HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0235 i ' 'j l I ','j " , " ..--- " I' " . " ' "l ~~. ':'1 . . r..,. "j " I. ,Q. " I. \ I I -- ..-----~ ~~;r---.-.: i'-f--;-:-c~'---='"'c-~--- 'f .. :1' J f .~~"'~ . ,! "n ,. 11'-' ~:' t. ." "'...... ';~'~ J''-c''~:'i';f'':;':;- J,.:)l..:";"'-~:=-;"';'" '+i..;,: ~, ,:c.,.,..~.....'-:~,...,.i -.,.;--,~-~~,...;:~I,~,~:. " The ,wrdhaeer' agre,e~to thefo~'io:"~l1g rea 1;ttot1'Orra"whl0b, " I 'i. ,,' l' ,. .\'. \' : \' k 1 " I I ~. I ,\ I 1 ',' _, ' - . , . I . . .' ,1 ~ _ . ..,. :.' \ \ : ,.I' _.. ,r '-', ,,' ~hall\ oe'b'lndl!!g :f.or'pp~,perlC)d,of\'f.lv~l~e~re from~ate,a' ',: \'. ,:;',::' ,',\ \. ....< ',.\_ " . \. . .... \. .. I.. '" I' '.;; .. 1 ',' '1 '. l~, ;No .al.e nil~ ,'Qe' ~ff8'o.tcd,'to,aI\Y per.eorl o,t Altlqan deOIHit;'."" ,. '-,i \ ' , \ . -'l III . \ -. . . . -" - ~. . ; .' . - , . .'. . - I .. \ . , \ :;," ..:~.,iIO;,d'7;ell,lng',~O\1Se,~hallbe \ereQt~d,'008t,1i1gj.e~a .th~n '$2'.'000.00 ,'" '\'.', '. , -.t.. \ . .'." .' _ '\ '. \ . - . . -,' \- 1 . \ '1 . \,' " '. :, ,(.6Q{ I.'R~s'tatnp'Oal~oel1~d)" '.,' '1 ,','; ,'"., . .' _ \ , '" ".. :,\._ "" \., \. ""I ._: .\' '~'\:,' ." . ._:'- ,\:\' "~::. -~.-.. \. ,\~ " ."TOGBTHER w~t~\al'l t,he tellemell~S'. he,red1tame,nt,s ah,dapp;tU-tella~ota,', ~lth, every ?t'~\V,l~e.g~"ri.ghtf \' :' :,t1t~e",'1~'t,~reflt ~1l4',e8~ate', ,dOwel'anQ r~ght -of 'dow~~~,rever~lori'~, f\8ll'.alnder &ndefl,eeiL~n,t '~he~.eto \"\ ,\ " . . '. ..'" . .. 1 ". " .' ~, b~,10n~ln~ ~L ~,~ '~uyw1~~ap"pe'f"~,ln1n8:, :ro"~A VE,' ~m.~~o, HOL~ ',,~he ,same ,r~,f~~ 'eJ.r,.1~~e',~~r~~er~ . '. c",,\ AIld the eaid party of, ~lie fir,8 t part,doee ~ (jovEmantw1th the' sald 'part,yo,f the 8,eOood ;P8l'tth$'t' . "",.,' .' " , . . '. :~,,:: ..' ': :.,", '".,'" .,' -: , ".' ",c .'..,':,~, I , he 18 ,law~l.lY' 9Eil'sed of -thee8id premilJeS;, tha tthey' are fre.e '!r9:I.da 11 1uoutnbra1108S and 'that .he. , . ...'.... ; , . -. '.' " .. ',' " ' '... " . . ',' . ~ ~ ..' '., ' " .., ,'.. ',:'-. . .. , " 'li~1iS gOO~1'1~l:t,~~'-nd"iawfUl &\ltho):'1ty to eel;l-: the,8&rpe i and '~h8<.8a1dpar.ty o"f'.thef1rst pEU't. doeS,'. :, " .' . . ,.' " " ';;, . ';' , ~. t ,.' " . t " '...',', ',' '- '.,' . . .' . '.he~ebY.:fUll~,w~rr~~t',~e, ,t.1t~e t6~ sald).a.l~d, and 'ill~'~,ef'~Ild ~~e'~sarne',ag$J:~tthe, lawf,u1,6l~S."~ .. of: aU'pere.cms, ,\~~Oma~ever.., " " " '. ' , '_~~__-2_i .~ '!:__c , ;' \,1, ' " \,:.. '" \ '\ ' . , ~ , "'JI' \1 .1 .... . " . \.... " , . , , , .: ~ . , .' Ill' ~l'1'l~SS !fHEREOP,.. the.' a$l~ , , ' "rI" ,', . par.~y ~ the ~1re~' ,f!8,rt ~ae 'her~~n~9 g..,. ..' , ' e&;th1s hflnd 'sn4aeai' the '-'; 1.; I, I', , . day' aUdfear: 'abOve wr'1t ten:~' ':, . 'I, S1Bned. seuled~ud~ deli'vered in' our .presenoe; ;, ,~ ."" . ,., , ',' . , '., . ~'..... .' , , " .,. , " H..l~'BAlLEy,1'RU~TEE'.::~, ,'( ~~~ ," , . EvaE ~Jt.a.i'tene "- 'Rao)l8'1'.B~ook8mlth ,: $T4TE OF' iLORIDJ: '. " ''-~ ,f' '. " .' .. , , , '" ", COUllTY. 'o.? ST. ,L UC IE ~ ,.;. . ' ~ " '. , ), ~RE.:3YCE3TIFYtha t 'onth1~ 16th':day 'of~ I:OhA. D. 1926; before; mepexeo:na1.1;"liPpe'a,~d .\ !l.F. ,Bailey~ Tru'8t.ee., to.,~e>k'ilown :0 ,be th~P~.~s~ti:.de-~orl~~~' il~'~ud ~ho" e"ieou~eq,ti:le fOn!golpg , ",:' ~ : ',,' '." '", "', ,'" "', ;.,', " '" .",,' _:." _ -' _ ,..' .', ,~.',., '.. . ' ',lrank, Sd.n,oentha.ler 'and severally ,'aokno~'led/led.' the, 'e~eoil'ti6n t!J.ereo,fto be, hie free ..".. , , o'onveyanc:e "to , , ~ct". 8ndaee4,!Or th~ u~e'.8' ,Wid. purp'oses" th,ere ~n;lE ntl?ued.;:'a'nd '~h~ s~1d'.~. .the: Ufeof the ea 1d .'.~. . ~,~: .~" " ' separate aIldpdvate ,exan;l11a t;1on t~keu~J;1<1 mii4e bY,andb'efore';rI:t'~, ai!d '8ep'un1t~lY6:1~d.aJ?8rt her aa1dhuab$lld''- dldao~:ri9~l'edge't-oot,:she ;;d'e'he.ra'~lf' ~' ~~:t;~o', the '~~~d' ~eo. 0 i Conveya,l1Ce i , . Q ': . ,,' '. ' ~"'" '.,',.", :~ " . : ,for the pU'Tpose o.f 'ren0un~1ugJ ,relinqu'1sning',and conveylilg' alr her r!gh'tf title ul'!d li1terElet, '. '-. .. , Oli Ii I; '" I ", fr~rn i~ whe,tnerof desoribeCl. .., , .' 'd~~e r or of s..:~~ate. prqpe rty. a-ta t.ti tory or'eql11table, lpa.nd t qthe~allds jjh~'1n . . . . '. .,' " '. aM .thti.,t ~h~ tl1{e'~uted eaick:!jeed freely and, ".oluntlu~llY,8.11d~ It;;out' any .OD.nEJt.ra1n h , " fea):'.. tirJ'Jrehe~ls1<)n ,or cOilJPuls10.n of'or frorhhe,rsal~ hU8baJ;ld~ ,,' . . . , . , }.ITllESS Dv .e~e.llat'ure a'ud ofn~lt;Ll.ee u ~ a t 'ier~' ,1n .the COUllt~ eft St ." luc le, an!i .-.:.tate, 0. f, FJ,.o.t1.;da . ' ,~~~ day. aud yea r lust afO'tea~i.d., t. .. ,-'---._-----..'-', ---'~---:j-'-':-'-'--- .'\ I '0 ", ~ .' ; ,"- .' .1 , , Ra'Qhe1 3roai-:.srn1th..... ... .'(seal)' . " ;lo.-:.6,.-y l-ubl1o,t9r'tne dtat~ of ilori~a' 'atlar~e. ",li.y' OO;;IAlss1011 eXPires:.A~r 11.9;' ,', . ' ' j " ,19"8"", " ,- -- , " ' . .,',... ...L. e, ,,'., : .', 0 . ' ,"If ':':ff;, "")' ' " :> ~ , -.:, :--. " ,11'.1>.3,6111. , , I i"lled and'~'r(oOrded- "t'hiS ,20th dai ''I.' . , ... of Ap~l, ._....; . ,,' " , " ( : " 1925, at 4:~i P~~. , ' 1'. 9. Eldred (Clerk'of. ~i:roU1t Court:) '- c~. Ct,. Se a1.. 3y D'.C.. . co' . . .' ' . - . - . --. - . - .... . -,. - . - . ~ . ~ ~ - ,'- . - . - . .....~ - . - . - . ~ . - . - . - . -- ".. . - .- .-. - . ~ . - ..... . - -. '":' . ~ . ~ . - " -. -'.'. ~ . -.. -- . - ,', -. -. . -. ..; ..;;...... H.' F. 'BAIL:."Y, TI'\lstee '. ~O . , ;:'RAHX' .3:':HJE:;THALER . ,l~ ' , ' Ii " ;,~x'';''U~Y mEn :'HID Hi lEl:'':URE.. :,:ade this 16th du Y -9 f :.a rch A. j). .1920, BE'II.EZli H. i.' .~ilei" ':.:'ru8 ;;ee. of , the, ,Countyof~ Jrange und .;t;ate .ofnorldu If~rty of tpe flrst .pa.rt, ,a.nd .,'runE.' ~r,o.nthaler, ,6fthe, COU1~ty, of St . Llicle and :ita te of nor~da p!/ tj- of ..the eeool.d part,~'iI~;I-:'3SE1H', t~~t the sa1d. :r,:' pa1'ty of tl~~J~rat P4rt, for ~ild in conald,erc.tio.'1!'of tho 8;;'0 of Ten ,j)ollur,f) und otr.er valuaol'e COliS illerat ~on8<, ,to If.1[.. in h~ lid lOa 1d ,', t,h~ reoe ip't \'.her eof hJ here by .)~:~~j.J~~:",..",jtOt~.>~pd ;V~.U6:ferred, and iJy tl:e~e pr,€BElntd does gr~nt, .1 .' "'~--i-i::X.l.~_~. ".':',.:",:.1 ':>'.~.'_~.:,:.... ._:~, J.':-'-'-;'-,.-- ;~_)_; I aokno....leqge,d. [,aa ,p:ralitcd, tare-uiIl, ~ell bend tr~1l8fer , ,- ~;,~ .... ','J