HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0247 f... "'~""_'~',L'/ ,} > ",'., !" ; ,/ " /1 . , ~ :r . .' '1 , " , ' ' :," " ' ' " ,.';!, " " ," ".'. '" ,1 " .. I " I:' '/ I " ,j ,i . ~" ...,.:..~. . , !" 1" '~~r' , ' '. ',' J ~_~~...:.._ :__:~~~'<-=<...... _~,_l~..cl:::"""'~ .~., ).,,:. ~,.,,=,~ . '-..-7~e - 'l;-~- "~~ :~, ~ 1#1,.....*7':_;".-4 :-1 "l . .' ~'" " . '<. ... ,t~ .',. ; . I 'I--;'_~, I .__~ "j ! --(r.o' .'~ ~ ,J e~oo)~d 'lpa~te.lld.\.hetr": and'~~a'~1l8"f\orever, alr'tlUltoe~~'~'n'Ji~roel:Oi' 'l,8~ 'lY1U8'!llid"oolng: i ,J t t . . \ " ,., I.:' _ . M .' ,. _', _ _ _ 1 _, ,_': l." . _ - _' '. ". . 1 , . ~ . . · ,', : ' , In: the 'Oouuty of 1St !,.~uq1e' and, St",te .o't'Flo'r1da,' ~ore(part,10\1larlY deuor1b~d a8t~l19W8:" "I 'I, '; " ~ '..' Lot 'e. ~{ln:'ooli:'60'f:pi8t ~~~ 6 "O/~Oyal'l'~~k " :~o\oord~~lgto",~l~~ ~reoo i-~ed'~n ',p6g~'18a I"~t \' ", ,'" ; .\ " , . . . .' . - . \ < , " - \ '. . - - , ,I, 'Flat 13bOk' 4.1nt'he"(;tf1~U~OJ"the'Cierk 'Of~the O-ir 0 u'1t 'Court 0~.3t. [.uo1e'COI),nty~ '~iorlda. J ., \" .:, ",'\,,' ". ..', ',' . ,'\ :~."\" " \. ',,' '. ,.', ',' " ',:', ,;,' .",..\ ", -", _,; ~\l .,..; ~ ~.., ,\l. \. ; TOGET!IER With allc,tbe tent)menta, heredltam&nts a~ appurtenanoes, wlith -every prlvllege,' . ' " .~ '.., ' ',,', '..'.. ':', _' .' , ,,"~"- .\'- . " .' ~. ,_' ,'_. '."., " . "-"'- ~,'" . t ,..'....-.',:-. ~.',~ ':" .right\,:title','lnt,ere'st, &nd 'estate,," revers',ion.' 'ro~ ~~et, a11d e'.8~JDElnt, 'th9,re,to :b~long1ng o:r' In, .: \ ,-, ~ -' " '~'.,,' , . ,: :;. .' .', - .~ -'. ~ . '\ . \ , . \. .," ' ." -- - ",. " \ , ",: anyV.lst, 8pper,ta1nl~~ '.TO,HAV~ AIm '1;0 HOLD,tb'e a~me' In fee<'litimp3.e for~ver, 8Q.bj~ot, 'ho~ever, ,to ~ ,'-\ .'. .':\ .,\ .-:-. ....._ \', 1',.- _' \- ,- \ . ~ "'..' '\.' \~..' "" \~~, '.' .. \ 'the fol1(1Wl118 'restrlotions,' o\3i1dit1~na aild: l1mltfttlones __u, pn '. ".'.' .. \' ,,' " -,:," \-" \':~"'" \ . ,. " '-""'- - -- ",', \. ,", ,. .z.t ,'18 ,mutually, agreed tha.tthese 'px:e~euts '~e rr.ade e,,~jeot, to the, fol1oW'in~ :expre~8 OOn-' ,f \. \ _' .tI .', " " ,'" :. ," '.: ... ,. .. _, ".- '. ",' , , '. ,) , ,Cl1tlone, r~:~tri~tlo'usa~d '11~1tat'lona,~; a'ril' '.~JUQh' s.'re int.m~~d. to ~,e 'am;~ha:il;be '~coeJ)te\d'~8 ,{. /0 ~~~nt8::r~nni~~, W':ith;th~'l,a~L;'''~d'''hl0h ~~'ll'b':e.',blriUng :d~ke\:up;n"ih.e hej,'~'e,i~~al ~'ep~'e~ ....:' I' ~ · "I, : . ...... -,.' .-.- .,' ,.. ." . '-, - ,''. ..," . > '..,: \, ,'. ' ... " . . :' ',." ., .." , ," ,"--'. ,., t : seli~at-lv,e'e,~'~, ~SI3,~n8. (')f, the, V~Hid,e,e,' wbO'bYh~"'f.lOoept~vioe~f' th~8' 1n,st~mentag'ree~ ,t'o '~Qi~le' .;" ""', ~ I"~ ., H , " . . . . . ~ -, . " " ..'. ..,'\., ,,' . ". ~,~;..... " " 'b~"andPerto,~.~' ealdr,e8t'r~otl'o:n",~ ,l1rnlt8~lon88.4d ,O,~lld {t1o~a ,ae ~~e, 6f.:the ' e~repe. oon~ld,era..tl04e ", ; ,".. . , .: ,: , -.... . . ." ~ . '!. ,," . , .' .' ' .'. . , '. . ,...::., . :':of.thea~/p.re~ente.:..~Q-.wlt.:~',..-' ":,. . .... ,;'~". .-:'.......... ~';'~ ~'.- ..<...'~..~.. . ,-' '. . :.:~ \ ,1.' No unlawful o'r,A'immo'ral uaeapa:ll,be m8d~ 01 the pre'mls9a }lereby 'agreQdtQ'be' ,oouveyed.. :' ""',,;, .,. '..-,' .... - : :,' ~..'~,...." :,........-...:. . " -~ -..,'.'._'....~. -~-..,::: . npl'.&~l.~th,e eaIienor'a~~pa,r~ t-l1ei'~Of" ,nor, ~(~ hit!lrest~, thex:etn ,be: Bold.. i~&sed ,o,r:lth~r"l~eO:; . - . ~. ....,. .... . ',' , ' . @ " . ':'. . . - " " . - ; ,,", - - ~.' . .'. '. .'. > "o,'Onveyed,'to any 'pereon.other',thap of t'heCauea8.i18..n1'8oe,' norell.an,.'8ai."~rem~8efl, or'aIW:r.ert;.~.:'I','{';. .' "" ',' .,0 _~ '.~ ," ," ... .' ...." ': "', , " . " _' . _ , ' . ,; ". ,," ',','" ,_' , . ,': "_ . t }ler$ot ,'be 0~ple4 by any pe reon:, O1!her thano! the Couoae laD 'raoe ,pro,vi~edthat ~othl!lg, .herel~ . . ',', .' ". .' ", ..' ., ': .',' .' , " '. ' :oonttil~ed',8ha11 preyent 'the keeplugalidln~~nt:aining, oi,servan~e..Qn'.t,hee!lid .'pro'pert~for reavonabr~ " ,. ''l;'., , ", " us,, o~th~' ocoupants., , . , , ". " .' . ',' . ' " . . ' . ~' "':'~. .1Iobulld1ngab8l1 ' b,a: 'oou8.tiuo~'r e~~ted 'on 8/'ifd p!o,perty', Un~il after the pl'e:U8. .::- , 8peCifi..cutl~lJ.al~d ,lo~a t.l0~ o'f:the sa mel\ haYe been appr,oV8cLin wrltJu8'by,~~ld Relal:,l>ark" :compa~~ . . . . '., '. . , its Suooessors,oraeslgna. ,. .. , .~. ",' ~. . ". .:. . ,.... ... ,:. '. .', : ,.., - "",-~'.' .'. ~. .. . ..." .. '.' , ~ -". ',' a. Uo ~eQidenoe'.'o.r b\1lld~ng, inc,l~dipg'po.rohe!} qrp'ro-j~'otio~e'o~ ai.1Y,i1nd;'13~~1l:~ '9r~~-te4 ., .. " . '" '. . ,.-0. 'at' a:leo~sd1stall(je..than ~,i'eet fror~ the' front line of,the, above dUor~bed pr'opert~,:()r at,a has . ' ' , "".',. .. '., ',' . ." .' -" ". .,'", . ~, , _ ' ,". , .';; . :', ..., '," _,_ _ .' . ~" ,(.' . _' '. . 'II ,'. , ,'" '. die,tullQC tba'ut'hree' (3), feet 'from"the's~~e:"ii1l8 of,'iH.l.ld-Jl..o;:e~ty,o.r at,s ,lest 'd,ie~ario.,than fi,ve, '. .", -:.. ' ,'. ' ..' , . . .,' . (6),l'e:et'from ther~aJ'liue,6fSaid property. Steps to' p'orOhus iI.ay'>~xtetld6\-er'the tnilld1llg lil~e. . " " . . ". -. ..J " '23,6',' " ,I' ,f .' j....... ~ ., " " lit, .' I ',1: ~' , . I 1 ,. , , , " \'. . . , 4.. l~o ~uildineS ',exaept 'as F~ovfde~ih the f.ollo~Jng list' ahpw,i'!1g ~h&,r~o~er,'o~f b~il~ing' al~ mlni'u..,.m ~o.it,~hal:r beo:o~~\t;UO~~4',~ri. ,~y ?otde~Qrl0ed Ipsald: {le~',t~-\\l~;'. , ..', ,(DeJ3~rl11~iOnSal'eaOC9rdingto '};'lats .of :40YQ.ll-'Hlf Subdtvlaions 'r~obrde'd:~ill the'C;ler k 0 fthe C'i;Clil-tC6U!t'Of' 3t. .Lucie':O?Ui~ty', l!'lor i4a~ ) th~o:t;fice Q,f, '- , . . lots '1' to , Inolu~ive,. of BlOck 1, Singl,'erc'U'd.el}oe ~{~i6,~;'~I" duple:xfbl~ ,or,dOuble, ~oUB'~.$8"OOO;_ or apartn:.el'l~8, $12,.000. ,', ,','.' '" J .'", , ' lote '1 to 14inoluslve} Of,:B~OO~,l:, Si~lereS~~el1Q8 on,lY $4,600.',., .' , .',.. lots 1 ,t'o,S ,In<hueive, .and .L'o,ts14, to 2'4, lil~luSi ve, ,or Blo~k 2; Single re,8~dence:)lliY,.4'; .600~ ',~', ,Lot' l"a;lld lo~s13.to 17.in~iuS1ve,"Of,~look 3, fn~le res14eU(a,,:~4~'6o.0';' oZ:du~ie:Xfiat:or' :,' double houee' $8,000; or apar,tmente ~12~OOO. '... Lois 8t~i2, In~l~e.i)'e , of Bl6ok,4~ ,S1n81e resldenoe $4, 500 :-O'~1~upl~x fiat oi',QOubl'ehbu88, . , ~ ,,', . -', ta,obo; or'apar,tments $U!,OOO.' " " Lota,7, 8, aud ~'/1/ . ,Lo'ts 10, 11 Ilnd12, of . ,tt;,'. ' or a.paJ'trrlEliits ~~2,OOO. ~look 0, 3il~le res~d~~oeonly $3,600. . " . .' ~ ~ Jlook 6,~lJlgl~ ,residence $3,500'(or: duplex flat orl' double house ,$B,OOO,; , '. '- . ./.... ~ 1.11 lote 11/ 7ract 0, Single rf:sid6h06 only $6,~oo__ All lots t,n 3l.Ock 14, 'Single'residenoe only $5,0'000_, .111 lote ln 31,0ok'15, Single ,l'f;sldeuoe 6n1y to,OOO. , , LoU ~3 tQ41 lnclu~ ive~ ,o.~ pl~ot 16, . SiIl.glereeldellce oli1f $6, OOO~.' .. , Lote- 28 to :~2 iuolus~ve. of Blook 1.6, Single reeidelce ~6,000;; o~' d,~plex . ~~ . , , fllit.. or double ,hot:.s'e ., , $lO,CvO; Qr a~rtrm.nte or hotel $16,000. ' ,[ , .." . S I' Lo~. ~" tO~9,~f 3100lc 17. .:)1lJgie reUdelloe ~6,JOQ; pr duplex fla.t i.:iJ.Ov0;: or, d:)\lble' "\ ' [ '1 j, I,' .'.,' ~ \ .' ~ 1 'i i 'I ~i! 'ti ", '! , , .} '\' f " ,~ { ! ,.~ _T~ <: 'Ii"- :1 '1 " .".., .', .;.',.,'.,',..'. :j.: , , .~: . "1 '., " ~ ':l , I.