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HA~E'H;tb ,~ weHI ~U\)'.::n '-fbid kl10";u. to 'rr~' tOb~ ,O!IC 'lOt the reraOllS; ,o~soiioed, lnl and 'N,ho, ',1 \ ,~'J' " ,,' ",,':: ,', ,',,', \" "" \ '\ ",:, '" :' ,',' ", \,t" ,'.. ,~, ,,'.," \,..':. '\:" .', I ; I' ,i -'G':e~ut,~~; tpe iorego~ng'OO~v~Y8r\oe -',to. HA~'q;t' SOl i',IEBS?ER ana' R~ :'~~P9),1E,~0! . and ao~ now le~,g'e.d the '. ~', '....,. ". " . -'\: ,\"-~,. '" -',.... > ",. - \" \. . .. ,.,~. .,' ,.-,. ":\', - ,', '.: ,;'"e':e,o,t~lon -ther- eo'f to be nia ~'1"ce ao t, &1111 '0 ~~d '~or\ t ~e 'Uses ~nd: rurpose~' 'the re1I\ oe n~lql~ed. ,', , . : " \~. . '... \ . ' - ' . - \ 1, ,', Y:ITllESS ,'lIlY,S l,~llatqre: al1d 'offl0ialsea 1 ,a.t I i.est' l'a1r: i3~aoh. $ald- Co'tmty:, a,ndStatej th~ da~' \ " "\,,' "\' , " , I ',,-, , ,'" ,,', ',' \ .' ,~' I " ' . , ' Ei~~~, '3"e~,\~"~, ,a . ":. ,~U!ld,,' " \', .. '..' <,.., . :,' (.'" ',' :.,' G. ),1. OOLE1Usl:', ' ,: I' " .,,' \ ,'\' ",' ',',llo,til.ry'.\'upl1c~' \\ ~\ U~1>,'~eal./,,: :,\ ' ' ~'i,' ,llfy 0'0 trJnis a 101;1 , e~pires .1un~i9; 192q. , '~",".' .....,. '.' :.;, 'I ,." "1: i_ . '1,' 1"' . I. : ~ I {'!. .. \ " \ ' f;:' '\... ... . .;'\ : '-,\ j' \ ' ...... , ....3?~TZ ,bF l2",6.a,rDA'! 'aOUlI,1Y OFlliuBEAC,!{~ ,\ \." \ ' \ " '~ . . > , . .\ . .. 7' ' 'i'liE~3Y 6ErolFY. /~hat on. thleday}er;soaal1Y a!'pear(d', before ,tE.e.'an offio~r d~t autbor1zed .' ..: . '. -~ {"', - .,'." '..". .'. . .' , . - ." ~ . ,- ,.:. .,,. ," . ','. ." ~. :'-. .' '.- -' .... ,'. ;,.to administer oa'th13'iln~ :take;'a~kn~?;led~me~te~ p.l. Gute11uB'a)1~',' c:. D.,~~ESE~ 'to rr.e pers,o:~l~:Y, , ~;, , ~ It, "... -' :': ~1l0"".~ and 'kU()1n ,t'o Ire "to be tlle tVlO <?f the lndlvidua;1.s d'88or1bed 1n,'nnd Rl}.O ei'ecut,ed tbe"fore- ;',.' .' .~;. '., . ....,"-.,. . "" . .-". .: .-.... ..... ' . " " . '. ~., .. ~.'~, '. .'"" ". -' ..' . ':' -goin€lriatrurr.ent 's.syioe-pies ldent ana' Seoreta lj'" Qf theabovE,~r:.:ed ,:'arltel,"B "Eank .'& iI'rbst eO'mraI1Y. ; .' ~ ' .-,. . ':.,' . ' . -. . ~:" " '. a~o rpor'a.t10~. and, ~e\'or,ap~ a~kUO'Nledged t,o ~l1dbefQre ttG, ',the ~*ecu tlon of said: ins tr\tment ,:to; ., ;'. '," ;. .' ,: . '. :... - - ", -"; . -.' '. -, . , :,-" . ",~' -.: '~",', ....-.. ....' '. - -:,. . .'. '. .', ,'", .-. ';'be ;theJr~~!r_(i.e....:,actb.'nd deed;~lt au~h off1cers.of'sftid oor,'oret1onfor the t.s',e8an~p"""rp!;>se8, th,ere in ' $' . ", " ". ',. .' rr.GQt101!ed., alid ,for : "-he. pUr!Ol:!,.e 'of re.no-Uacing, 'rellJ,iqulahlng alld,'c,onvey~np !'lll heT'rig~t~ titi~..'" ,':' " ' .:', , ,~ , " ,;, .... ,'" ,..' , , and l11tore B t 'Jft.he' ~ald GE,Rl'~;J;)1:'; '~Li2!tIS .qARj)E~. ....,ite otte,,?' ,Sa 1d,LEi';IS' ~'. P'..A~DE~. in am to S!l:id ,'lalld'~, \.,'hethe~ do'",c :'thof'est~ud., Or of 8ePtiru~~proE~J"t,~,";>' 8t~t;~t~r';V, oz:~qul~bt~ .,,In,'alld 'w ~he lauqs 'geeo,'rlbed' ther'Eiln.' and'ihatthey ~tflxed thereto tbe oinala1' 8~~i'Qf ,said oorporat1,OIl" .;"'" , , f" ",,', ~'; , ' , " " ,,', ,: '., ' ' ,', " ", , ,', , '~..' ' , ,and the eaid ~ne'ti1W1e1it ,ls th~ ac tand ,de'e.d of"ea1<t oorpo:n;.t loti uS the' ;,a t. !;Oh.e~ 1.n fact for " I . -.'. .' '.. : " ,~'- " ," '"', ., , , ~ . ' .... , .' . - . ,....: ' . . '., ' , GY.RTSUDE, ij'A:ij;US 'fIARDE~" ~uly autporlzed by ,tJi.t.it -'certain pOi'!ez,'oi' ti ttor.rlElY~' da tad :th~ 1hh.d.8$ . '. - 1 ~-~. . .. . _ ". " - ,"" ~ . :;" ~ ;,11:.' , I ~ " f-,t" ,', ~' . "0,$ :A~.r il i":" . ,at paie ,D. ,l~E5, ' and., l'~oOrded on the ' ,da~ o,r'."pdI. 4.D~';.~9?b, in Dee,d, B~o~ : " ,: , ll;' ~n~' ;JffiCeQf theCiei'!C of, the "J:iroui t ,CQ\U't ' ~'f3~. 1uo,1~ ~;;Junt~.:: 'llQ~'~dtl'. ~. .., " :i ' ... , , Y,\1TllESS my~Pand'a!ld o,U'ioial ,seul, atrteett'~lrr,.3each, sdd COi.aity an'dState, t!1i:eJ;he,;, ~ · 'If ' . '. , , '~ , ~ : . . :'7.' ~ '. 27th '~ :~ , ".~ , .. ~ , .,' !(I' ,', da,y of Aprl~,i~2f>."8t b '!.-; , .8 'If " ""G~,14;' Cole-man , Ilotary ?Ublio. :S~a te of Flor'l'd'a' , M4Y o,oUJIliBB,16,u' exp1rEls J-ane 9,' ,19,2p'- '~', , ,~ ~: . ~ ~ ~:. '1 ~J .~ ~\ ~., ~. '. i-'-; . ~ " ~, ~ t; fl-, I "1, , ' ,,'ALI~E L.GATEi..GOD,~e.t'a,l. FLoR."DA ~I\RR'ANT~,~t~O;' t" :J~~. GILBER1. etal., ,'I>'-~"--~~,i.~~:r,:~~;~~~' ;~~: t::~:d~::~ t:~: ;'L:r;. J::k::':"::d3::::"0:1~Ci:.:~r::::'tO::' :;:!:VL · ,," f1retpart. and J, T. Gilb~rt. E. G. Stut;,per. and 1. E. LI;lCk of1;lno Cou,nty' 'Of 1,{oOr.aoken'und,3tute \, '0 '_'" 6:46'1>.1.:. " . " 1>'.0. Eldred (Ole ~~ oj O,~l'Qul t ;Court) " ., "~~By'W~ ~"'Id~~'" k ,." ,- n.c.,.:' , , . , - · - ....; . -.: . - · ....' . - ~ ~ ~ , - , -.. - . -, . -. - ~ - . - . - . - . - . ..:. . - . - . - ~ ,-.. - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . -' . - . - . - ~ ~ . - . - . - . - ..;.. .' - . - . - fFf " '. , 'of Kehtl\okey parU~B oft~e seoond part.; '\(IT1I~S::TH. t;;hl1t the S4id parties o~ th~ first p~rt, for . _ ! - , '_ _ , ~ ,_ _. '_ ',. ! ,-' ; " f " .. ,\., _. I- . ,a~d in cOus1de'tatlon'oftheSUIn of Tenf-Do~lara,unti ~th~: VIJi~b~leOOneide1'ati,01l8~O .~hem \n ,ha~~' ,:ra~d. "he/reoeiPt, ,",hereof Ij herclJY bokno?'1.edged. h~"8gra.nted, ~~,rga,l!lf!~. !~ld,andt~a1;lSf.,.r~d.' and' by,theac r,..reeentsdo flrullt. Largaln, 6e11"an1 tr!;l,uider unto tte s!iidr,arties,of the seooud . . f' , i. J ' , I ':part aU<:l ~thdr heirs bud I;l.saigne foreyer.' uLi that certumY.61'cel or l/..1!ld l~'ing aiM being 1nthe " i" f, l'