HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0249 ~-... ~,.: ..-~~:---:.~~~.--;:.~---- -, -~ -."- .~~ -.tr:-~'-' t-::- y. " "41 I !.,... ---,- -.. ;...." :-."7 ,_...4_ -t.~_.~ -_. , I " I ", --_.--....,~-...._.--<-.--;~ ',' .~____----=-"_tc___\.":._ _ . ., .-.. ---"'-~::'~' .- _ ...--,...J.-.-.:-..__'~-';'~~'''''-_ ":1l._..' . ' J ~ '0 . _ :_'h -=-..,....;"..-~. -;:;; "238 ~ ~ , '~ " " 1 :> ' I I r . , , ~' ";,,' t' ' . ' ,~. .1 I . ." '-rl &.:. . I , I " . l- . ":~ ..: ; 1 ~ ' ~I.' . :. I. I. : . I , 11' .\ r , .__:.:-~-~ "..'~'-;_'~~: -'--!'''-T,,"c,-,~.',"~~~.-c~,''_--:'''''''~ '_~'~I~"~:~'~'~-~~~;-""~-~"~-'"'-~':~---~~~~~~-~:~~~'>~~--~ . ..' r"~~'-:~','-':~~:~.~~~;,~~~::~:~(~,' ~e:'r;~\~d' 'premiSes -8~~'~'l: ~'~<~~ '~'~~1~n"~: '~~1'~ ,'R~;~'l" ~ar';~~l;'~:r;~r:::~~~~-~-~:~'~ t . . ",', , '. I 'i I.' ,~ . ..' L ' '. t ) ~': I t" ~ .. I . ' , 'l'b~ aubje,o~, t,o as!,,~lEiS,~etl~b)" 8~1d ~on;pa;~ for ~~amoU!~k.~?t':,to:,exo~e~"tlO~00"p~r':'1ear !?r ~he' '1 ' '.'." .! '.', '..' _ '. \ 1....,. . '.... .,. ' I .t_ .,' \ " \.0,..., ,. l' , '!-1>er10i}' .Qeglnnlng alt,', the da t.. 9;1' 'th1:8 , de~'d and, e~ld111g, Jal~ulry,l'" 1930, pa,ya,b1~"~em~t-anmlal1y-', \~:, ~ ...1 . '.:'.' .~. t' ".' \ . . I \ . \ "tJ .1 ~, \ '\ . I . , ! in8~allfnent8' of !l6.0~ eao~ ,on Atyrll, 1 .~cl ,()'oto?er, ~ ,Of'\e~oh',year ~f,t~r 'de,t e o~ 'It.hl''s ~~ed., '.....hioh ~.'I Lmol~~y~' snali b ~".l8edf'~r, tilfJ tmi'nteri'al1~~ 8nd~pk~e:p"of'8~ld a~bd'iy ia'10n eu.Oh\~~",$e,olee"rlll€= '<:\f'.1 : rlOts,- 'oare '~{ .tr~a8~' B~r~b~erY~l1t Vi~l~'~~; t1lere,ou'f.heri ~~gl,eoted),' ~~,' fa,~,~8"Yhe ~8mou\~~~o-il~~t~~'t I w111 per~it.,fUld wlii.cb, t~e" said \'e~d~e aire~8to ,pa,y~eon:e'ofthe'ao~s,l~~t10JjB' of th~~e' pi-,e8.?~~i;, ~ . . . \'. . . - . . .' . ~ , . . . . . i I toe Uen{),f ,suoh a~se8aliie'nt~ "t?', be 'l>iac,e~a'ld'ooheott'tl il1't!le rrehner: 8S '1s P~O!.~d~~ torl1eQ-B I . 1. . '.', .,: 't.,. ',4 .' "~""~'. ,._.....~-:.,..'- '." .'- ,.'_. . ....::., .~' ,\'.' .\ i.t '" I fo~ l'abor and n:rater1als undertqe, .lal-ts Of'the 3ta te '0-'; ?lorld'a.',' , " " . ,~. "', 'j", l,. ,,' . . ,',.' "... " " . :, " ., " , . . " ,I ! ~ 9.,' Gara,ge~ '8':~a~i be er,eoted: S'Ubaeq~~nt; t'o "?r, 8 inm'l taneOtiSl~ \'1 lth' the:, oon~1ir~o,t1C~li qf, "t,be', ','I -. ! d'~~ l,iing, " 'uI~~~f3a po ri,isaiou.t6'..'d 0 . o'th.erwiQe ia,~(i ~8 t'obtaUled 1Il'wr1tl'lis.~ti'~ Said: 3o~a.L.i'8r)r'~'t. ,- I ."" .. '" . " ' ',' " ',.'" . \ ,:' ',.' . .0.: " '. ' ,.' ,-~\ --" , ,...t C?lIlJl8ny'., Ga~ag~'~,~hall"be (o(m,E)truote~.o,f the,sa~:~_rtat~!ii~8i:ld ooi'the'~nroo,u,rOhl~'eo~r8.ide,,}gn.l' '. . ~ ' . '. . . .. . \ ','. -' ; : " I a'~the, 'd~e11~g& a:ndeh~l1, ,no~' 11.1 any evt)ut b~ \1s8d'for 'ree~deflt1a1'" purp'o8ElsexoeH:fol', thQ.,.\.:- ",: J -)"_ .~.. '.., " . :. . 'c; . ' ,,' . ... I . ",rh,O<U~ing"o.{&~rva.llt8..',. .'.',' ",.,-' ",.~'" '.' . ",~~.::",:, .,.." ~;,~;:J<: , I '~o'. ' )():8Piritu~us 1~qu'O~8hal1' be ~Old ~,r ~ep~ :for 8ale, u}Jon,l;laid p,~cii~e8 ..~ l: . , . '. . ... . ~ . '. "- ...... . ':' '. . .' .' . 1L " 'i;othtrig'-ci.n-:th,~e ~str+oti,oliS ehallbe' oOIl'str\led 's6 8.8' to preven~ the. o'cll1at-rtl~tlon 'of : ,,<,'t', . .' ~ . I . . " .' ..;.. i schools, and' o'hurohea -or ao' as' to :pr~\':en't; ~'n;y :\>hyaioian .'or, denti~ :frOIT. 'Jlraot'ic1ng h1S' profeeaion r .;. ' - ..~ :." .., '. "'. .. '.... ~ . ~. , '. . ., ,. ._.. .... :0 ~ ',,: . ~ .' . '. .' i : :r in 'atG"; r'e3ideHC,e't\iU':Hng, :s~b.j.,eot 'ho~e\'er, ' ,to', a)J.ot-~er :res t~io,ti9'l~ here.1.~ c.'on.taill-6'd)>er~alningi ':.> .f '. . -) , to r,e's1del:;ce. buildings. ., ", .j I ' , , '. . .. , '.,' " ,1 " , ,112. ~~~he"aaid 3o~;al.l'ark oo.mpany,i~,a ~uoc~s~ora,or:a8'S:f:~._8hi;.1!:h~V~' ~he.r~gh~~att,~rl J .1amw,rYlst, 1933., 'to ;r&),eaae'}any.Of' tb,elii"{)OVe ,orfore'going re8tr1o~1oi1S, :co~lt..1ona'or :licilt'ati()~ . ,.. . . -p' 11~ \ .... "'. .. '. . .". ."., .. ~ " - .' ~ ..... '., .' ~ ,'. '~:#. r by, sea~~d '1118:;rp.rr,E:n~a duly eJ!:eou~ed ~B aocordance?! th '. the laws' 6f'the.,~.ta ie,' o{}~orida'!orthe ," i' ". 'i ; ~~. . . ..... "J ~ . .f i , .\ " " , , , . 'II. ". ;. ~. oonveyanoe .of rG~~ e13t~ it.. i, ~ . /~ l' ,':.13,;, 1,h~.p~lV,i1~ge an~, eaeeaelit 18 hereuy forever..teSE:'rvell. ,to' said ~OY,81 ~aJ'kC,O~~,nY.-,ih; ~8ucc'eas()i~::.and'asei f9.J.8, to (1re-ottindlr:81~ltain pole~,if;itea- and; othe r"su.l taQie' eqUipment.for . . t '. . , . : . ~. '. .~ . , .,;, :.. '. ",. ..... . , .' , ,.." '~.:.' . . . ..:' .' . ~ .'. . - ~. ,-,'Q '.., "..-..-. . -." . " .... ...., '. " -. . '. :', .. -, elec,trio ~1.ght, po~'er t te leg~aph,1be~ephone and'oth~r~: .p'!,~1~outi:l1t1es ,find to' aonatruot and ma,~ll~ain sewers.,. ~a~~! ~11l~ a~d ,eaa rr~~na~'on, in, ~~ld unne,'r-~he~!lr,hv~ f~:et,ajld:thethre~ ' ....~ , , '; "I " ' , 1. , , l' . " . ; , j' " .. feet. on each sid,eoteach lot hereb~ conveyea', Cnd for suoh:'purposea,u8 .well aa ',tOl'epa1i:~: remov~;8r replaoo S~1d'p()lea".Ylre;~ ,equip:reut, eewers'u.lld maina,.sald' RoiallJax;~ -c:oinpau.y. lta J. I . ~. ' sucoessoraa'Jld a.sslgn~, shal:l .huve the r ~,gl1t.- or, 1n~re~8, ..egrelC a,hd' :regJ;ea's , ali,.D:.aY ,be, lleceS8!t ry . "..., , ~. . ~ 1 ~.. .( ~ or, conven1ent ' fqr: all of aaid purllosea. : '. ..... cO . 7' ~ , . " . , .' ~ ., . . .... '14. rio ,struoture ,exoep,ta, 'fence ?fthe : > r..' . . ..... icilld h.ere~libefore dee'Qrited rray Elver be er~oted upon; i ..~ . ~ '. _ allY-PH rt ?fthe'8t~iz),s of lWld '1ut~ge :premises Oyer' ~hlCh V:Ii 'easerreny' f~r' pU(..,nc,utili'\~ ~.--=----~~~._-:--._. "",' ',; :'purp<)~e <has b.ee'Ii, re8eJ;'''ed~ . , H)~', '~nand '~it,e'~JUlluary 1, nurr.bered,.' from Oue C\.)~O T.\-eive. . .' .e 1940, all of the fo reg0111g'Oo{ld,it1'HlS~ r~a.tr1o~i,-Olla and li:r;1'tatio)la, ' . . '. . ':.. {~ C1~L',ill01u81Vet shail bet:o,n::e, tele~aed ,-w~thQut, ar~ 'act'ion on the' , ". - '". . " . . -' .". part! ot' s8:id ,Royal'~f.trk COffiJ:any, it-asuoce~s,ors"or e.es1;<lis. .d.n~ 'the said PUrty Qfthi first Faft dot~., covenant '~'fththe, ,~aid.' party,yJ;tbe.'second part, ":> ~', -- . , that '1t.,18 la'.\ful1yselzed of, the sa id 'premises; that they. are- !r~e ot all-utcumbrtUlCee,' (ex- " I' '. . : . ~ ......- . -- . .' ... I " . Lilld B,11~nstdlrr,ent~"0'f e.es'es,srr,~llta, fO,rmuuicipal U:;provertenta becomin~due, '. .' c,~pting;all tans '~. I . ' . an~,l?,ayabl{j after th~ date <>fthia<i-eed),.l.lnd that it' haa ,goodrig,htan~ luwful'/luthority to se 11 the' a u.;J:e ; ~ . . . - ' ..' ..'.' .. . . . ~ all:L the said I,iarty.' of the ~ir8t f'lHt Id~es'J;.erebY'f"-llY warrant' 'tt.,Q t1tleto' said: defend thE; ew"c ,'gaihst the ltr1,ful,cluiL:s of ullpereolia '.\homsoevf:l'..' ..;. il . , 1, ; ,lUll?, 8.nd,',1l1 :Ill ~: E:l:E3S;',:-fZ:UX>ll', tl}esuid }Jarty of the fir a t in its'lle!Le W fta ,1>tosidell,t" alia ~t~ coq:orute seal . , I }:art' hU13 cauaed-;.LoseprefH"llts to be signed ,[' , , f. " ' .:, I ' , !,',' tobeu:.fixed, atteetetl bY H8 Se'oretury t - , I " j j I!' r . , j' . , " / . I / ' , /. , , ". r f'