HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0214 l '1 '-'<', >,":'~",:,:< i' . , .; , ~ .! .;d '/ ',,' .T"~~;~.~:::'.2 93 ~~" '; . :1' .,~~. --1- ,','" 'I. . .... , '\:... :~t', ";, I. 'f~ ">~~O:l'+;'~;;~c~:i,:;'.:;<i;;.:~~~,.";;~~'~;;,,~~+';~~,:~:~ ",+~~"~,,,~~;';~-++S.~~i' r \! . -.,OlWUiBS B'.,~IS'~'" ""~' ; ",: .tci: ,,\" ',,~A,O,< WJt,twml., ': \:'~\' ~" , ,_ .. ~ ' " ,!,' , " . ' \, ',", ' ", , '., ,';' , ,',., , "... 1, , , " '" OONTRAC! Q, a.u.:a., ",' i i.1 ,I '~, ".", '\., ,',,' \ \. .,:': ,,' \ :'-', ..'" 'lV~t,tD~)O'e''-'II.11dt..u,.",''l, ,',':, ',,'" ,..,' .' I .: :' R,oei'na, of 'Oh8~lea ..'sean!a Jr. ot 11m York~ 'the aWl o~ 1!h.,l1-~cSre4tiJ;>Oll.r.' (160,0) .a, \ , , . , ' . . \, '\ t . . , " il~rU~p~1\D'J,1t o~ ,ooo~\.':Of p~ohe,., pr'1o., ot t~.' .fOllO.l,ng'. ae~orl bell r,"l\'i~t<.h, s1tuat~a ".:" " ;, . ." :_.'.,1, ':, . \.".\_ '.~ i \~. ..:''',.' .~} " \,~' '.' .....,...i_.". ,'. ",_ ~" , ;. :'" :" :- ,"" \ ,'.'. , 111 'the"C0UJ1t1 of' .s'.Iii" 'Luo1e, Stat4t ot llorU., ooJiBl~.Ung ot thh.t1 .oJ". dore or le8,8~'s" '. . -co J.' . . "\ .', '.... ,,'~ ,". "'" ..' . ", - - '. .. .\..- -. '. . . '\ ,\\ ,,0. ;~\ II' .,',,' .' t' , , o.rl'b.el '.. 'follow,8t \ \ , " 'l ' .' , ',.;\ ': ..' ,'.. ' " . . 0" " '.' > ' . ,_ .:. .... . ';~ ' .' . Lote 6-7:ariel' 8 ot Su'b-U\'1eloll ot Ru....l,..tat. In, eeotlon.28 ..' '.ft .,.. '. ',.: 0 ." . -, - , t.' .' 'rp'~ 34:: -'~outhR.~e 40 Baet.. . ,.:: ',' \ . ' '.. .' " .' '.. 0 .~ ' ' - '., . . '"y'.. \ 0 .\ .. , --whloh18 her.b;y bars.hi.a ana .oiel "t~ the asi4' O~l...:,B.' saimnle, Jr. otNe. YOrk, fo~ the eUID . r' '. '. ": ,." , , \. "_ '_ .' 0 0, . -.~ " o. . _.' - , .' ,: ~ ).... ' ". '., .' " 0.... '.' .', " '. .. -. .. . : .' . 0 .' , 0' tort1 .81x, 'hOU88-Da..O,'llunclre. ;aO.l~~l'. ('46.!~) 'to' be 'p.la.'..: to; it!. .~d.r.c1'J>oll.rl'" , . :. . . ~'. .' - -' - . _," . . ". \ . .' . _' .' , . __ "., ...... '.... ~". - - ,'_'.. , ..... ~ ~' . .. . ... . 0 . '" 'on 'Jial'o11 \h, 2.6tb, 1926 ~'el'foP't..n, th.oulan'a .~1~. huncb,-.a 401~.r.;'' ('14~500), on or,':bef." " ',\ ,.'f . _ . . ."- '. '.. "", o. '. ..' --'.' . : .. ...... . ;. _ . .0 ... .', ~ " ,....... : . '.' , 'J.~r11':t)u. 25th,' '1'926 ~pon el..11"~1,'ot' w.rr.nt1':D"I,~oi1!e1:~Jl8 ,.gooel 'an:~'ui.rk.t.~l..t1tle .....'; !oJ ',- "t~,~,h.':.8"",~hl~ 4,1.~~er1"11;,)Ut'.4. )It t~','~or~ Pieroe '~aDc1 :Trut C~?!~.,Qf~Ol'~":: .",' , . p'lero.~' J'lorUa.' :rhe ~lano. 'Of. t.hlr~1' one "thou.a,na .two bup.~~~ elollar's to,: be pe14' 1~ on..... . J ' . . . . " . '~ . lI' ". . .' -' . . . . '.two,an41ihr..;yeari..t elshtpe,r oin'-'j;i1ter.eet. ' ; ,"" ',' ,:_~.~.~,.~.__'~__-e' '_:...;n.:,....r::n'_._~._,.- '..-:-"~:' """'_:"'__'~. ....;_:::.~.-_ :.:...., :;._,' " .....:' ,__~_~~ _,' ..' ,':."~oUl4_h.. Utile to th.prOP.'l"~7 not pro.... gooes.t.hen ,:thl) fl"~ hun4~e,ctaOllat:8 ,_a.poel\ ~.",i, . ~. ", . . -'. '-, .." ,'\ "'''' . .': " '_,' . :.,_.0.... " :" .:-:.~ .... . ..... '. ..' :__ ':. " "_ ,,'~. to .~~,r.flmaea, anel .~Oula':',.~i~Oh.rl~.. ':S'~8~1.J~,.,of.JieW ,~0~lt:t~'11, ~,O'P!r.tor~thi-:: '. , ~8i'..m.d.on~l. p.rt' P~Qlllptl1'.t.the ~laitl8nd;lii the,~.r ,.8p~1;f1e4 then th..-SbO". 'ti~.,' , , ',',' "" '" -, , " " " '.." ':,' .' . - ,,' ," ':, '., ",,', htm4re4 aot.l.r'e,4ep.oatti iba11 b;e,reulnec1:bt. tbe 's.Uer. Bl1a'G.W1-l11aJDB 88l1quUah4 . ' ., . .... ~ ,. , .",' -','- .,. "".' - . , .. '. ' '.'. ,-. . ... ~. - . : ,.:' ~ -. ': . . . , 'a8mag.e ana; thie ,oontr.ot's~~l"~~.~ome nul1.?a ~~lel,:and, .ii ,l~te'r.B1; .hlo~'t~ep~~'oh8~,.r:: lD~r.-, 'o~her.l~": ~.e.~n ~e le,nd '8~n,',fQr.t~.1~hhrml~t.<' " ", " : . ',: .!hle mortgase. It,nt 10ned . bo""litt.o 'btt In',t.~p.rt _p.r 1;1;0 leU . B11a G . "'WlllialDlI ana _" ~..' , . ..' .: - ..,' . ". -, . ,. . ,: . t. . . ~. , ;'piart ~6'~. .....St.w.rt 'co~':'. ,', :',', '. " , . : .. . ~ . ..: .~:. Bl.i.- G~', w1111'8~' W11lneee O.B. Sa~.I'B' , , , ., '...' " ., " .. ' , .,' , _panl~ J,(. G~..el. , ,', W!tn'-sl Jtr8. ~.,'",:Oham~Ult.. ", ,.,'.' ~f~'~'f.,:s... '. '" E.J,(.:Hwit ':, "r " , '- ' ; \ ; I t, . j ,., !',' -r :' t:. t "1... .' . l t'; , t' }, I 1, ;':: 1 ' , '> ~ :..-~ ~ , .e ,. \ '. " "I,:, .,.-.\ '. .. ~. \. ' i_. ~ : " "'.\ '_ 10 ' ~ . ~;' . ,- .\ \: . " . " ':,.t - ;~ . " . . ;il' , ,;' '.' ',I, ", : 'j > 1 .. I i " ;! .ie , -( . '''0- '" ..I' .! .. ,i t: ,i- "..r. '~- ,. , , ' 1.' " , 'f . . ' , "i. .. . . ) ~~ . ~j , , '. ',:" , ;'.,-,:,.','"1,,..," ~. /1 .' .' 1 ) ~.' 1,'". - } I <, ;';" ,. , "-i ~ , . .. ,'..( . .' 4 , I) . , <. '-, r;J" , . , ~ 'A,r~-)~' .; :....,_ ',' ":. ...... ~ '.' '.,. ',', thiS" t~,2..th,~;y.,of. Aprl,~.J..D.192~. '8~',3.~ P.lt. .' ~ ;-....'"... ,'...... -,. .-'" " ':.,,~ ,.....".:.~.~'~ ::"""". .. : . ,f'.\'~ \'," .,~P. ",'~.B1 ',e4,;O"lerkU' rOu.i"t~,c vt7:, '-2,~'~","'",,: ,r, <0:>" " :~" ", ~, ,,' , ~,ct.-,,',.:Jd~_'~ ,~~', ... -, , ' '. , .~~ , ~ . .'. . . .. . . '" . ',t.: '... .:.. * .. '~,' If"'.:; ...'*..~~.' ~ ~ .'.. .'.. . . '.. . ... .'.". ..,..: . ',. '.. . .. .,-. '. - ~ '., '., .., ~ . . ~. ~ ~ ~. ~ -:' .. .. . . ~. .' ~ . .'.. H. O. Kol'.' ' ., ',.' .. . . IlDflfIB')(. BtmJlWI...,:iroslWID. 'lO, WJ.RR!Jin, DUJ). , ; " . ,'... , . . . ." . . -,". .TRIS 'UiDDTURB" Jf:.a. thie Blshteenth '~.1 otJ.ugustA.D. 1924, BB'lWDB )(1nid,'e'lI. BUrDbam ~ a'. ' .,' ", '." _....f'... ';. ..:' ;~ , ...0.... ".,.... "~"', ,.,..' ,', " '. ". ~." ". .".':' ....1.'..'. ...~. ,:.!t' h.r 'hU8ban4 Wl,l11.., U.BUrnham of :the _couIit1,~f at, Lucie )n., the- St'ateof'lOl'lda',i>.rt~.. . -. ''l.' .' otth~t1r'-~p.rt.' ..p4 W~H. J.Ilder8onotthe Cou.ntyof-St. Luo1eln th. Stet4t of ,JlloJ"Ua; , .. party of' ~e '..oon" p.~t. '" I, - - - - -- . - -- . - ... - -. - - - -. ". .. , . . . WITlIESSI'llI. ,thattb...U partie. o1!t,h.nrst part, tor .nd~n '~OJi81d.e~8'i1on ot~:e aUlD '.ot (tl) Doll 81' 8 ~d other "aiuable oone(4er.Uon DOll.n, ~o. th.em in han~ paicl by' th' ~la' . '.' '/' . -'.----------.,----... .- --.,", - .-- ~ -:: - ,.-. ~ .- ,p.rt~ of' t~e .eoona 1iart'.~. r.,o.lpt whereot b hereb~ .oknowledged, ha"e grante4.berg.1J1e4 .' , ' '..., " , " . , " " " and 8014 to ',the, edclp.l't1 ot~~. 8.o~ncl))ar~, h~8'~~lr8. and' .8.18J18~oi-.".r. thefollo..lng .. aU?rl bee} l~nd, al t~at., 'lylns an~ b.ing In the COWlti of st. Luo1,' Stete of Plorld...to...1t:, " 1 ' ", , -. .'" . -<I I I _ ~ .eethalt Wi, of t,he ,Jorth..at,QU,Jrter'fflot.,tbe South..at ,quarter Sift of th.! . :. j .. ~ " iorth.,88t,~rter Iii ,Of, S./ot1on )t~e(9), t01mshlp ,Thlrt1 f,h.(3ij) southO~ Rang. 'ort1 (4~) ..t,'oontalnl)1g fl'!.( 5} J.o'r..,. 'uior~or 1.... I exoept a. .~rlp ',' .' ,. '. I. .'. j .. \. i . 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