.$'" ancl, '~:I." :,~~." ' . state Qtt;lorlda, parttot th~ .88C,ond part.':' .. , .. '.,. .1 ..' ~":"_ -,',~ . _ _ -', ,:,., ... .E.... "_. . of') . WITNESSETH, ,That, ,the ~a1d'par~1~8' ot the, 't1r8t.pa~t tor ,and1:n~ oQnsid.eratl,6n o,f,the sum'. ! , ot Ten &;'Uo/lOO-"ani ()ther v~luable oon~1dera~ 10ns "10 ...oO"to' Pa.rt1~~ of, '1'lrst: part ~n' han,d' ,l .. '.~. >. " . "'" :":"',;_<:'''',' ',.' ~. . .,: ",. ',.'....'.., _. . :.: .."' ~.' . _' "'". ,.':''3, " paid by thel>al'tq,ottheseocnd part,.the. reQ~lpt ':*thereof tsneretiy. aoknpwle.jg~dJ hEl.ve granted,',l . .. ,.' ....." ~ ',' , . ":. ., ". . . . . . . ~ ?.argalned, gold', :&.l~ened ,;e~lsed, 1'8 ieas~d, o:ol;~'eye'~a.nct q,orifir~ed/ and hylhe13'e prese~'ts ~o th( '. . ,. ,_. '. ,.". . . fo'. . . .." o. '... ,.'. :.. .grant ~barg~in, se-11, alien,' remhe, re,lease,oon!e'yRi;n}~n1"1.r.qwit., t~esaldparty ,of ,thlf,',':" 1. '. . ,_ . ,.,. _ . . , . "..'. . . ". . . .":... . ,". s~o6nd'.par't lielhh61,~sand,. ass1gns ,fG~eV8r:,',:all1:hat oer~iln':.'p'ort~~i"Ofl~4 ,.l!l~g and ,~lng.in ~he COUI1,~y o.t'~t" 'tuc1eand S~~te' Of, ~lorida, ~0~~1t: , Lo~ 4, 1n.i.ltadena Subdivision o~Seot1oll . : , ,3,' Towiishi~ 3:)~Sou~n',~ange 40 ElUlt:, ao~ord1ng,'to-:a plat of said ~bd1vi.'slo~ r~oorded In plat , .'. . ,- .. - -, . .' .' - ~ . . . . l:)oOk4,<at P'880'71'ot 'st- Luoie, Co'UIltyreoord8-~;To'have ':l'ndto' ~o~4 the same 1~, fee,$imple' " . ~ . -. . "..' '). '.' ". ;, ':'-. 'fore'veri and :h'€ie~~'d; part~ of the firstpa~rt 4othoov'8n~t'w1th ,the saldpa'J,'tl of the seco,nd part, that'they, are l~Y/fu-,lY selzed of th~ a,aid 1>ramlJu.iI and' ~hat~t.he1 have good r1ght'and ):e.wf\ll , _ . f !' t . ~ i 'author.1ty .to 'sell the aam'J, 'and the ;sa~dpart1ee of' the first pa~,t .do}loreby :t'ul}y Warrant ,the' ~ !,;' . '. _~ . -. ~ :.... - . . c.; . . . 1- . . . _ " -.' .' "'. .- i title' to sai<11andand willdef<=tnd the same agairistthe law1'\i.lclalmofallperSC\llS vihomsoever.:, . . ." . . '. . . ,'-"., . ".. - '. ./: --1 ,:',~200:' .' ,. ,I r ~ , I I . , , , , i I , ; '=, -- 'J , .' .l, ..--.---~.~ . ..-~.:...,-~~ -- \' '. . , , Qha-rle Ii Harris. " ., -". .., . . ~ . .. .' 'Subsoribed and.. sworn to' be:ror8me'thl'~' -,24th ,lay, of,It.P1'l~ ,19 2tJ. f .' . Hazel G.. ~wart.aut " ',' ' Not,aryPubUo', stf?teOt i'lOrld.aa\.l4U"Be. lq. ooxnm~8810n explre,~ 2/28/19:27 ~,' :. " : 'i',:'''" . ,,(, ,'. ,'~, , '. () ,is 24th:day of ~~~ at , ' ", .:q . ~ . -::', ,', ,~ .\. .i!. ',' ','.~ .. ., ',~, , . ~, ''\,' ~ ; ..' -- -'-~'". \.. .. 0,. '. ... .;. . ,', I " :FaOVI.DE:o, rlKvERTHELE3~, That .these pl:esenta are made f!U.bJeot' to', the; fo llQWlng:, express .,. = . . conditions ,relit'trlot10ns and limitlit1 ons ,applying ,to tho sa1d, .Al5&llena, aooo~ing to the . . record, plat: of said Al~ad,Qna, arid VlhiC~ 'c~llid i tronS, restriotioy;s and' l~ml tatrlo~8 ~l.}"OJn~e~ded to be and 3hall be aocep~ed' as: c6v:matlts' rulJning ',>1 th the l.o.nd und wh ich shull/oo bind\ng al1k,e ,upo~the' heirs" p81"10na1 representll thes mid assigns of, tho, p3r~y of the, second' party: ,Vho I by . ,her L-:obePtano~, of, this ~~strumeni ael'aes to abide b'V,an:.. IPerform .. saidr~8trlotlons, l1mit8.t~Ol'-8 and oonditions'as one of the express COnS118l'atto,ns ofthoe8 ,pres<.:nts,. , " , . ,,' ,; ereoled or 'o~n,str,ucted oX a'lese 00 st, thf+n '$0.000.80 on ~1I1 lots' . ~ ~ I , I ( r~spectivell, to-w1t: Th~s~ lots f~ntin~ On Dix1~ Hig~.ay '. 1. No'resldeno~B~~11be 'i .1 nu.mbered orie'.ln) ~o ~~lrl;y~!ilx (;16), "'" \ , , .1 .i'l.! '" " --; \. : 1~ . ,\"\ . I, .. ,- .1 , ;1 "\- < . ,. ,. 't, ,) , i