HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSCANNED BY BUILDING PERMIT MCLCIVELO OR AGREEMENT C I MAY. 1.4 Permitting Department St. County,. U. artment St. Lucie Co ty �L unty.. FL 6 it - v 21 - d ej 0 have agree to e- Sljb= ontraetor for INC:. dba RYAN'HOMES For th-q project located at, Lctynp (Pr0j'eCtStreet Address or Property'Tax -H) It is understood that, if there, is any change of §ft proj-ddt, the BuildUTR wd-Code . RegulationDi filing of Sub-cp4qctor notice. R613EK-r WiTHW.6k PRINT NAME 28911 IS 'r6gArding our paftkipAtion.with theabove mentioned' )n of St. Lucie County will be -advised pursuant to the q State of . Florida, County of PALM BEACH.. 1. The foregoing instrument was signed Before Me this W d# of & ROBERT SMITHWICK C-A ;?&,�y - - --:. L --- . - 1. 1 .Ivho.,is persona lly.known 1--o.'r a Produced a as idpifti-tion. lop STAMP Sigiiatgi a of Notary P0lic L PERMIT #. AC 'Quality" Eleptfic' (Como,any Namel the electncal ISSUE DATE PLANNING I& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES -9011dift & C6& C6MpHani 0, Divi 16ft sum Name) SUB -CONTRA CtOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) .Gary R. EVahs PRINT NAME. COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER ...... Stati of 016ria Cdfi �Broward The forejo1nk,ifii&um6t w this, 22. day of February . 20 jA by -Gary R. Evans wh.o'is per'sonally Wo3vh or has produced a as iddiftillbadoif. -1 xvaw Signature of 1�� ,Ad \j STAMP ERIKA LEBRINI ERIKA LEIBRINI LauraC Won Public ,--,k6-'of Florid6-Notary Pul Print Name of Notary )8 y Public C6mmission # GG 084371:., Print NaineWNotaky Publk 3 �4y Comml§sidn Expires March 16,12021 Laura 0, Linden AFA coffif0mlon Revised 11/16/2016 Expires: September Z8,2020 ;;,,IFNIF P 66nded thfu Aaron Not PERMIT # I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICE $ Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT I MAY 14 2018 INTRACTOR AGREEMENT Permitting Department St. Lucie County, FL RIDGEWAY PLUMBING I have agreed to be (Com any Name/Individual Name) the PLUMING Sub -contractor for 0V1Z I NC JSQ,yGLyl-'�DVn¢s (Type of Trade). i (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Di filing of a Change of Sub-o CO TRA GNA URE (Qualil 01beef cSV 1+'�Lui PRINT NAME 2-9117 COUNTY CERTIF] notice. vision of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the State of Florida, County of ai n, &"14 II The foregoing instrument was signed before me this to day ofI ,20&,by R0,//G�^� SV i44WTcK I who is personally known ✓, or has produced a as iden I I STAMP Signature of Notary Public � I jai l-e-lq Print Name of Notary Public a+Y P�,KA L E B R I N I State of Florida -Notary Public _« <- Commission # GG 084371 My Commission Expires March 16, 2021 l Revised 11/16/2016 SUB -CONTRALTO GNATURE (Qualifier) GARY KOZAN PRINT NAME 17-6826 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of FLORIDA �"1 The foregoing instrument was signed before me.this IV _ day of 4 61'\ 20ib by GARY KOZAN who is personally known X or has produced a as identification. W- Si6ature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Pu KAIHLEEN N1 IiAI:L -.. „�, o-• 7 'I •, No!' Public - State of Florida 1, }L 4 ^ My Comin. Expires Jun 17, 2018 �:+•; >` EiU1T11)ii3;I0f1 # Fr 13 3586 Y E;en�'ed'thrcugti E+�>Eicnal Navy Assn. STAMP PERMIT# I ISSUE DATE One Stop Cqqlir PLANNING' & DEVELOPMENT Sl flulildlii g.& Code Compliance E BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT and Heating, LLC (Cdmpa0 N;iinefindWidual Name)) . the MedhahidWRVAC (Ty& of Trade) For the project Ocated.at MAY 14 2018 Permitting Department St. Lucie County, FL have agreed to be 'Sub -contractor for NVR,. INC. dba, RYAN "HOMES yContractor) (Project Street AdOess or Popjeqy Tax 1,13 #) It isunderstood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project.; the Building. and Code Regulation. ivi'sionof St. Lucie CO nty-Will be advised pursuant to. the 2 fli ling of a Chanf8ub=Contractor notice. C. R,0'bERT,..smrrHWcK PRINT NAME '28917 COUNWCERTIFICATION NUMBER StW of-F-Iftids"Co6filp of PALM BEACH Thi fdiegoing ifistearnint Was signed bffore me this day of 2k& bY ROBERT SMITHWIC K, Y 'Who ii•persofilly kindiin,161, has is Id --ficall SIITAI%-IP Signature of Notary Public ERIKA LEBRI I ,ERIKA LEBRIN la-N rw Public Print NA me of Notory, Phbli G9f1imig0l n#G608437 Icy Commission, E21xpires March 16, 20 Revised 11/16/20.1'.6 WVIN8TINE PRINT NAME 20030 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER state btflorl,da,tonn ty of 'ORANGE The t6regohig 1'nstrumentwassigned before me this 23 day of F . E - BRUA . R . Y 21JI`6 kvINS . TIN E y who is personally kfioi6' or bag produced a At identification. STAMP signature of No.tafy-Tt lid PERMIT # '* t_u .' IR . I,' I? h - PetersenDean Roofing And Solar (Company NametIndividual Name) the Roofing Type of Trade) For the project located at C (Project S It is understood that, if there is any chc project, the Buildin Code Regula filing of a C Sub -co . ractor nt CO: RA SIGNAVI .-RE (Qualiiier) ROBERT SMITHWICK PRINT I +<-Krl: 28917 (~c)t:iTl' CiRill�lc;a'ITOTi.�iG1IBLR State of Florida, County of PALM BEACH ISSUE DATE G & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES- & Code Compliance BUILDING PERMIT B-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Inc. F_ "v C E; JIN, P E D kC I MAY' 14 2018 Permitting Department St. Lucie County, FL have agreed to be Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Primary CDntractor) Address or Property Tax ID #) of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 0_d:►I• of by RQSFRT SMI [E8LLQK1 who is personally known —Or has produced a as iQe 'cation. 1 � STAMP Signature of \otary Public i ERIKA LEBRINI ERIKA LIEBRINI t of Florida Notary Public Print Same (if Notary Public Commission # GG 084371 ' P My Commission Expires °il +�°� March 1 fi, 2021 i Revised I1116f2016 l' - :ONI'R.'�C"1'OR 51C\:�'I'IIItE (Qu:tlilier) -��- Byron Keith McStoots PRI�N•I•A'A4tF._ ___ 29024 COUNTY CL'lt'rIFIC'A'1'10\ \li9IBSR - State of Florida, Coanty of Palm Beach The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 22 - day of February �� 1 Q hy. Byron Keith McStoots w•ho is personally known pi ur has produced a as identification. 51:�11P Si-nttt►irc ofNotary I'uhlic _Beth Wainer Print 1:11nc of Notary Public _ '{j�YF4 BETH WAGNER 3 My COMMISSION # GG 081027 W EXPIRES: AM 13, 2021 %?„�►;°�' BmdedUnNotwyptjbkUMetwrftM PIERMITO- ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT S1 ERVICE S Buildilh- ff & Code -fitejjiv1i complia . IV% "KEL" MOM-, BUILDING ft- IN IT" 'SUB7CONTIZACTOR AGREE MENT MAY 14 2018 Permitting Department St. Lucie County, FL GALE INSULATION (Company -'N , di diftidiVii ua ame. I . tho INSULATION S.ub-.contractor for NVR, INC dba RYAN HOMES of T$ 4410 Contractor) y For, did project lulgtoo at '. -La*)Q C%o (Pr�jf�ffeifAddress d.r?1r0P tY Tar ID It is uAd&f-§.t00"-d that ifihOdis' afi1-ychange b1f"status .regarding Or p-a'ftiQipAtk0 With the above mentioned p r6j 6 dt, the R u leliit find Code Xe. 9b I dt i6n­ Division of St: Lucie County 'Will be advised pursuant to the fil I i #*' g-- of a BERT SMITHWICK 17 .9i'll iC of Tlyh &acl The- fV-c 0S-AgM-Pi.l.belbKw"e&--y�ff ROBERT SMITHWICK� `vlio Ily kfiblyn 6r ling 1produicied A. STAMP Signiitiirc:9f N b tit'r-Y. Public' -ERI 'KAL E B R I N I State of Florida -Notary Publiic iz Commission # GG 084371 My Commission Expires March 16, 2021 Revi§M 11/16/2016 C 16-[917 !COUNTY C.E.RTIr-ICATION.NUIVIPER, Sate o:.f Flo-r'W, Gouutg of A_UUallv- TIP 'e - f6kegoiink instrument iihi iignikd lb'c'fori inc'this 2 Aa-y of MARCH 1201e, by PAUL W. HASH X ris . VV II' k , i ST-AT%1P ft'datil - re gfNotary P.tiblrc Print Nvane'617.NoMiry Public Notary Public '§q,tepf Florida gpmrplssjonA.�p 130356 MyCown.Expir q s Aq92!1?41 - ' ' y PLANNING & (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Building &_ Code Regulations Division 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 11 (772)462-1553 j RECE1 IV raj I, the undersigned, am the rjZgO OAKLAND (Parcel Id#/Legal description/ for which I have applied accepting this Final Develo that as owner of the abc 7.04.01(D), St. Lucie Count', adequate drainage so . that tl I further acknowledge that St. Lucie County is neither adequate drainage off my community. FILLED LAND AFFIDAVIT I MAY 14 2018 Permitting Department St. Lucie. County, FL of the following described property, CIRCLE, FT. PIERCE, FL 34951 St. Lucie County for a Final Development Permit. In ment Permit, BP Number , I acknowledge re described property, and mi accordance with Section. Land Development Code, I shall be responsible for assuring immediate community WILL NOT be adversely affected.. granting this permit for the development of this property, )bliged nor liable to provide for, or maintain in: any form, )roperty which will not adversely affect the immediate a-z3-1F Date STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS lZ 3 ti4 DAY OF -/ �''✓ r ` Qr % �, 20 I$� BY ROBERT SMITHWICK WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME CJ OR WHO HAS i PRODUCED Q AS IDENTIFICATION. � ERIKA LEBRINI SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC TYPE OR PRINT NOTARY 00084371 COMMISSION NUMBER E R� EBRINI state of Notary Public Commission # GG 084371 i 9rF OF f`��� My Commission Expiro>� OF,filMarch 16, 202,1 SLCPDSD Revised 04/11/2011 St. Lucie Count --PCIS 04-19-2018 3:45:35 17055 6371. 5290 OAKLAND LAKE CIR . -FORT PIERCE:. FL'34951 Amount:Tendered: 608.00 Amount Paid: 608.00. Chanse,Due: 0.00 Thank You User ID: MURRAYA ST. LUCIE COUNTY UTILITIES - P.O. BOX 728, FT. PIERCE, FL 34982 i NAME ACCT. # �l U `� -- (0 } I SERVICE ADDRESS SUBDIVISION Q LE LOTBLOCK BILLINGADDRESS 1`A � PHA # 5�9 MOVE IN/CLOSING DATE This application hereby request and authorizes the Utility to render water and/or sewage disposal services to the premises described above in accordance with the Utilities present or future rates, / LATERAL rules and regulations, which by reference are made a part of this contract. Applicant agrees to pay $ 'mot J TOTAL the Utility promptly for such services in accordance with the established rules and regulations. CUSTOMERS DEPOSITS ARE NON NEGOTIABLE OR TRANSFERABLE. CUSTOMER SOCIAL SEC/ SIGNATURE /�J� '�(�_ D FED ID NAME OF SPOUSE SPOUSE SOCIAL SEC. Q OFFICE USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED 4 CASH CHK # g� (� J 2 RECEIVED BYf .......... I elo move i. MAY 14 Zp18 Department permitting my F FL St�uC1e County