HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0225 r-:, f ,...-. -,' " ;" F"l I ' , ' ',:1 I .' " uC~~--'=7~lj . :~c-', - ':'1 " I I' ., ~, '''. ...., _. . > . il _ _'. ';_.'_. I J, f. ' I -' '..." . J 'I_ .., " ",1' ':...: _, _:. j" I . ! ~~-' " ,I "~r~~.-"';"-~~ ~f,~~:",+::.-,.~,>:2-=\:',:".,~-._~~':b~:"-,~,+:~~~,~,~".",,;..~..:. ...~~L::':",;>,,; :,,~~,:~~?" '~l.. s~~::~"~~,:~:::J;:,r;Tr~t'''~,.~i,-,'~11,,l '~.;r""~"'~'~:7~'~'~"~:,>~~"" "I:":<','~ ".... I' '1' J ,', . '" ',", " ' .', e' . ,; , ,\':'ITlfE~I~' ~.\h~l1d ,~~ld I Qfll~1~1141 ~~d1l t v~r"o;, Oounty, of' ,S.t"f~O 1e,bll?' ,s~a ~e,~o~ .~'1()r1.d~~ t~~li': ':) ,\' ", 3r,d,~ay ~!i.Apt>ilA.~,D~19E~.. I. .. ,', "...'",i'....' J, " ',', ",\ '" ,"i ',',',; .,';.' '. ..2' \ l ,: ' . "~....' . ." . ., ... - 1 \. \' . ... , . .. . \ . .... '. . ,\: . _\... , I I .' r' \ , ,I,. ",!; ,", " lJellh l[~ &lbb ...... ., I ., tlQtary,l!ub}l1o,)~t'ate.."of. Florida, at tar,ge, , ':' " ,', "~;~1)~;r\,e.O~d, ~"-~h~' 20t~' de, 'of ' ~19~~.': :::7':~~e~f 1r~~:~,,9~, 1'~6: ' ' ", \,: ' ,''-' " " ""',,~' , , P. O~Eldred," \ , .,. . ~ '" ';, I" ,- " ~.. . \~ 1 4 .' ,. . " ",' ,~(.,C:/. , /,1 '\ ' ,c;L~~I,C1ro~:t court, , .:' ,,' ':'~j;...ct,. s~al .~.(:.' ,,' , ,I. 3Y ~..," "., '~,~,l2,:~~Hj' ".' :'fJ e. (",,' ~, . I .,,', , ~i ,.., " "',:0" " ," ~", . ' . .. ' ' .... \., ~ . . . ' :'" .. ... ',I '. '* .. . *..,. ...'...,.,,'.'... .'.. ... .'......' ". ',,; ~ . ..~ . ..:... '. .. .';,......~.~~.....:.'..~i~. .'. .,. ,., '.",. '. ,..... . . .,. . '., ."l- .". '"., , .., . . '. . ... ~ ,-\.e .~. e.~. ....- .' ~ \ _. '. .'.. _. . . '.~I ' .,', . . ': . . ~ ~, ~. . '-2'tA-- (, ' ~_~~-c.__ - - - - . -, ", "1';' .~. ./' ';' I ',' r:.,' , ,",-. - . - f' , .". , .' ,,\~ '. oj ~ . , . :r. :t,;,' _lll~S B'!-.u,~ ..., · \ ':; . - - ... .',- '.-. "\. ", .:"' .'- ..:- ." . ,; .' , j "\',' J I 1 .~. ..............~.. ' i . .... . ." -" .. i , ,.'~HI~" ~'riRN'l'UB~lia,d!_~~l\a7.;~i;A.p.U.;".,:A..n..."~9.2~..;,"B~_.;',~",:i"li.,~',J.i'~Hig8 '~nd... SY~eJ' J~~~;l . "j ..'. ;. " ".,.:. ~..' 'c', ,',,'",'~., . . _\'" -'._'-, !-_-"'.'. ._;" _.. ,-." 'fIJ' '!,,:' ~.:.., -.-.~ H.miaing8., his .~~efP..e.Eldr.~,~d'lle~.1i,1;. .Blarecs" h~8.~lf.I' D.~. 'El~ea,:..~o}1elor,; an'4 '.. .i , "" t' - " ' , . . " J... ,4UWJzi ~~118! ,ariel ~', ~h~~~,., hla .V.~,.' 81.1,0.10. 'th, '~ovnti. of ~t. L.uoi~ ~nd State "O~ nor-td'~~. ','; 'f ,<p~t1...,ot~t.h.,;.1..i1'8t 'pu:t/ andJl4ix1rt P. HeilJllan. 'ot .th.'oo~nty ,o't War.l"en 'and'.S.tat'.:ot ;;e~~~l- " . ":':" ,"'..,: ! " ' '. ' " '; " " ", '"". ' ", ;,'., .,.. -,,..' ~"., .' , :,"ai11*..partyotthe'8.oo~4pa~t,', ,. " ',.' ",~ .' . ,- . .." .'.,~...' ~ . .' L" WITBBSSlsTB, ,thlAt th~' 8alc1pa;r.ties' Of"1ihe'ti~st:pSr~, for '~~iji~oii81deraUO.D ot .th'. 8UID ~ '~- " .. : ' . .- , ". '. . .. ' :. ~ .... '., ::of''lml (tlt>.OO) DOll.ar's f.Pl~.othet :yalw.blecOJl8i.d'era:~qne to them in band pe1d. th'e,reodpt. '. ',,' '.' ,0".. . -; '..' Ir..... , -..--........_ .. f :.. ' "., ,'\":",, ,',.' ' .' " ' ,'" ',' ':," " " ,.,. . ., ''-: '".p .h,,&e(Jf,.ia ::h.r.by:, abla)owledg..a.' h8.,~gr8!1ted.barg,a~n.d, . sold . an'd ~raD8~.ri'.d, and b1: .theet ,,',pr~8.nt8,dQ: ~lU1t."bar,8~1n~: ~,~~~ 1Ul:~~aJl8~.r unto ,th4t .a~4,p~tyo~. -t~,"~~~~o~~'p.ri', an.~, :f1~1J",~' ~ .' ~ ,l1e.1.r8 ana ae81gn.- forever, 'allt~t a'ertBln' paroel oflaricJ ':ljing' ,8nd'l)ei~g iii th,'.Coant10t ,', " ;" , ' ,. .." -" , ,,' , ..' :', ,', ' ' . ',,J" '. ,,' ' .t. Luoie and S~ate of Plorida,<:.JJ1.J>re.,p-.rtlo~"rly de8oribed... tollO.8f" ~. .' , :. .', ..'; '... t \ ~: . ~l";,,,'Jm~.. . .'", 'J. . 'TO" ' " \', ',' . ,-:_-, .. 'WAmUNnDB1lD~. ,( . .! , .... . ~. . . J "." . . . " . ~' "l' .'\, ", . ,', 1.,~o~th.le' qUarter. otSouthweet 4n.rter,ot South1re8f.quarhr.~. .; . . _;...,. ",.,.1. .. '._ .. ,,2,..Southe~~t cp.arter of Southwe8.t q_l'ter,otSouth..8et"quarter..' , ,;t' ..... \ . .' .~ 3. so~th ha~t o~ Northeaet- .quar,ter ~t SOllthw~e~, <,lua1'ter .ot,:'~outhw~8~ .quart.,. 4. 'Bast h8~fof Southweet',Q~rte~' ~~ ~,o~t~e,et ,quarte.r qt 8~.th~~st .q~~t.r.:~ -"1, in S,.oUon JUn.e f~l T01l18hip'Thirty :lhe ('36),~" Range: Porty (40).' , ,.- . . ~ . ". ." .-,' s." " ., . s . , ," ..' " . u ' -".. ,... ", " . " , ,',. t36.00'I.R. 'St8lllP8 e'~o'11..4., . ,.,',.. ,. ',', ",. " TOGB!HBR,w1th all,th~ te,:1e,m.ent~et bered1 ta!Den~e and 'appurtena.n~U!l!8,- wi\11 e~ery p~h1l..ge.: ri8bt~ 't1.:tie.~~t.J'eet andeeki.. do.er and,'r1eht Of'do...r. '.revertl,on" remainder 8nd,e.~eI- , .. '. ~. ." ..; - ~ . " . :::' ' . ' . . ,.' . - . . . I. . .. . o.~ ,bi'.anr-iee .appertainingt TOHAVB to holc1the8am..,inteI81uiple, , ' , " , ,,' , '\, ' , , " \. ,. <l .'.' " . ....li1enllth'reto< ,belonging .4' .. ' . _ . ',~ torenI'.. ';. , , ' . , '.~ ..~ '~ ' ADd ,th..aUp.rt1,ee o~ the: 1;1re~ rai--t do, ~o..,enani' .ith t,he 8814 party 'of ',tbe8eO~,l\i .,...' . '. ." .': . . ',.... , - ........ ' .. . ". - _. c' -"" . "'._ ',p~rttha~~l1~y ar~ lawtully 8e.ise~ .of ~he !laid prem18,e...tha,t' theya~. .tree from ali lnoumbran":," ee. ~xo.pt, taX.. and 8'8e8~~cmt8 8~b'..qu.nt to the y.ar 1924' and \h_t .tli.y have: good ~ight -aile) . la~tulaut}lorl t,'to B8;1.1, the .8amel' .lia "the" 881 d P~~t-i~. of 'th~ 'f1r8~ part dOh~rebytulll :'.t'-', . . . . I -" . rant -tn. t1 tle to 'e8l."4 ~.nd~ and w111 detend thee8I11I' aSa1ne,t the lawfulelaims'.of, all persone. '. . ".c " '. ' "'. .-to . ,- whom80ever.. . '. .' , '\ " ',' . ! ~ WITNBSS WHEREOP" 1;l16 ,aid prrt1e.' o~the'.1ir~t;.par" ban hereunto ~et thelrhanae I ',"'u",..'..,,',.,,' .~ ".'- . t ~ ' -". ,. :;\; an!! Beale ~he d8y and year, abov. Sl'gnea. ,.ealeel and' Oellv't~d in our pr"'1101: , ltarg.re1; t. Roglra' T1tlln1a,.1[oLarin F!;. T'C,. i.t, 5 e . tria. ~.. ' . ..11i. Buah B.B. ' SanO.rlon .. 1.11h Bush, E.B. Suder Ion ,-elUI' BUah' .1_,_a."rlo.Ji . ., " ',a,..l1 wi tten_ " ',: f.' P. L. Hemming,' ;' I , ' S~dno~He~ln88 , >>.e., E1dre4 "Lenette Blud (Seal) (Seal) (S.al) " ., (Seal) (Seal) (!Seai )' (SealL 1 I " . . i ,"'. ' \ /, ,_' t . ,D.P. 'Eldred )UWyn Tholllu , ~'.rhO_1I ' I ,. i'. -.- i'