HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0256 I, " ":: r.;,' - : ',".,' , I ,) . , " ,"( . 1',.1,1 :/ -:.11;, I,. ','! 1 \' .'er.:".,., ..,..-. ,;<'1-' I "'I".,.' .2, "4~ , '\- I' I: 3:,' .J' , . " I. ' ,I ~ .. ... ! -. Co'-,: i ,: ", I 'I , , , . I" " " t . ,I ':'" " I. I. " '1: I. I . .. " -- ' , ~ ", ~ '.. "~I -,' " . I, . " . I ' I' " .-' I.- , I' I, I'. ' 'I' " " ",,' ... I , ' I I' I,. I. " . I',.. ," .'; " l' , . 1'" .. I , i,' ' I' ~.:L;;>' .,', ~-..':;r;i;~;:!.:c-=#:-;=::~::;~:';;;Y~':;;~&:'''':i:;;~7~~;j~'';~;;;;",:i",~~':':t:;7'1M ~;Il~;~"",~~~~i"t~;';'T1 :,' \ ' '.'\,;'. ,; I \ 1'~, ~O~.~VO~~I~LIS?~,1 a~,: "~t.. ' , .,1 It,' It,.. !, ~i' ~! ", \ I \ ~ \ . ~~~t~i~I1t~~i~O.~<. '~I.' , ,','," 'J'" I I' l.' I 'il '. WARR!JlTY ","... ])UP "\'" "", \ '" ,,' "\oJ " I':":: ".., :J~~,~.BD. ,~4"the\ !4t~4~f~t A~'1I,iA:' ~~~'e6i ~~ ~ORB ,~9nllLS<\Ji J4l4B~~~ ~~;.; ,.. . "I' '.''.QI$OI, ,hie ffit,- ot t1;he\Oo\mt7 ot ,All.sh'erq~_t. O~'~.XUWll'Yai:l1ah.ft~nafter oa~l,,4;tl1J,' , \ ,,'\ ,\' " " " ,,' , \ ,"" ".' ,', " . \' .'" ' ", ',., ',\ "'\ ' '" ','. :- ' \ ' ;( \",' ~~a,n'tol'a~, to. ~ROll) ,OL~ll~II(OR.AI'ot,~~. o.~UJlt7o.t ,Alles eState otPeIlr1a ,lv , " } '\' \ '. \ - . . . -. , - , . \ ". l :'. . \ L" IOl11e4 the 'grant'ee. ' " \ ;~~-' "\. ' \. .' ) .... \ ' " ,', ,... '", '\' ,";,. ,,'.\ ",(.,' " ,...,.. " "\ ,,, , ,...' ',\, .' I, , 'WImESSl-TH, )'Qt'th',..~4..~~tor..,,~1t1 QonUderatlon of'T6nDbUare'aJ14:!)t.lier g004 '.n4 ,'\ ; \ ',\ . \.'," \ ,,-,' .. '-, . -, \ ' ".' '. (-", '.' ". :'\ " · :;" ,~..U.1)le:'~6~a'14\.~t10~ the ,.re~lePt ,~lier~o:f li .h~"btao~owi,4S~~~, 'tto ,g~~,., '\trant'i,.b&r..'~~ ,alll, .' . '\; . ,... . , , ~~l~n~ rem18i..relea~~. tnfeott" OQnvel an4., oont~~1Il :unto 'th~,..a14' sxoantee ",an4,Jl18h,e i~a, 'a~'!i: ,\ . _ \ . ". '. \ " ~ iii. .' . .' . .,.. , .. ,_ .._ . \ . .~_ ". \ _ . \ ,;'a&slsna\,1nte. ~lliple, the14~4a.s1t\laU ~n \St. :L~ol. 90Untl,'St6'.ot'10r1da'~ 4'eaor1b.4 a8, '. . - f..-.. .' ';':.., . . ~. . ,\ " ~' , ',' , \ . ' " .~\ ' " " . ',' ' .., . , 0~-th1r4 1n~er~~,.1n ~ll',th~t' ~r.,~',o~ 'la~~.~d .8)10.- , '. . ,.' .... '.. . . ,in S,o,t10n ~.o, ~own~hlP t~~l',t~~.t'to_ a~~th", :Ranse th'lrtJ'-n1ne \Ea8~.", . (l-32S";'39.l 17~D&-:an4~e:1DB ID:",'h~-Q~Wl1;~, of, '81;'.' '.Luoi:e~ ..'. . ;,,: .,. - : . .'.' '" . ~ . . . ,~ . .'. >' . ',P.lOl',14a'~ de80ribed ae ',tollO,"": I ' " " \ .' - - ... '" . '. ~ ~'J . . . . Bes1m;i1ilg atth, '9U ~h"'..t .,I)Oru;fot ,...o1;1on two'f2) alld n04'theaet . -".. :..' . ."' . oW - .~' . ... - . .' . ., < oonie'~ of se~1~n ,ten (lO~. ~,{i-un :ea8~ ,three h~dre4 'an.d~"fOy.r' teet '. ': '. " to',8: 'a~a:ke .to the jlo1i1t ot .B~GIlill1~G '~J1THIS ,SURVEY" t~.no.~ t~1rt,een, ,. ., ,.. h~d~.a. aad ,twentY te~t '(.l,320)' ~~' ~8t~k.;;' theno~ ..at' t1~e.hun4red': t.et, (100), t'o Indian R1V~'~, a '~t~~eoD' .e~t~barik>.a14'~lv.r :~tor,'~1~the~'4se 'Of;~h" '" '. . ." .' ....... ".,. . - .' - , . . ".tell F ~hen,o. 8ou~h' thl ~7-0IJe ,iI.STee8, ~8t ' (a ai 0.). "1 ~h the 'RI v~t fltteen ,'~hun4r..4A~~ort:;y~, ~e~t .11640,) :~:~, ~r ).ea~' "t6a:i~ke~t:'tbe lnte:r8~ot~on' " . ~f, t~.' S~ot'101111n.' b'e1a,een' s.ot1~n, t,w'~" anet' e1,even' "I~h~~ ;8a1~..inhal.1,R1,;er.~ ; '. " , \,tb.D,()~ weat ,thl~e~n~'hUn4r'4feet ',(1800) ~r~ Or'lt8~,to th~', :P~l~tot .be.< .', . "::g1nn1n~~ ~ontdn1ng,tffe~tl-"T~n' 'a~~.:"~w~~~y-~eve~'.huri~~~th~ ,(27.271'80r.a' '_ '. . " ,-." . . -'. - "'. . '. ..' ....... -, --. - . , ,', ~ eor' IU8 .hefn!~"on~i'JfIRD:ril~EREST, u:nd-h'laed~' in' the .irao't'cion~el'4 " , ' ',., . .', ' ,'" ' .,,' :' ," "- ," to John E'. lieiaon l>lHerllBn S.l)8V1~aild., CO~ei,ta R.DavI. iD.:deed da.te.4,.'. : .' ',. , , " . " / ' " ", ' ',,' . " ',11' liovember ~O,.1916 : l,eSSl'lSht, of, w~'for' CO":Dt1 ;Roe.:d' andbr14gehea4,,' reoor4e4. . ' . " 1n'~ookBo.- l~'. 'pa8e"'i34.11ov'lIIber2~16. :., . '. '. , . '. f : '. ....,.. :. ,'_ .,.. , - . . '. ~ . _". ". _ - - " .' ":.' ',_. . '. _.. . " ~. - ~ _' '_'.. __'., '. _ r,_,. , ~. .. . .' '__ ~"""';:'''''':':'''''':'''';O;,:~"",:,:ro..:lU.v.~,:,~p',:,'f.g:J~Q~p".,~~t..~~~,.~~~.~,~,~~!,~.,.~+~~.,;~~~".~~~~.~,~.~~D)8iita: and . ap:pur,ttnan~,ee. ,WltO .t~e' a.I~' '".. ! .' ..... '. ,... .-: . . -~ c' .. . . .. '" :i:I.....*.._...~"~~~,......"...;.,,.....-...........(...~~......<..............;............'.f...,.......~......-....~.~.''':'...................t; srant~e,~~dh18 he1r.8:and, aUlgD8'1,n,tee~.liDple.." ". " · " <- . .' '. . . .... . .' . AID. the ea14Sl'an1;or8', fO,r ,th'm8,1'Y~'8ai1d, the,lr heirs .'and legal.repz'e.41ntat Ina,'oov~nant .' . . ' . :. . - ..-. . -' .' .. '. . '\. . . :.: . , . . '. -'. " . - -' . - ~"'. '" _' ., - . . . . 1. .... _ ' . . '. -ill , .w1th' 8& 14.-sran tee . his' hdra,le~l~pl:.e'eentat1ve" ai1d "as81S118;' !'ha t .a1d '81"antora are In.. . . - .'.' '.'.. . . "'. ........ '. '. ... 'cl~tea81b)' ,8e,~I,ed of ',8al~ land lilte. 81mp~.:, ~~~~. a.ld 'Sr&Qtora b~ve ttll,l'po"er and,lawtu~' r,ight, to,oon~1 Mid l~deil~..tee ~mp4. ~"a8. a:fiore<~lci; tAiit U ,811&11\.,,00 1.a,~f~l~for ,aa~d 'grantee, ~ "., . .. ._~ '., _ ,.' ,,'. . " ~ ' '. ' . . . . ". t b18_lielrlJ, le,.lrepreaentat1vea aI;1d a8C11sne,at'dl ti.. peaoea~l;y'and qu1etll to tnter upon, .'" . - -.I ~ ,,_'. ~. hO~:4. ' oo.o~Pl and' enjol".14~od. th8. t' Said land' 18' ire'e. 'tromall ' lnotimbranota: .that 'a1tt, grantor. i '. 0+ ,. .. .. : I ,th'e1r, heire ancllegal reprea'Qt&t1:vu,,,U1 Dl8~' suob' further aeeuranoee ,to p~rteot the tee ; tollowa: . : , . ..' -, . . An' undivi4ed " ... . << . 'i',' r . !i " ,. j, .. -; ,. \ 1- f ' j .... .',:. .~, .. . ~ . ; . ~ . 10' LI-' , ., . , , . ' , , ....,' .',,'.~. ," . . .-.. . , . .. ' . " ,. l: '.1 '~ .~. i t' ' , ~. I. ;';:' ;' .;. I f 81mp).e ,t1tle 'to ea1.d lan4 '1n' sate! srantee. 'h,ie' htlra,' leg~l 'representa tbee and '.8a,~sn8,. aa II.", , ~ ~'-" .... .... .. .. . .: r6aaonab,l1be requ1red: and. that eald Sl'an~Or8 dobere~7 ,tull;y warrant' tbeUtle to :8&14 land and ,,111 detend~be ..aaie'aS.1,oatthel~"tu~ o1.a1ms .of, ai1per80n8:"ho~~evlr'. . e I . ..'- - '. _,' ~__~_.__ "_ . _ _..i ~~__.m. ViJTlrESS'I'the--b8nda an4.',ae-.leot ..1d, grantor8~.theda1 ,.'nd year t1rst above wr1tten.. ' , , '. '.. '. _ '. '.' _ -. . '.., ." f. '. '/ ;-.' , : il' ' :,'j '.' >",'.',',',.,", ."..._-,, 1-.- j !- . ; t . !" ' sign'4, .'.,led and de'l1vered 10 the presenoe of I'. . JO'hn Evon He18on.........(S.al) lrtargaret: DOd'd8 lle1~~,.. (8eal~) ~,' . Edward T.. ~an R. B. Daumbaoh' .. I r ~~ f I l i !' ,$1.26 I. R. Staup oamelle4)' " , ' " , I . , .", ,I