HomeMy WebLinkAboutELECTRICAL LOAD CALCULATIONF, SCANNED Power and St Lucie Count J Electrical L Electrical Contractor. Sam Crane Electrical, LLC Phone 9 772-223-8865 Fax #:772-600-5515 Project: �`�'nTek= Location: Existing Service Feeder Size: O Existing Main Breaker Size: p?®,4zip Num Existing Loads Sq. Ft. X 3 watts per sq. ft............................� Appliance cir. @1500 watts each .................... Laundry cir. @ 1500 watts each ....................... Range@ 8 kw ................................................. Dishwasher and disposal @ 1500 watts each....... Microwave @ 2000 watts .............................. Water heater @ 4.5 kw ................................ Tankless water heater .................................. Dryer@ 5 kw ......................................... Refrigerator @ 1500 watts ........................ /C Bathroom 1 @ 1500 watts .......................... Sprinkler Pump ........................................ Other I/od�y7ii ............ Other .............. Other ............. Other .............. Other ............ Other ............ New Loads First 10 kw @ 100%............................................. Remainder @ 40%.................................................. A/C @ 100%.......................................................... Total watts XC�� I Prepared 9 bPJI -FILE -"".. Calculations • 'COPY- P.�. tel Size: of Breakers: 1 watts — RECEIV watts watts LREI AY 18 2018 watts watts ng Department � cie County, FL watts watts watts watts ST.LUCIE COUNTY FLAN REVIEW watts watts BLDG:�_ watts DATE:}/ watts. DATE:�� 3� _ watts PLUMB: watts DATE: — watts • MECH' DATE; _ watts watts Subtotal A64P_ Watts watts M! watts watts by 240 volts = �� Amps Date: 5458 SE Major Way • Stuart, FL 34997.772-223-8865 SITE. PLAN FOR HARBOUR RIDGE. LTD. LEGAL DESCRIPTION UNIT ii . DEER MOSS VILLAGE (AREA 0-14) HARBOUR RIDGE PLAT NO 18, ACCORD NG TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 30 . PAGES 4 THROUGH 49 , ST. LUC 1 E COUNTY, FLOR I DA. 1 RI / , AY 18 2018 Permi ting Department St. Lucie County, FL 01 RESERVE AREA i i (PA-0 t a 1 NSA%! t �' r, FILE Cop 1 � r Cj in am I • .o , Cj r �._ ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUSLY }�y MODEL CORDOVA F I N I SHED FLOOR i 4.5 REFER TO N. G. V. D. 1929. ADDRESS' 1719 BUTTONBUH CIRCLE . PALM CITY.FLORIDA 33490 THE ZEVEL.OPMENT ORDER FOR THIS HARBOUR RIDGE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AS IT APPLIES TO TRACT.G-14r PLATINO. LS HARBOUR RIDGE. REQUIRES A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET BETWEEN BUILDINGS. THERE IS NO SIDE YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENT. Rev, $I*& ®vicQiva roles. SKETCH NOT. A SURVEY IEv::9-30 91 i MOCK, ROOS : & .ASSOCIATES, INC. FIELD: N/A' IPr�atrod for oiaESEP7 i991 ENBINM SiRiYEYORS • PI•111MM ORM i 10 � NOW RIDGE, LTD: KIL. Oc9i-i74' ,onoi�6eir PEST PALS BEACH. fLONICA DR. ivL A-2424 j > - F 200A-- 20KW Job Name bcqDi-ck -0 rt(D X mLD o ^` �\ ii/ pD nm r— = rt 2"c w/(3)#2/0,(1)#4 r� 200�Ps AUTOMATIC 200 AMPS M DISCONNECT PANEL SWITCH (MLO or MB) 1 1/411c w/(3)#3,(1)#8,(6)#14 Thhn FPL 20 KW Generator on pad gm # raj` #, , 4 Co Oil v RECE'VED MAY 18 20,8 k2 q.: �� " �� Permitting Depart St, Lucie ment Co �t3'�i � � �i. u ntY, FL I FILE COPY 16/20/22 kW cs 1111011 006463-1 S, to an in change in the Every: standby� 005819-0 26B Wet Cell Battery Wet cell batte If the temp! _ Cold Weather Kit battery and 0 005621-0 Awdliary Transfer Switch Uuntacti Kit the auxiffary load you may - ----- ------- 7 The fascia iasil 005039-0-Bisque = Fascia Base Wap KV a sleek Conti) 005666-0 -Gray PWard on 22 M Offino holes foe If the &neratai 00570370 - Bisque Paint I(ir, from future car 00570" -Gray ............. gencrator encl 006484.0- IS kW 006485-0 -'20 & 22 W Scheduled MaintenarimKit Generqc's sch routine maud * Nate: Bisque kits are used in conjunction with steel enclosures. Gray Ms are used -mi. um -S!wO ap awmgnm Fa to 1rdAUP.,=j im Evxt 637.6 mm R&I In] .7. 14 5........... DMM am] LEFT SIDE VIEW GENERAL'available accessories enan 8 UnkaUQws you to chect; the status at your generator from anywhere that you have terriet connection from a PC or*M any smart device, You will;even be notified when a nerafor's. status occurs via e-mail or textmessage- enWtpr requires a battery to start the system. GenLrac offers the recommended 26R for -use with all-&-cwted standby product (excluding Po=rPact@). regul . ally falls below 32 IF (0 G), a cold weather'hit is required to maintain optimal, empertures.lCliconsists of a hwarmerry warmer and oil filter heater With built-in bahsfer swilchicontaektlallows the -transferswitch tolmlia.utaslingle large electrical of need: Not compatible with 50 amp pre -wired switches. I .. ......... ------ Wrap.snaps together around the bottom of the new air cooled generators. This.offers 1 mated as well as offering protectiah from rodents and insects by covering the geld in the base.' ,;iios�;,is scratched. or damaged, it is impor=to touch-up the Paint to protect sion The paint kit includes the necessary paint to proorly maintain or toych-up a L;d.maintcniince.ldts provide all the liardware necessary t6-1)(Ifform complete ce on a Generac automalic-standby generator. 3fps-5-i and battery powered, Geneiac% Wireless remotq�.manitor provides you-wit.h ilormation without ever leaving the house, Not conipatible with Coreftwer or EcoGen VAC, fieldirtsbillediransformer that enables the use of Ifie24 gernent Nio a dWes fMM:s)and one PMM. The standard controller (without starter kit) *I AC loads with no additional hardWare. Not compatible with pre;ydre&gwitches. 7nt Modules am used in conjunctiop with the Smart SWIthto increase its power apabifitles. it gives. t . he SmartSveitch-additionall Power management flexibility not found liferswitch. flot�cornpatible with Pre -Wired switches. Note: PMM Starter I(it required. conjunction with aluminum enclosures-, dimensions & .UPCs On, i-OT USETFEESEMEFORS FUR INSTALLATMA RUGS—CR. tit AY_ 81. GENERAC General; Power Systems, Inc: S45 W29290 HWY., V11aukestia, N Mi .��ajp.com �00'4 Eat= PoweM.%m. im. ARVsmeiva Aawaqczarmaresw*i bam_t&wn*&. fluktOM58-11 P0.91allnUE&W19,14 iR Permiffind DeOrtrnt I St. LUde- ;1.-.'.r)unty, FL 16/20/22 kW - Generads Modue 006453-1 Mobie.Unk' access to an Into . change in the er Evry. Standby go 005819-0 26B Wei Cell Battery wet cce➢ battery Ir t II the temperature 006212-0 Cold WeatherKrl battery and oil tEl ;.thermostat 005621-0 AuwLaryTransler Switch Contact > The auxiliary tra •Krt . load you may n i The fascia baseI 005839-0 -Bisque fascia Base Wrap Kit" a sleek cantourg 005666-0 -Gray (Standard on 22 IMJ} lilting holes local If the generator e 005703-0-Bisque Paint Kit - from tuture coati 00we" - Gray ;. generator enclos 006484-0 -16 W4 006485-0 -'20 & 22 W :Scheduled Maintenance. Kit Generac s "bedl routine maintena ' Campletelywire! 606664-0 Wireless Remote Monitor instant -status int+ systems - The PMM Startei 005199-0 PMM Starter tit VAG Power Man; can control trio I ...:. • • 006186-0 : Power Management Module (50 `Amps) Power Managem management cal in anv othertfan: x Note, Bisque kits are used:m conjunction with steel enclosures. Gray kits are used i LEFT SIDE VIEW GE:N.ERAC available accessories Link alloy you to check the status of your generator from anywhere that you have net connection from a PC orwilh any smart device. Youmll even be notified when a ¢rotor's, status occurs via e-mail or text message- aerator requires a battery to startthe system. Generac offers the recommended 26R a use with all air-cooled standby product (excluding PowerPactO). regulady'fatis below 32 `f (D °G}, a cold weatherfat is required fo maintafn optimal nperatufe5. it consists of a hattery wanner and oil filter heater with built fin sfer switcli:contast lot alloys thelrar0er switch to lock out a single large electrical need; Not compatible with 50 amp pre -wired switches. wrap. snaps together around the bottom of the new air cooled generators. This offers d appearance as well as:offedng protection from rodents and insects'by covering the ed in the base _ _- «closure is scratched.or damaged, itis importantto Iouch-up the paint to protect sion. The paint kit includes the necessary paintto properly maintain or touch-up a are. god' maintenance.tets provide all the hardware necessary to perform complete ice on a Generac automatiastandby generator. ns and battery powered. Generads wireless remote monitor provides youwith itmation without ever leaving the Cause. Not compatible with CorePdwer or EcoGen Kit cgnsisis of a 24. VAC, field installed transformer that Enables the use of the 24 igement Modules (PMI%U)and one PMM. The standard controller (without starter kit) AC toads with no additional hardtivare. Not compatible with red*switches. eat Modules are used in conjunction With -the Smart Switch ro increase its power. 1$4 hifities. It gives the SmartSvNtch additional power -management fleAbil'dy not found ilerswitch. Not:compat tale with pre -wined switches. NEte_ PMM Starter Kit required. nlconjunction with aluminum enclosures; dimensions & UPCs 00-KV 03-5. VIEW Model UPC 00645M 696471064599 0064610 696471004612 Q06721 696471067217 096729-0 696471067293; Q067 M 696471067309 00.65514 6964.1065510 005552-0 696471065527 006462-0 696411064629 GENERAL Generac Power Systems: Inc: �I .S45 W29290 HWY_ 59, Waukesha, WI 53189 .• generac com -t2a14 Gemac Poway s;: Isms, lilt. A[ 4his reMPIL Ali sp=jCat»as ara su6jrci to ctrtm�a rrE1m6 xuti e. eukM �SecS&6'Fri Seddn U.S A t�t19'i4 GENERAC 161261V2' kW"' Pre -wired, FeMas :r€ailable an steer 16 kw rdodets only. • Electrically operated, mechanically -held eontactsfor fast, positive connections. • Pried for all classes of load,1 W. equipment rated, both inductive and resistive. • 2 pole. 250VAC- contactors. 30millisecond transfer time. • Dual coil design. • tllain contacts are silver plated or silver alloy to, resist welding and sticking. • NEMA 1 (indoor rated) enclosure is standard on the pre voted switch - Pre -Wired 30 fool (9.1 meter) v+hip to connect to the provided 5 foot; orc- wired whip:and eternal connection boat • Pre -Wired. 2 foot (0.61 roofer) whip; color coded to connect into: the existing eiectrical panel, Dimensions maw 096461-0 (16 kW) 100 EurrenfRahng lamps) r r Utility V06ile Pnanitor (Fixed}' :MCA -up 80% tkopo4r 60 A 7r s c,�r�se ti eek17 for 1 mrnutes Standard�^ Total of Fte-tivired Circui's i 6 No.15 it 120 V 5 No. 20 A.12d V ° No. 26 A 240 V t no. 30 A 240 V Die..40 a 240'V t M_ rn r wn it i `Function of Evolution Conroller Alechanical aimerrsions.. . Height Width pepih HI H2 Wl 'h�? in 23.5 ' 26.4 ' 8.3 1? 6' 6.3 mm 597 571.7 �11 a2Q.i 1s9.6. Wire Ranges 2/0- 14 ) 2a-Y14 1 2/0--14 ' Smart S"fijich I?,aftirn • Includes Digital Powbr Management Technology Mnndard (DPP!). • InteRigently rlrarlages two-aif conditioner loads with no additional hardvJaTe. • Up to four more large. (120l240 VAC) loads parr be managed when used in conjunction with -Power Management Modules '(P;itfel"), • Electrically operated, mechanically -held contacts for fast, clean connections. • Rated for all classes of load,1001% equipment rated, both inductive and resistive. • 2 pole, .250 VAC contactors: • Service equipment rated, dual coil design. --Rated for both aluminum and copper conductors. • NEMAIUL 3R aluminum outdoor enclosure. • Main cardacts are silver plated.or silver alloy to resist welding and Stipking- . *Note:.PMPA starlet kit is required prior to using *the modules. DimenS101t1S 200 Pimpsi20/2d0, fn I Open Transition Service Fated - Heigh 1'r Depth H1 I H2 I VJ1 t32 in 127.24 1 30.0 11.4 1 115 7.64 aint j -6910 t 762.4 289.0 1 343.0 190.0 6ladei Ulilin Lug DO6462 U (16lWjfflgSM-0. (M kW)f086551-0 (22 kM (Fi> rW -Prkatn 80% -fl!evoot 60% 250 f 1CM - __6 Evolution Controller I ; Si ! M _ i ..�'1612�122 kW ...:.... - ..... pya-wired eaarwes. :laairable an $leaf 16 !cW modals rrnly . - Electrically operated, mechanically -held contacts for last, positive connections. • Gated for all classes of load.100% equipmea rated, both inductile and resistive. • 2 pole. 250 VAG GOgtaG1015. - 20millisecond transfer time. Dual coil design. • Main contacts are silver pfafed or silver alloy to resist welding arid -sticking. - NEMA f '(indoor rated] endosi re is standard on the pre -Wired switch. Pre -wired "art foot (9.1 meter) i* ip to connect to the provided 5 foot:pla- ,•tired whip.and external connection bwL • Pie -wired 2 foot (O.o1 meter) whip; _color coded to connect intc1 the existing electrical panel. Dimensions { GENERAC L. .•.._ ._. - syltgb options 806451-0 (16 kW) �flodel 3f ttd g Rating to nps) 100 Currant 1ltilityVol�ge Monitor (Fixed)' ficn ip 80% IJropol r 66A ..,.. r E�ercrse e61y tar 1 minutes` Standard rt Samid 16 To)al of Frr wned Circuits No. 15A120V 5 NO.2a A.120 V 5 No. 20 A 240 V ' Fly 30 A 24,011 No..40 A R40'V t `Funct eri of Evolution C904011er Meehaaical Dimensions. , � . o Height width Depth _HI uf1 1id7. in 23.5 26: t 0.3 136 6.3 min 597 fi7t.7 211 1 326.7 1 155.6. Wire Ranges 1 r Conductor Lug Pieunar Lug I Grouird Lug 2f0-r14 21)-414 1 270_=14 4 fi2Rb' ir> if!U ; v ftti sa 7Nndt~t I 006462 0 (16 kW)1006J29 0 (20 kW)i006551-0 (27kW) l9cludes Digital Pgwtan .er Management Technology sdard (DPWI). Ili fiol n - N toe current,Rating tAmpsl • intelligently manages two aft conditioner leads Frith no additionalpass r ; .. _,-•, : . hardware. ut0ity NQ PAanrtor (Faced)' • Up to four morel large. (1201240 VAC) loads can be managed when used in cbnjunc#ion with Poyier Management Modules(PMM"L Reiur�tolrhliht_ ! x 3se t fxer' dreer�jfor 12mnutes Standard • Electrically operated, ntechanically-held contacts for fast, dean, tit a t « connections. Enclar re f83%4A.NL eR • Rated for all lasses of load, l fl0°A equipment rated: both inducti�=e ri lard f9a6ng _0 and resistive. U9 Range 250 MCM T6 • 2 pole, 250 VAC contactors. 'Funetilon of Evolution Controller • Ser4ice equipment rated, dual coil design. -Rated for both aluminum and copper conductors. • NEMAYUI.3R aluminum outdoor -enclosure. I I .r • Main coutacts.are-sihzer plated.or silver allov to resist welding and l '; sticking.- y r= ' *Note: PMM starlet kit is required prior to using the modules. rilmensi0tls 200 Amps1v01240. 10 4 Open Tlansw on Seratce Fated. I Height �4itlOr y 9 D?plh rt? ! r Hi I H2 ytt in l 27.24 l 30.0. 11.4 13:5 l rnni •652:0 1 769-1 285.0 343.0• 1 GENERAC°` 16/20/22 kW specifications y _ Gen,et'alar 006469.0,006461-0 006462 Own", V06730-0 006551-O,OU6552 0 Model 0 006721 0 (i6 kW) (20 kW) %ateli�i�3%rm�Gr? �a00jNi1�1151 ��V LI(1L3� . 500 sh'at!s — t60U0't7alls 1800D1.a05 1 Rated Mm imum Eontmnous Poorer Capacrly (FJG) 9 Rated trlaxrmum Continuous Lead Current 210Va1s (LP,tJG) 66 o 83.396 916 813 ' t �clal#taimolucilof0cn„ iS t[1a4ar Y Iitaiss5 5darn line Circuit &Sd,cr n5 rrmp loop D h °0 i0 rnp 2 Number. of Rotor Was i yy{}z Z Z Rand A�r��`5 1 L 6D LL. T f t 60j� ,' 6Il 0 r _ t °ovler Factor l 10 8�11sC�. gdl�er�teitt)ti61lpp1ddriJ) •._ :' �� &iatip?SH 12_+ohsaal625.,.9 o 13.02 7 (Steer] 51612341 526t236 6 Unit YJetght Aft dSHtiOa � tnluriinuni) Ormen;iarrs (L S zj rrzntrt' k r : N a ti agHx 29r1r�iEz it�Hx �3w t 666 67 6 Sound output ur d�rr:t at 23 it (4m) �.�Ih yeneni°r operarirg al i otmat Load � � am,i+r1 oirfpUlltt'gr3(r1j <L23 JL{i mJ 4sNh �etretatcrrit.{3grel-Tat 1in1�-5p�ti ' °'Q .��.. a ,,-. ` _ , . 3H 5 min 5 min 5 mir: Fxetcise durauoit rLgrne ti G€PJFRAv !v?ZrJ1tm 6t17 iAttfliikl�Y1� v3E#iC I Wumba�r lcti+eG{Suyhnders Z 2� Alum vrt tall 1 Oli Sleese C)ht'd BtoU � d- x 4#s�dltl5ie� 7" r`egt:cd�$i1't:' 3 r r r> Vai> ^Alraltgamenl rgndicn S{slam SuBd'stala vr3nlagnelu uchd salt: vr' Hagneto 5ohd-sale ryr Mto Gtn�mocSYslem i New, J �e s r(CGlNniG` t 1tDmC1 agne� Compresstan Ratro it�t 951 °a1 °J� isdv i2 _...- Siartbc. r.r 4 x 19 W 8 L Approx i 9 qt<I H L FPF1px 1 9 qV] 8 L Orl Capaaty Inciudu+g Filter q { Fuel Censumplron tlatmal Gas fl %hr (mafl+r) 184 (5.21) 112 Load 193 (5.47) 205 (S,Bi roil load 312'(6.83) 308 (8.7"r_) 281 (7.96) Liquid Propane u3nrr (gaorj (Uhr) 75.6 (2.OB) [7.87] 1/2 Load r2 (199) [7 53] 12 {au8) [t3 99] Full Load 136 (3 57)113 531ir0 (3 85) [t4 a'j ii tueLplpeatusbbe3rtaUFa�ul6WeiL111�irir]ON trNt9,izte>E�L7dk1dtrllesr°[axM+uti7,l3itoiercl4lrula�nassit2�wate(celrviatilz2rrrn Cant3f3]S iiC�a 9u cos rt�r c iaaLSNi,;� I`ri�iG�* xta' o'ocdt ghS�S r s. . . � trisC�L.. ,;. ' � .; :.:. ♦� . � s r� J r:ffi*ai n� diet � cesra; nUa�2i t5arc'rf t�rlt�1 to RtaL4 �rtf(lsiw� l - <_ xt oW ...- ": ,...._. 3} tlrg+rsAunfiarr 1 tn�h-R Swrrd��C • o � � a ..r 1)rosiugula>r siartdeL h n'�r'Htr? cmwz 1 4 �� .1 - ` eate> i5� U ikly tcllag tr>SslPum foUhfF) Atrr6le (O rnzmoW Sedrngi 'am 14047 ; 90-21 i ? S�iSacferclSyEt,rsl�r ai'f' `""r+' °9. c - �i s r ,�• a s ° ,r�ghtrN�kd 4e"n LCgs y �y i0 -4" � �'Yr�lrwri�Yii Jl� �S�F"T'1/10N1]�niWliUerj�� � r 1� 's. fsi97Rd�� � j �t•x car at r� ce urxl rrg ne'es �t �todet W. o R Durget FaWti'Missing AC 412mrng lt"1 s _ •"' t 1 Ar.4omahc YW.ag� n°..grsLtst �rdr Oaz: arts Utrde° Voit Ptotecuan I is mi n V , ow •r t' 1`Y l Salely rosed/fux r'rohtem FroleIXron �_`� � 1 t*tzrra^Jr7i �rspeed (r� 72 W) rprn s� =e ices S�rtrttiv Standard .l{l z �itB'r`. .Ua•:�IZl li a a 1-- 4 ` t^ .,. r .-._! �, i. ,n-' gig' �.,_.. \Tieieuu y.,y 7., S - y Inremai Fauiu7ncdrrPct Yh +ng Prdechm� StIfidaid a Slat ridard Sic7L Baer rhomb+eler3atCr :sasndter&wmiJm, oumfsides mt.awmbfrrayWlegirwde' d'cy�iiir enr nj< a�=s ; ApoC�hl fa gdyng�e3axFoom�ierti d�ixrm :•ilhet;.hlyt iutwh9=:non> ra S3yisstikM:+mtirisrsg (-llratin�snzca ,c Gi9'a-S1d.15+�?W"oa�'1 t52ii),'7 xi rdeetm!ez j nr k bye eCaisuf iSart_,"alr .MWIL ar'eerizrrnzm ..atatrde.eoanzFaas riicavina? a it rcKn ae atKry35rY.g rmiht:di]! 3a lak �el� .�snv3l�—a wi)r far�CrB CIt�J � t6•Croo'Fy Z44E£-W s= -co go �^Wd =o g=_"o Wwt=�m }nZ wN W_W Qv.I �£Nooa a.-W az_. r• � Ks� U) _400 aAIR 111 oFdow=wou >iS Asa m ews - o° `-:FW!a zlu'�3u.o o.FFSe paw Wlg 2 �er�g5 a`uauoo.�� us's Ll l:�a9'tlun�+aa 1SSGLLnj. zip>'m��Wt�2 0 Zt1aS_ o�u.<i- C71z li W LU z� Oo U 130 O N O a , �{a v a� Q U 's� n EILe1<CL z��� CL c 1E^, •fig. 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IV I Ho A o oe 11 091010 2 , a 1oco.5 �• Q' rW 0. 0 t oS�otJN wli"e5 a i 0.un t« MIS Q ! oadx oou'$ ^aCs �o ` ' In 0 1e o o .. � •.. a ; •Q V e M 3 T: N C N N �s's000s8`s"sa .msoR Z oNa= IS H-1-8S51 k Jim Dour ���� s m m HP11 DIE a 6rxw'< z ae�$ma�88+S8888 vi�v�o8 7 b: o��F u��=�.: . � keLL u 0 8$888888oR8�TS= �I-t".�888 `� `.:,.' �j m a.'•e m m Nm e N C'^• ~On�m.wew��$n � � < � � i { O g ao_ n�'mroc'�.. �3ooS3 tl K »W tiZ 4Q '�•• Z 1•• ^n maie •n u.��n mc'��t.S�oe OF 1 sills .5 t'S: .t`,CJ 1 �t n 8S3 S88�oo MANZl 5 II 5` d �� U" Sou`a�u"6ou u.�°Gi�unm o�=m vuv � � ..•°o � I 1 zy4q_ ' ip ' moil!Owx '�. 2013N r •N W1 3t `o 17 y � I n , ' ' j au GZ ..Y f .. .. ..._ ..._ � • - mae 1FUt3N --' tI _