HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0259 "2U' "" "I. ./;I,.J.' i ,.4.,'<: -,"~- ,::-,-,>~'/"";"_uJT~.,,c,~I.:....:".,~'~'- " /i ",..:.,,~,.,':":.:~~,~~~;. \~~,'..':;2~;'_~_:' \"'~ ':~..:~4 [:.;.:i:~~:~~ ::LS.,~:_.~:,:!: ;~,;~~~~: -~;';',i-"~'I' ,i ,', "I "'Loui.~,1tnl8htl'!:' ,S..ll" \.". " ,'j "" i.,' '.t. '! '.\'1; ,', .', I . . .' \, \ ' " \ I !.. \ , " . ; ,. . . \' "t , \ ' 'i' ,\",.,' . ":7','" ,\ '.. '( \,\ .,.ja~8L:.. ~18bt is.&l'':,'' , ; \.' I ~,: 1 \', '\ t' \ ~ t ~ .1.."',....\ L 10 \ t. ':. \ ~ .. I . 'Ii \, I" " Ger,trude ~18ht',S.a1' ~ .r . 10 \ \' +\ . \\: \ . . \ . t .. \. . . .. 'I '.' . ',,-, ' \' ~:ae4~~.rfl.'Inlght- seal " \ \ 5.' " ~. :"'..,,. r' ,\ . . \ \ ;, . : ." , " . ' . ",: \ \' '\ " l&n01~18ht ,,' \,S.a1' \' I, \ \ ,. \, . \' , ' ,. ", \ . . \ '. '. \ \ i, \' '\ ~ll1ert, w. ~18ht s,.1 , ',! . \ \.'.1lettl..~18h~".: ,Seal": ,\. .: - \. +.\. " ",\ . >\.: ',' ';1; " \' t . \, ' '..,,' '" .<, '\ '\, '\ .\ '\, \ " \ I \ '. '\ , \,' '.\'. " \ '" \<. ~. ,\ . 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'.,;< -. .. .,' _' -.- ...';......'. . -~. -. ,'-: ': ,.,.::.:", ';','_ "'. _ , ,', .-_~ .: ,me:,~~h ana..kno..~to '~, ,to ,be..th~..:~rao.n.'W)10.,:eo.'1t.4, ~p'e' to,rl'~1~'1~etirumen~. '1n,b.eha1~~t~', , ,.'< " I . . .' .. . . ,',. 4.' . . ~ ":' . . . ." . .. 'F.~"B:arr18. 'an.d J. A.' J1aJ.r.i,~" 'bU"h'u8ban4;.jo,1" w. KnlBJ:lt~ and'loU1elKn1ght;' hle '.1f.:::-Jam8~ ' .: ' ',' . . ".' :-' ," :. '" -; . . .' '. .. ~..'. . ~-- . . .' . .' ,- ,', : '..' ,', .. ,";".' ..' . '. -", ,'. . ';. ..' ... .: . . 'L. 'b1ght s.ld'Gertrude Kn1gbt,':"hie''Wl~I;:R,d~'D W"Knlght ,sD4"Banoy'krilght. b1e' 'w1:ie;'B1ber,t .w.- -; , ;" .', ....". . ,.... ~-.- ".:' -- '-~ .:'. ':', .: .-"~.".- '," :' ','.'. <." - '- '. .,'- .' ",;. ...... .'.:., :,:.", ," < '- . IGlightancl,:ae~t)' ~1ghtj:h-1".1f.}--~rvi.~.,w., ~'ghtend Be.atrloeKn~ht~ :.111e w1te,'and, aOk~~~~led~ecl' _, .. , ,,: __ _ . . ...;.' ' . -,., . ~ .'", ..'." :.,.' ",: _,' " ":" '., .' ..'..~. ..' J. .". '. . t'hat heexeouted't'he ,88me, a!J ,the fre'e :sot .,.nd dedot ,a1d her.1n~ Dalllld'per'tone.. . '". : -'", .' '~.'.'" "._ . " .".._ '., . ~ " ~ _ _' ,,;,i _',,'-'_.. '. ..-.~ ...' ; ~: . ,> :".,._... .' ',' " . ,'.: '.And ':the ea~d- Free~'n L.ICD,lght and Gla4ye Baker,Kui8M"hfe ,wite, .to'memown'andltnown' ..' ',.,' '" , , ," ',., .'. .,' .' {,'.. : .',. ,,'" -;' ','.: '. ,.' ';,,' to me. to,b,e the p~r"n8 wh,o a.leolxeout,d the torlgoing:1~8,trtllIl8nta8the1r o,,[rj,n~,lv1dU81, aot . ~ _',' " . , . .' .'.' ,- . , ,,' ,'.,. ",' . ' "~, "_ C-C"~~' :; ,-' -- -- ", ,,: - . ,'- an4'4eed~ perSo11t&1,11 :'appeared ,Wfore ~'on the'aay'a'ncf jear flt8t~bov.'naII!t4 anda,Okno.le~ged ,that the,. exeouh~ ,th~' tJald 1nst;rtime ~\; tor, the"pU:rpo'8ee.th.~ reIn exprle8~c1 a8~th'.lr 'ln4hldua 1 .' -' "'., "'. .' ,,' -~.. ...' ',':'" ".,.~'~. ..~ ..."... '., ." ., ,.... "'.-.' ~ fre4laot and a.ed~And' t~e ea1,dGladfe Baker'Kn~:ghi.,('th~w1fe o~, ~he 8a1d ,ir.~rnen L.~18ht, on'- . ,!A 8epa~te. ,ana ]);1 vat I 'exam:1~ tl~n' tak~'n'aIid uade by and ~efKe me ,. aH!le~parat e,~', a~d" apart , ,from her hu~band,dId&okno.~eagethat, she, mal~e';:her.ae~f a ,P&I:tyto. the sa14 'de,e~ of~nve;yano.':< - ' . " ",' .. " , ',., , ' , .: . .,.. , ;' ',.0,." ,,:' .- , tor thepUrp,08e Ofx:~uounQlng~' .re1111qulahl,ug a~dQonv~j~a1l'ht!1" r:1g~t;:t1tl."a'n~ lntereat';, : '-"-' ',;- .-' ':' ,b .' ',: .. te~ t, a~:~rehen810-n. of eepara~ property..~tatuto17'or equ~~.ble., lnand'to,,;th~ .landethel"4!ln:' " . " '1..' , ".' ...... :": ..t, . '''_ ,".",' ... she' 'exeout~d ea 1d . deed, free11atl4 vOlurita,rtlj, and 'without aOy ,ooaetrslnt.. .. or' oOIl-pUle'J,OIl of', o~ tro~ her .a:~dhu8b&nd. -- " " -~~heth~r of do~er or , ' '4~8orlbed" and . thai . .) Vl1tnesa, ..,: 81~a~\U'ea~'()ffl01~1:8e$l at\T,l'O; .,'tn, the and;iea,r f'lr'.t' above. writ~n~ ,.", , . CO\U1t}' 'ofeS~."uo'1eda~t1 'Stat"';~ .' " '. \ W_. \ . llelllell. B8bb/.......; .'(SEA1.) Boter1 Pub 110', Stat'e of 1l0rUa'a t Iq oommlu1on, exph'e. 1&&79, 1928. . : .. ...'" '.. ,.' " '1.R.Stampoan,cell.4l" Large ., " ~ ,; (,.2.00 ., , ',.ruea' al1d,re,O,~l"d"d, thl" 28th ~1 , . of .Apr11,1926. A>a) ~ , .~ , :7~, o . "i)~, " at UJiA Pr," ~. ;, " , . r. {)-.-:-,R1dre4i-9111'k;C1rouit . , . .' , \" ',' 'B1~'~~~, Oourt,., '7' D.O. " J , : . fl "t> -.-.-.~.~.~.~...-.~.-.-.-.-.-.~..~-.-.-.-.-.-.-_.--~-.-.-~-.-.-.~.-.-~-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.~.~.-~-.~.- - , ' . , '. , " 'I " - - ~, ^ .' "; I ~ . ~ i , , . /J --- --_...!_----_...!- - --------- -- - ---~ - ..