HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0239 i:."". ~ -. ' ',' . , '.... J' , I, " J' I' ,I ,r _ ,'! I' . I, :1, '" ,. ,', ' . ,'" . j " I ' I ---~ - ~m~_~""',"_ ~"~=:""'-'~~--'-=,,.---:-=-.:o-.-~.......="-_-;o-c-~---=--"'=~,~"'--='--.-'~~'~"'-'--=~=""'''---'''':'im,m' -"'---.-..lc-~'~'I---:~--=' - - t --~"--'~-,-'-;' .-___co-=_=__ :-r~-t ,--~- - t ' ' ; 'I ( , 'J ,I , , , /,,' ' ' , " ' ", I , . I, ,':",.,,~~~.,;;.1;'. ,r ":"~':;':;;;"';~:':;"f~;:,;:*~~~'<:~f--~~' ~:~,r'~';:';:'r~:>, :.: :;:~', '..., ,'~~'~ i',;~~fh~,ka'0~8 6If,h~spwn.ki~o.~~ed~e, t~t~.tr~. A~,tha,i!.','~~*~~'w~8:a.Yiidow'brt,t}\e, 1.~hi:,I~~~,''-:1Ii "'1" ' ofOotjlre~,'A~-D:-'1924 Jt"'wl110h lt1me'~a.' ,Altti~' y. }.1of'lna~pea'~'eda9 g~a~or"llila. bertalli', , l' , " , I ' ; , '" ,.', \ . \ I \' ,,' " '. ' ,,' I, "" ," , " . \, ", '" , \ ',:warra~ ty 'dUd' ,to, La.w~el~oe' Dol'geY,h.nd :I:G~' O. B$r'tiett" 9o'V13rtng l.Q te'lQ.' ii 'a~\ 12 i,~ 'IB1;Qk'9 , ' ~ . ., .' - , .-" ' ~".: ': \ ,~ '.0 ' . '. ,~ , ' 'f; \ I of, );dgEl\\'JO/i ,Addl!'tJ.Opt6',th.4. O,i:1!Y of~e,ro~ ' \', \' \ . I', \, , ' . : " . . , .-' ~ I ': " ,\ '\ -, " , " ' , '1\ " , ' , '~'. . I ) ct ", , " That';ea,i.d'l.;ra.\ Albh~).l.' .1J~ran,'1el'a;t 'the\ present)':,t1~ 8" wldoW\I." l'" , " ...1 - , 0(, . \ \ ~ ' .,' . \.; \ . , ',_' ',' \ . , \ . . . . -. \' S1gned;at Vero, Flor~da. this ,lt~e,27th.."day'otA'prU,.A.,xr',.192'6i '., -, ' -\',' '" '~. \. ,", :' '. :?-' : "," \. " "~ ".' .' ,- , , '. : ' ,.', ~ ' ~' : ,Ii.. ~. HILL' .' l ,,-, -.22f} 1,'- ,j f '. \ !: \ " -- \ ~ i . " ,"f " \, , ~' .\ ,\ I' \. \'\ \: " , , SWorn to itl1d 8ubsor1bed bElf'Oreme\ ' . \ .', ' , ' , , ;,,' ,\, . this 2~th ~ayof April A ~'~~E6 .. \" , . \ \, I , ", .. '\ ' , :.' , Ii , " \, . , , " 'I' " '" , ,\ .. '\ ,", "- " ': ", ,-I \ .. ',.' , \ , " " '~ ." . \ .." . '- . ." ,. . . , e,d,thi~,21.,t~, day" ot'APA11.19?~~!lt ,'3;47~~ 'M.' : ." '. .'" 'C!l ' '...' '. C'OJ'ci'" , . , V{ll). ' " " . ,~O'" . , . ~ ' . " .- -. . . "By.lta ,~'~ '/J'/!:J ' '. .." ,',i>o.O.' , .~ ,~f.6t:;;I..!!,~,'UJ1;" ',' . ~'." ,;, , , ' " .. , I' ...; '.""!""'....;. .--- ~,~,. - ..~ .... . ~ .. -',~'~-'.;" -.-:-.- -". 'i . .-' ~ >~'.-~. "; ..~ '. ~ 'I- "'.,-- .-, ..;.. t,':' .-,~'-:- . ,"'4'--:- ~:.;.. t,-;,*'-' ....-..:-: .~~..,~ .' ~ ~ ,'" · ~ · ~:,~ ....:.'-.'..;... ~-:- '.~...'~ -'~ , " r.ARRAlI1Y, . DEED ~ ". ',; " , l!'!U~lK H. ELLIS, et 8.1 ' " .', TO:, it..' ll~, HILt, hiS , ' . , "i'HIS D:EED.' 1,:8,de the' 20th~ay ,of :A.prl"l :A.',D,. 19.25, by qank, H.El-l1'a aiiQ', ~r.r'j~~ Ell1.e" ;. "" ~"" . . ~ ~ . "'- - '. ,:, . " '. ".', ",', " , ' ',' " . , , ' '. ' . 'f1f,~of:1;he c.o\1ntY<?f,Leon State "oi'!,~Ol' l'da)u~re"1qafter,' ,Oalle,<1 :the~ r~utol:s ',' t'o A.1f" H1l1 ~ V" the Coun tyoj,',' S,t. 'iuol~ '-nat~ o-i~ .i;'1()r1da here Ina!,ter Qa l,ied ,the' g;ra nt;Et,e'. ' ,of .. Wln~ESsETg. That th~, eaid ,gra~t6re'. lp.OOl{ehler.atl~n,of !i'e'Jl~D()ll,ar>s'aHo oibei','va'1U~b'le' , . '., . '- , .,' ., ' -' , , ' . ".' ',', '" " ,~ " ' , " oon~1der,e.t'lone' 'tlie' reo~ipt iller~ot:leh'e~ebY'aQkI;107il~g~d.':dOg1;ve, 'gr~nt.. bargatn~ eE!l1~.allBn;", , .' ~ , ',' .' . . .", , ,. ~'~_. ',' , . .: '. ' . .' .'" : , -,', ',' .' '"."' - '... ~ . -':p . ,"' , ren:lee" re.1~ae~,"f!ufeoff. oOHve.Y'8>ud c,ouf1rm unto,1"h.eeaid p:ra,ute,e~.'and hie 1ie1~'llnd 8.s8lfna in, . " - c.~ . f~e e1n;ple. the, bOOe sltu~te'1'1~'St., ,Lucie' Couiit,y., 3tate'of .Flor1cJa~ desoribed as 'fol10';'s:', Vie ~ ttwenty'aores of" ~.raot e,le \'eQ, ,8~oti9n' :f1ve. ,to.....neh.p,thlrt;y'..three" ,e9uth of:rallg~ , ,', ., '>,', ' , ". '" , , , \ " '",~"', 011 the ~ast geiiera~ "pla~.,of'l~nd8, of Ind1an, H1\"~r 3geast,,~e ',the' same :~8' 'd~slg^ated ., ' , '- " ., ','.. " ,. COuJ1~r. il:orida 'SubJe(lt to a:ll' taxe~, und a'saeserr.en tiS, If anY. b'e 'lev~ed fo~the '7.eur 1926 .und, ' ':, ,~; , "1 . a:ii;,~Ubijequ.ellt:(eur's. - , , ' ,70 ij/~v::..ilq T:J M'O:U> thec8ar.e'to'gether with thenere.di'ttirr.ents- and appur~eluiuoe~. u'~to,the'eard , .- ) 3', " 'grantee. ahd .h~e, 'hC1ra'.:~uiod"bS8~,gr!6 1n fee~';:sir.:;ple'~'.. , , AliD,the said 'gril.l1tore, fOr"Jheo:selvee mId', thcJr jH~irs aadlt16tl1 reprea&atatlv~8. ,c,ovenalit ...ith ' . '::t , '., -.~' '.... ...' "_ ,.'" . " Su.id tXa!itee; hie heir~~ ~€g~lrep'ri~seXltaC1\~ee ,auL.as:a-1gus; Th.!it ea,lL~tOl,'a ate i'~v)efeaa1bly se1zed of eaid l(:lllO in fee 811c'J:le:' th~t eu.Id grunto;ra 'have fun pov.er uud ,lu1/ful r 19ht to com'ey' ",' , ' . j)r , ,. , , Sa1d 11,mdB in f(;e. Bir..ple, as ufo-resaid: that ',~ eha 11 be ;ladul tor said grlil!tee. h~she1rs'legb.l , , repreaenta'thee 1iI1d' asSigns, .a ail'tlme~'p,adeably and. quletly to enter"upon'.. hold, oC,oupyand en..1 o;f sdd land: thu,t Oeu.1d lund 18 tree fr~m u l1'inc~nipranoe8: '~hb1' aaidgr.uco.r's.,. ehe lr,heir13 , , !;"l:lti~lcgUI,- represeHta. th-e'8~ .iIn n:.u.i;e ,euo&~{y,-rt1i~i~'-ai3~--:,:-riillo-e~~o p'tlfeot 'the,_fee B.1~plent1,tl~ to said laud lU"d p-rautee. his neirs.legtll rerreseutat.,ive\l w:j Ue,8if::M, fis Oi~Y r'eascwably be / , "required: urld r;i:a t said graHtQrs,. do hereby fullY'Viurrullt th,e title t,o st-lid 16Jl,~ ahd "'i,ll d(Jfenl ~heear::e aga 1ue1i the 1 u~fUl'i'ClU 1l;.8 0 full 'pe r so n~',r;hoIrosoever., I, \~ITIIESS the hands ulId fH:ule 01 881.dgr!llltora, 'ljhe day aud-- YUill' firet -atJove ?tTitten. I > , ' ::' -: I, , " " \' .' \ ' . ' ", , 'I'" " . , . "~ ~ '" ...... " t , " ,r ',' , .~" ~ !~ -,-,,,,j , f "