HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0217 ." I :-} '_r_,_.. .-.. ',. : _1.."_""_. ii, ,..J :- ~.J.). J '2?6 <f~c.i;J:':~'.<" ~'" "', "," , "~,~,I~A',,:,: '"rS','iJ,'T" ';.0." I j.. ::. ,I 1.1 \ '}(',': I" ',' :1," ,"",I" ,,' 'I ' " ' .' ," ,.,' I, .~~ '~:lt ',,', '~",' I ....~_~~.....~-. -. _ "" l' . ._~-. a. ., ............ r"~"':~-""'''''''~'''''''''~~-:-r-~~-''''''''''-'-:::';; ;_~'P"""'" _ ___ . '~ ' . =-= JJ " "'""""~ __ .. ...... ~~ __ - , ' ~t-!- :"-:J." ,1." _ ":" '-.' '.~",;: ~--""'" :, ~,'i:R"i~'"' -f;' ~~'1" ~~ ',~ ,;- ," ' I ,':, "', , ! ' ," ',,' , ',',1,184. 4reo~r~~~,\ tlJ..18.'~~~tb.' ~y :~,t A~rll, ~~i>. 19?6,;, ,~It 1.0.47' ~~J.f., , ' ".', ,,' i., ;','i(- : , ' '.,,(. ',' , ",' ", .~~,......, '" ", '" ,,'P.O, 'B14.g 01,ork, 01~~'j,1' C......~ "',, ,', ' ,'" ,," ",,' \.' : (c~~\ Ot';'8". · ":~\:"..eCP,\,\ ..',d\, .~ \", \ '-~,. d~,&!~~6~:' . \"~;' , \ J'...' \ ' "", " : .. \' ",' , < 1" , : " " , ,\' " " ", ..., . \. I" " " " . .' , , i ~ :' :f ' . \ ,,\ " , '. " \' .\ '. " . '. 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Ruby Gray, b18 wl~., be1n8 the 801a and only heire, at l.w ot S.E. Gray. '480e8884, :.Ctt. the Couilty ,~: , ,,".. . " , , '. " ' " "',, " .' . , -- .' .', '6~' " 'otor.:n8~-, an4' ,Sbte'.O~Y"OJ1.'J>ar~l~"~i "he' ttr.8t, i>.rt,a.n~"C1tl_4t' poz;t. Pleroe,aHui11o"pal' :';, .i, corporat~o~ of thesiat.e of P1~r14., ;party ,oitha '8~'ooii'4p.l"t;'.' .. " . '\: I .' '. ': . , ~. -. ." _ '. : _' ."... .'. .... . '. :.' . . ' :Wl!lf.ES,SB1JH"THA~, THE, .a1d,par~1e8 ot"t~ofl~.8t pa~t'," ,torail,4,l~ oon81d,ziat1an ot:th&-itWI ,', ~t One ~H~d~'4 ~l~ar.:( t100;.Ool'.xl4"o~he'~Y.1.l18bl~'o;on~~:at~~~8, ~'oth"m "1~ ~'nd',pa14.. 'tb'..' ~~:,:..,: " : ~.o.ipt<,wb~r.o~'h her~b1:.'Okn~.lec1ge4~"'.h.~e' 81'arite4~' ~r~aln:8Ct,. '~14, .11~rie4'. :re.1ee4.~r~ie88'.4:' . >< ',' '...., . "'~' _"_' ".,",,~ ,.' '_""r,',..> .~_ _ ...............:" "',' _"""._': ';"..' '..:. ':~.." " , ' . ei1teo,fftd, OOnYe7e4~4,' oopflJ1D.lea .an4 by t"88 pre~ent.. ,doq grant. bar8a1:il, 8.il,'a1.1ei1~reiDh~ ~ ' '. .~, '-.'" "'. '.., .. ~ - . ." . .. : , ." .""~ ' ,.... ..,' . - , . ' '. . . . ...., . ~ . .rele.... ant.ott,' ooli.,..)' uf ooat1rli 1b1~O, the 8at4 }art) .'o~ the', 8eoon~ P~~ an4 ite 8uooe8so,ra "~. .: . - ,. ..' '. . -. . .... " _..". '.... I..;. ,'. , . , ... _ __.__ . . _a~4a881sn8'tQr8Y.Z',ai). thli,t,oert.1n paro.l ot laIic11y1b8 'and,b.ln8'lJlthe~'coUrity, of 8t.. ".t-. . .'. '..' .':'. . ,..' . . ..,:....,". .,;..... ._'~,~':_..' '..: '. ". _,~.~, "_.' .. Luo1e .nd 3t.t.e- 01o:nCZ'lcla', ,i:DoreparUoUlllirlt'de8orlbed 'a8 tOllow8:" ,q ,. ':tt.. - _ ' . ...-. . '. ' _, _ ..... '.' . . I' - ',' ":1-" ;. j I J.'.. . 'i . .~. ~ " ! .' - :'~-f ~">1' ; "i , . , " , ".' ~.. -". '..! ' " I , J. , \ . , '1. ~ . "': . " .'J )" . ' .... "," , . '~ -', CO..;' " . . . , ... . '. '. ,,\ , ".' ...., . " . '. - -' '.- .- - ' , . . "-, :: ,~ . 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'" ,', " ' - , ", TOGE'tHERw~th.ll the ten'liIent8,'her~4~tain,erit8 a~d eppurtel.18n.Oee..wi th eje~y prl~lle8e..' ,rlght tltielnter.~~ande8t.at'.dower .nd rtght ot dower,. :r:-e.;erl1on, rel):l81nder alid easement. th.r.to,.: " :belon81nsor 1.n 'anJ1ri~~;ppertal;lb-S~:' .'5' j' Eo . .-. '., ~,.' . -; , ,~ , . .' I' . . 'TO itA VB AND 'l'OROLD,tha s.m. In tie 81l1!p'le' torner ~ . - " . .... -,' ';". , . . "_:. .. ' .' - , .'. ~ " . ~ . ~a thelid4 . parUe 80tthitlrstpar-t"dOo.o'Y8J:lan t w1,~h , ' :~lr-a' 'they ,.ra l.wtully lei.e4, .otthe ,_i4tprem1..8ee;,that ~ " . an~ t'hat theyl1aY.~ 8004, J'lght an~ lawtul8uthor11:7 to , , the tlrlt part doth h.reby fUlly ,~rrant the titl.' to ithell~"tul O'la1ms 'otall peraqn. whom80n~, ~~-~ the BaU party of the ..oon,a .part '. . .- '. -. 11 a . i they are free of, all 1noumbranoee,' , " i ..11 the .BIle; and that 8ai~ parUu ,ot - aaU lan4" and w111 det~4 the a.e 8$aln8t .~ . '. .=l I . , " . i. ;111 .1'mESS ,)fH&RBoJ, Th.lai4 'pal'ti.'. .ot. t,he tir8~ tart - ,l. ( . .,.al. t):~ day ~f10 year aboy.written..' . I ~' '" haY, hereunto eetth,1rhand8 and, f. " I I-