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',.f _BY'CEaT~'IPY .tluit on th1821'e~dai'~t APl'llA'~])..'1,9t5, bet~re:me\ler~orial1y ~pp~red' , 'J1;lm T.holnas, to' me iaiown to 'be 'the' person '~e80r1bea'lti'~d w~o, e~eoutd:the' ;~reg01ri8, :~on~ey,,"F, ' ...-.... "" . '.,' .0.. '.~:' . ..-'. .," , "'. '. "_'~. ..:.:.':. .; . '. .,....' ,.:....... .. ....- ....~' . ._~...... anoe' to H~ni'YPiRellm8n. and he 80kJiO.le,dge4' tb,e ,exe~ut1c?nthereot to be ,b1~ tree aot and . '. . ,... . . , . . ...... -: " . . . !.,'. c1..cf ;tot: :t~e ,u..eeB' amlp#pose;8 ", tl\.ere1n ~en t~Ohe4. ',,' , ,', " ,,~TBESS'my B1,811atur,e, an~ 0.tt1Q18l -ee}a..atport ~,~eroe.. 1l1..'t1i'Co~tf o't st. :.Lu.o1e and State/~:t PlorJc1a, the-'-c1ay and 'year la8't atore8a1d~ .' J ,'\-- , "B~a.. Sanderson, -fSelli ) ',,' , . lIota:rY Publ1o. State of Flor1dei at Large, ' ~'P'8""~~ ',,' ":J~~~O."'l~.l.n'''Plm UVJl4.,~928.u,' _ , ' . ,,0 '" '. , . , P1.1eeS and reoorde4 this t~.~6th day ot Aprli..A.]).. i92p,' at 2;.21, P~1[~ "'3\''>' '" '- -, . ., . ,.' ,..."0-\f -' , , P.O. Eldrecl, ,Cl'e;rk01tou1t CcX1rt.' , 1:' Ot .Ot .,U.i: ", 'B;!, , /, ~,' , Wt-,ci/', 11,' '., 1/' ':, / ;! - -2 1/, - " ' 7, J., ". \ '/'(/'1,-U ~('"''C(.-c'-~ ., .- '. . -,'" .' ;:: . '.. -' ' ~ . ":'" .--' , ' " ' , ~ .'. .1. .. .. .'il< ,it< . ...... .'.. . . . '. . . .. . '... '....,._..,. .. ... . .. .. .'.. .'.... .. '.'...' · · -.~, · · .. e",. .-. ,'. . ... ,~. . . .. .'. . .oO. . . . 0" . . . . eo\'... ~ ,. t, .".. . ~.. .' F 'i . , (. ,WITHESS my81~ature :and()f~f~18l:' seal at ,,~~o,k"on"1l1'~ . 1n the,' CQUnty:, ot ~~8l, and st~te' ~ , , . ;' '..J' , J" .--= , ' ... - ~ '\ , . -c' . .... '1 ..; , ' D.C. ~ . ' THO S. J. ])e SmIBER /. - . . . ~ ~: ~ I TOt ,. A1'1'IDAVIT. II W}l)),( CONOERNE]). ',' f9' I, <rJ " ", , '-:, STATE 01' nORI])A ..' I ' !.,..- .i. ' lalew ,C.V. j , ThOs. J. ])eSteuben whd'belnst1r,,~ 'uly'"Q,I'1l 8ays ; 'year. a ruldent ot8t. Luoh County. ?1.orlda; ,that . ,., .' . 1 .1 '. . I ' I'" . I time,' a~d we. .ell aoqua1nted w1r.n ,hlmon. the 4t~'..y I ,~...~ (t ~ 'j .