HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0222 -:I-:~~;-:-c< :", " '" ,,-" 'I , ., . '-1" '," , :', .~; I,~ ,',.', ,:',,':-:-'r'-: .:' ,,:,,21 Jf J c;~;~~~.,,':~;~~c,~:;:~";~:l;~~t'~~~::+~"~~T=1~";~,~:7 .',,:."P.',:.'.r';'$~~S:,-;::~7~.~~,:,:-~-~~7;' . '~h.. Gn~t.., 1~.'Q~Ji814",~tlOJ1 o't ~~",.,x",ouhon anel ~el1ve1"1 ~fthi8 ~,e4'I,he~e~1' , I \ " .. ' Qo~e,pa~~~;" ari4.'8sr~..~'~th ~4 tfr\,tbe~ berie~U' ot. th,' G~ant~l',"~d, ai~ lo~~er ~~~~8 :O'f '. ~ 1,"'("\"1" '\ ;', ',I,'8lil?lQt8' in ,8al~',S.UWi..i8~0~' ~o.. 2" ~o :~o~~ ,I,&ld il'eal,I,~st~,~~, here1,n h~Q~.~,be4: ~p-on th~ t~l..., I'; \ ", ,,\l;'owbg,lhrm8: ,\ " ,I:. ,', Ie "', \ " ~ "';3'. ".l~,~.~~~t.t'..he~3; ,b~1l~.4 ....~l~~h~J,~ tor p~l".t.. d~"lli~s~o~~ phrpo..~:, " i \ 'II, ,':'~c1no houe ~all ,beereoted. plaoed.or. 8~f,~eJ:ed to r,_alJ:i! uPOJi'8a14{:premls'ee theo08~" I '",:,' ,',.,'., J)t. eO~8~r~ot~on "Of'.h~,~ihai~~..'..~ew~.th:~' '!w,~~t~,.t.1T.",~~d,re.4.'D~1~~~'~ t~25~O~OQ)'~, 'un:e~~ :,\ 1 \ , : ',the .~O~ teotural P:8~\8 ~~r,:88iG..\c1w~l:tinB, '~ha~lhaTebnn aO/pl;oTe,4'-:b, .th'f:\US,~ V~E" C()~~y .. , I ior'ne.l'e" ~lian66 teet' to, the,oexiter 11J1~ ot .a~ publTo 'h1Shwat.,ln or' acljC)ln~Jig 8,&1d'~ "., , ,';' , , :eo,," , ',\. , ,<,' . :, . , "':', ' ',' . ". ' ' j': . ~1,v."10,n1l0,:' 2, 'no~n8.r-.r ,than ~e,n(lO)te.t:~~:~h~",~1de,.1:1:n'.o:t, a~ Ba~.C)1~1~8 8U~10~; pro~ . :,' ..1 "'j itct:ea.however:i' tbA t' th~,'f~rego'lngbUll~1ngl,1Jie' 'reatrio~10n~ she'll n9'.ppi~ 't'o ,poroh.8,"Ter;'n~ " .~ '" '. .' '.' . . . .. '. . . . " . ;, \;:. ';:! - "'. .. .~ ~. : '. . .' . . . . . , .4as' porhaooo.oh.re, or other; similar proJeoUonti ot euoh~,..U~n8.B~ '~c1' 1teJ' ,c1PlliJ1gc, : ".:. ,.""" :.':' '." '. . " ::.- . ,". \ '.. '. "", ;~' ....-.',.:..... ", . ,..", ." "., . be so' larine4 and, laoe4 \t on a.ia temle,'. that the real' 'kitoh.no - " . ~ .' . ',,' '. - . .' ;,.. '. . . . . ~ ~., .', .. " 8a.li__.be~ W~~. BU. ~r en--c1"-.t'~war'4 'a~ p~bllo' -h1ShwaJ'. the ent:teno. 'to ,lIuoh;,portlO"n, ot ," '. " '! ~a14 ':,d1r.lli~g;ehan ,l)~, ~o; arranged',ae.'t~, be l~OO~~'P'-:~UOU8, ,tro~.~'~d' hlgh~~f."" c", ': '.' . ":..:.. , , ,.'. ,'1 ':. <, t. ifo'port'ioa'ot thew! thi~ ,cle80'rl~ec}p;'miee8ne.~er ,t,e). ~~ 'P~~l~o._~g1}.; ~h~' 'the; "",., "1 ,:"" ". . ., .:.-..... "_': :'~" , ~. :._': .,' .~ ....:. '.:'. .... ...,-':" . .' ',.'~' . :' ~'. ,",' ..:_ . ,"" ,.... '0(:.. ;"", ~.. " i , ,i, ~ b~ll,dlJ1g- l1ues ~er'~Ill>e,toret1xed.; ,shall beU8,e'd ti>r"&ny plir.po'8 e . other. 'than 't~ t .~t' a la_ .~ ' ~t ' "",'"," " , " ,,' , ,," , , ' ",.. , " ,'. ,", . , '. t ' .~C~th1n~ h:~re1n'bont..,~~~. ho,~eve~,~h,allb8j)c)"8tl'1ied~aa -prevent,l~g' th~,~Be" of ~U~h :po~:t1ori' 'r' . . , , . --' : -". . . ~.,"", , , "', .', J - ""o.t ,a14 Pi'~~l~~, ,~9r ,thep~~tl~got trije8()~: 8hrUbbe~.~h~'~0~~ns';ot.;fi'.0"ere' ()r'~p~e~'t~l',~f : '_~~~ny___ , ____ltlapU~:~OI'~Qr~he'ptlrpos.'ot :beautl,ft1,llgaai4. preml'e88;ancSI10 t~o.,' .811;01' oth~r 8tl'1,101!ure, f '. ," '. ',' ',' , , " " ,', ,..., '. ", ,:. " .. '~ ' .',.' ! ot ariJ'kind or.for' any puuose8hall be ereo~ec1..piaoe4.,"or8u~fereel tore~lnupon~a1d: i. '...:.. pr';'18... n~."; '~o "liT PUb; 10 e~sh.OT. ~ban ..i i bU1i dins liil. ..~o.Pt ' b7 .... a wit. 't~. ~.....t I ;; ,'an!1~PP~oV8l of. the EAST VI~W OOJ.U>!JIY.. ", , . / t- . '.3. 'Jro garage (~xo.pt 8uoh 881'~g. ,be attBohe4' 1i9"aiId IDJde .' part of :8uoh ,d'ewlllns). '01'. 'j' ", '" , . ", .' " '~' . .',....;,- ',' ,. ,~ ,.' ',,' '.. l' otherouthJ,lcling. .81i~llbe ,,' ereoted, 'plad.do,r eutfere4, 'toreain upo~ 8814premhoe tJUhln ~ ;' ,{ , · , ',,' '" ' ,'. :' - , , ,'~',:, ' " . ., " ' " " ,,/,,; , ': :. . '1 'O.,:-hui:1dred:{lOO) teet Of snJ'h1ghw8J'; no~ With~~ tltteen,tl5) ~t..t ~t the sUe 11~eot'8n~, l' ~ . - . > . . .' .II .... '. . .. ' . " . . 't ': ,-aJolning: .lotw1thout,the1f1'l tt"~'oon~ent ot tl}.e'ownerthereot'.' ,': ' " .' .' " . '.-.~ . '.' '. , .'" "'.":'. .' '.' , '.:!" , ". ,-. . c.'. .' . ", 1. . _ '. . _ ~ 4.. 10. plaoe ot publio eJiter~lI.1nme~t~;'8p8rtment ,hQuee.n8~. board1ns'houae,Qr building . " '-.' . .' :,." "'.' " .' . .:' ".~ ' . . -." . ... . ,. . '. " " '. .,' . ".. " ,-' , .' "~ , ... . - - ..; '. . , -' ~ tor ,the resUeno.otmore than ope tamill.:llohl,tavern',.'dan.oeBall, oro~)1er'I"8ort. .8'~bi1ehe4i'ocillciuOh4, ma1ntain~cl',o'r Su1~e~ed ,to re~itl up~n 8~1d '~r~lDl~e'~.:' ' '" - . ......' . . "'". -. '.' .' ". ,i'" 3- ," " ~: . , ' .', '\ '(, ~' '~: . .f. " '.(":,' '.' , ' , ~.' .' ....... .1 ':,'dee1gnect , ':<--1'" -' " ':8hal,lbe ..-l ' . J ~ .1 " ; ._~ . " ~ 'li. i ' . oJ. .. '1' . 5.' NO'spi~1t~oU~.';ii10U8~ orte~~ha liquor.. ehallbe manuta6tlir-edi or 101d"81 ther'at,', ' t .. ' , " ", , . , ',' 'whole8aleo~ retall..: ~J>PJi s'1cl.pr'lI)!lse8. . 'i' :,."\ '" "'. ", . I ," l-,," ,\ ... .. '" ' .' _ .'_ ."#_ ._. ,',.0 , .', -.! _ , ',' , ,6 .110:, n~11fanoe. ad~.r~1.1n8.~gn~bl ~081'4, or, otllera.~verth1,ngdev1oe.. "Shall: bep~r~: ml,t~ec1, 'wr8ated, p~ace~. :0,1' ~ldf.er,ed: to, I' .n" up,on 8a14P:emise~;~0r.,:8ha~l,the,Pl'elD18e8 beueed. In ~J' .oJ' 01' to~.:~y p~ose Wh!-Dh may ndanse~ the,'he"tthor,unr~a8"onab:\1,. d!.e,turbo th~q~et ot ' lanyholder' ot. ~djolnlns lan~~' .' . ~ , .(; . , , , , - ," ,7 . Only on,e dwel~1i1ghouse 8hall be ,ereoted~ 'plaoed,or 81tff.re~ to :rernaln. ,upQn eaoh, \. . - . -. -.. :' ". -- .-' ~ ,\ . . I ~' " d~ .the Bublots l\ereby oonv'J'd. " '1 ~ I. the herein enWDera~ed restrlot1ons,' rlgh~reee~.:fatl,ons. 1.1m1 tatlons; . agreements, oov....--:~- . , - . . . . . 1 { , ,nantaancl oond1;t1on8 shall.be' de~Ui'~ ,a8oov"nan,t8~ and no1l ~8 o,ondl ti'one h~e~t; :,artd shell run ! " " ' , -. " " , " I 1(1th.the'land, and 8hall! b1nd,th_~ Gr8~tee until th,P1r.tdaJ' otJanu&r,J'" 1959," .b 1, , And the sail p~rty~t' the ,tiretPar'ttl'or lta.lt andlt.8uooee80rs',do~8,li~reby'coverian,t ~: .'---1--:-:---- , ' ' ". ,,',_ , . i h-aa1~ty-.f-th.. aeoond p~t, h~8. heir8, legal,repreeentatln8 and aeelgn8. thatj ~t 18 1q~ " ", "', ,I ' hf.a.l blf .'1Ie4 of ,8ald landl,n tee e1mple. 'as aforesaid'; "'1 t liaa,h11 'power anll lawtUl " j . . ri8h~ to oo~.ey laU land 1n .I:e e:1mple, 88,atorese1d; that1t, 8h81,1 be l~W,ful 'tor' 8,~1d 'partJ'ot , {the 8e09nd part. hie he1re,' legal repr88.nt.t1T.~ an4 a881gns,' a~ allUmes peaJ'''''lJ ana q~idlJ',.,__;. , .' I , I 'I"" !.. 1 ' " ' ' to .nter upon~ '~o~4.' oooupJ' and enJoJ' lalel len~;1 that8ai.4 land 18, tre. from all 'noumbran~'I;' 8. ,. , ,that it w111 ma~. 8Uah- f1j.r~her 8eeurapo.. to pertect the fe, e1mple t1 tl, to ,aU lan4 al..7 /-:-~r-.