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I "-:-" ":..,"-,,~~,,,).~ '''-;1 ~' i i .to i ~ ,~ , i '., ' ..' ; , , <'! ; " ' { , ~ ..;" " :' ,{ .\:, :1 " .,1 -1 f l 1 t ~.' .' ... " , ,":,:,.'."f' I , ~ '. ...' ,...: ),' "J lan48~tre1n dilor lb.". .... :- # . . ,~ " , , , A18c) e~o~~HUg'tr9m th18d.e'd tho~eparta or ~oell:o'tlandd..t1ed'b~ the pa,rt7 o.f " , ' ,.' " , :. Qo,' , " . " , ' ,-;' '.' ," , ," . ,the t1r8' pai't herdn. to.,Bcrtb '$t.J,uo1, Rll1t1\ J;>ra~gf',:D1.tr1ot,UQ.der4at.. ot~)lay,~2th,1924'.' :,; '. . ". ". ; ,. . "..'.. i" # "; . . . . '.' - '~ " , . ' '. " .~' ,'. , And tbe,' 8a.14 'pa rti 01' tbefli' ~i~r.t' 4Qe'a '~p,.,.nan_. 'wi. th :t~. ~~;V 'of '~. eeQOn~pa~1; " .' ., . " -, ' . ,"... '-tbl& 11; 181a~tui11 .eheerot th.: ~..14 premises; tbt,.~he1"J;t'fr.e 'froll ailenOumbraDo.~,,$n4'thA.' ~ . ,':' , ' '. ' . .,: . - '. " " :, " '. . . " ' ' . ..' ' :" ' .' .'. ~. . - , '. . - . , ~, " ,- ' . ~ ' .. . ': : ' , '1t 'ood:r1ght aDd"1~w:flil,aut~orl,t1to'.el~;l. th.._~ .-and,;:tha-t n' .111 .ari-an~ an~ d~t.nd, 'th.', . . ,,-".,' -.. ~.~., . ,,', .... - < '.' " "" . .. ,,' - -., " ~" '. " " . ;" -' ." -~.' ' ,.:-':-'--~:-"--~:-'-:-'-'---~ "',: I'~ ,ag.unlt ~e 18.ft.tl,:O~~llll8 Qfall,per.8~nlJ:; ~XOtP~~8' ~" there8er.,~tlo~ a,bo.,. aet',,tcrthae ,'toStot-~i;l S1~e.ni :anc1.'the~r.B,erYations..a8 to the Borth St. Luo1' 'Dra,1Wi8eo,D1lJtrlot,'anda18o, ; ',-,C,' ..','. -. . .....' . . , .'. I ." exo.pt as 'to the, taxe."forth~ ~1ear' 1.~22 and theJ;"aft~r.. .h1l)h the party otth'8ae,oona par,therein. " , , . . t . : . - ~ '. . .. . __ 0 '; .';)"" .,' . ':'- "'btr.bY~S~~8' anda,gr~I8, t~.~,~ " . ", _ ' . ~' f~ITllES~ IHEREO", .81dOOUSOLI.Dl~DJ,AliD 90MPJ.1iY ~b8.a o,&u8&d ;thes.pr_..n~8 to btt, 'oc . ...xeoute4 by ,'its' PreI1diD~. ~d lta' corporate' o8e(l1.,tt;?, be: "here,to' a,ttl~.clt att'_8te4 . ~'1:t. A.I.Biatant' ~ .. .., I;;. ~. ..: . ~ 's.oretar y; by du.' oor~,ora te author1tl. the' clay '.n4 1.ar, firet abon written, " , (~ORPOlU.'lE SEAL) COUSOLIDA 'BD LAil) COU1>A~iY S18Dtd...ale4an4 delhwred pre.enoe of:'., . t.aua M. Begg." L. ..~.1tt. ' ....', B1 '..J~ K.lly . Pre.14ent. 1<) 111 the '/J,thlt; A. H.Johueon' A"lltant.Stor.t~ry. I " (141.60 1. a. ~km~1J oano.ned) ( .;:. 'I I;' .' ., , ..~~t- f --~, , I . . J_ H ,