HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0226 . , !"':''''' '~,~~-;:;::... - x>, , ""-'l, "'21b ' ' ,~,-' ~';'" ,f'~' ,~~~, " " - n~ ,,\; on;.:" : ,;, ," ;:_. :.~--,~' ~~ ,',~~;~:~~;~:",~":,-;;,::;;c.'~:"~~~~::::'#F~c~~--;' ,c: :'~~:;,.l~: I- :, .~:;:, "',' ;,'.;;!:': !" . ",~UTB O',!.1n'ORIDA'; ",' '\, ' .~ '.,' ., I · . ~'"'! " 'I ,\,' .,," '" 't' ' 1 - . . ,.' . i! ::1 ~ , t. L . . , COUB~Y O'ST.,LUCI,'.. I' ,",' ': , t' . \ . \ ,; ~ . " , \.; :", ,\. ,", " \ , It ,", '\..' \ ',' . . '... :..,'. .. _ . '. .~ " IHBRSBY CBRrftn.. ,~hatoD~bi8 a$nd '~a1'o~J.prll.A.1>. 1:926. b.efore ,~. pere'oDal1y appeared, 'I ~ 1:, '. '. \',', . .'.. ,',_ . " \ _,_\" I ;~~, ,t J,. , ,; ", t ,....' ~"'_ .', ~ ," , . \' : \ . \, \P"L. HelPiDgI' and Sl~~' H.omm1nss, . hi~' wlfe;tQ mela10D ~o b.e ..the p'irsoD8delorl b6a in,' apO,,',' I 'r G,' ",:" < i" -\ '., -".. ".,' '.'.~ '\-, -. -' -, . ~ \:., . ,.... , .. . ,'~. \,." '.' " i, ,who' ex,oUttO the foregoltIg COD'Y81.anoe to Henr7 1'. lIei,lman. ..'an4 8,....r.a1l7 .-okJiowl.4g.-4. ,~h., ;. . ~ . ;:" \".. : '_ '\ -' -. .' ~ '. . , ., ,. , _' .' . ~'o .... . " . '. ~ ',', . .. .~'.\' , . ,. " :: . \. .x.eo,lJt1on thereof. tb be ;1;h,eJ.r tree ao'* Q.d" 4.e4 fortheu... anel purpo~e. ~h.,.ln 1.\l~:Uoi:1e4t . '. . '\:" '-, ~ : t, '. 'j ~ ' ", . - , . .' (-, _\.. . ~ "; ~ . "',. ~.;, . 7 __. aJ1d .tbe 8a~d'S74nor,Helllmln'8.'~t~e ,wit. Df 1ilie 8ald' ~.L~ ,1J_lngll, ,on a .epa,at~;' anly;rll:ah ~ .,:..".. .'. ."" ._' ',: iI. '. . .._t,'. ',''';: ',: ' . - "" .. :, -.' '. :.-.-. ':-'--~'-.'.\.~_-~~~'-'\''':-'--'. :...:1. '.'_ ' . ,'-: ,,'~ "., (, , .xamlnaUon talcel1 an:4 ma4e ,by and, b.fQre ,~e, ,aD!!,' eepar.t~t7 ,an'cl,apal't, trom'ber' 8a~dh~8~a,n4 _,' ~ld~~knOwle,~g. th&t sbema;4.' hua8].t'a ""part7'~O'1;~~ ~~14'l;)ee'~ Of,C~nl'.;ano." toithe~~~08~~,.' . '. .' , \ - .. .... . . ..\ .', ~ . '.". . . ,,' .':. '. . ' '. 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" 'Iotary ~ubl1c St8te'of'1~or1c1a. JIJ" Comm1ulon, .... . ~'1~e8. S~pt...i 1:0. .192~.' '.", I. <' ". , t~, . ,4 ; " . " \' .f -.- .~ ,:.~ -" , ; .. '1' : i( " ' . " , I " \. ,i ' t". \ ' ! ; . i . , }' , \ I . .' ~~~ \. . r ": , .' ,,\ .' .... ~ .". . , ,. , > . , ., f', -. ~ .' i I. t, i. j'-' ,,' ;. ~' , . I . ."'\ !~-.. , Sf ATE OP ,PLORID.l " ,~. " ~ .; if: : , , . " . i. f" :- r h. " ''\ . 0 \ ,~. ,N~~,~.~seal< ~--d,' , STADOP'~ORI1>A A . ,; . ~, '~ t" '. f .'~ . . l: COUlf'n'.OP ST.' LUCIE , .!" , " , :rlJ~&BY,OBRUn.that. ~n1;hl..,;20' d~i,.Oflpril A.'D. 1925~ befo~e .penoiiall1. sppeare4 ~e~et1;" E14r~:'to' m~ ~~to' be the' pe~80P deeorlb.'Cs l~,ancl whiexeo~te}1;he fOreg~ltig f:', ' '.,' '. . ,~.'~' .... .' _ ,'. . .-'.' . ._.~.'. '.', . ..' ." ..... .....~.. '-"-" ,,' . :'." ~~'- ~O.Jl1v';yano.' to He~~'~ ~.ll~an.; a~'4, 8.v\eral~7,ao~owle.dge'~\li_ ex.,o.Ut~l,~~t~~eOf ~~b., h~ ',' ,\ he.' - aot an,d ..'4.. 4, tor,:t~e uaee aDd purpq8e. t~~~'un:m.Dt10P,~4,: ' an4 ,the: .s~ld, Lene~te<~~ d,red,: '.~ th~' W1,t~. ~~the.88l'd P,.~.E~dr~d.'~n:'a8epara~8 a,n~.~rha,tee~8lD1natio,xi~aiten an,\male bT,.' · !lll4' betore'me, ,and 8epal"ately', an 4 ,apartholB' hel" .814 ,h~8b8n4t414, .~kn~iedge th.tehe. ,,' -' 'a~e ,.ther~elf: a pa~tyto the, 8a1 4'Deedotcop.v~lario. tor,theputpo~eOf renOUllQlng, 'relln~ . . .-. '," . . .' - -': . . : - . ',. " ... .' ,. ; :'qui"hlng.8n4~Onl'871n~-811 lier-r-j,gh~.' t1~18 ~D'~ lnteioeat.!wh"ih~r of lower oro} up.rate., '. . "_ _ " - '. ,I. - _ _ ' . ',' .1, ._ ~ . _ .. _ . ,prop~rtl. statuto~y 'o,reqult..ble,1.n .pd to 'the larid,l!Ith,r,elI)Te8ocrll~e4~ .and that 8h. 'ex.,r . . .' -'. -~ . . , r , . , Gllied 'he Baid 4..4' freely an4 l'~luntar1l1~-' an4 w1 thout any' oon'8tralnt, feal". apprehenlt10n ',' " j- , ' " I." ,,' ~ -3" i!-. . l' : , or . QOmpul810r1of or ~romf her said husband. '" ' , '" I ,,' , WXTlIE.S'S r:tJY ~lgnatur.and :offiolal 8ea~ at 'ort Plero~, in the County of 3t. Luoie' :J :'P'" . .' .. i ! I' ~ ~,' ~: f' t ~ ~~_ i:1 r .'~ \. ;,:-;; L_~; t L ~. ;' ,.' f,>: , ~.' , [~- " " t . , .' and St~t~~. of ?1.orlda, the4ay aIlC~ year :la.et.foresatO. ' , , '1 . , i. '! B.P. Seal. , , E.E. Sander.oa, (Seal)i !io+,ary Pu~l1~, State ot'norUe, ,atLl\r8~. Ky' OOIJ;Dls1l0n ,explre. ]ley 24,l~28. , . " '~, '~ ,I ", I ' -q, 1 '. .. iI ! " ... . ,-