HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0213 " --~---~'~. ", -i"" , ~~,.~c:~,~'~': ..~:~-=-=-~. ~~ '... '~_~'~~c~~~~'~~~~~~.",_L--::__~:::,"d l : ~ ': :.' 1; ", I. . I . " ., . l. . . > . . l .' - t '; I '. . ., , . "" . . . ~.;f I" , I: . ' , i. ,'.. I . . 1 . ~" .;. . I j , T?~.:t7"::::::'~:"~::~~.!;.~:~::~:~P'~:~:~':~~~~~~-'~;, ::~~:~":,'r';';"~~"" ;'1 tol, me \ to be thb 'w,i~e ot' J. . R.' ~01l1'- .and. us I :O~e I pt,' .the.'arti8 s"lo th~ :wi. th1~i\ lnstrument, '~o 0; ,t~, .:0," .:'i..' I',,' : ~ 'a ,~e~ar&.te'ap~ J,?rl,vah,:en~1~,i-l(m't~lt~n" bY:'a~d~!fOre 111'0, 'a'~~ aepar~te'l~ al1~, apar'trom lier I'" ".", "'1': 8,a1d ~ueb,and, d1d,aOKnOwled8$~,'thatl she made her8~1.t a p~r1;y t.o. ~he;'llIaidln,e1;ruinent.. ?~,rth$ I"', '1 \, ',~urpos~\ o~ 'rel1'O\1rlo.~ngJ .~&ilnq\l10'~1r'g.'and"'.o,OPV~~'i~gallher right,. t1 ~lQ :and \1nt~rest,"whe.tll~rl., ,': '::_' ;' , , ' ,'.' . ' , " ' " ",','" " \ j' . 'otdower,'or ot,e,eparate ",~rol?ei"ty, ~ta,tU;~oTY. o'r eqUl,t,~b~e" ~i1, ahd,',,~o 'the lands therein, de~~" r' :"~ :' .. .', "',,. . , ',', " .' ,',..,' .,' . ' . " ,,', ., :, ,\ ',,', ' I" " or1,b,ed, ,and. ~ha t-~sh~exeouted'\ oa,1d deed-treel)' andvoluntarlly. and. w1 tho\1t anyO()nstra1nt t,' r.: , '.', .-,' " " \"~, ,',',', ,v, ~,\ ,'i tear :, 'appr~henelobor, oom'Puis~on Qt o~tr:om' her, said 'huaband. , ,j', " , ", "ltp.ee~ my_'_s~~tur'e and 1.0~1'iOl~' sell'! ~t, JlaoO'n',' 1n 'the ,.q'ounty 'or B1b~, S~~t,~9Ct ge~~gl.~t.", ,_ .' o~ t~l~'- '~hO, \21~~'~" :d.. ',,~.~, Ap~11" ~A. :D...' ~~~5~ " .'~ ~.' . , ::', ~ , "1 , ",' -', " . .,' ~ ~ :' " Joe L. )!on,tgom~17' , '. , , ' ' - , , (N~~.. Sea), ,',,~." 'Nota'ry '~bl1o'-Bllab ~o.~ Ga. .' ','. .1 ~ " ,/ ,;. ,...~.,' lty, c([~.'" Ex.- 4~ .,16~~.~fJ ,..<' " J ' :"~'L '-~""'" ",.' ,t." .." ',I .Filed 8n~ ,:reoor'dEi ,d~y 0~~.II.P~1'l:"~19~5, at'11,.~5 :A~ ~. , . , . ....,.f t ,.t~(a.seaJ: '" '~,i,:" " ,'_ :.-' ii. ~..Eldred, _'C~~rk' ~i~i t Oourt: 'I , , (1), " " . , '. ';'{J , ',f ,',',' ~,/ ",:""j '" "';'~~Bt,,. ~,,~f ~ " 4- "~.~. ,~~'O'.');~~T," ''''.- '~'.- :-.'- -'.. - - "- -. - .. .. ... - -"- ~.....; - --~.- - - .-..... ". ." ....:.~ .'. ' .~ -, ':1, - ,. : ' 'fO ..,. ;', mIOM, C, OHC~lU1ED' < ' ",. , , . "' i', " \, , . '. '. ". .~,I " .'. ' '~1: " , ','2' "'(' ) 0 ';, ,',~", , ' <I,: ,: 'I .~ .,'- .-- . ,'. . :'j , . -' - - _ --~ -0--'- ~_ ." . - - . , .. ~' .. '-,' - - - .. , " NIlS ~T-RO]l ,'" AFFIDAJIor ~. . 'i, '. , STJ.TE'OF Ji\O~ID~, . .'. ) . ~'~'.~:. ~ .. . co~orY Or S'r .l.UCIE) ",Q I ~\ .. " , .'" , .. ' '~, ~,~ ., " ", ','i .Before,'lI1eth1e da7' per.sonally ,oame Ifels HJll19~r.()m,who ,ber~ ~r!J.t 'duly' sworn,- aays . ." l' ... . . . - ~ .... . '. ",.. " .' . .'. .' '- ~, . ~".., ',' . . . >. .' " '. . } ,hat. he Is arid has boen fOl" tlitJ past. 11 7ea,rs 'e.J:esld~l,t Qt'st~ fuo'!e qoU:nt1~ "loJ;1da;tbat: . L " .' -. .' ~ . '. ~.'" ."..-.., . .. ,:' .... -". ..'. ~. . ,.' .": . ... .' .' . ~'..'. . .' f he knows 'pe:rs~n~ll.y' Knud ~drew Eri'okseni that he was a'Cqualnted with the ,said 'Knud Andrew ': - . . . .&. :" ,t Er19ksim ,0n1iJ1.e 22nd d63 'otil~~ary" A, D. '~90'1. at,the time :9t' the 'exeoht1oli'ot '4 oer,ta1n , . :'., '. ,. , .' :.' " '. '"..' .'. ',... '."' "', . '.' . .' . '.,' - . " '. . f';' . . ," Wa~ranty De~ ti:,- Claude D. K~mball o~)%iveying. the tollow'ina deso'ribed property; . ' . ,,#J . ." .... ~ . . . Comm:eno ~ 165 feet S~'th ot. N~rthwe~t 0 orner' ot 'N\'Ii- ot. ,SEi-~ ot ~eQtioni 7; TOVlnshlp' ., .. . . ..... . . ~ 34 SOt;.tl'i'~ RB.llg&'40Enst;;tUn South,99 fee:t; 'thenoeEaat.to"right'of way, of Flor1da East, , . " -. . ~...' . " . , . .' , . ...~'. .' ~ . .co~st a~llwa.y}':~enoe 'lio~t~herly along 8a1,4' r1gM',of.lrq: 't.oa, l?o;lnt99 teet due No~th'of the ~ . ... . . . ...- ~ .. . '-.' . ... .' l:1.lle.last "des0r196d on' .the, Westl1ne of the' ~aid, rl'gh tot wa.v; th.el1:08. We,s.t to pOiJ.it of be- ~ ~" . .' '. ~ " ~ , I , ~ ~ 10: . Dinning" , . 0, . .1, ~ .." .. COllllllenoing 429tee\ SO\lth ,ot,~NW C01"nerot'Nwt, ot~~',ot S'~otlJ;,n~7'- To~n~hlpp' ': ,~9uth", R~,e~:E~st;, 1:u~'~henoeJ6uth, 165tiieti,'<t~!tnQ~Ea8ti6.~3 01B1ns.t~~ig~t ot"YI.8Y ':9t .Flori.da 'East Coaf:Jt Rallway;"thenoS'NorttWrly. aloI1& liar, 8.,0 w.a.y VI' a polnt" 1.6'5. . " . . , .' . - " . . '. . " " . - :" ~ - .' - " " . teet due North .otthe line la.st desoribed on '.Y~st' a1.d\i ot,.said rieht of W8IVithanoe .ras't: "-~;r::.:-": <O;----.~....-=-."_.--4i:~_.-'."-s .:: . . i". . .' ~. 1 . . , oj .~ \". . ..-. "','. , .J , '. :!' . i s 1 I .J r 1 "':. '. ',a " '. ,...' J" '. -:: " ' .:',' . ',',. '.': " ": -~. . ": ~ ;. " /. . .' (, ! "- ~ eo , toypolnt of beginninga and that on 'said da.te and on the d.ate ot~the' tl1h~ <'. , " i ~" " { ot, said '.' . " I' 4"~~~ ':cto~wn. Februar,.Y, 8th t'. .1907 . t'-'~'-c'-'~._' ;; . . . -.- ..... .' ~~ . - ' , i' '1, . . ' t . thesald KIludr . J:J1.drew'Erlo~en was a 8,11'.glo ~peraon. , . ; l' "~ '~ , . Sworn. to. and subtoribed betor~ me, ~h~.. ~ho 17th da.Y:Qf . W.B. Uolturtray, ~ry oommiSSion ~xpi~s Ded, .14th l~?a. , . ...... . 'FHe,d,tmd , I April. 1925" a. t 3' :],0 f; . ' I P.' C. E , Clerk C ~roui t Court . . - , B7~' tltiwv' D'.C. ." , ~. ,.'~. . /, L-'--~ ...... ,..... ro (:1, ,', /1 I , --------~._..:.-_._.----,-------"---_._._----!.---._-----+-----~-,-----'----------'--"--- " " '/, 1 'J I < , : " I ~